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LC Player of the Week 5: Jox

Corporal Levi

ninjadog of the decade
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For the second time this season, the audience can only cower as they watch the superhuman battle unfold before them; and for the second time of the season, when the dust settles, it is Jox's opponent who emerges battered and bruised, but ultimately victorious. However, a hero does not give up. Realizing what he must do, Jox requests a name change into one that is 067 times more bearable and prepares to face his rival, ict. In a heart pounding battle, Jox manages to obtain his first victory... But not his last. By the time week five ends, Jox has already made short work of his next two opponents for a positive record.

The LC revolution has begun.

Player of the Week 5: Jox

Tell us about yourself. Just who is the man behind the hero, and how did you get into LC?

Hello, my name is Jordi and I live in Holland. I'm 18 years old and currently working as a cook in the kitchen. Now, let's get to how I made my way into competitive Pokemon and LC.
So I searched a long time for my first lc replay and Jezus this is ultra low ladder. I used last resort aipom + choice band fury cutter honedge, can i have some credit for this http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/lc-148143108

My journey started 3 years ago at the start of XY. I knew the basics of Pokemon, and I had studied the type chart from playing the handheld Pokemon games. The man who brought me into Pokemon was megamogwei, a youtuber who did a lot of Pokemon showcases and was in a competitive draft. So I thought, let's give it a shot. I played NU, UU, and Monotype, which I got good at, but they weren't the tiers for me. So after some time I thought, why not LC. My first ever LC team was actually pretty fun. I remember something about Larvesta with no hazard control, but loved the team. I was playing on the low ladder when I met two of my friends, ItzViper482 and Godofwar. We played a lot of LC and built a lot, one of the golden teams from that time being Goomy rain. It was Rest / Rain Dance / Curse / Outrage Goomy with Hydration. Then, Godofwar invited me to a showdown server, I think it was azula; the group was called the Mighty league, with Eevee as the mascot. There I met Skyee, jewced, copybara, malink, and NemesisNoibat. I suggested we make a Skype group and help each other out with building. The Skype group was really amazing and I met a lot of people there. At this time, viper was in a Smogon draft, and I wanted to make something like that too, so I started the draft that is now called MDL. The name MDL actually comes from Mighty Draft League, in honor of the first group we joined. While recruiting people for MDL I met some amazing friends, the first of which was Fille. We found each other on the ladder and trashtalked each other; now we're best buds. Midnight Howl, warpig, kushal00, therealslap, NemesisNoibat, and allstar were also in MDL at this time, and it started to grow a lot. MDL season one failed, so we started season 2 with a different approach, but it still did not work out the way we intended to do it. At around this time, we moved to Discord. Viper had gotten voice like a half year ago and all of us trained hard. I got first, second, and third on the ladder and started doing youtube videos. The discord channel started small and chaotic with like 20 people, but we are around 50/60 people now. We had a lot of good times with each other and at the same time we could kill each other. I changed a lot because of MDL; sometimes in life it's hard, but every time I came online and saw my friends in MDL, i started to feel happy and safe, thanks to all of you guys :). MDL season 3 came around and we have now reached the finals; everyone was motivated and the draft was going a lot better than we thought it would, though still not optimal. Of course, we learned from this, so we will change it in season 4. Finally, LCPL. Everyone was hyped for LCPL in MDL, and I thought like 40% of us would get drafted. I was somewhat right, but a lot of my friends did not get drafted, but guys you need to know, I know you are potent and amazing at this game so don't let that get you down. LCPL was a new step for getting into battling in tours and I absolutely love it now.

You and other members of MDL have had a few weeks to play in LCPL now. How is LCPL the same as or different than what you expected? What do you feel of the level of playing and competitiveness in LCPL relative to MDL tournaments and the ladder?

The ladder in general is, in my opinion, not competitive most of the time, but laddering is a source of ideas. A lot of weird Pokemon or tactics I see on the ladder can be used and built upon. I saw people using Sleep Talk Alolan Grimer on the ladder and used it for a while on a team with no Vullaby, and it worked perfectly.

