Can you actually make EPower / Psychic / Sludge Wave the mandatory combo of moves? Focus Blast has a shitty miss chance, and doesn't that much (besides let you break through Skarm). There's merit to it on CM because +1 actually 2HKOes Chansey, but on the standard all-out attacker/SR set, there isn't much purpose to it. Meanwhile Sludge Wave provides really useful coverage in general, especially on stuff like the Latis on the switch-in. It's generally a very safe move to spam and has a ton of use in KOing Clefable as well. I really wouldn't forgo it unless I'm running CM.
Last slot should be Focus Blast / SR / U-turn IMO. Focus Blast is good for coverage, SR for obvious hazard, and U-turn bones stuff like the Latis as they switch in, and generally allows you to get good momentum. It's especially useful in Lando Keld Tar cores, which are becoming increasingly more common, enabling especially Keldeo, as well as Tar, to get in much more easily. It's generally a great move that needs to be slashed. Rock Slide doesn't really do anything besides hit Zard Y and incoming Talonflame, which Sludge Wave is more than fine against -- it can be useful, but not slash-worthy useful. It is worth a 'Moves' mention at best. The set should be called 'Special Attacker' btw, as it isn't exactly 'All-Out' with the SR slash and all.
Also, Modest should really be removed from the first set. The Speed against stuff like Jolly Exca, Timid Manaphy, Timid Zard Y, Hasty Exca, and Jolly Zard X are way too big just not to run Timid. The power boost is nice, but the Speed drop just isn't a practical sacrifice in this metagame.
Furthermore, I was talking on IRC, and RP and CM should really be separated. Firstly, they play differently -- CM tends to break down defensive cores and put large dents in teams, while RP cleans against already heavily weakened teams. As a side note, RP is also a lot worse than should probably be the last set. Basically, they fulfill very different roles that belong in separate sets.
Finally, we agreed as a QC a while ago that Gravity should get a main set. Just a moveset like CM, +Gravity -CM. Removing Ground immunities from things makes Lando-I run through them so well, it's ridiculous. The set is crazy, and should get a main set.