List of Released Dream World Pokemon and Attacks

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List of released Dream World Pokemon


  • Learn how to access the Global Link website by clicking here. Please do not ask how to access Dream World in this thread. Use the above link and ask questions there if need be. This thread is for Dream World exploration. Thank you.
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  • When you score well on a minigame, one of two outcomes happens: 1) You obtain a Male Pokemon with a rarer move (Egg, Previous Gen Tutor, etc.) or 2) You receive a Female Pokemon with, perhaps at best, Egg moves. This explains why all Female Pokemon encountered with the exception of Kangaskhan (always female) have useless moves. Females are more useful for breeding Dream World Abilities and as such they are more rare. This also explains why the majority of Pokemon we have obtained are Male. (skarm, andrea)
  • There are additional areas to unlock: At least a Sky World, and an Ocean. There are likely more beyond this. To obtain access you must early lots of Dream World Points which are given for playing in the Dream World. In other words, play daily. (, various Japanese Sources)



#12 Butterfree (M) (Sky Area)
-Confusion (level up) ねんりき
-Air Cutter (Gen 4 Move tutor) エアカッター
-Roost (Gen 4 TM) はねやすめ

#16 Pidgey (M) (Sky Area)
*Steel Wing (Gen 4/5 Egg move) はがねのつばさ
-Secret power (Gen 4 TM) ひみつのちから

#019 Rattata (M) (Small Forest (#1))
-Quick Attack (Level Up) でんこうせっか
-Iron Tail (Gen 4 TM) アイアンテール
-Me First (Gen 4/5 Egg) さきどり

#21 Spearow (F) (M)(Sky Area)
*Peck (Level Up) つつく
-Steel Wing (Gen 4 TM/Gen 5 Egg) はがねのつばさ
-Faint Attack (Gen 4/5 Egg) だましうち

#029 Nidoran F (F) (Small Forest (#1))
-Scratch (Level Up) ひっかく
-Sucker Punch (Dream World Exclusive) ふいうち
-Super Fang (HGSS Move Tutor) いかりのまえば

#032 Nidoran M (M) (Small Forest (#1))
-Peck (Level Up) つつく
-Super Fang (HG/SS Move Tutor) いかりのまえば
-Counter (Gen 4/5 Egg) カウンター

#41 Zubat (M)(F) (Sky Area)
-*Supersonic (level up) ちょうおんぱ
-Hypnosis (Gen 5 Egg) さいみんじゅつ
-Super Fang (HGSS Move tutor) いかりのまえば

#043 Oddish (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
-Sweet Scent (Level Up) あまいかおり
-Giga Drain (Level Up) ギガドレイン
-Teeter Dance (HGSS/Gen 5 Egg) フラフラダンス

#069 Bellsprout (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
-Vine Whip (Level Up) つるのムチ
-Seed Bomb (Gen 4 Tutor) タネばくだん
-Synthesis (Gen 4/5 Egg) こうごうせい

#077 Ponyta (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
-Tackle (Level Up) たいあたり
-Heat Wave (Gen 4 Tutor) ねっぷう
-Thrash (Gen 4/5 Egg) あばれる

#083 Farfetch'd (M) (Small Forest (#1))
-Fury Cutter (Level Up) れんぞくぎり
-Leaf Blade (Gen 4/5 Egg) リーフブレード
-Roost (Gen 4 TM/5 Egg) はねやすめ

#084 Doduo (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
-Growl (level up) なきごえ
-Flail (Gen 4/5 Egg) じたばた
-Roost (Gen 4 TM) はねやすめ

#102 Exeggcute (M) (F)sp(Small Forest (#1))
-Barrage (level Up) たまなげ
-Synthesis (Gen 4/5 Egg) こうごうせい
-Giga Drain (Gen 4 TM/5 Egg) ギガドレイン

#108 Lickitung (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
-lick (level up) したでなめる
-Rock Climb (Gen 4 HM) ロッククライム
-Sleep Talk (Gen 4/5 Egg, Gen 4 TM) ねごと

#114 Tangela (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
-Sleep Powder (level up) ねむりごな
-Leech Seed (Gen 4/5 Egg) やどりぎのタネ
*-Seed Bomb (Gen 4 Move Tutor) タネばくだん

#115 Kangaskhan (F) (Small Forest (#1))
-Counter (Gen 4/5 Egg) カウンター
-Fake Out (Level up) ねこだまし
*-Drain Punch (Gen 4 TM) ドレインパンチ

#142 Aerodactyl (M) (F) (Sky Area)
* Bite (level up) かみつく
-Assurance (Gen 4/5 Egg) ダメおし
*Stealth Rock (Gen 4 TM) ステルスロック


#161 Sentret (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
* Scratch (level up) ひっかく
*Covet (Gen 4/5 Egg move) ほしがる
-Endure (Gen 4 TM) こらえる

