Here is my problem with the new Landorus, the attack just does not make up for the speed, its barely notivable, look, both Landorus vs 4/0 Keldeo for example.
Landorus (normal) earthquake: (53.7 - 63.27%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Landorus-T earthquake: (60.18 - 70.67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Landorus (normal) earthquake in the sand: (69.75 - 82.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after weather
So its a good 7% stronger, while in sandstorm, landorus becomes 16% stronger, double the "increased strength." If you want a sweeper, just use Landorus with sand support, its better, not only is it more powerful, but it has more speed to boot.
Unless you really really need a ground type on your rain or sun team, Landorus-T is a much better pivot pokemon because of intimidate.
Not fully true, in my weatherless teams I was using Landorus as a Scarfer Revenge Killer and check for things like Salamence or Volcarona with a +1 Spd boost.
Landorus-T cannot fill this role. Moreover without Scarf could be outspeed by things like Jirachi, Hydreigon, Haxorus or Celebi while Landorus always outspeeds them.
Talking about it, I was thinking a set with Landorus-T as a Scarfer, but not a +1 Spd checker or Revenge Killer.
It could be like this:
Landorus-T @ Choice Scarf(obvious)
72 HP / 252 At / 184 Spd
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- U-turn
- HP Ice/Explosion/Toxic
With this Ev's, Landorus outspeeds base 70 Spd +Spd, and base 80 Spd without a Spd boosting nature Pokes and the whole tier OU, while hitting hard. It loses the ability to outspeed Toxicroak and Lucario Scarf but these pokes are never used with a Scarf.
Explosion, despite the nerf, could hit very hard with its huge attack.
Also, with this set, it can be used against a lot of physical sweepers, Intimidate them and runing away with U-turn.
I consider using him as a Scarf out of this role is wasting him and not to mention using it without a Attack boost, because Landorus-I does it a lot better, Landorus-T cannot outspeed key threats that Landorus-I does.
I think the only useful movesets for him are RP, CB, SD, CS, and physical pivot defensive.
Talking about physical pivot defensive, could be very annoying, someone used it against me the other day.
The set was more or less than giggity69 said:
And 4th move that I can't remember. Maybe Toxic, Stone Edge, Protect or HP Fire.
Item Leftovers and he seemed not to have any spd Ev. Maybe 252 HP / 252 Def +Def or like this.
About this poke, I don't consider to be broken really. Too slow and RP set suffers to almost priority move, including Ice Shard which now is too common due the other Therian forms and excluding Mach Punch. However it would be more annoying against stall teams with its +2 145 Attack EQ and inmunity to TW, and again, Ground is not a reliable STAB to rely on because those Flyings, Grounds and Air Balloon. I'm going to edit it.. Yes, Stone Edge, but a lot of things can take a +2 non-STAB'ed Stone Miss and phaze it away.
Good, but not broken.