League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

If the people who play this are anything like the people who play DotA, I don't want to touch it. I played one game of DotA and everyone on my team was giving me shit for being a noob.

Nah, they're a bit friendlier.

Anyways I was into LoL for awhile (something like 150-200 games) but never enjoyed it as much as DotA/HoN. Some aspects like the ability to teleport home or customize your skillset were cool but the lane phase was a lot more boring and had less risk without denies available, as did the whole "every hero can be good in every stage of the game" balancing due to scaling damage.
mtr and i absolutely ripped it up just then. i'd be down for a smogon team, and if you ever want a premade i have a teamspeak 3 server, contact me for details.
Rofl, Thorns and I had a fun game. Despite me being counterjungled early on and having a feeder for our melee carry, Thorns and I managed to come back and absolutely rape the enemy team.

Most people in the LoL community are nicer than those in DotA/HoN. But sometimes, even I've been guilty of raging. My account once had an ELO over 1500 (average is 1100-1200), but now I'm down to 1374 after 5 losses in a row (2 of which, I'll admit, were mostly my fault).

One thing I've noticed, though, is that the metagame of higher ELOs is completely different than the normal games meta. In ranked, most teams have multiple tanks, a jungler is required, and teamfights revolve completely around dragon, ganks revolve around wardbaiting, etc etc. I've played against guys whose ELO is over 1650, and it was jawdropping. They were always one step ahead, and after a while I was just floundering around.

Anyways, I encourage you guys to give LoL a try, and I'd be happy to start a smurf (false level 1 account) to play a game with you.
Ahaha well im pretty bad i mean ive only played 4 games :( lost one
but in that one the guy was like level 27 and we were all level 3's :'(
What timezones you all in?
Im in australia (western) so +8
Pacific Standard, so GMT-8.

I'll start a smurf to play with you guys, my level 30 might get you paired up with other level 30s. I'll probably need to play a manaless champ, since you get kind of addicted to mp5/level runes once you get them.
eastern australia is +10 (currently +11) so it should be pretty easy to get games with you, frieddimsum. i think i added you but i don't know if you accepted.
Yeah, I only really use mp5/18 runes on mana hungry champs like Ashe, Tank Cho'Gath, and Pantheon (who don't benefit too muchfrom AP). I don't usually play casters (I suck with them), so I never really needed them.
Just had an amazing solo queue game as Blitz. Went something like 4/2/6. Doesn't sound that impressive, but EVERY SINGLE one of those kills or assists were successful ganks. We managed to get them to surrender at 25, and I got four friend requests after the match. =D
heimerdinger is good early game since he can hold a lane and farm very well. he's also good in the ganking phase since his turrets are basically free wards. but late game he really suffers, like caitlyn and fiddlesticks

Yeah, I tend to be useless late game ):
Everywhere I look, people say Heimer sux.

ANd I agree. Heimer Ulti slow is fuckin useless and against tanks? omg... against creeps? omg
I'm Archeer on the North American server. Add uppp. I main Shaco and Shen, I do "OK" with Ashe. I'm a level 20 summoner.

Solo Queue Tier List: http://reignofelementz.com/solo-queue-tier-list/
Ranked Game Tier List (Draft mode): http://reignofelementz.com/tier-list/

LOL heimer is near the bottom of both lists for a reason. 2 turrets isnt enough for pushing in team fights. His concussive grenade is easy to dodge. Rockets target minions as well as champions. Ult is pretty much useless....
after a series of losses on summoner's rift danmantincan and I got mad. we then proceeded to wipe the floor on twisted treeline, which may be the most imbalances map for Warwick. you know there's something going on when my two deaths came from charging the enemy nexus and having three players and a tower dogpile on me
Good luck doing ANYTHING against creeps, any champ that is a tank, magic resist... srsly he is dead meat.

Creeps? That's what turrets are for. And you do have an autoattack.

And that isn't true, especially with the introduction of Deathcap.
They're nerfing Rammus. Considering the way they've nerfed things as of late, another great tank becomes useless.
rammus is one of two common bans on ranked, the other being eve. i'm not surprised to be honest.

No, he needed a nerf for sure, but I'm saying they're going to overnerf him in the way that they nerfed Galio, and Twitch.

And they're nerfing eve's base damage in early game to make her a less effective jungler too, so that problem's solved.
Hey ive been trying to get on. Added someone, not sure who it was lol.
Im having trouble actually playing
im getting some client/server mismatch. Under it is are 2 numbers ...07 and the other is the same except an 8 at the end of the 7
anyone know whats wrong??
Hey ive been trying to get on. Added someone, not sure who it was lol.
Im having trouble actually playing
im getting some client/server mismatch. Under it is are 2 numbers ...07 and the other is the same except an 8 at the end of the 7
anyone know whats wrong??

You'll probably have a lot more luck asking on the pvp.net forums.
Played correctly, Heimerdinger is a fucking monster. Properly aimed concussion grenades can stun enemies trying to run away and blind enemies trying to attack, and planting a turret then using the ult can help net some kills or help a teammate get away. Level 5 Rockets with a few hundred AP have little cooldown and can do hundreds of damage, each dealing 285 +55% ability power. His ult's real strength is the cooldown reduction, especially stacked with additional cooldown reduction.

But, played incorrectly he's feeder bait and can do little damage 1 on 1, relying on teammates in team fights.

imo the only thing Rammus needs nerfed is the taunt spell, but they're going after every tank it seems like these days.
Played correctly, Heimerdinger is a fucking monster. Properly aimed concussion grenades can stun enemies trying to run away and blind enemies trying to attack, and planting a turret then using the ult can help net some kills or help a teammate get away.

good luck aiming that grenade, it's fking slower than blitz's arm...

Level 5 Rockets with a few hundred AP have little cooldown and can do hundreds of damage, each dealing 285 +55% ability power.

lol it's called magic resistance. 0.55 ap ratio isn't good considering the fact that it's a random target attack which also targets minions.

imo the only thing Rammus needs nerfed is the taunt spell, but they're going after every tank it seems like these days.

yeah 3 second taunt is a bit unbalanced...considering his defensive ball curl + thornmail just returns half the damage back to the attacker.

No, he needed a nerf for sure, but I'm saying they're going to overnerf him in the way that they nerfed Galio, and Twitch.

twitch is not overnerfed, just over priced. but i agree that galio got overnerfed.

I just hope they won't nerf shaco :/
Caitlyn and Ashe seem to similar to me it's scary. Caitlyn takes a little more skill with her net and Peacemaker, but less with her ult, and the only tricky thing with Ashe is her ult, that's really the only difference. Well, that and the slight autoattack range difference and the differences in width of their spammable skills.
hey, I'm trying to master mage heroes and after having bought Karthus, I'd like to know what other heroes I should buy?