
underage doesn't mean a thing. if you'd rather not drink, don't, but I've been using this method to overcome rampant shyness since I was 14!
Don't drink that would be pointless at your age. That is basically encouraging to do it with whoever you see as attractive. Everyone knows what that is called!

Personally, I have liked girls and never told them. Look where it got me! Alone. But then there is the opposite where there was this one exchange student I really liked but telling her that just made her punch me in the nuts in 7th grade English class. WTF!?! Also, about "just be friends" That NEVER works. Trust me I had a first hand experience with my best friend. He literally AXED me in the back, made sure I never had happiness (destroyed it through his own doings, behind my back, any time I had a relationship; Like when the chick wanted me, he would tell them Not to do me. What the Fuck?) just to get his own.

That is when revenge doesn't seem bitter sweet, but just sweet. Best served IceAge cold. You don't want an "ex-friend" coming after you now do you? I don't think so because thats what Lots of the people in my town have coming to them for what they've done to me.
Don't drink that would be pointless at your age. That is basically encouraging to do it with whoever you see as attractive. Everyone knows what that is called!

Personally, I have liked girls and never told them. Look where it got me! Alone. But then there is the opposite where there was this one exchange student I really liked but telling her that just made her punch me in the nuts in 7th grade English class. WTF!?! Also, about "just be friends" That NEVER works. Trust me I had a first hand experience with my best friend. He literally AXED me in the back, made sure I never had happiness (destroyed it through his own doings, behind my back, any time I had a relationship; Like when the chick wanted me, he would tell them Not to do me. What the Fuck?) just to get his own.

You claimed to be a girl in one of the threads... what a liar.
In the Problem with Women Today thread... DM said you were a guy, and you flipped out an said he was making random assumptions... you told him you were not a guy.

Originally Posted by Fat TrainerSJ
Thats what I was waiting for, the unintellectual assumption that I am the guy. No. I am not the guy, haven't been married, don't want to get married. Troll. Back to the cave you have bone marrow to suck on.
drinking's always pointless, unless you want cirrhosis and vomit over your shirt.

it is actually sound advice though. if she's too shy to do it sober, tell him drunk.
In the Problem with Women Today thread... DM said you were a guy, and you flipped out an said he was making random assumptions... you told him you were not a guy.

Originally Posted by Fat TrainerSJ
Thats what I was waiting for, the unintellectual assumption that I am the guy. No. I am not the guy, haven't been married, don't want to get married. Troll. Back to the cave you have bone marrow to suck on.

No no thats a misconception. He is stating that I am THE guy that posted the article in the first place. I said Hell no I am not THE guy. I am A guy, but not THE guy. Ok?
You claimed to be a girl in one of the threads... what a liar.

Maybe he is... O.o

And I've had a boyfriend before and it lasted really long, but I ended up using him a lot.

That's actually really mean.

From my personal experience:

The first kiss you share with that person will be grand, much better than sex.

That gave me a little laugh.

I know everyone has experienced this emotion... but I think its like taking over me these past few days. I always had a crush on this boy at my school. He's literally perfect in every single way... He's good at sports, he's the top of our class, everything! So, like everyone does, I decide to talk to him.

Well, that was a year ago, and we are still close friends (I don't think we could be anything more since I was the ex gf of his old friend)... and I still have a crush on him. The bad news is... He keeps telling me about this girl who happens to be one of my best friends that he likes her. He thinks that she's perfect in everyway and I am sick of him talking about her all the time.

My jealousy finally took over and I became extremely mean to her these past few days. I don't know why... I'm such an evil person! Just looking at her makes me watch to punch her... What should I do to solve my problem? Has anyone ever experienced this or done anything like this?

Not a girl, but maybe you should be happy for your friend?...

Trust me, guys like it better if you just use the direct method.

Yeah, we do.
Requesting a status report, Kristy.

Ok! ^.^

Well, since its Sadies week, I decided to be nice and told my friend to ask him out... Well, she doesn't really like like him... but she thought he was cute (like everyone else). XD I guess I'm happy for them but I still have a crush on him. I guess I'll find another guy. o.o;

I still have a problem with my jealousy though but I've improved thanks for the help guys! I love asking people online because it feels anonymous but also comforting at the same time (as in not awkward). XD