#163 Hoothoot
(M) (F) (Sky Area)
-Forsight (level up) みやぶる
-Recycle (Gen 4 TM) リサイクル
-Night Shade (Gen 4/5 Egg) ナイトヘッド

*#165 Ledyba
(Sky Area)
*Bug Bite (Gen 4/5) むしくい
*Thunder punch (Gen 4 Move tutor) かみなりパンチ

#174 Igglybuff
(M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
*Sing (level UP) うたう
-Fake Tears (Gen 4/5 Egg) うそなき
*Helping hand (Gen 4 move tutor) てだすけ

#179 Mareep (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
*Thundershock (level up)でんきショック
-Shock Wave (Gen 4 TM) でんげきは
*Reflect (Gen 4 Egg) リフレクター

*#183 Marill (Small Forrest)
*Water gun (level UP) みずてっぽう
*Ice punch (Gen 4 Move Tutor) れいとうパンチ

#187 Hoppip
(M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
*Synthesis (level up) こうごうせい
*Bullet Seed (level up) タネマシンガン
-Helping Hand (Gen 4/5 Egg) てだすけ
(Sky Area)
-Encore (Gen 4/5 Egg) アンコール
-Synthesis (Level up)

#191 Sunkern (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
*Mega Drain (level up) メガドレイン
-Sweet Scent (Gen 4/5 Egg) あまいかおり
*Earth power (Dream world exclusive or wiki error?) だいちのちから

#193 Yamna (M) (Sky Area)
-Quick attack (level up) でんこうせっか
-Feint (Gen 4/5 egg move) フェイント
-Giga drain (Gen 4 TM) ギガドレイン

#198 Murkrow (M) (Sky Area)
-Peck (level up) つつく
-Confuse Ray (Gen 4/5 egg) あやしいひかり
*Roost (Gen 4 TM/5 Egg) はねやすめ

#207 Gligar (M)(F) (Sky Area)
*Sand Attack (level up) すなかけ
-Feint (Gen 4/5 Egg) フェイント
-Tailwind (HG/SS Move tutor) おいかぜ

#225 Delibird (Sky Area)
*Present (level up) プレゼント
-Focus Punch (Gen 4 TM) きあいパンチ
-Ice shard こおりのつぶて

#234 Stantler (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
*Tackle (level up) たいあたり
-Disable (Gen 4/5 Egg) かなしばり
-Skill Swap (Gen 4 TM) スキルスワップ


#261 Poochyena (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
*Howl (level up) とおぼえ
-Dark Pulse (Gen 4 TM) あくのはどう
-Poison Fang (Gen 4/5 Egg) どくどくのキバ

#270 Lotad (M) (Small Forest (#1))
-Absorb (level up) すいとる
-Leech Seed (Gen 4/5 Egg) やどりぎのタネ
*Water pulse (Gen 4 TM) みずのはどう

#276 Taillow (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
-Peck (level up) つつく
-Mirror Move (Gen 4/5 Egg) オウムがえし
-Tailwind (HG/SS Move Tutor) おいかぜ
(Sky Area)
-Endure (Gen 4 TM) こらえる

#278 Wingull
(Sky Area)
*Water Gun (level up) みずでっぽう
*Twister (Gen 4/5 Egg) たつまき
*Shockwave (Gen 4 TM) でんげきは
#283 Surskit (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
-Bubble (level up) あわ
-Hydro Pump (Gen 4/5 Egg) ハイドロポンプ
*Giga Drain (Gen 4 TM) ギガドレイン

#333 Swablu (M) (Sky Area)
*Peck (level up) つつく
-Roost (Gen 4 TM/Gen 5 Egg) はねやすめ
*FeatherDance (Gen 4/5 Egg) フェザーダンス


#397 Staravia (M) (F) (Sky Area)
-Wing attack (level up) つばさでうつ
-Tailwind (HG/SS Move tutor)
-FeatherDance (Gen 4/5 Egg) フェザーダンス

#399 Bidoof (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
*Tackle (level Up) たいあたり
-Aqua Tail (gen 4/5 Egg) アクアテール
-Iron Tail (Gen 4 TM)

#403 Shinx (M) (F) (Small Forest (#1))
*Charge (level Up) じゅうでん
*Night Slash (Gen 4/5 Egg) つじぎり
-Magnet Rise (Gen 4 Tutor) でんじふゆう


Eevee, Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon (Pre-BW Game)
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle (Buy a Japanese book with interviews and enter code)
Croagunk (Buy an upcoming issue of CoroCoro and receive a code)
Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup (Buy a TCG Starter set only on November 12th and receive a code)

I'll need a screenshot to add it as confirmed. Please list the attacks as well.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far! And special thanks to Spoit for a huge update, and adding Japanese move translations as well.
Perhaps you could include a guide, link to video, etc. in the OP as to how to use the DW, for those who want to test but cannot read Japanese?

EDIT: Here is a video, courtesy of KazoWar, showing how to sign up for and access the Global Link. As Dream World was down when he made it, it does not show what to do once you access it.

Cloud Nine Lickitung. In-game he only has standard moves of Lick, Supersonic, and Defense Curl, so no need to back up anything except the ability.

Edit: More coming since that was my copy of Black and I still have my copy of White to go...

Edit 2: Here we are!

Ponyta, Exeggcute, Farfetch'd, Stantler, NidoranF, and Oddish. That was kind of a tough choice since I really love the concept of Harvest and want to try it, but it was too hard to pass up on having both Nidoqueen and Nidoking. I also saw a Bidoof, but didn't bother completing the minigame that would have befriended it:

NidoranF has the Hustle ability and knows Scratch, Tail Whip, Double Kick, and a new move in Sucker Punch, previously exclusive to the male side of the Nidoran line: - see Hustle abliity - see Sucker Punch
Here's my Mareep I caught today. I'll add the moves in a moment. Sorry for the bad quality. I'll post a new image tomorrow from the website. Can't access it twice in a day.

You can see it has Plus.

I also met Doduo and Sentret if that matters. Couldn't get a picture of them because I did before this thread was made and all. But both Hamstern and Kudan have met Sentret.

EDIT: Moves:
Shock Wave
Nidoran M
- Peck
- Focus Energy
- Double Kick
- Super Fang

Has Hustle, which most likely becomes Encourage when it evolves into Nidoking.
One surprising thing I found out is that you can catch DW pokemon with any pokeball (tested with 2 premierballs, 1 ultraball, 4 pokeballs) all caught without fail, as can be seen from that Nidoran that it's in a pokeball.

Details about DW Pokemon Nature:
You can sr for the nature as you can't save when you are in High Link, but you can before you enter and it does not force you to save after catching a DW pokemon. However, synchronize does not seem to work.

Without synchronizer
Lonely, Relaxed, Hasty, Quiet, Careful

With synchro Quiet Munna in the first slot of my party
Impish, Careful, Lonely, Quirky, Quirky

Edit: Also if for some odd reason that some do not like text or video tutorial of how to sign up for a Global Link account, here's an image version.
is this also ok?

It has RainDish but no new attack, just Bubble and Quick Attack.
I caught it with QuickBall instead of DreamBall, not sure if this makes a difference. Actually I'll check, havent saved after catching it.

EDIT: nah, it's the same.
Btw, how do you guys manage to get like 4 pokemon? o__o
Btw, how do you guys manage to get like 4 pokemon? o__o
I was wondering that too since I found pretty much nothing in my Black, but an accidental experiment in White helped me figure it out!

After taking nine of your ten steps in the forest trip, you can click the cancel button below the step counter and reset the steps while also keeping all of the befriended Pokemon held over for whenever you finish all ten steps for real. Eventually you can wind up exploring the entire forest nine steps at a time. (Pokemon only appear in each location once, so no gaming the system and making thirty things appear... though I sure tried. :P)


Here's the button I'm talking about, the brown one below the step counter.
I was wondering that too since I found pretty much nothing in my Black, but an accidental experiment in White helped me figure it out!

After taking nine of your ten steps in the forest trip, you can click the cancel button below the step counter and reset the steps while also keeping all of the befriended Pokemon held over for whenever you finish all ten steps for real. Eventually you can wind up exploring the entire forest nine steps at a time. (And the Pokemon only appear in each location once.)
That's pretty nice. That will ensure that you meet at least one Pokémon.

But I didn't do that. I just met three Pokémon. No problems.
is this also ok?

It has RainDish but no new attack, just Bubble and Quick Attack.
Huh, that's interesting. This image mentions something about Surskit having Hydro Pump (which is normally an Egg Move). Actually, the second row mentions the "extra" attack the pokémon should be getting. Don't know if this is going to be useful at all, but:
Exeggute: Barrage
Poochyena: Howl
Ponyta: Tackle
Farfetch'd: Roost
Stantler: Skill Swap
Nidoran F: Sucker Punch
Oddish: Teeter Dance
Lotad: Absorb
Taillow: Peck
Mareep: Shock Wave
Kangaskhan: Counter
Just a suspicion, did you win the mini game you played with that pokemon?

You get points, so unless it shows somewhere how many you need I dunno.
The music at the end was happy xD. I also found a Sunkern, but in THAT game the music was like "LOOOOSER" at the end LOL. x_X
I didn't know the DW pokemon got special moves too. There's hope for you yet, Flareon. And Zebracantsayit.
Is it true that you now have to enter a serial number from a legit game to get online? That drastically reduces the amount of people who can actually test this :(
Is it true that you now have to enter a serial number from a legit game to get online? That drastically reduces the amount of people who can actually test this :(

I can confirm there is no need for any serial number from the game or manual. The only code you need is the one generated by the game to create your account at poké

EDIT: Also, the Chillarmy background for the C-Gear is cute <3
Just something I wanted to say.
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