League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Why is Guinsoo's considered a bad item for him? I see a number of guides from high elo people who build Nashor's or something else instead of it but the stats and proc look appealing to me.

The theory I go with is the ramp-up time. By the time you get max stacks on it you probably would've killed them anyway with other items.

About time I get a pentakill outside of bots~

So Crux, who was on the opposing team, said this on irc:

[16:23] <%Crux> gg
[16:23] <%Crux> jibaku vayne
[16:23] <%Crux> we auto win


gg indeed
The people at MOBAFire are experimenting with a YouTube channel where we'll be making videos about topics that are yet to be determined. As a moderator, I have personally put forth the opinion that we should stay away from things like "top 5 plays", "top fails", etc, since there are already existing channels that do those very well.

As League players who presumably watch videos and streams, what do you wish there was more of in the form of video resource? What do you wish certain streamers would do that they aren't already doing?
so i just played a game as support urgot

moral of the story; urgots lategame is so useless :(

also he wins most lanes due to his insane poke

pair him with caitlyn or something its really wacky!!
The people at MOBAFire are experimenting with a YouTube channel where we'll be making videos about topics that are yet to be determined. As a moderator, I have personally put forth the opinion that we should stay away from things like "top 5 plays", "top fails", etc, since there are already existing channels that do those very well.

As League players who presumably watch videos and streams, what do you wish there was more of in the form of video resource? What do you wish certain streamers would do that they aren't already doing?

More in depth "Champion Spotlights". Phreak's spotlights are really just highlight reels of the character, and personally I leave them saying "I've learned nothing about this champion except that they can do some cool shit and kill things... I have not learned how to play this champion".

Basically, make a champion description video that reads like a guide: "This is this champs Q, this is how it works. These are the times where you'd want to use this spell. This is how this spell interacts with the rest of your kit." This is opposed to phreak's version of "These are the champs spells and what they do. Watch a guy good at this champion play, and cast it in speaking voice all while rarely pointing out the actual gameplay decision making process".

Also, a major failure of Phreak's champ spotlights is the item build/runes section, and in general, how people are taught about builds as a whole. I feel like we as a community poorly convey that building items is a means to getting stats the character wants. In other words we're told "Get this item, it gives a bunch of stat x, that hero y loves," (or even worse "get it because it's good on them"), and it ALWAYS begs the question "Why does the hero love that particular stat (as opposed to this stat)?" It's not remotely as intuitive as people think, and it's often why builds are copy-catted across league, because few people have a good enough understanding of the game to revolutionize/think of how to build on their own.

Perhaps I'm just bad, and crazy and am spewing bullshit, but I feel like educational in depth champion teaching videos are an area that is under represented and poorly represented. It's also a niche that MOBAfire could potentially fill well, given that it's intention as a site is to educate on how to play a champion. My $0.02.
I remember a time when jungle was kinda like support, no one ever wanted to do it.

And sometimes you just bring two junglers because can.
The people at MOBAFire are experimenting with a YouTube channel where we'll be making videos about topics that are yet to be determined. As a moderator, I have personally put forth the opinion that we should stay away from things like "top 5 plays", "top fails", etc, since there are already existing channels that do those very well.

As League players who presumably watch videos and streams, what do you wish there was more of in the form of video resource? What do you wish certain streamers would do that they aren't already doing?

I would like more of a resource where you play a certain champ and describe exactly what you're doing and why, at every point. Like, just take for example jungling as Nautilus. Most videos go something like this:

"Ok, so that's the initial jungle route, went well, I'm now level 4 with red buff. Let's gank. I'm going bot because mid and top are pushed pretty far." Then he runs down river, throws the hook, catches the enemy support, the ADC bursts him, and the opposing ADC runs away." "Awesome, great gank. But I took some damage, so I have to recall and waste some red buff time, dang."

I would like a guide that went more like:

"Ok, so after you finish the route, sometimes you want to counterjungle, but Nautilus isn't the best at doing that. All of my camps have been intact so the other jungler doesn't seem to be that active in my jungle, and I'm ok with not interacting with him much right now, since he's Shyvana and would probably beat me 1v1 right now anyway. You'll see I'm heading bot lane, since top and mid are shoved to tower. We have a Sona/Graves lane against their Soraka/Ashe lane, so we are much burstier with less sustain. That could let us get a 2v1 if I wait it out, but Soraka is close to river, while Ashe isn't. I want the sure kill on Soraka instead of wasting time waiting for the perfect gank, since Shyvana has faster clear times and is probably ahead of us already. It's an easy decision to approach from river instead of tribush because Soraka is right there." Then the fight plays out. "Ok, we forced Ashe out of lane, still good. This will let Graves farm to make up for the fact that his lane has less sustain. Very successful, even though we only got the support. I'm recalling now because of low health, which is more important than getting the most out of red buff; the last thing I want to do is feed my red to their jungler or mid."

Xpecial has some short videos attached to some of his guides on solomid that are like this. The video of the first few minutes of a game on his Sona guide is an excellent example. I would love some full game videos, or at least full laning phase videos, of a good player being downright pedantic about what they are doing and why. Maybe even narrate a replay so he can pause when the description takes longer than doing the thing.
u cant beat ap trist, he is op


jeb4's 1800 elo tier list:

batman tier: yi (ult refresh on kill op), ap trist, morgana (batgirl), jax (very batman), shaco (jax counter), pantheon (ult=batman), maokai (gay ganks)

man beard tier: gangplank (bestest pirate), olaf, graves (russia), gragas (america), zilean

c4sh monie tier: kassadin (op barf), irelia(needs nerf), Brand (goku), jayce, hecarim (ipony), Kathus (sp?)

xbox tier: Nasus(best late game), Singed(DONT CHASE), Anivia(egg is dumb free life, bad mana tho), nocturne Mundo(OP ult, but ignite),Draven(sniper),CHo'Gath(very big), naut(pretty big), yorick(was op, nerfd), Annie, Diana, singed (op if you chase), nocturn (almost batman)

clg elementz.bench tier: Caitlyn(good hat but australlian), mordekaiser (br), nidalee(unless hotshot then batman), lux(most gay champ ever, if you play you=gay)

obama tier: ezreal (gay), taric (gay), yorick (gay)

ne1 else not mentioned is even more gay than yorick or nobody plays them ever!