International WiFi Tournament -International Challenge- WON BY Cybertron

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is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnuswon the 3rd Smogon VGC Tournamentis a Past SCL Champion
Competition is over. Find your ranking on the Global Battle Union.

In March there is supposedly going to be a tournament held on the GBU similar to the one we had this last Autumn, but this time it's gonna be worldwide.

Here are the more specific details:
The official Japanese site has revealed details of their third WiFi tournament, and the first completely international one. This tournament, the 2012 International Challenge, is the first Global Link WiFi Tournament to be accessible to every user in the world. Registration opens up for this tournament at 00:00 March 15th 2012 JST(16:00 March 14th UTC) and ends at 23:59 March 21st 2012 JST(15:59 March 21st UTC) with the tournament opening up straight after at 00:00 March 22nd JST (16:00 March 21st JST) and ending on 23:59 March 26th 2012 JST (15:59 March 26th UTC). This WiFi tournament has the same rules as the last one, only banning the Pokémon banned from Random Matchup and running in Doubles and is registered in the Global Battle Union with the team in your Battle Box. There are to be 50,000 spaces in this tournament with 25,000 allocated to Japan

Here is where announces it

If it isn't clear this will have the same rules as VGC 2012

Registration and Rules Information:

  1. Biosci - William from Hawaii, USA
  2. Firestorm - Rushan from British Columbia, Canada
  3. voodoo pimp - Monty from California, USA
  4. TalkingLion
  5. Baz Anderson - Barry from East Midlands, United Kingdom
  6. The Knights of Wario Land
  7. lolfailsnail - Snail from Texas, USA
  8. JRank - JRank from Arkansas, USA
  9. Cybertron - MrZheng from New York, USA
  10. GARCHOMPZILLA - Caleb from New York, USA
  11. Darkpenguin67 - Ben from Maryland, USA
  12. Atlas - Atlas from Canada
  13. masterarab - ARMAN from Guam
  14. pokemaster649
  15. GameCodeTrainer - Ali from Pennsylvania, USA
  16. Dozz - Dozz from East of England
  17. religiousjedi - +Jedi from California, USA
  18. iss
  19. soul_survivor - Aris from New York, USA
  20. mattj - mattj from Missouri, USA
  21. CakesOfSpan - Span! from North Carolina, USA
  22. V4Victini - Shiro from New York, USA
  23. hockeyguy605 - Eric from Pennsylvania, USA
  24. kingofkongs - DiddyK. From California, USA
  25. Sprocket - Matthew from Arizona, USA
  27. lolnub - Lolnub from the Netherlands
  28. Osirus182
  29. Pokérob
  30. Superpokemon67 - Jon from Pennsylvania, USA
  31. aqualta - aqualta from SW England
  32. Nickscor - Nejiki from California, USA
  33. Tombstoner - TSfrom Massachusetts, USA
  34. coolcool9990 - Noah from Ohio, USA
  35. TheAshAttacks
  36. Odin - Oden from Costa Rica
  37. Togedelques - RED from New York, USA
  38. Expert Evan - goatee from Connecticut, USA
  39. pokemonrocks777 - Kevin <3 from Texas, USA
  40. Enfusion - Enfu from New York, USA
  41. Dark Arceus - Matthew from Michigan, USA
  42. ncsbert - Mr.Bert from Georgia, USA
  43. shutt up - Brian from Kentucky, USA
  44. lucariojr - Joseph from Mississippi, USA
  45. tennisace - Justin from Rhode Island, USA
  46. AceBandit - Ace from Massachussetts, USA
  47. Tenodera - JOSH from Iowa, USA
  48. christos21 - Chris from Greece
  49. Daisaku - Daisaku from Chile
  50. LudiImpact - Priten from New Jersey, USA
  51. ~Golden Emp - Golden from Mexico
  52. GreySong - GREYSON from Illinois, USA
  53. ButtonBasher - Brendan from Queensland, Australia
  54. PungentFruit - Mario from Pennsylvania, USA
  55. ShortsTheory - Nic from Karnataka, India
  56. PokeMaster366 - Jerry from North Carolina, USA
  57. Sapphire Birch - <3Csmugs from New York, USA
  58. shllybkwrm - Shelly from Washington DC, USA
  59. PiccoloCube - Picollo and Daisy from Panama
  60. Matty85
  61. Samuel_996 - Sam from the United Kingdom
  62. cannibal - Canibal from Kansas, USA
  63. R Inanimate - あずさ
  64. Solace - U-Turn from New York, USA
  65. Havak - Havak from North West, United Kingdom
  66. Massi - MASSI from NRW, Germany
  67. BraindeadPrimeape - TOMMYxd from Italy
  68. Sol64 - Solomon from Greater London, UK
Can't wait for another disconnection and stress fest. People do it on unrated random matchup enough so they'll be mad for it in a tournament setting. Will take part nonetheless, until I get sick of people DC'ing...
Oh, This is gonna be using the current GBU battle rules, so VGC 2012 rules.


Good way to practice for real vgc competition, eh?

^ So good, that I wonder what that means for the upcoming smogon tournament. Should we bar those that get in this one from the upcoming smogon vgc tourney in favor of those who miss their chance to register for this "GBU version"?

^ In any case, I'm preparing a team for this tourney, and maybe more... I hope I get in it after registration opens...
ready to have a stroke over dcers again yeahhh!!

also I predict cybertron will get eliminated again rofl

let's play some mons

also gregj we wouldn't be barring anyone from the official smogon vgc tournament
Oh. Fuck. Yes. Another Disconnecter's Frustration Marathon, count me in! (I only played like, 13 battles for Autumn Unfriendly so I'll probably play more this time)

Edit: They should make good practice, as I'm slowly getting better at VGC thanks to Random Matchup.
I was pretty blessed last Wi-Fi tourney by not having many D/Cers, it should be interesting to see what sorts of teams and people I'll face from this one.
Sweet, another "lose, get disconnected on, or beat someone with half your rank and gain like three points" tournament. At least it's before VGC this time, so it'll be good practice.
Look on the bright side of it all, we get to see and battle teams from across the world and see what gets used in other places. I battle on the GBU regularly and as long as you know you won the match who cares. It might just be best for people to take the aspect of this is practice, rather then "The International wifi disconnection fest". Make the most of what their giving us :P
Well this is definitely gonna help us americans see what in our team needs working and what doesn't as regional will be a few weeks after this. Im use to d/cers as I played gbu for so long.. So best of luck and err don't forget to rage at every d/c u get. I'll probably stop at 2050+. Also we are also playing Japan. So we'll see a preview of strategy that Japanese use.
As long as I don't get disqualified for playing against so many dcers, then this should be fun...


(also I fixed my internet so that should help too)

Excited to see this though, in spite of some hilarious administrative errors in the previous one it was a lot of fun. Even though a lot of us chat every day it's kinda rare we're all on playing Pokemon together, these are really neat events. Should be great practice for people before regionals -- very timely. Excellent.
There are to be 50,000 spaces in this tournament with 25,000 allocated to Japan
i think they're compensating for soemthing

DC or no DC this'll still be fun. :)
I thought that was kinda amusing too, guess we better make sure the winner is american


in america

europe can win also
inb4 i dc on ryuzaki and say it was because of bad connection ;)
jk lol
can't wait for this! some good mid-year practice before Nationals (and i guess spring regionals too) can't wait to see what people are using :)
Looks great, hopefully I can take part in this tourney. Looking forward to play against players from Japan and see their strategies.
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