Is there a pokemon on your team that makes your team different?

Well, I use Venomoth and Articuno, if that counts. Roar Articuno + Stealth Rock Swampert is a great typing arrangement, especially if you have a rapid spinner around.
On my team underneath the name "Aldaron" on shoddy, I used triple priority Technician Top, which was fun.

My current team underneath the name "Olympic Glory" uses a beastly Shuckle :).

Both teams also utilize a Scarf Gar, while not revolutionary in terms of creativity, was still rarely seen a month ago. How common are they now?

I remember fighting your team, but I was using a different name.
On Shoddy, I run a Sunny Day/Sleep Powder/Stun Spore/Memento Jumpluff holding a Focus Sash as a lead. It cripples part of the opponents team, and allows my sweepers to switch in safely and stat-up, or it lets my Exeggutor sweep.
Raikou @ Leftovers / Shed Bell
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 104HP / 196SpAtk / 56SpDef / 152Spd
Timid nature(+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- HP [Ice]
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

I use this in conjunction with CM passing Celery, works exceptionally well with about 2~3 CM boosts. =)
I don't really have a pokemon that makes my team different, but I do have some pretty cool themes. Like a new with pokemon in the color of the rainbow, (Blaziken, Shiny Linoone, Zapdos, Gallade, Vaporeon, Gliscor) and an all blue hail team. I'm thinking of making a red team next. Maybe a trick room red team? Or a UU one...
I use a Choice Specs Milotic on my team that is working fucking amazing!

Milotic@Choice Specs
252 Sp Atk / 88 defense / 160 hp
-Hydro Pump
-Ice Beam
-Hidden Power [Electric]

Yeah i know 2 water moves. its saved my ass to have both though millionsof times. Hydro pump is obviously my core attack. i cant put calcs right now (im on a wii) but Hydro Pump OHKOs SO many standard switchins its not even funny! Surf saves my ass when im late game and cant risk missing and the suprise is over. I really dont have any kind of luck so i really need a reliable move aswell. ice for grassers and hp for waters.

i have over 30 movesets really out there on a lot of pokes and thus my teams always pack a suprise different thing! I pack OU, BL, UU, and even NU to have lots of success. id recomend trying a specs/band on a wall-ish poke (not on something gimickly-weak) and you will see some awesome results!
Well I used to use Choice Scarf Delcatty as a lead on one of my shoddy teams, Normalized T-Wave says hi to Garchomp. Oh and I used Choice Specs Phione (yes Phione) on my rain dance team but there was no cure for the mediocrity of all base 80s and no movepool.
I use a Special Sweeping Ninetales... in fact, how many Ninetales do you see in general?

Ninetales @ Life Orb
88 HP/ 252 Sp. Attack/ 168 Speed
Energy Ball
Nasty Plot
HP Ice

Lack of hypnosis is because normally Roserade induces sleep, and with Flash fire Ninetales can just switch into some fire-types, take the boost, and nasty plot as they switch. Flamethrower and energy ball I'm sure are self-explanatory. And HP Ice is for all those OU dragons. With 305 speed, it can outspeed adamant versions that do not have a Choice Scarf.
I use Noctowl and let my opponent use Hypnosis on it 4 or 5 times before I remind them why it's not getting through. I also like Tauros because many people are no longer prepared to take it down in this gen.
I use Tauros a lot too, alongside Magnezone. One poke that I never, ever see in OU is Regice. I know the (very, very big) problems that she haves, and Stealth Rock doesn't help, but I like use her to paralise stuff, explode, anyway, i like Regice a lot. Feraligatr, Mesprit and Roserade deserves some merit too.

I use UU stuff in higher tiers too, like Swellow and Absol sometimes. Absol is pretty fun with Sucker Punch, Swords Dance and Super Luck.

EDIT: Add pokes
Considering I just made a team based around movesets I pulled out of my ass this should be easy.

I love to use Toxicroak because it's a beast.

I have a Blissey that knows Defense Curl and Focus Blast.

I use Reversal Heracross (not that unusual I suppose).

I have a Dusknoir with Torment, Shadow Sneak, Pain Split, and Brick Break.

I use Mesprit because CalmBoltBeam is just too awesome.

I use Specs Houndoom.

I use Pseudo-BoltBeam Zangoose.

I use Ursaring on a Trick Room team.

I use Scarf Gar.

