This Horrible Pokemon
<p>If you think of the Standard Metagame as a high school, you can easily discern what the cliques are. The NU and UU tiers are composed of the losers that nobody likes that smell like feet and bite their toenails during class and the OU tier is filled with the funny, clean, and cool Pokemon that all the others want to be - not to mention they aren't half bad to look at. Of course there are some exceptions to both sides, including those that are only popular because they deal drugs and are over-hyped and those that are only unpopular because nobody even bothers to get to know them, but, in general, this is how it is. Blissey is a part of the popular clique and is one of the most popular girls at school. She's been done and used over and over again by men and women alike. Even though some people just plain hate the sight of her, they still can't resist from tapping into her juicy goodness at least once. However, Blissey wasn't always that awesome diva with the rockin' bod across the room. You see, in her younger years, Blissey, or Happiny as she was known back then, was a bit dim. She was always put in the lowest reading group and she just couldn't ever figure out how to get past three when she was counting (when people told her that four was actually a number, she would never believe them). Not only that, but she was also very overweight for her age; there was even some gossip going around that she was pregnant! Happiny was always laughed and jeered at during school, and all of the other Pokemon would giggle at her behind her back and throw things in her hair. The most popular boy in school, Munchlax, always got straight A's, was great at sports, and had tons of friends. Everyone would always choose Munchlax over Happiny, and there was no surprise why. Munchlax was everything Happiny could ever be, but better. "Happiny is a stupid and useless Pokemon," they would all chant in unison, jamming their fingers into Happiny's eyes and stomach and spitting at her shoes, "and her ponytail looks like a piece of poo." Boy, were they right... except for the ponytail - that things pretty awesome. And all that time, Happiny would just sulk, wishing, just wishing, that she could have a Special Attack stat over 8; that her Defense and Attack stats were over 7; that her max EV invested base Special Defense wasn't merely marginally better than Munchlax's minimum invested Special Defense; that she didn't suck. Happiny would just crawl into her dark corner in silence just to survive - where she belonged. <p>
name: Survival of the Fattest
move1: Thunder Wave
move2: Headbutt
move3: Zen Headbutt / Fire Punch
move4: Ice Beam
item: Leftovers/Oran Berry
nature: Adamant
Evs: 196 HP / 236 Atk / 76 Def
ability: Serene Grace
[Set Comments]
- Using her Serene Grace, Happiny would dance around the playground, causing all of the other children to laugh at her, distracting them long enough so that they would forget to attack her and she could Headbutt them in a blind rage caused by pent up anger
- Would paralyze anyone that went near her by releasing stored gas, built up by eating pot stickers, and entire ice cream cakes for lunch every day; this would further the chances that they wouldn't attack Happiny to up to 60%
- With full EV investment in attack and an Adamant nature Happiny manages to muster 11 Attack. Which is almost enough to 3HKO defensive Magikarps that taunt Happiny in swim class and 2HKO Defensive Combee that put honey in her hair at recess
- Ghost-types are unfazed by Happiny's attempts to Headbutt them; Happiny has to resort to using her latent Psychic powers to hit them with a weak Zen Headbutt, although they still laugh at her anyway since Zen Headbutt is hilariously weak, barring on Gastly, who is deathly afraid of it; the chance for flinching with these so called Zen Headbutts is lower than with her normal Headbutts.
- Sometimes, Happiny forgoes the chance to hit the ghastly bullies harder in order to hit another one of her nemeses, Bronzor. Happiny tried to ask Bronzor to the dance once, but he said no and went with Buneary instead (that jerk). Happiny learned Fire Punch just to destroy him at the cost of losing her Zen Headbutt
- Gligar is the dumb kid in class that enjoys the smell of farts, so he doesn't mind getting near Happiny. Gligar is everywhere and is always following Happiny, stepping on the back of her shoes (they're the kind that makes blinking lights when you walk). Happiny gets so pissed off at him sometimes, that she freezes her breath with cold fury and shoots out random Ice Beams at him
- Lefties is the main item choice to provide Happiny with a constant food supply as she flinches her opposition but Oran is another option to provide more nutritious recovery, as Happiny is 2HKOed by a lot and it welcomes the health boost Oran provides
- Happiny can also force herself on her opposition and violate them with a Sweet Kiss, which adds on the the flinching and paralysis to piss of her targets. Refresh cures Happiny of Paralysis
- Max HP investment allows Happiny to sustain both Psychological and Physical attacks from bullies better and 76 Def evs helps it take physical bullying better by bringing its defense stat to 8 (lol)
- Happiny has a few friends that can help her out, although they secretly hate her and only hang out with her in order to mess witih her.
