I am taking a Break, Please don't request [temporarily closed]

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Pokemon Wanted : golduck
Pokemon Deposited : Lv 1 Spearow male
IGN : Momo
Message : I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.
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Pokemon Wanted : Kingdra
Pokemon Deposited : Lv 12 Spearow male
IGN : Andre
Message : I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.
Pokemon Wanted : Lilligant
Pokemon Deposited : Lv 13 Spearow Female
IGN : Doobzi
Message : I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.
Requested: lilligant
Deposited: lv 55 male fearow (quick ball) nicknamed Don'tSnipeMe
IGN: Ziomauri
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles

Thank you!
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Requested Pokemon: Sandslash-Alolan
IGN: Simon
Deposited Pokemon: Level 54 male Fearow
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in Battles
Pokemon wanted: Sandslash-Alola
Pokemon deposited lv 11 male Spearow
IGN Edward
Message I want to trade for a pokemon that's strong in battles
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Requested Pokemon: Stoutland
IGN: Shawn
Deposited Pokemon: Level 1 Female spearow
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in Battles
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Pokemon Wanted : Golduck
Pokemon Deposited : Lv 11 Spearow Male
IGN : Karyu
Message : I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.

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IGN: Tailor
Deposited: lv 11 female Spearow
Kindly requesting: Golduck
MEssage: Please trade okemon with me. Thanks in advance.

THanks! Have a good day :)
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Requested: Lilligant
IGN: Kachina
Deposited: Lvl 1 female spearow
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.

Thanks in advance!
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Pokemon Wanted : Lilligant
Pokemon Deposited : Lv 11 Spearow female
IGN : Asagi
Message : I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.
Will start to distribute in about 1 hour to everyone above this post, take this as an opportunity to redeposit if you've been sniped or your mon is buried (please, help me to find yours faster!)

Will edit once they're sent (:

Edit: I'm sorry guys, an emergency came up and need to take care of it, if I come early enough Ill try to distribute
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Pokemon Wanted:charmander
Pokemon Deposited: spearow female lvl 11
IGN: SirHumps
Message: i want to trade pokemon steong in battle

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Requested: Kingdra
Deposited:Lv 9 male Spearow (nest ball)
IGN: Ikenna
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.

edit: Thank you friend :)
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Pokemon Wanted : Lycanroc
Pokemon Deposited : Fearow Lvl 26 Male
IGN : Drofriz
Message : I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles.

Thanks in advance!
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Pokemon Wanted: Golduck
Pokemon Deposited: Level 10 male spearow
IGN: サト
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in Battles.
Pokemon Wanted: Dragonite
Pokemon Deposited: Spearow, M, Lv. 1
IGN: Sun
Message: I want to trade for a Pokémon that is strong in battles.

Thank you :)
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Pokemon Wanted: Stoutland
Pokemon Deposited: Level 1 Female Spearow
IGN: bas
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.
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Sent to everyone above this post except to the following:

JoeyLin1215 Please add all the details such as your IGN
ToWriteLove Couldn't find/sniped
si.tole Couldn't find/sniped
Teephus Couldn't find/sniped
Dullvice Couldn't find/sniped
stellar31 Couldn't find/sniped
Dreadwing I'm afraid the garchomp is no longer up for grabs, only request from the "Featured" tab

Please strike-through received/sniped requests!

Again, I'm sorry it took so long today, my cat got injured and had to take him to the vet, hopefully he'll make it ):
Pokemon Wanted: Stoutland
Pokemon Deposited: Level 1 Female Spearow
IGN: Joseph Kim
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in Battles.
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