That's the nature of playing Volibear (or Udyr, or any other early-game powerhouse without a gapcloser...). If you want to avoid getting kited then take Flash and be very patient when in a teamfight. Let the engage happen, wait for their ADC to get greedy for an autoattack (and in Gold V they will), then flash fling them right back into your team. Don't blow fling on anyone other than their ADC/APC.
Finally, ask bottom lane to ward behind the enemy tower, and teleport down to dive the enemy bot lane early and often. Volibear excels at this in the early game and this will win you way more games than just pushing to their top inner tower.
For the build you absolutely want Righteous Glory, Randuins, and Spirit Visage pretty much every game. I'd recommend a Sunfire rush if you're winning top because Sunfire+Righteous Glory will take full advantage of your early power spike in terms of being able to dominate the map and make plays bottom lane.
Outside of this just accept that you're playing a champion that is supposed to win lane, so getting kited is part of the package. If you absolutely can't have an impact on a teamfight then buy a upgraded sweeper and pink ward and sit in their jungle with your team and try to make picks. Split pushing is probably a poor option both because solo queue players are bad and Volibear is a weak tower-pusher.