<li>Despite the new special walls added this generation, Blissey still stands out as the best special wall in the game with her incredible special bulk. Barring Eviolite Chansey, Blissey's special bulk stands above all.</li>
<li>Blissey outright walls most special attackers; unless they have Trick up their sleeve, they aren't breaking through her.</li>
<li>Outside of walling special attackers, Blissey is a solid supporting Pokemon; with access to Aromatherapy makes her a solid Cleric.</li>
<li>Base 10 Defense makes Blissey horrendously weak to physical attackers; many unboosted physical attackers can easily 2HKO Blissey, so ample team support is necessary.</li>
<li>Blissey can still be beaten by some special attackers: Psychic-types carrying Psyshock can prey on her weaker Defense or Pokemon such as Volcarona can simply break through with raw power.</li>
<li>Florges and Sylveon give Blissey stiff competition. Their Fairy-typing gives them many unique resistances, they have similarly high special bulk and recovery, and they have a very usable special attack with STAB Moonblast. Most importantly, they are not as physically frail</li>
<li>New special tanks such as Assault Vest Tyranitar and Goodra also rival Blissey.</li>
[Set Recommendations]
<p>Blissey @ Leftovers<br />
Ability: Natural Cure<br/>
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def /252 SDef <br/>
Bold Nature<br/>
- Aromatherapy<br/>
- Soft-Boiled<br/>
- Toxic / Thunder Wave<br/>
- Seismic Toss / Flamethrower</p>
<p>This set allows Blissey to wall a variety of special attackers, and from there, either wear them down, cripple them, or support the team. Aromatherapy heals status caused over the course of the battle; alongside Blissey's great special bulk, this makes her an great cleric. Toxic allows Blissey to wear down special attackers, walling and eventually KOing them, as well as crippling incoming Pokemon. Thunder Wave is an alternative status option, allowing Blissey to deal with Pokemon she can't KO herself, as well as spread paralysis to support her team. Thunder Wave is better suited to support more offensive teams, which have attackers to make use of paralysis spreading; however, Thunder Wave makes Blissey unable to deal with some special attackers. Blissey will lose to Volcarona, for example, she has Thunder Wave over Toxic.Seismic Toss is Blissey's main attacking option, wearing down the opposing Pokemon 100 HP at a time, whereas Flamethrower roasts opposing Steel-type Pokemon; both are used to hit Pokemon immune to Toxic. Generally, Seismic Toss is the preferred option to wear down special threats. Flamethrower is mainly used if you need to fry something such as Ferrothorn or Forretress, both of which can stack Spikes on Blissey otherwise. Using Flamethrower is also the only way Blissey can touch Mega Gengar. The listed EVs give Blissey ample special bulk to take on the threats she needs to, while also providing enough physical defense so that she can take some weaker physical hits such as Pursuit and some Psyshocks. Alternatively, 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef Bold can be used to take physical attacks and strong Psyshocks, such as from Life Orb Alakazam.</p>
<p>Blissey needs ample team support to take on physical attackers for her. Good teammates are ones with high enough of a Defense to take on the variety of physical attackers which threaten her, particularly those who can combat Fighting-types. In return, many of the common physical walls also appreciate Blissey's ability to take special attacks for them and support them with Aromatherapy. Slowbro and RestTalk Gyarados are fantastic partners, walling many of the metagames's physical attackers, in particular checking many Fighting-types thanks to their resistances; RestTalk Gyarados in particular loves Blissey's ability to wake it up from its sleep with Aromatherapy. Hippowdon is a very solid physical wall and stall Pokemon, and it can take on many physical attackers, phaze with with Whirlwind, and support the team with sandstorm. Ferrothorn is a good teammate in this vein, but with Spikes and Stealth Rock for supporting, however, the shared Fighting-type weakness can be problematic. Blissey and Skarmory form the well known SkarmBliss core: together, they wall both physical and special attackers. However, it is less effective than it was in the past, due to there being stronger and more common