- Entry Hazard support is welcome to rack up damage through switches-Pineco is noted as it can steal Oran berries with Bug Bite and resists Fighting while being able to provide both SR and Spikes-Budew is also good as it can provide additional paralysis support with Stun Spre while providing Spikes at the same time (it also resists Fighting)
- Duskull can provide spinblocking, enjoys paralysis support, and can deal with Gligar and Fighting types who "counter" this set (I guess everything faster than Happiny and is immune to Paralysis counters this set).
- U-turn scouting is helpful, since Happiny enjoys being switched in without taking any hits. Mankey is useful in this regard as it tends to lure more Defensive pokes like Duskull that can't to much to Happiny. It also lures in Gligar.
- Gligar, itself actually makes for a good teammate as it tends not to lure in fighting types since it resists their STAB. It mainly lures in Special Attackers like Mantyke that hurt Happiny less (but still hurt it a lot).
- Hard hitting sweepers that enjoy paralysis support partner well. Swords Dance Gligar, Life Orb Magnemite, and friends are noted as Happiny tends to lure in the likes of Mankey and Machop and Croagunk who tend to be scarfed and have Ice Punch and STAB moves that hurt the former hard.
- Wynaut can help Happiny switch in freely.
- Gravity to increase entry hazard damage on forced switches
- Happiny could use Present to troll her bullies with promises of gifts that blow up in their face
- Sometimes Happiny just runs out of options and has to hit her opponents with a weak Last Resort
- Happiny can use her Judo skills to skillfully Counter physical assaults, while protecting her self by making a Light Screen out of her chi, but she can only do it once, before she either becomes useless or dies
- Copycat can be used to annoy the opposition as nobody likes a copycat
- Mud Slap can help when Happiny runs out of options and has to blind her opponent to run away
- As long as they can avoid her disgusting gas making them Paralyzed everything can manage to destroy Happiny
- Bronzor walls Happiny to death
- Gligar violently molests Happiny if she doesn't have Ice Punch
- Fighting types destroy Happiny and crushes her dreams
- Diglett enjoys making Happiny cry
- Magikarp does a ton of damage with a combination of Bounce and Tackle
- most attacks that aren't ghost type 2hko Happiny (hey at least it has an immunity)
<p>Happiny has a lot to live up to being the spawn of the infamous pink blob, Blissey. One would expect that the pre-evolution of such a prominent Pokemon in Standard would shine profusely in Little Cup; however, despite these expectations, Happiny manages to ultimately be a horrible and useless Pokemon. The existence of Happiny's dining partner, Munchlax, doesn't help it much in its quest for greatness either. Along with being a much cooler looking Pokemon, Munchlax also boasts much higher HP, which leads to the hilarious truth that it actually has higher Special Defense than Happiny despite Special Defense being Happiny's strongest suit. In fact, even without investment Munchlax almost reaches the exact same Special Defense as Happiny that run max HP and max Special Defense. Furthermore, Munchlax also actually has an Attack stat, as well as access to Pursuit, which only makes things worse for our little plump friend. To make things even worse, Happiny doesn't even inherit the many support options that her sisters boast, missing out on Wish, Stealth Rock, and even Softboiled, all of which she could have used semi-effectively. Happiny’s failure to do anything remotely well only proves that childhood obesity is a growing problem in our society. Attempting to use Happiny seriously in Little Cup takes some serious balls, and anyone that manages to do so successfully deserves a round of applause. However, if Happiny does have one thing going for it, its it's stylish ponytail. Munchlax will never take that away from her.</p>
name: Survival of the Fattest
move1: Thunder Wave
move2: Headbutt
move3: Zen Headbutt
move4: Sweet Kiss / Heal Bell
item: Leftovers/Oran Berry
nature: Adamant
Evs: 196 HP / 236 Atk / 76 Def
ability: Serene Grace
[Set Comments]
name: Survival of the Fattest
move1: Thunder Wave
move2: Headbutt
move3: Zen Headbutt
move4: Sweet Kiss / Heal Bell
item: Leftovers/Oran Berry
nature: Adamant
Evs: 196 HP / 236 Atk / 76 Def
ability: Serene Grace
[Set Comments]
- With full EV investment in attack and an Adamant nature Happiny reaches a whopping 11 Attack. Almost enough to 3HKO defensive Magikarp and 2HKO Defensive combee but falls short without Life Orb.