MDL, on the other hand, is something that can't be compared to LCPL because it is competitive in its own ways. We draft 12 Pokemon at the start and prepare with those 12 Pokemon vs the other 12 Pokemon. You can use things like Sludge Bomb Life Orb Corphish if they have a Morellul, or Z-Dig Mienfoo if they have a Trubbish. MDL building is mostly creativity and lures, but because you are forced to be more creative, you get a lot better at regular battling.

LCPL is everything I expected and wanted. It's really competitive and you work together as a team, which is really awesome. I learned of a lot more people now, like everyone from the Belchsprouts, Ict, Finch and a lot more. I could not be happier fighting in LCPL.

Although your record doesn't show it, you have been a part of some impressive games this season. What do you think of your performance so far? How about the Belchsprouts as a whole?

So here is a fun one. To be honest, I think the Belchsprouts have played really well. Like our team is lit. Everyone is working together with creative team ideas and helping to scout the other team. We had a lot of hax against us and could have more wins than we have right now; still, I think we are performing really well under these circumstances. I'm 3-2 right now and my 2 losses were really dumb on my behalf. I misplayed vs Dundes mid game, and vs flinch when I had the win at the end. Still, moving on is the most important thing after a loss. After I lost to flinch, I was upset, but kingler helped me to just move on and clear up my mind. The words he said to me were: think about the end game, that's all I have to say to you. Week 3 vs ict, I thought about the end game and calced out all the possible options and it worked. Week 4 vs hantsuki was a lot of early predicting to get myself in the right position, but still thinking about every play and everything that could happen. I am really happy with my performance so far; this is my first LCPL so I am still learning a lot, and I feel like every time I fall, I get stronger.

What do you feel of how the metagame has developed since you first started playing LC? What are your thoughts on the SM bans, and current suspect-worthy threats?

Well to be honest, I did not know what a metagame was back in those days; I just used Pokemon that looked cool and tried to make them work. Weirdly enough, this helped me a lot. I always used a lot of weird stuff like magic room teddiursa or trick room cranidos. SM was where I tried to develop a lot, and there are still so many new sets. Z-moves make this so interesting now, and it opens up another level of play in terms of prediction. Honestly, the metagame is really good right now, but I still think Vullaby can use a suspect test as it can be used special offensively, physical offensively, mirror move, defensive, or scarf, and the coverage moves it gets allows it to even go mixed. The Pokemon we banned for SM were vulpix, drifloon, gothita and cutiefly. All of them were good even though I'm still 50/50 on drifloon; I never used it that much, but the concept of the mon itself was really cool. With the burn nerf and weak armor onix, it could be handled better as onix just comes in on acrobatics.

You're known as one of the community's more creative teambuilders. Do you feel that being creative comes at the cost of consistently solid teams, or is it an advantage? How useful do you think this has been between laddering, MDL tours, and LCPL?

Creativity is one of the most important things when building a team. Lures, Pokemon that can surprise the other side and surprising combinations, are what makes a team different from other teams. I honestly think that a standard team is good on its own and more safe to play with. Fighting spam, flying spam, shellder teams or just a nice weak armor vullaby team is good, yes, but you don't give your team a part of yourself. I have a lot of standard teams on my computer and I play with them from time to time, but I don't like using them; give me my axew, wingull and skrelp teams and I will give it my best shot. So what you asked was, is it a bad thing to bring more creative Pokemon, or do you get an advantage? I would say I get an advantage. In my ladder days, I got the first three spots using a meowth. This was because a lot of people ran fletchling, zigzagoon, or shellder on the ladder. Meowth could take all of them out with a nice fake + feint combo, and I just loved using the Pokemon itself. Also, it was a perfect counterlead with water pulse, as a lot of people on the ladder used lead dwebble, onix, and archen. In MDL tours, it's the most important thing to build creatively. If you bring a standard team, you will get surprised by the other player, but because you know what 12 Pokemon the other side is bringing, it's a lot easier to be creative and risky. In LCPL, it's the hardest to be creative; your team needs to synergize well, but also needs to keep momentum and offensive pressure. You also need some defensive synergy as everyone in LCPL has a lot of experience and can bring various playstyles like webs, typespam, strong sweepers, and so on. Even though it's harder to use unexpected Pokemon vs people in LCPL, it's still a valid tactic and has worked out so far.

What is your favourite part of the community? Which resource was the most helpful in getting you into the tier? If there was one thing you could change about how things are run, what would it be?

