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Issue #20 Released!

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Nice work to anyone that wrote it, it was good stuff!

Loved the Most Dangerous Pokes article, especially Machamp's description:

So, it could just be casually leaning up against a mountain, showing off his muscles to a lady Machamp, when the mountain goes sliding into a town nearby. Not like it's going to feel any remorse for it anyway. Those weaklings should have been able to push the mountain back.

So fucking marvelous, laughed my ass out!!!

Also, even though it wasn't written in this issue, i loved the How to Avoid Getting Caught article, written by Jabba, that was in the 20 Memorable Articles in The Smog article of this isue. You see Jabba, i also have a smaller brother, whom i have helped many times with his Pokemon endeavor, and the results were exactly the same as yours, public humiliation to the entire city, lol (my brother is THE pokemon pro, and similar stuff) :D
Good work team, we did it ;)

I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me for something, you are truly hipster as I wasn't nominated for anything
Excellent issue like always! Thanks to everyone who voted for my warstory, hope those that didn't get a chance to read it have some time to check it out :)
You guys are too much fun to write with, haha. I fell asleep on my laptop at around 4 am this morning waiting to cache; I can't believe I missed release in the end. Hrmph. Regardless, thanks goes out to the people who put up with my art. You're the best! Oh, and special thanks to all of those who joined up to help me write Pokemon Biology and the PokeTour, I had a lot of fun putting those together with all you lovely people.

EDIT: And oh my gosh, CHOU!! Thank you so much for letting me be on the JAP this time around; it was an absolute romp.
I was a bit disappointed the Nuzlocke article didn't cover the first two gens.

Good work on the whole though.

Also, "As far as competitive battling goes, however, Charizard has always been pretty crappy" he's pretty boss in gen 2..
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