At what point did you tell Nunu that Starks probably is a bad idea when you have only 2 autoattackers, one of whom is lee Sin?At any point did you tell Fizz it wasn't a good idea to stack Zeals?
He promptly failed to Smite Baron in the following game we played.
And yea you're talking too low.
fuck u you kept dpsing the dragon when 2 ppl flashed in
scrub excuse
ITT everyone in this thread is a "kid"
I really wish they could have Xpecial and Reginald instead of jiji and elementz. Basically I think TSM with hsgg would be the best na team possible (or Voyboy and Scarra in place of hotshot and regi)Waiting to see how they do against CLG CA, which is basically one of the best teams in the world.
I didn't even know we had a team. GO AUSTRALIA.
lol that makes absolutely no sense. If you weren't using them before, why do you think it would be smart to switch them for your runes that you are already using?I'm going to get some tier 2 dodge yellows and quints now considering they're basically free to use until they're removed