My favourite part of this community is the people. I literally love everyone in LC just because the tier is so open. I used to play OU, but I was a random, so I would not get any help. I was a meme in NU and looked down upon in monotype. After I topped the ladder a lot and started making a impact on the metagame, people started recognizing me. To be honest, I did not use any resources until only around a year ago, and I think it was the viability rankings. Even though I don't agree with some Pokemon being that high/low, it helped me get started learning the tier, and I'm really grateful for the person who made the viability rankings a thing in LC. I honestly would not change a lot about the community; everything in LC is going really solidly. We have tutors who help new players, a great community that helps people, and of course, an active ladder.

Lastly, do you have a team that you would like to share with us?

All right, so when I'm tired of building and I want to ladder I use this team.

Banana (Snivy) @ Eviolite
Ability: Overgrow
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 76 Atk / 156 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Leaf Blade
- Aqua Tail
- Synthesis
- Coil
Bradley (Slowpoke) @ Life Orb

Ability: Regenerator
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 116 HP / 236 Atk / 76 Def / 36 SpD
Adamant Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Aqua Tail
- Zen Headbutt
- Earthquake
- Trick Room

Pillow pet (Munchlax) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Thick Fat
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 Def / 236 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Body Slam
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch
- Self-Destruct

Appels!!! (Skorupi) @ Normalium Z
Ability: Sniper
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 36 HP / 196 Atk / 36 Def / 236 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pin Missile
- Cross Poison
- Night Slash
- Acupressure

Assaultvesta (Larvesta) @ Eviolite
Ability: Flame Body
Level: 5
EVs: 76 HP / 196 SpA / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Giga Drain
- Morning Sun
- Calm Mind

Starbucks (Staryu) @ Eviolite
Ability: Illuminate
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 76 Def / 36 SpA / 156 SpD / 236 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Whirlpool
- Recover
- Reflect Type
- Cosmic Power
Thank you for the responses, Jox! Subscribe for more.


Thanks for reading our fifth player of the week!
I gotta get some insight into your teambuilding process man cause from watching your videos you have SO MANY TEAMS. Also I'm a big fan of the way that you battle and build and you're a handsome boy with good videos!

How do you come up with cores?

What's the first thing you have in mind when building around a Pokemon?

If you had to make a list of the essential parts of a good team (a basic framework, if you will) what would you put on there?

What roles do you tend to leave uncovered until the end of the process?

Do you ever make a few different versions of a team around the same concept at the same time cause you have like different ideas, and if so, how often do you do that?

Lastly, can I have all of your teams??
I only have one question for you, and it's something that probably only interests me but

What does your recording set up look like? Like can you make a photo or something? I've been wondering this forever
I only have one question for you, and it's something that probably only interests me but

What does your recording set up look like? Like can you make a photo or something? I've been wondering this forever
jordi pc.jpe

This is my setup for my recordings. I personally use a Snowball mic, a computer I built myself which I use for gaming (if you want to know whats in the computer ask me in pm) and just good speakers with a nice chair for a nice surrounding. I use obs to record and edit my videos with moviemaker (i know... lol). I create thumbnails with paint and word. Most of the things I do to make my videos you can do with the basic stuff on your pc.
I gotta get some insight into your teambuilding process man cause from watching your videos you have SO MANY TEAMS. Also I'm a big fan of the way that you battle and build and you're a handsome boy with good videos!

How do you come up with cores?

What's the first thing you have in mind when building around a Pokemon?

If you had to make a list of the essential parts of a good team (a basic framework, if you will) what would you put on there?

What roles do you tend to leave uncovered until the end of the process?

Do you ever make a few different versions of a team around the same concept at the same time cause you have like different ideas, and if so, how often do you do that?

Lastly, can I have all of your teams??

