Like a Steel Trap - Registeel Discussion

How did I missed a topic that's talking about meh favorite golem. The funny thing is I didn't even know the guy could learn Ice Punch but anyway I would like to say that why Zap Cannon is mention in the notable Physical attack list when it's not. As movesets term the Shadow Claw/Hammer Arm/Thunder Wave/Curse idea appeals to me more then the other, beside I think there's betterr candiates for Sala-counters.
What tis a better Sala counter than the great Registeel?
I don't know...the usually Salamence counters. I can se him being an okay Specmence counter but prefer to use my Iron Giant like I did in the Advance games, cursing and blowing up...not really I never liked Explosion. I don't know why I not like the idea of him being a Specmence counter, just not my cup of tea *shrug*
People also seem to act as though Salamence has Shadow Tag. If you see it's using Flamethrower, switch to Milotic or something. You'll still be at ~50% for next time, letting you take a Draco Meteor.

How did you leave Toxic off Registeel's available movelist?
True, but then a weakened Registeel would need to make sure it could take TWO consecutive Draco Meteors. I don't have the time to do the calculations myself, but my hunch is a 50% health, max HP/Sp.def Registeel would be just about saved by Leftovers.
Sorry, my bad. Just did the calculations, and it seems that such a Registeel will indeed ALWAYS survive two consecutive Draco Meteors, even without Leftovers or Sp.Def boosting nature.
The former could be key, as it would need Choice Band to OHKO back with Ice Punch, however situational that may seem.
Iron defense is a key move, because of physical sweepers that will switch in for super effective moves. Registeel is game-winning if you eliminate the special sweepers. Don't even try running stuff off of a measly 75 base attack--stick with seismic toss.

Also, I'll trade a master ball on a smeargle with two 31 EVs for a registeel with a +def or +sp def nature and high HP, sp def, and def EVs.
Hmm, trying to develop a mixed Registeel, I just caught one with 31 Sp Atk and Sassy.

Sassy 252 Hp/252 Sp Def/6 Atk
Ice Punch
Hammer Arm/Explosion
Iron Head

I realize it looks like a CB set, but Thunderbolt takes care of Skarmory so no need for T-wave. I'm debating on where Explosion should go, but Ice Punch is a definite and Iron Head is for STAB.