more epik unrelated muzac o.0
I chose to make one on this team as I haven't written anything in a while, and I've found myself laddering a lot recently. I made it to #2 with this team (got haxed in my game to #1 and tilted like 80 ELO haha) and it has just been one of my favorite builds in USUM so far. I've played somewhere between 80-100 games with this team so far just between ladder and friendlies.
General process:
I wanted to build a team around CB Stakataka. The 5 mons not including Mawile-Mega were all the same... just had a CB Stakataka instead. After some games I realized it did nothing, and this team much rather would have the intimidate from Mega Maw than a useless rock, so I made the change. I felt like Lele was a nice partner with Stakataka originally, to act as a special breaker which complimented Ash Gren. Other than that Scarf Lando/Tangrowth/Heatran defensive blah blah
Mawile-Mega @ Mawilite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 92 HP / 252 Atk / 164 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Play Rough
- Swords Dance
- Ice Punch / Sucker Punch
- Thunder Punch
When I use this team, I run it with ice punch and drop sucker. I have Lele which already nerfs my ability to use priority, +having the Lando-T lure is nice. Ice Punch also helps a lot more vs. stall as far as hitting Gliscor, Zapdos, and Tang/Amoonguss (I generally use this team for ladder, so I face stall a lot (looking at you Googly )). Swords dance is nice for being able to run through more fat teams, and just the optimal fourth move. The EV spread I chose is just enough to outspeed Skarmory. I wanted to have as much HP as I could (without sacrificing too much speed) in order to help out vs Hawlucha and Gyarados, my 2 biggest threats. Feel free to swap out ice for sucker, but it's just not my ideal.
Tangrowth @ Assault Vest
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Knock Off
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Sludge Bomb / Earthquake
For whatever reason, Tangrowth's usage has just completely died in USUM / late SM. I think Tangrowth is currently at its strongest actually, being able to reliably wall Tapu Koko, Greninja, and act as a blanket switch in for Kartana and some other physical attackers like Zygarde/Gyarados. Max-Max AV is the spread to just make sure I can be reliably tanking hits from Koko and Greninja as best as possible. The first three moves are staples, the only free choice one being the last slot. I tend to use Sludge Bomb > EQ to help reliably beat Tapu Bulu and spread poison vs. things like Zapdos (which is more helpful than it might sound). Offensive Bulu's usage is down right now, which would make EQ a nice choice as this team doesn't love facing Heatran, but its preference really. I just outplay Heatran users, although for all of you low IQ noobs I suggest EQ.
Heatran @ Groundium Z
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
Toxapex beater. The main goal of Heatran on this team (and being the rocker). Removing Toxapex is very very important for Ash Greninja to sweep vs. most teams, and Toxic Spikes can be very annoying to deal with, as it effects 3 things, one of which is Tangrowth. Since Landorus-T is scarfed and my only option for removing hazards, I put the rocks on Heatran. Because it is Z-Earth Power, I can safely setup rocks vs. Toxapex after a magma storm and still be able to kill it the turn after. Z-Earth power is also nice for chipping down things like Zygarde/Tyranitar (and I had no better Z user anyways). Very helpful in the stall matchup as well, as I can often trap chansey and win with Lele.
Greninja @ Choice Specs
Ability: Battle Bond
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Dark Pulse
- Spikes
- Water Shuriken
Standard same old shit Greninja. I can't really add much about it- it's just the staple water type sweeper. Hydro Pump > Surf for OHKO's pre-mega on Medicham, Maw, and some other things. Power>Accuracy always. Spikes 4th slot to keep my opponent pressured to defog, as scarf lando-t doesn't always have that many opportunities to spin. U-Turn could be worth trying, as it definitely is nice to be able to U-Turn into Heatran(pex/tang) or Mega-Mawile. Shuriken to revenge certain setup sweepers when possible, such as Hawlucha.
Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Defog
Scarf Landorus-T is probably one of my most used/favorite mons out there right now. It's just so good and so splashable on every single team. EQ/U-Turn irreplaceable as always. HP Ice is the other attack to help pressure Zygarde and for leading off vs other landos/scarf landos. Defog makes for the last move, as having a way to remove toxic spikes on a Tangrowth + 2 grounded mons team is absolutely mandatory. Often times I'll be forced to suicide defog, just how the game plays out. Scarf is very nice for being able to revenge kill faster breakers like Tapu Koko, Lopunny, and Greninja. I (tried) to set it up so it looks like scarf lele and defensive Lando.
Tapu Lele @ Metronome
Ability: Psychic Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Moonblast
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Focus Blast
Absolutely OP lure set that I got owned by on the ladder one time. Metronome is a really cool item, and it lets you do a few things that lele couldn't otherwise do. For example, just by repeatedly clicking moonblast / psychic, you now reliably 1v1 Mew, Mantine, stall (with chansey trapped by tran), as well as pickup some otherwise missed 2hkos. It also allows for free attack lele, which is absolutely terrifying for any Jirachi-less team (looking at you blarghlfarghl ). Being able to chip Magearna with repeated HP Fires is nice for Ash Gren (vice versa as well). Lastly, focus blast owns with all the ttars and heatrans running around, switching in on psychic and shit. This is the only mon that I agree power>speed on, as non-modest Lele just feels noticeably weaker to me. But if you are a pussy unlike the great me, be my guest and run timid.
Replays: reyscarface vs. Hiye for SC
that's the only replay I have. only noob cowards with insecurities save their ladder replays.
If you have any comments/suggestions please drop them below. I won't read them/update my team, but I'll like your post.
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