So the way how I build, I most times look at mons and specific moves. Salandit ( what is it weak to, what do i need to kill and on what can i setup ) after that i build a solid skeleton using a teambuilder website http://www.teammagma.net/teambuilder/. If the skeleton looks good i go over the moves and lures. team weak to ferro, hp fire star. Things like that are most times comming at the end. After the first skeleton is done i specific ask people to use different playstyles vs me ( webs, shellder, fightspam, flyingspam etc. )

So i work alot as a cook and alot of the time when i'm working i'm actually thinking about stuff i need to use. I watch alot of ladder battles and ask other people what the like to use. If i see anything intressting like a mon or move i will use it and try to make it work at its fullest potential. The first thing i have in mind while building around this specific mon/move : am i going to enjoy using it. If no, i most likely am not going to use it. Bloomdoom pony is awesome but i just don't like useing ponyta things like that.

Alright so the the things a good team needs imo is :

1. Checks to the meta
Flyingspam ( Vull / Dod ) Fightingspam, Shellder, Corp, Carv, Snivy, Abra, Gastly, Pawniard, Spore check, Drilburr, Mudsbray and a Ponyta switch
2. Important Imm
Electric and Ground imm can let to mindgames. Adding a psychic imm or a fighting/normal imm can also be huge as the competitive style of predicting gets harder.
3.Offensive Pressure
This is maybe one of the most important things you need, you need to be able to weaken your opp with fire power. Think about a dd scraggy or a np vull. You always need something you call a wincon and focus around it.
U-turn and voltswitch are not the only way to keep momentum. I also want to ad taunt and spore to this. Your team needs to have alot of momemntum to keep the offensive pressure high, spore can help you to get a 6 vs 5 situation and taunt can make it so that the oponent wasted a turn and becoms more expected.
Webs are disgusting this gen, a Web check/remover is really important. Spikes + Rocks can help you break sturdy mons and extra damange on entry
6. Devensive synergy
If you don't check number one you failed this one already. Devensive synergy is really important as you need a ''Core'' to handle most teams. Think about wish spritsee + ferro on a more devensive team or even Timburr + a-grimer on a more offensive team. You're walls/devensive backbones need to have synergy to win vs the opposing team
7. Lures
So this is most times the Start of the team or the end of the team. You need to catch the other player of guard and get tham out of tham confortzone. Think about Hp-Grass grimer that suprised killed his onix. He needed his onix to check doduo and he knew it still could take another knock from grimer + a -1 sneak and than after that a bravebird from scarf dod. Now his plan failed and his flying check is gone. Could he do something about this to prefent this, yes and no, as the set is something you don't predict at the start. After you adapt well enough with the meta you start learning how to do different and you create your own meta. after you can do this, people have more trouble reading you and you stay unpredictable.
8. Nicknames
Try to enjoy your team while you still can :)

So you asked me, do i make different versions of a team. I have to say yes. but i take it sometimes to the extreme xD. so lets say i'm testing skrelp, i'm going to try a batonpass team with sludge/hydro/hpfire/sub. I test this team with different lures like hp psy > hp fire. Lets say i did not like the bp pass team, than i move on with the next skrelp set. while building a skrelp team 2 weeks ago i ended with 7 different skrelp teams. trickroom, hpfire, hp psy, batonpass torchic, batonpass me first mienfoo tailwind and rest talk. All of tham had different team skeletons and specific lures that helped me like the team even more. I spended more than a day over all the teams and the nickname ''Veninia'' jeez, I spended like 15m searching out all deadly toxic nicknames just looking for that one that sounded so dope and i found it.


Here are alot of my teams but i made this pastebin like 4weeks ago so some of those teams are a bit outdated ( still all sm ). I want to give you more information about the tings i'm currently testing but who knows if i'm going to use tham in upcomming battles.

Thnx for your comment :D
what do you think of when you see someone say "lul"
Tbh I giggle a little bit on the inside ( yes I'm childish lol ). Like when they released morelull I was like : "the really did this..." but honestly I have grown over it, and read it now as lol.
Just saw your team export, I think i'll never be more creative :( but imo you started to love LC when you saw that yon can potentially create almost everything in this tier.
Just saw your team export, I think i'll never be more creative :( but imo you started to love LC when you saw that yon can potentially create almost everything in this tier.

Yeah There is so much you can discover in LC. I litterly love this tier.

Can we get a third banana jox pic?

