Happy 10th Birthday, Smogon!

sadly, there are very few users left at Smogon that would understand the gravitas of HOLY FUCK I'M LOOKING AT A NEOKEFKA POST
10 years ago today, on December 18, 2004, chaos created these forums and registered his account (http://www.smogon.com/forums/members/chaos.1/). Two weeks later (January 1, 2005), I registered the smogon.com domain (admittedly initially to troll him) but then gave it to him for his 17th birthday (January 2, 2005).

I never thought these forums (much less the site) would stay around this long, since I always thought it was created merely as a refuge for #neodome-ites who found themselves lost and confused after Celia revealed herself to be a man.

Happy birthday Smogon!

Has been around 12 years and doesn’t have mod what is this world coming to…

But grats Chaos and Smogon the world has never been the same!
What am I doing here after 13 years? To say that Chaos should be commended for creating a site that continues to resonate with competitive players, even after all of these years. I should probably give ET credit, too, but if I did, he would probably think I were a fake account :P.

sadly, there are very few users left at Smogon that would understand the gravitas of HOLY FUCK I'M LOOKING AT A NEOKEFKA POST

Stop making me feel old.
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