Help! My thread wasn't restored!

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If your thread wasn't restored, you can post here if you want it back.

Be sure to tell me when someone last posted in it. If most people have threads that were just a few days past the limit, I'll restore more posts around that time. If your thread is really old, I can PM you the contents of your thread instead.

Edit: Just to be clear, the forum was purged because you guys are so active! It was overloading the server. Sorry about it, but I hope you guys enjoy the faster forum. :)
If it isn't too much trouble, I'd like the contents of my old, locked thread "Wild Eep's Wi-Fi Shop!" for reference. It hasn't seen a post since March 2008, which is why it could be an issue. :P
oh wow, i would like mine restored, but i have no idea when my last post was o.o
i think it was a couple months ago, titled: Shii has a red backpack full of muffins

Love the speed of forums! :D
I want my trade thread back please. Thank you.

EDIT: Last post was in March IIRC, the name was something like "The game is ON".
If it's not too much trouble I'd like my old trade thread, but just by pm. I mainly need it to keep track of my Pokemon's IVs so I don't need to make a new trade thread any time soon. Thanks!

edit: only the OP, not "Wants"
edit II: last post was in nov 2010 or so
If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you restore my first thread? (Reference sake)
It was titled something like "Nickscor and Blaine's Joint Thread". Thanks in advance.

Edit: Last post was maybe around June 29 iirc
Can I have mine restored, please? I don't recall the most recent date someone posted in it.

Same here. In fact, we're trade partners, but I... don't remember the latest post's date (if I were to hazard a guess, last year's December? Or early January). It's called "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" if that helps! If it lags too much or something, the first ten pages of the thread is fine (unless RC has something important on a later page?). I have a couple of important stuff layered throughout the pages so that's why I don't really want to be PMed the contents.
Hey, I would like to request that my trade thread stuff be sent to me via PM.

Title; Here She Shines Above All Nine
Last post; March 16, 2011.

If it's not any more work required, just leave the blank posts out. If it'll take more work to avoid those posts, just leave it there I'll sort through the text myself.

Edit: I just need the first page of text, anything beyond that is worthless to me.
I would like my thread also restored. The last post was around March 30th, and the name was like "Axis Powers -A Joint Alliance" a Joint Thread with Red. If it is possible i would like just all of my sites per PM so i just have them and can save them until I make a new Thread.
I'd like my thread back too. I think the last post was in January or February(2011). The title was "Tools of War" | CLOSED atm

Thanks in advance.
I would like my thread restored. I'm sorry if I was bothering you with my PMs.
It is called "The TC Joint" (joint trade thread with Cel) and according to Google, the last post was on April 2.
I would like my thread restored please
It was called "7014 ways to RNG a Pokemon"
The last post was the 2nd of April 2011

EDIT: I've found the cached version of it, so I can copy and paste any information I need from there and I needed to start a new thread anyway as my trade partner is inactive, so I do not need my thread restored any more. I apologize if I have caused any inconvenience. Thanks.
If you wouldn't mind, I would like my thread restored, please. If it's too inconvenient to restore it, you can just PM me the contents. :D
It was called "Nintendo Rehabilitation Clinic".
The last post was around September of 2010.
Could you please restore my thread as well It was titled Strydorman's Web. I believe the last post would have been around the end of last Dec, or January.
If thats a problem please just pm me the contents and I'll copy paste what I need into a new one.
Thanks in advance.
Could you please restore my joint trade thread with timetwister as well? It was titled The Pal Park: Jubilee and timetwister's Joint Trade Thread. Unfortuneatly, I don't know when the last post was... If you can restore it, the first 10 pages or so is fine, thanks in advance. :)
I don't really care if it is restored, but I'd at least like the contents of my "No Way! Cannibal Has a Trade Thread?!" PMed to me just for reference. Not sure when the last post was; probably a couple months ago. Thanks. =)
Hi, I'd really appreciate if you could restore my thread.
It was named "A tribute to elisha Cuthbert"
I'm pretty sure that the last post was in march of this year or maybe february, but I'm totally sure that it was in the beginning of march.

Thanks in advance!
I would truly be appreciated if you can restore my thread (Imperishable Spire). I think the last post was around March 27-April 3...somewhere around there, can't exactly remember. I do remember it only had about 30 posts in that thread, though.

Thanks for your time!

EDIT: Forgot to add one more thing - my old trade thread "Temple of Virastar" as well, for reference purposes. I think the last post on that is March 17th, if I remember correctly, or somewhere around there. I did post a link to there in my Imperishable Spire thread, though.
Would you please restore my thread.

Name: The Stormy Trading Thread

Last Post: Mid March I think

EDIT: nvm I just cached it and will make a new one.
Could I have my thread reposted?

Name: After all, tomorrow is another day

Last Post: i'm not sure, maybe mid march 2011
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