
Yep. Who wants to invest time into a setup just to learn it doesn't work?

Pokesav fixes that, though. But a lot of ppl don't have wifi readily accessible.
Who wants to invest time watching two pairs of leftovers heal+toxic damage+sandstorm+moves animations of varying length+lag+possible phazing?

That is the question.

EDIT: Leftovers. Haban.
Because legitimately raising pokemon is a pain in the ass. Simulators allow you to make any team without any effort, which is their real draw.

Honestly, if you feel that "legitimately raising pokemon is a pain in the ass" there are all sorts of ways to go about "raising pokemon" illegitimately. So... argument is kinda invalid.

At this moment I kinda see simulators kinda like piracy. If legitimately playing the game is a pain in the ass, why play the game at all? Just play the simulator. If you don't play the game at all, why bother buying the game?

Hence: Why buy/play pokemon black/white when you can just play the copy for free?

Anyway - off topic - >.>
Honestly, if you feel that "legitimately raising pokemon is a pain in the ass" there are all sorts of ways to go about "raising pokemon" illegitimately. So... argument is kinda invalid.

At this moment I kinda see simulators kinda like piracy. If legitimately playing the game is a pain in the ass, why play the game at all? Just play the simulator. If you don't play the game at all, why bother buying the game?

Hence: Why buy/play pokemon black/white when you can just play the copy for free?

Anyway - off topic - >.>
Uhh, yeah, way off topic. :0
...I'd make a response, but I don't want to possibly also get infracted for talking about that in here. >.> Anyway....

So, Soul Dew is banned / unavailable in BW? :0 Why is that now? I hadn't heard anything about it. I'd like to think that he'd be OU, but if Latias got banned to Ubers WITHOUT Soul Dew, I highly doubt that Latios won't also. Still.... we can dream, right?

Well, as far as sets without Soul Dew go, there's always the old Dual Screen-Memento thing with Light Clay.
Uhh, yeah, way off topic. :0
...I'd make a response, but I don't want to possibly also get infracted for talking about that in here. >.> Anyway....

So, Soul Dew is banned / unavailable in BW? :0 Why is that now? I hadn't heard anything about it. I'd like to think that he'd be OU, but if Latias got banned to Ubers WITHOUT Soul Dew, I highly doubt that Latios won't also. Still.... we can dream, right?

Well, as far as sets without Soul Dew go, there's always the old Dual Screen-Memento thing with Light Clay.
This is Gen 5, not Gen 4.
So, Soul Dew is banned / unavailable in BW? :0 Why is that now? I hadn't heard anything about it. I'd like to think that he'd be OU, but if Latias got banned to Ubers WITHOUT Soul Dew, I highly doubt that Latios won't also. Still.... we can dream, right?

Well, as far as sets without Soul Dew go, there's always the old Dual Screen-Memento thing with Light Clay.

clarification regarding Lati@s/Soul Dew.
*Note. This is talking about Pokemon Black/White WiFi Random Matches available in game, not any kind of simulator.

Soul Dew itself is banned. Any Pokemon holding Souldew is not allowed to compete in WiFi Random Matches, regardless of which pokemon it is. Additionally, Soul Dew is not attainable legitimately in B/W at all as of now.

The pokemons Latias and Latios however, are fully allowed in WiFi Random matches, and are in fact, quite common at the moment. They both sport 110 speed, the fastest of any dragons, and because of it, can basically win any 1v1 matchup against another dragon. Due to this, IMO not discussing/discounting lati@s in the metagame due to their potential to be considered "ubers" on a non-official tiering (smogon/pokemon online) is kinda dumb, as, unless you don't care for online Random Matches at all in B/W, you *will* be seeing these two siblings a lot.
Because legitimately raising pokemon is a pain in the ass. Simulators allow you to make any team without any effort, which is their real draw.

Because with simulators, it is possible to impose rules unlike the chaotic random battles. TBH, random battles suck hard. I've heard there are also hackers that bypass online codings to use "UBERS". Random battles =/= simulators no way.

As for latios/latias. SpecsLatios owns like no other. The thing hits like a a...(trying to think of something witty but can't so I failed there)...well you get the point. It is, however, REALLY hurtful to go up against pursuit users, which are quite common as well. This is where sazandora comes in as it's not pursuit weak (though I still see specsdora as an inferior specslatios).
As for latios/latias. SpecsLatios owns like no other. The thing hits like a a...(trying to think of something witty but can't so I failed there)...well you get the point. It is, however, REALLY hurtful to go up against pursuit users, which are quite common as well. This is where sazandora comes in as it's not pursuit weak (though I still see specsdora as an inferior specslatios).

basically what I've been saying as well. Pursuit is nice and all, but tbqh, Lati@s' weakness to one move doesn't put Sazandora anywhere near these two.
But do you think that Latios will be banned on Smogon? He probably will if he is holding Soul Dew, even if it is available.
maybe he is quite Powerful, but atm many things are that and he cant take too much hits as even with 80/80/110 Defenses a lots of things put a nice dent in him.
he wont like switching into any physical attack and SE/neutral Special Attacks hurt him alot too.
However he isnt horrible frail and dishes out like a truck and regarding to your item question Lefties, Life Orb and Haban Berry (for ScarfChomp) are all nice options.