Nah fam, enough banana pic lol, maybe when i'm drunk
where did the name Jox come from?

boobs or ass?

now most importantly:

who do you fuckin hate in smogon

whos the shittiest player uve played

So it all started like 10 years ago. I was playing james bond with a friend of mine and he was always 007. I needed a code name for myself but i wanted to be 007 too as he Is the best. so I decide, I like the number 6, so I was 067. I currently had 2 hamsters called Hammie and Jox ( RIP guess ) and i thought, lets call my platinum game 067jox bec I really loved my hamster. So basically i got my haunter like level 100 in snowville, beated the league, captured heatran etc. I bought pokemon black. I wanted to transfer my mons but thought, what if my friends think they are not my pokemons, bec my name is jordi and not jox. So instead of calling the game ''jordi'' I called it 067jox again. The name started to grow and I love it ^^.

Boobs all day

viper to both
OML, you use Skorupi too... Good to see pps actually use it :>
e: Do you use it for Acupressure or for its 4x resistance to Fighting moves?
OML, you use Skorupi too... Good to see pps actually use it :>
e: Do you use it for Acupressure or for its 4x resistance to Fighting moves?

More for Acupressure than for thw 4x fight resist

I use it in alot of my meme teams like with agility fell stinger or this one with z acupressure. But I used skorupi successful in the past with the set :

Poison jab
Knock off

His stats are great, but it just does not fit the current meta. Who knows we will see a skorupi team one day that is used for as a onix lure with aqua tail :P
how many souls have u taken in the past month?
when are u gonna upload meme in lc?
did u every consider marrying a banana?
I see through snapchat that you're also a very social dude outside of pokemon(i.e drunk parties with the bros, parties, beer, beer, beer) what do they personally think of you playing mons?

Have you ever influenced any of them to play it?


Hottest girl you ever seen? (Preferably picture too)

Biggest nerd in MDL besides ItzViper482 ?

Is Meowth just a worse Aipom?

Why is Elekid so fucking solid?

Sexiest MDL user, not including me?

Favourite brand of beer?

Is Drilbur versatile or not?

What hairstyling product do you use?

How many black T-shirts do you have?

Ever sent a dickpic?

Would Viper be cooler if he drank?

Does being a full-time alcoholic help your creative teambuilding? How / Why not?

Why did you only mention me once in your interview?

Skinny, Slim, Casual comfy, Bootcut or baggy jeans? (THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW and you use Casual more often than not btw just saying)

Actually don't know how many chicks you've had sex with (This is a question btw)

Drunk call Thursday y/n?

Favourite stoner? (And why is it Infamy ?)

therealslap doesn't smoke weed anymore but why is he always high?

Minecraft or Call of Duty?

League or Pokemon?

Tits is luck btw you need to go after ass that where the effort is put lol

BA cousins or my blonde friend?

On a scale from 3-8 how viable is Rock Polish Ferroseed?

PU or NU? OU or Ubers?

Why did it take you so long to answer this post?

Thoughts on my new avatar?

How many rivals do you have?

You were tagged above so I'm not gonna bother sorry bro <3
how many souls have u taken in the past month?
when are u gonna upload meme in lc?
did u every consider marrying a banana?

Dont know tbh, stopped playing on the ladder for a while and work alot so my battles are limited :C

Never consider it. But now i think about it, the only place I could put the banana would be my ass. How can i make little bananas if I mary one??

I see through snapchat that you're also a very social dude outside of pokemon(i.e drunk parties with the bros, parties, beer, beer, beer) what do they personally think of you playing mons?

Have you ever influenced any of them to play it?



Tbh I have 2 friends that know i play pokemon. I rather keep pokemon for myself as alot of people here think its childish. My 2 best friends are saying thats its awesome tho. So that supports me to become better at the game. Both of tham would probably never play pokemon.
Hottest girl you ever seen? (Preferably picture too)

Biggest nerd in MDL besides ItzViper482 ?

Is Meowth just a worse Aipom?

Why is Elekid so fucking solid?

Sexiest MDL user, not including me?

Favourite brand of beer?

Is Drilbur versatile or not?

What hairstyling product do you use?

How many black T-shirts do you have?

Ever sent a dickpic?

Would Viper be cooler if he drank?

Does being a full-time alcoholic help your creative teambuilding? How / Why not?

Why did you only mention me once in your interview?

Skinny, Slim, Casual comfy, Bootcut or baggy jeans? (THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW and you use Casual more often than not btw just saying)

Actually don't know how many chicks you've had sex with (This is a question btw)

Drunk call Thursday y/n?

