How many of you have a "thing" for a friend?

man, i was totally going to link that...

for some reason one of my really close friends and i have dated sporadically throughout the 6 years we have known each other. we'll date for 3-4 months then realize we can't stand each other and 3-4 months later we'll be dating again. its a pretty sweet deal for me because "friends with benefits" are the best kind :). i wouldn't say i have a "thing" for her though.

This basically sums up my relationship with a friend of mine. I've known her for... 6 years and since we've met we've had an on and off "fling". I was the first guy to see her topless, I was the first guy to go down on her, etc. She says we have the best kind of friendship, and I can't agree more. 3 years ago after we broke up from our last formal relationship, we realized we didn't function well in a relationship, but we still have a great sexual chemistry, and a great friendship. Benefriends are wonderful ^________________________^
This is sort of off the topic but related. So I was with my friend and this one girl, and we went to her house and got drunk. I ended up making out with her a lot and I'm starting to realize that I actually might like her even though she probably thought that I we were doing what we did because we were drunk. We've hung out since then and it hasn't been awkward or anything.
But now I don't really know what to do because she might have only thought of me that way when she was drunk, she might not even like me at all (even as a friend)
So yeah...
Saturos, all you gotta do is get drunk with her again and then ask her how she feels. A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
I didn't read a single post in this thread and I'm also drunk but I will say this

I think I saw DM post, so whatever he says is usually right.

if you have a "thing" for a friend, it's fun to flirt but in all honestly...just let it go, man. let it go. female friends are a valuable commodity--you may have a thing for one of them, but you get a lot more use out of them when you learn how they work and apply what you learn for the rest of them. there are plenty of girls out there, and there's probably at least one that's hotter than what you're looking at. besides, you're going to get to check them out either way so

that came out totally wrong 'using" women is not the sort of behavior I condone.
Saturos, all you gotta do is get drunk with her again and then ask her how she feels. A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.

I agree, this is a very good idea, but I don't think that it will be possible for quite a few reasons.
Any good "sober" way of doing this?
Depends on how shy you are when you're sober. If you feel like "yes, I am confident when the situation calls for it", then I'd encourage you to go up to her and ask, or at least engage her in conversation and, once you're comfortable, bring it up.

But if you're socially awkward and/or you feel like "no, I'm fucking scared of talking about uncomfortable issues"...I'm not sure how to help you. I guess get a few friends to support you, and maybe write a silly song for her that hints that you like her or get her a flower...that is, if you don't know what she likes. How she responds should be an accurate gauge.
I didn't read a single post in this thread and I'm also drunk but I will say this

I think I saw DM post, so whatever he says is usually right.

if you have a "thing" for a friend, it's fun to flirt but in all honestly...just let it go, man. let it go. female friends are a valuable commodity--you may have a thing for one of them, but you get a lot more use out of them when you learn how they work and apply what you learn for the rest of them. there are plenty of girls out there, and there's probably at least one that's hotter than what you're looking at. besides, you're going to get to check them out either way so

that came out totally wrong 'using" women is not the sort of behavior I condone.

Heh, umm I don't think that the only people I'd be in a relationship would be people that were complete strangers beforehand. I'd wanna be friends with anyone before I get in a relationship with them. I do agree now with those who bashed the ladder theory, with all the stuff I just said.

With that said, I mostly stay friends with most of my female friends anyway, I think they're all attractive in some way, but if there's someone out of them that I do like, which is quite rare, then I might consider acting on it.

Just gotta make sure that I don't act on it the wrong way, because I wouldn't want to say anything that'd get me bitch-slapped in the balls, because my jewels are precious.
But if you're socially awkward and/or you feel like "no, I'm fucking scared of talking about uncomfortable issues"...I'm not sure how to help you. I guess get a few friends to support you, and maybe write a silly song for her that hints that you like her or get her a flower...that is, if you don't know what she likes. How she responds should be an accurate gauge.
I have to disagree . . . girls, especially hot ones, are used to being given attention. She might mistake you for another guy trying to get into her pants/get her number/etc.

A better way to find out if she likes you "that way" is to try toeing the line between sexual and non-sexual, like kino (physical contact), and see how she reacts. Of course, if you're brave enough, just ask her out and see what she says. Worst thing that could happen is she'll give you the "let's just be friends" talk.

edit: An "alternative" to Ladder Theory. Explains the same phenomena in a much more logical way - it's not that women put men on the "friends" ladder, it's that men act in such a way that women think of them as friends. Really long but a great read even if you aren't trying to woo anybody.
hey guys
please stop trying to overcomplicate females with all this theoretical shit! we're actually pretty fucking simple ;/
Simple huh?. When i seem to care about a certain one she wants to run away, but if i ignore her then she doesn't stop to talk to me.

What kind of sense that makes? :(.
hey akuchi

when a girl tells you she had a sexual dream with you in it
is she really telling the truth


because seriously I get that all the time and I have a sneaking suspicion they want to hint feelings without feeling like they're responsible for them
Well, I wouldn't say the females are complicated, but guys like me are just simpler.

Guys tend to be a lot more straight up when they say something to a girl, but a lot of girls I know would just try and be polite and say crap behind the guy's back, which is really annoying.

Of course I do know some simpler girls too, which is a nice break though. I guess it just depends on the girl.
what sucks when you like a friend, you think of what might happen if you asked them out. the two most probable thins are

a) they say no, and then everytime afterwards when you're near each other, your conversations are all awkwards and they aren't completely sure if you've moved on or not, thus not knowing, say, if you really do side with them because you think you should, or becuase you like them

b) you end up going out. it's real happy for a little while, but then, after a bit, like all relationships, you guys break up and then hate each other

both ways, your friendship is toast
I have a thing for alot of my rl female friends... sadly, none of them are interested in me. Not/Oddly enough, the only girls I know who would be interested in dating me I only know thru facebook and shit.

Fuck tiny private high schools.
yeah well highschool is not like the real world
dating in the real world allows you to make good first impressions
instead of high school where you all know each other

don't feel bad.

hey akuchi
there's this girl who is a friend-of-a-friend
and she's made no clear signs towards affection
but I want to know how to go about getting her attention

I've been pretty mild about flirting
and I don't know how I should go about it

part of me just wants to tell her I think she's cute and ask her on a date or something
but I don't want to jump in like that
because she might not have feelings BUT could in time if I play it right

to be honest my love my methods of seduction are no more sophisticated than going out on the piss with said person, getting drunk as all hell then pushing them into a bed!

(I suggest you try the above)
I have to disagree . . . girls, especially hot ones, are used to being given attention. She might mistake you for another guy trying to get into her pants/get her number/etc.

A better way to find out if she likes you "that way" is to try toeing the line between sexual and non-sexual, like kino (physical contact), and see how she reacts. Of course, if you're brave enough, just ask her out and see what she says. Worst thing that could happen is she'll give you the "let's just be friends" talk.

I forgot about the physical contact thing...that definitely works. And is probably a million times more appropriate for the average girl--I'm not really friends with too many people so my view is skewed, and I apologize.

Though, adults are so complicated. xD
to be honest my love my methods of seduction are no more sophisticated than going out on the piss with said person, getting drunk as all hell then pushing them into a bed!

(I suggest you try the above)

okay seriously I really think we were made for each other