If you want to use a CM Set a set like this would be best (i dont like the move sets mentioned in the OP):

EV:252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Nature: Timid
-Clam Mind
-Dragon Pulse
-Recover/HP Fire

you could use less SpA EVs and pump your HP a bit for more bulk, but i dont know how much would be efficent so maybe just run a few calcs to see if its worth it.
This set is cockblocked by Blissey so Psycho Shock might could come too your mind but it gets none use outside of the and gots horrible coverage together with Dragon Pulse, you could use it instead of Recover or HP Fire but then Natorei laughs at you and he is far more common then Bliss for now.
Recover or HP Fire is Nattorei vs. durability and i think HP Fire is the better choice but if you use a more bulky EV Spread it could be cool to use.

Surf is IMO the best option as Dragon/Water is only walled by Empoleon and you wont see him very often and after a few CMs he cant do much too you.
Electric/Dragon isnt bad too and hits Bulky waters SE, but is blocked by some more things and T-Tar will get a Bitch.

I am running this Set atm and it is really great:

Latios@Life Orb
EV:252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
-Draco Meteor/Dragon Pulse
-HP Fire/Recover

Fairly self-explanatory dish out as hard as possible and hit as much as possible SE.

Draco Meteor to just OHKO anything not resistant or named blissey or Dragon Pulse for easier sweeping.

Recover is an Option too but i used him more like a hit and run poke and often dont had the time too use it so i prefered the extra coverage i think its best used on Sets that utilize Dragon Pulse and i would likely drop T-Bolt for it as Nattorei/Forry/Scizor are much bigger Problems than Empoleon.
EV:252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Nature: Timid
-Clam :toast: Mind
-Dragon Pulse
-Recover/HP Fire

you could use less SpA EVs and pump your HP a bit for more bulk, but i dont know how much would be efficient so maybe just run a few calcs to see if its worth it.
This set is cockblocked by Blissey so Psycho Shock might could come too your mind but it gets none use outside of the and gots horrible coverage together with Dragon Pulse, you could use it instead of Recover or HP Fire but then Natorei laughs at you and he is far more common then Bliss for now.
Recover or HP Fire is Nattorei vs. durability and i think HP Fire is the better choice but if you use a more bulky EV Spread it could be cool to use.

Surf is IMO the best option as Dragon/Water is only walled by Empoleon and you wont see him very often and after a few CMs he cant do much too you.
Electric/Dragon isnt bad too and hits Bulky waters SE, but is blocked by some more things and T-Tar will get a Bitch.

Why Surf? Just Dragon and HP Fire is only resisted by Empoleon, Aggron, Bastiodon, and Probopass. Out of those four, Empoleon has the highest usage statistics on Pokémon Online.

If you skip Surf, then you can have a slot for Recover.
Um, the only thing that resists Dragon+Fire is Heatran. The Pokemon you listed can probably take HP Fire pretty well, but Empoleon is probably set up fodder. I think the biggest things to worry about when using Surf are Scizor and Nattorei. I think Scizor is 2HKO'd by Surf but it will still do a lot of damage with Bullet Punch before going down. Nattorei walls both of your attacks and can either Paralyze you, Leech Seed you, or probably 2HKO you with Gyro Ball.

I really think you should just leave Recover to Latias though, since it's bulkier and abuse Latios's higher SpAtk with CM/Dragon Pulse/Surf/HP Fire.
Why Surf? Just Dragon and HP Fire is only resisted by Empoleon, Aggron, Bastiodon, and Probopass. Out of those four, Empoleon has the highest usage statistics on Pokémon Online.

If you skip Surf, then you can have a slot for Recover.

How is hidden power Fire resisted by steel types? Surf is way better, imo, since only empoleon resists. HP fire is actually only useful for nattorei and scizor. BTW, the only poke to resist fire + dragon is heatran.

edit: brutally ninja'd.
Dragon/Water is resisted by Nattorei and Empoleon. Dragon/Fire is resisted by Heatran. Pick your posion I guess. Although personally I'd go with Dragon/Water and use a Magnezone or Shandera to clear Steels out of the way beforehand.
Dragon/Water is resisted by Nattorei and Empoleon. Dragon/Fire is resisted by Heatran. Pick your posion I guess. Although personally I'd go with Dragon/Water and use a Magnezone or Shandera to clear Steels out of the way beforehand.