Favourite stoner? (And why is it Infamy ?)

therealslap doesn't smoke weed anymore but why is he always high?

Minecraft or Call of Duty?

League or Pokemon?

Tits is luck btw you need to go after ass that where the effort is put lol

BA cousins or my blonde friend?

On a scale from 3-8 how viable is Rock Polish Ferroseed?

PU or NU? OU or Ubers?

Why did it take you so long to answer this post?

Thoughts on my new avatar?

How many rivals do you have?

You were tagged above so I'm not gonna bother sorry bro <3

Alright so lets see, ( me looking at the comments ) Aaah kushal nice question, pd fun one, and than fille his comment ... Let me grab a beer and a banana and lets do this!!

biggest nerd : MK007

Is Meowth just a worse Aipom? : No they both do different things. I personally am a bigger meowth fan as it does not miss

Why is Elekid so fucking solid? : I don't know man that thing is just amazing as hell hahahaah love to use it and i get never tired of using it.

Sexiest MDL user, not including me? : Fille oow wait... hmmm Skyee 10/10

Favourite brand of beer? : Hertog jan =)

Is Drilbur versatile or not? : Yeah but most sets around it are less stable, fast bj, slow evi and scarf are the most superior imo.

What hairstyling product do you use? : Taft maXX power gell number 8

How many black T-shirts do you have? : 14

Ever sent a dickpic? : Nope hahah ( Don't know if my mum reads this )

Would Viper be cooler if he drank? : For sure but he's like 11

Does being a full-time alcoholic help your creative teambuilding? How / Why not? : It does tbh. Like yesterday i was semi drunk and today i builded 4 new teams. It really helps forgetting everything you needed to care about and start over the other day + you search up weird ideas.

Why did you only mention me once in your interview? : hmmm, this better??? Fille Fille Fille

Skinny, Slim, Casual comfy, Bootcut or baggy jeans? (THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW and you use Casual more often than not btw just saying) : ..... I like shorts they're easy and comfy to wear!!

Actually don't know how many chicks you've had sex with (This is a question btw) : 0, hold up hold up, i know you had like 20. I kissed alot of different girls but i'm bad at keeping up relationships as i have a date or 2 but at the end there is no time. I work 4 days per week with 3 days school so its ether a girlfriend or pokemon.

Drunk call Thursday y/n? : it's Sunday :P

Favourite stoner? (And why is it Infamy ?) : therealslap for sure, he's amazing :D

therealslap doesn't smoke weed anymore but why is he always high? He still smokes lol, but yeah idk he was never like this before #bringbacktheoldslap

Minecraft or Call of Duty? : Xenoblade

League or Pokemon? : Pokemon lol I suck at league

Tits is luck btw you need to go after ass that where the effort is put lol. : hahahah this made me laugh. Tbh tits > ass all day everyday.

BA cousins or my blonde friend? : fille she was thicc as fuck. never seen BA cousins Brazilian Army pics :D

On a scale from 3-8 how viable is Rock Polish Ferroseed? : Not as viable as double dance lileep but i would give it a 6.8

PU or NU? OU or Ubers? : PU > NU and OU > Ubers

Why did it take you so long to answer this post? : .... I have a god damn hungover let me rest in peace lol

Thoughts on my new avatar? : Majestic, I like it

How many rivals do you have? Tbh I don't know there are alot. I think around 12

Thnx alot Fille you're amazing hahahah
What do you like to cook?
Also where in Holland do you live? I'm probably 4 hours max away from where you live :o
Why venipede?
Also write a haiku about that nerdy shitty player from earlier

After haxing the shit out of my opponents with a venipede i started to love it. Bug types are most times really cool imo and venipede look awesome in general!!!

Write a haiku?? Whats that lmao

What do you like to cook?
Also where in Holland do you live? I'm probably 4 hours max away from where you live :o

I like making desserts. Tbh making and creating desserts is how I make my head empty. Weirdly there are connections with cooking and playing mons, if you are creative enough and you can find different ways to approach making/creating a dish what can work out for you in the end. I live in Friesland in the northern area of Holland. You are from Belgium so im afraid you need to drive longer :P