How did you pick your Avatar?

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If there's threads on how you picked your name and why you stay at this place, then we (EDIT: should have) a thread on this. So just let us know how you picked your avatar and what it signifies.

Well, I guess that I have to go first: I have the RSE Pokemaniac trainer sprite, just because I thought it looked kinda cool (well, it looked sexy relative to the rest of the sprites). Also, reddish hues are my favorite.
I do not think you remotely understand what the word "need" means.

My avatar, or goddess if you will, came to me in a dream; I saw her ripping into the flesh of a lowly Rattata, so I bowed down in worship asking what she required of me. She hissed loudly and bellowed that I must put her as my smogon avatar. Lo did I heed such a request.
Avatar? What avatar?

I don't tend to bother with the things. There are some forums I've been on for a fair while (one I'm a mod on) and I don't have an avatar.
My previous avatar was because I was Scoutcraft Director at Camp PMI, and that is one of the things that has had the greatest impact on my life, so I choose to make the PMI Logo, with rope instead of the black oval, and SCOUTCRAFT underneath it my avatar.

I changed it recently because there is a very good chance that I will be Program Director, and thus, not connected with any program area, so I choose to make my avatar just the standard PMI logo
Saw it in the art thread, and thought that it matched my username, so...well, asked for permission, and the rest is history :happybrain:
I was messing about with a box of matches (as you do) with a friend, and we both were struck by how ridiculous the picture highlighting the danger of matches was, so I scanned it and we both used it for anything internet related for a long time, and I guess I never got round to changing it....

also my signature comes from the same box of matches
i found mine on and it made me laugh.

since the type is so small, it's hard to read. the guy holding the woman down is saying "and now, prepare to FREAK OUT!"

the phrase freak out makes me giggle like child because of Super Troopers.
I was trying to animate it like it is in DP but got lazy and figured it was funnier this way. I can't change it now because this is what people identify me with... As for picking Charmander, why not pick the greatest Pokeyman ever? I actually made the avatar for Smogon but now use it everywhere.
Seriously, who doesn't want to see Kefka (awesome in him self) combined with the Dragon Tank (also awesome) in a (hopefully) awesome combination?
although i change my avatar a lot this one is from pikmin 2 its the final boss in the game the titan dweevil.
Obvious Naruto reference aside, it's the piercing eye. Discerning, contemplating, calculating the best response. I'd like my internet usage to follow that outline.
I'll change mine once Québec gets its sovereign state.

Also, the signature that goes with it is simply hilarious.
Hmm, I like MGS and this is a badass picture of Snake, and I have a feeling if I ever changed it, people wouldn't even know who I was, not to say most people even do know me.
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