Surf also hits T-Tar on the switch harder than Dragon Pulse. While it will never be an ohko, it can take out previously weakened T-Tars, especially if they attempt to pursuit without a Scarf. Heatran and Shandera are incredibly common, and baing able to hit them with Surf is extremely nice.
Nattorei and Empoleon are easily KOd by almost every fighting type in the game, namely Roobushin, Kerudio, Lucario, or even Kojondo.
Why Surf? Just Dragon and HP Fire is only resisted by Empoleon, Aggron, Bastiodon, and Probopass. Out of those four, Empoleon has the highest usage statistics on Pokémon Online.

If you skip Surf, then you can have a slot for Recover.

This is what I meant:

Dragon Pulse
HP Fire
Calm Mind

Only resisted by Heatran.
This is what I meant:

Dragon Pulse
HP Fire
Calm Mind

Only resisted by Empoleon (setup fodder), Aggron, Bastiodon, Probopass, and Heatran.

You're still wrong. All those are part steel types, which Fire hits for super effective. They all take neutral damage. They may not mind it, but they do not resist Dragon/Fire. The only pokemon that resists Dragon Pulse and HP Fire is heatran.

Edit: You'll need a lot of Calm Minds to take it out with Dragon Pulse (trust me, you won't get them). Besides, HP fire means you'll be stuck at 349 speed no matter what, meaning an opposing Latios might come in and revenge you before you set up.
This is a dilemma.

Should I

Hit Heatran with Surf


Be Able To Heal with Recover?

(And does a Calm Mind set have synergy with Nattorei, Burungeru, Porygon2, Blaziken, and Breloom?)
Recover isnt that great on him as he is just not bulky enough to use it effectivly it would be useful to stall out stuff like Burungeru and to a lesser extent Blissey that lack toxic, but its better to leave this stuff to other pokemon on your team.

Surf not only hits heatran, but stuff like Shandera,Hippowdon,T-Tar etc. SE that will live through a +1 Dragon Pluse and threaten with SE moves of their own.
Updated OP, removed Soul Dew from the movesets, and added some new movesets that some of you posted. Sorry for the long wait for the revision but I haven't checked up on this topic in a while.

Also, Latios with Surf is debatable for me atm. Since we got Ninetails and Politoad packing auto weather moves, Thunder can outshine surf with it's 30% paralysis though Surf does get a nice boost in the rain that surpasses Thunder.
Updated OP, removed Soul Dew from the movesets, and added some new movesets that some of you posted. Sorry for the long wait for the revision but I haven't checked up on this topic in a while.

Also, Latios with Surf is debatable for me atm. Since we got Ninetails and Politoad packing auto weather moves, Thunder can outshine surf with it's 30% paralysis though Surf does get a nice boost in the rain that surpasses Thunder.

Surf hits Tyranitar a lot harder than Thunder and my LO one can 2HKO all of the Tyranitar I've seen with it. It also hits Hippowdon harder than any of your other attacks. I haven't used Latios a whole lot on the DW tier, but in the Wi-Fi tier, where there's no DrizzleToed, Sandstorm is the most common playstyle and Surf is a great attack to use in there.

Since a lot of people still play on Wi-Fi, you should at least keep Surf slashed with Thunder.
surf is a stronger attack and hits ttar for SE damage. that was the one thing that could really mess you up trying to switch into specs latias before she got banned, surf could 2hko both ttar and scizor and depending on hp ivs metagross.
Set I've been using:

Latios @ Dragon Jewel
6 HP/252 SpAtk/252 Spd
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Thunderbolt
- Memento

You could substitute Memento for Recover if you wanted to keep Latios alive for a longer duration in matches, but I have set up sweepers that benefit from Memento, hence its use. You could also relace Thunderbolt with HP Fire, depending on your needs.

So. The entire point of this set is to bluff a choiced item while dealing as much damage as possible with as much coverage as possible. I often swap in Latios to deal with opponents via Thunderbolt or Surf, and kill. I use Surf for mostly for neutral coverage. Upon receiving a kill, my opponent will switch something in that resists either Surf or Thunderbolt, assuming it is a choiced Latios, which is when they either meet a +1 Draco Meteor, or the opposing tertiary move option. By this time, they've exhausted their options to dealing with Latios, either losing two Pokemon or losing one and being left with their second Pokemon severely crippled.

By this time I choose one of my two win conditions. I either A) finish off the secondary Pokemon with a second Draco Meteor/Thunderbolt/Surf, then Memento the third Pokemon, or simply Memento the third Pokemon if it Latios has already landed its second KO, then proceed to sweep with whatever set up I have in mind. B) I swap Latios out to my bulky Escape Button user, and upon being attacked, immediately swap Latios back in, who now has restored stats and can proceed to Thunderbolt/Surf at full power, or cripple another Pokemon with Draco Meteor.
I've been using a Scarf Latios as a lead since they took my Skymin away. It's hardly a traditional lead or anti-lead match with many things, but Trick is nice to cripple the slow leads and fast stuff will be taking a Draco Meteor before being able to move. Trick also wrecks lead moths who expect you to attack and use Butterfly Dance. The best part, though, is remaining useful later in the game if it survives, being able to revenge-kill +1DDers or other random sweepers.