That's about the most unusual stuff I can think of at the moment. I'll think of something later.
Before anyone says anything, I realize Quick Claw is "hax."
But this thing worked so beautifully in ADV.
It truly stood out in my team.

@Quick Claw

HP Bug
Rock Slide
Knock Off
Aerial Ace
Armaldo is fun.

I use a Scarfrade. Not exactly way out there but it destorys any lead slower than it with Sleep Powder. Leaf Storm does a lot even without Specs.
I'm about to put a mismagius like this in my team

nature: timid
evs: 116hp/140spatk/252spd
-calm mind
-shadow ball
-hp[fighting]/thunderbolt/energy ball

Its not seen so often so I think it will be unexpected.

And tenta is going to be on my team too, maybe, but he's seen more.
I use UU stuff in higher tiers too, like Swellow and Absol sometimes. Absol is pretty fun with Sucker Punch, Swords Dance and Super Luck.

Starter in BL and lower
Quite fun

@Focus Sash
Super Luck
--Sucker Punch
--Swords Dance
--Night Slash

Regigigas @Leftovers
Ice Punch
Confuse Ray

Throw him out, wreck stuff up with statuses, force switches. He doesn't sweep all too often, but dishes out some hurt and he's a pain to deal with. His ata still reaches almost 400 even without any EV investment and defenses/HP are 110/110/110, which is well over 400 HP and defenses around 280 after EV's.
I use Hitmontop on pretty much every team I make. I love the little guy, he never fails to spin away the rocks that make my Dragonite cry. I've used a bunch of different EV spreads and movesets for him - bulky Bulk Up attacker, bulky supporter/spinner, Choice Bander, Agility sweeper... Practically everything but Choice Specs.

I also have an Agility passer Blaziken on one of the teams I made over the summer. The now-extinct Curse Walrein was also on that team.
I had Payback on my Dusknoir for a while, which worked out well seeing how slow it is. Now it has Ice Punch, so the people who fought me before when I used Dusknoir will be so surprised when their precious Salamences and Garchomps die from Ice Punch instead of Payback...

Aside from that, I used Hitmontop, Glaceon, I'm planning on using a Bellossom and Jumpluff on a Sunny Day team, Pikachu, a surfing Raichu, Sneasel (just for the lulz), Mr. Mime, Shuckle, a Leafeon I evolved too soon (which is why it lacks Baton Pass), and some other cool stuff like that. They all served me well in one way or another. I made the Leafeon a physical sweeper, because that's something it does well aside from Baton Passing Swords Dances.

I like using Pokemon that nobody would probably even think about using in OU battles.

...Hitmontop is awesome at taking Weavile down.
I'm fairly sure i've commented on this topic many times, but i'll go again...

Pokes that i've used MORE THEN ONCE on my team. Aka permanant team member at some point.

Poliwag (Belly Drum)
Beedrill (Choice Scarf lead)
Butterfree (Sleep / Sub)
Mawile (Still on my team)
Tentacruel (I used it since R/B. Before Obi made it cool)
Relincanth (Choice Scarf)
Phione (Rain Dance / Rest. Kind of sucky i'll admit...)
Dusknoir (Calm Mind / WoW Special Attacker. It was very strong)
Onix (Choice Band)
Shuckle (Standard set)
Regigigas (Status launching tank / Stomp flincher)
Pikachu (lol PBR Surf Pika)
I'm fairly sure i've commented on this topic many times, but i'll go again...

Pokes that i've used MORE THEN ONCE on my team. Aka permanant team member at some point.

Poliwag (Belly Drum)
Beedrill (Choice Scarf lead)
Butterfree (Sleep / Sub)
Mawile (Still on my team)
Tentacruel (I used it since R/B. Before Obi made it cool)
Relincanth (Choice Scarf)
Phione (Rain Dance / Rest. Kind of sucky i'll admit...)
Dusknoir (Calm Mind / WoW Special Attacker. It was very strong)
Onix (Choice Band)
Shuckle (Standard set)
Regigigas (Status launching tank / Stomp flincher)
Pikachu (lol PBR Surf Pika) yikers, you march to the beat of a different drum lol
I can't believe I didn't consider Stomp on gigas >_< 30% flinch with parafusion is some good.

Now working on Choice Scarf Mesprit as a revenge killer (HP Fight will make the process a million times longer).