Idea for a Pokemon Wii Game

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Ohh... gotcha. Well then we can make exceptions. just take those Pokemon and round them up to the next Aggro.

Also, I will make a new thread tomorrow. We'll finish this one tonight, and I'll be able to update the Op very often, seeing as I'm on at least 3-4 hours a day.
I had been thinking about how exactly to incorporate the capture rate (of the ball) and the catch rate (of the pokemon) into one formula.

So basically, these formulas are based upon these assumptions:
the larger the pokemon, the higher the aggro
the higher the level, the higher the aggro
the higher the aggro, the higher the dodge (before influence by catch/capture rates)
the better the capture rate, the lower the dodge
the higher the catch rate, the lower the dodge
the lower the HP in relation to that pokemons max HP, the lower the dodge

Both are really basic formulas :P

Aggro = (size*2.5) * (lvl/100)

With size in feet.

Dodge= Aggro/((CatRate*CapRate)*CurHP/MaxHP)

Where CatRate is the catch rate of the pokemon, CapRate is the capture rate of the ball. CurHP is the remaining HP of the pokemon you're trying to catch, while MaxHP is (:O) the maximum HP of the pokemon you're trying to catch.

the *2.5 in the aggro formula is random, to not let the aggro become too small for pokemon like Skitty, while it remains large enough for pokemon like Wailord.
Well I have it all written up now, so I'm going to post it. Relink your sigs acordingly! Oh, and wait a minute before you post, I have a few posts that have to go together in succession.

EDIT: Done posting, Project Wiimon, Mark 2 is OPEN!!!
are you guys going to create an actual wii game or is this just an idea concept?

I'm not an expert but wouldn't that take serious resources and expertise?
are you guys going to create an actual wii game or is this just an idea concept?

I'm not an expert but wouldn't that take serious resources and expertise?

Actual wii demo game.

The wii language is a tweaked version of c++, so anyone that understands it can begin programing pretty quickly. the problem for us will be getting the money to buy the wii devkit, which runs at 2,000 dollars.
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