- Serene Grace para flinching helps Happiny survive for a couple of turns and deal some damage
- Headbutt provides Happiny with STAB (not that it matters)
- Zen Headbutt provides Happiny with "coverage"
- Headbutt and Zen Headbutt are purely chosen for their ability to abuse Serene Grace Paraflinching.
- Last slot is filler--Sweet Kiss lets Happiny piss off the opposition even more with a ParaFusionFlinch strategy and Heal Bell cures Happiny of Paralysis
- Lefties is the main item choice to provide constant healing as Happiny flinches but Oran is another option to provide more reliable recovery as Happiny is 2HKOed by a lot and it welcomes the health boost Oran provides
- Fire Blast can be used in the last slot to deal with Bronzor, but Happiny has bad SpA with no investment and a hindering nature so it isn't worth it. Water Pulse can also be used in this slot to take advantage of the 40% Confusion chance, but Happiny would rather have a move that has a more reliable chance to annoy the opposition
- Max HP allows Happiny to sustain both Special and Physical hits better and 76 Def evs helps it take physical hits better by bringing its defense stat to 8 (lol)
- Entry Hazard support is welcome to rack up damage through switches-Pineco is noted as it can steal Oran berries with Bug Bite and resists Fighting while being able to provide both SR and Spikes-Budew is also good as it can provide additional paralysis support with Stun Spre while providing Spikes at the same time (it also resists Fighting)
- Duskull can provide spinblocking, enjoys paralysis support, and can deal with Gligar and Fighting types who "counter" this set (I guess everything faster than Happiny and is immune to Paralysis counters this set).
- U-turn scouting is helpful, since Happiny enjoys being switched in without taking any hits. Mankey is useful in this regard as it tends to lure more Defensive pokes like Duskull that can't to much to Happiny. It also lures in Gligar. Gligar, itself actually makes for a good teammate as it tends not to lure in fighting types since it resists their STAB. It mainly lures in Special Attackers like Mantyke that hurt Happiny less (but still hurt it a lot).
- Hard hitting sweepers that enjoy paralysis support partner well. Swords Dance Gligar, Life Orb Magnemite, and friends are noted as Happiny tends to lure in the likes of Mankey and Machop and Croagunk who tend to be scarfed and have Ice Punch and STAB moves that hurt the former hard.
- Wynaut can help Happiny switch in freely.
- Gravity to increase entry hazard damage on forced switches
- Happiny could use Present to troll the opponent with promises of gifts that blow up in their face
- Last Resort is always a good choice on Happiny as it is its only chance to dealing Moderate damage to anything.
- Recycle to renew Oran Berries
- A Counter set with Chople berry and light screen. It only works once. Munchy and Wyny don't have Light Screen :D.
- Copycat can be used to annoy the opposition as nobody likes a copycat
- Mud Slap
- As long as they can avoid Paralysis everything counters Happiny
- Bronzor walls Happiny to death
- Gligar violently molests Happiny with immunity to Twave
- Fighting types OHKO always
- Diglett poops on Happiny's face
- Magikrap does a shitload with a combination of Bounce and Tackle
- Attacks that aren't ghost type (hey at least it has an immunity)