Yep. Who wants to invest time into a setup just to learn it doesn't work?
Pokesav fixes that, though. But a lot of ppl don't have wifi readily accessible.
Pokesav fixes that, though. But a lot of ppl don't have wifi readily accessible.
Because legitimately raising pokemon is a pain in the ass. Simulators allow you to make any team without any effort, which is their real draw.
Uhh, yeah, way off topic. :0Honestly, if you feel that "legitimately raising pokemon is a pain in the ass" there are all sorts of ways to go about "raising pokemon" illegitimately. So... argument is kinda invalid.
At this moment I kinda see simulators kinda like piracy. If legitimately playing the game is a pain in the ass, why play the game at all? Just play the simulator. If you don't play the game at all, why bother buying the game?
Hence: Why buy/play pokemon black/white when you can just play the copy for free?
Anyway - off topic - >.>
This is Gen 5, not Gen 4.Uhh, yeah, way off topic. :0
...I'd make a response, but I don't want to possibly also get infracted for talking about that in here. >.> Anyway....
So, Soul Dew is banned / unavailable in BW? :0 Why is that now? I hadn't heard anything about it. I'd like to think that he'd be OU, but if Latias got banned to Ubers WITHOUT Soul Dew, I highly doubt that Latios won't also. Still.... we can dream, right?
Well, as far as sets without Soul Dew go, there's always the old Dual Screen-Memento thing with Light Clay.
So, Soul Dew is banned / unavailable in BW? :0 Why is that now? I hadn't heard anything about it. I'd like to think that he'd be OU, but if Latias got banned to Ubers WITHOUT Soul Dew, I highly doubt that Latios won't also. Still.... we can dream, right?
Well, as far as sets without Soul Dew go, there's always the old Dual Screen-Memento thing with Light Clay.
Because legitimately raising pokemon is a pain in the ass. Simulators allow you to make any team without any effort, which is their real draw.
As for latios/latias. SpecsLatios owns like no other. The thing hits like a a...(trying to think of something witty but can't so I failed there)...well you get the point. It is, however, REALLY hurtful to go up against pursuit users, which are quite common as well. This is where sazandora comes in as it's not pursuit weak (though I still see specsdora as an inferior specslatios).
maybe he is quite Powerful, but atm many things are that and he cant take too much hits as even with 80/80/110 Defenses a lots of things put a nice dent in him.But do you think that Latios will be banned on Smogon? He probably will if he is holding Soul Dew, even if it is available.
EV:252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Nature: Timid
-Dragon Pulse
-Recover/HP Fire
you could use less SpA EVs and pump your HP a bit for more bulk, but i dont know how much would be efficient so maybe just run a few calcs to see if its worth it.
This set is cockblocked by Blissey so Psycho Shock might could come too your mind but it gets none use outside of the and gots horrible coverage together with Dragon Pulse, you could use it instead of Recover or HP Fire but then Natorei laughs at you and he is far more common then Bliss for now.
Recover or HP Fire is Nattorei vs. durability and i think HP Fire is the better choice but if you use a more bulky EV Spread it could be cool to use.
Surf is IMO the best option as Dragon/Water is only walled by Empoleon and you wont see him very often and after a few CMs he cant do much too you.
Electric/Dragon isnt bad too and hits Bulky waters SE, but is blocked by some more things and T-Tar will get a Bitch.
Dragon/Water is resisted by Nattorei and Empoleon. Dragon/Fire is resisted by Heatran. Pick your posion I guess. Although personally I'd go with Dragon/Water and use a Magnezone or Shandera to clear Steels out of the way beforehand.
Why Surf? Just Dragon and HP Fire is only resisted by Empoleon, Aggron, Bastiodon, and Probopass. Out of those four, Empoleon has the highest usage statistics on Pokémon Online.
If you skip Surf, then you can have a slot for Recover.
This is what I meant:
Dragon Pulse
HP Fire
Calm Mind
Only resisted by Empoleon (setup fodder), Aggron, Bastiodon, Probopass, and Heatran.
Updated OP, removed Soul Dew from the movesets, and added some new movesets that some of you posted. Sorry for the long wait for the revision but I haven't checked up on this topic in a while.
Also, Latios with Surf is debatable for me atm. Since we got Ninetails and Politoad packing auto weather moves, Thunder can outshine surf with it's 30% paralysis though Surf does get a nice boost in the rain that surpasses Thunder.