Black Cleaver is worth ~2800 gold just based on its AD and AS. Last Whisper is worth... ~1450. You're paying much more for the penetration on the latter, so you need to be getting more than your worth from it for it to be a worthwhile purchase. It's also not inconsiderable that Cleaver's reduction benefits teammates and, of course, is better for any AD/AS scaling abilities and where you deal non-physical damage (which is significant amounts on Corki, Ezreal, Kog'maw, Vayne, Twitch, and Varus).
i'd like to remind everybody that mathcraft is pretty and all but league of legends isn't competitive pokemon, or even a more straightforward game like guild wars for that matter (yes, the PvP in guild wars is generally simpler when you're trying to mathcraft). there are many variables when you take into account cleaver vs last whisper and in the context of the match we've been talking about i'd say LW wins. cleaver has a sweet spot on certain champions where it's optimally effective but that phase is short-lived.
a fellow veteran on MOBAFire once said "black cleaver looks good at first but then you realize that it's countered by a 700 gold investment". puts things into perspective.
personally i will continue to do what works and what seems to work in tournaments, simply because it's proved to be effective. reginald popularized the manamune->triforce->cleaver build on corki back when it was extremely common to see him as a solo mid champion. qtpie popularized rushing cleaver on corki and ezreal as kind of a cheese build, especially with an aggro support. i'm not saying "never get cleaver" or trying to trash it as an item, but that i personally won't be using it for a while.
I don't really care what pros do. Pros are pros because somebody is paying them to play the game. They are usually more mechnically-skilled and possess superior decision-making. They aren't necessarily math gurus. You can get away with a sub-optimal build just like you can get away making little mistakes in Pokémon if luck is on your side, the other guy fucks up or you simply out-play them like a boss. Ultimately, this is a game of numbers just like every other
game and popular opinion and actions do not supercede math. You can still win with Last Whisper even in circumstances where The Black Cleaver is better, it just means you would've won more easily with the latter, yet other times it'll be the difference between winning and losing.
I mean hell, are you not just proving my point in your own statement? Reginald popularized a build which these days will get you ridiculed for using in a serious match. Now I haven't been playing that long but I'm pretty sure Manamune, Triforce and Cleaver are still the same as when that was considered the norm on Corki. What changed? The numbers sure didn't, just popular perception. Now Manamune is trash and even Triforce is shunned for the most part except as a late-game item but the
fact is that they are exactly as viable as they've always been. That may or may not line up with what the masses think, most of whom have probably not done the math nor any actual playtesting with some of the less popular items available to them. Hell, nobody builds Cleaver on Corki either except qtpie's patented triple Doran's into Cleaver build. ;/
Chain Vest counters 55 AD and 30% AS. Hell, I guess we should just stop buying offense entirely since defensive itemization in general is more efficient than offensive itemization. :evan: