Since finishing the copy of Critique of Pure Reason that I picked up from a bookshop, I've realised that I've been thinking a lot recently... and not about anything in particular, either. I've just been engaged in the act of thinking. Innumerable thoughts about innumerable topics run through my brain. Some thoughts result in words and sounds coming out of my mouth. Other thoughts result in me tapping my fingers on various keyboards, both physical and virtual, to produce messages of all sorts of lengths. Still other thoughts stay locked within my person as part of quiet contemplation. I don't think I've ever thought so much in my life. I've never thought so much about thinking before.
Does anyone else find themselves thinking? I'm curious to know what kind of thoughts go through other people's heads. I didn't realise that other people might also be thinking until I turned the final page of my book and reached the back cover. I realised that Immanuel Kant must have been thinking pretty hard to put all of that writing together. So, as you can imagine, this is all really new to me. I'm interested to know your thoughts!
Does anyone else find themselves thinking? I'm curious to know what kind of thoughts go through other people's heads. I didn't realise that other people might also be thinking until I turned the final page of my book and reached the back cover. I realised that Immanuel Kant must have been thinking pretty hard to put all of that writing together. So, as you can imagine, this is all really new to me. I'm interested to know your thoughts!