The set I use has a nice sweeping niche on my team as a pure physical no-band/orb-needed singles partner to my Porygon-Z. With Pory covering everything on the special side of things, Ape is free to go full physical and focus his damage on that side. With having all his attacks physical(/special if he has a phys partner), that makes using SD(/NP) not a total waste of time or two moveslots. So here's the set: Infernape
EV's: (Could use optimizing) 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4HP
Nature: (Don't remember the name) +Spe, -SpAtk
Item: (Would like to change. Don't know what to change to) Muscle Band(no side effects, boosts everything phys)
Moves: Mach Punch, CC, SD, and Fire Punch
How it works: Send him in, SD when you can, and sweep. Pretty simple. Use special partner as needed. Also, any KS Aegislash gets totally pwned with a little prediction.
Edit: the reason for max speed instead of damage is because he can boost his damage but not his speed, and I want him to be able to outspeed as much as possible, then OHKO. If he doesn't do enough damage to OHKO, I can always boost with SD. If he doesn't outspeed, there's nothing I can do.