mixed attackers in the metagame. Despite the Fighting-type weakness, Tyranitar is a decent teammate, forming a formidable specially defensive core with Blissey, while supporting the team with sandstorm. Blissey appreciates Rapid Spin support so that she does not get worn down over the course of the battle; Forretress and Tentacruel are the main defensive options. Forretress is a bulky physical wall for Blissey, whereas Tentacruel brings a valuable Fighting-type resistance to the table. Excadrill is also a Rapid Spin user, and if supported with Sand Stream from Hippowdon or Tyranitar, Excadrill also functions as a check to many Pokemon and a late game sweeper. Finally, being a stall Pokemon, Blissey appreciates Spikes support to wear down threats, so defensive Spikes users such as Forretress, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory again, make for solid teammates.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p> Blissey isn't that hard to deal with; physical attackers that can switch in safely and pack a threatening physical attack can beat her easily. Physical Pokemon which can take status, such as Guts Heracross and Conkeldurr, Lum Berry Haxorus and Dragonite, Poison Heal Gliscor, and RestTalk Gyarados, are the best counters, as they can all switch in safely and even set up on Blissey. Crobat only fears Thunder Wave paralysis, and can wear Blissey down. As far as checks go, strong physical attackers can dispose of Blissey easily. In particular, Fighting-types like Lucario can flat out OHKO her unboosted, and strong Choice Band users pose a similar threat. Blissey takes a solid chunk of damage from Pursuit if she switches, so she can be chipped away by Tyranitar and Scizor. Tyranitar fears little from Blissey, outside of being statused, but Scizor must be wary of Flamethrower. Dugtrio can trap Blissey with less than 40% health and KO her with Earthquake.</p>
<p>Blissey has a few non-physical checks as well. Blissey can't touch Alakazam and Reuniclus, but they can hit her hard with Psyshock or boost on her to sweep. Blissey cannot wall special attackers who can boost their special attack and control their status. Those Pokemon not only check Blissey, but can be potentially game ending, as Blissey is usually their main counter to such Pokemon. For example, ChestoRest Volcarona can set up on Blissey multiple times, go to sleep, 2HKO her and sweep the rest of the team. Blissey heavily relies on status moves to do her job, so Taunt users such as Sableye and are a headache and, can wear her down with Will-O-Wisp. While not outright beating Blissey, Trick users such as Choice Scarf Rotom-W can shut down Blissey and make her pretty much useless. Choice Specs Gothitelle can trap and KO Blissey if she has less than 50% health. If Blissey lacks Flamethrower, Mega Gengar can outlast her, stalling her out.</p>
<li>Despite the new special walls added this generation, Blissey still stands out as the special wall of the game thanks to her incredible special bulk. Outside of her sister Chansey, Blissey's special bulk stands above all.</li>
<li>Blissey straight up just walls most special attackers that don't break through her. Unless they have a Trick (heh pun) up their sleeve, they aren't breaking through her.</li>
<li>Outside of walling special attackers, Blissey is a solid supporting Pokemon, with access to Aromatherapy, making her an excellent Cleric.</li>
<li>Blissey is horrendously weak to physical attackers with base 10 Defense, many unboosted physical attackers can easily 2HKO Blissey.</li>
<li>If one uses Blissey they have to support her adequately on the physical side to cover that weakness.</li>
<li>Some special Psychic-types can beat her down with Psyshock. Some special attackers can use raw special power to break through her, like Volcarona at times.</li>
<li>The new special walls Florges and Sylveon give Blissey stiff competition. Their their Fairy-typing gives them many unique resistances, they have similarly high special bulk, and they has a very use able special attack with STAB Moonblast, and most importantly don't have an as ridiculously frail physical side.</li>
<li>Assault vest allows Tyranitar and Goodra are very formidable special tanks, rivaling Blissey.</li>
[Set Recommendations]
<p>Blissey @ Leftovers<br />
Ability: Natural Cure<br/>
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def /252 SDef <br/>
Bold Nature<br/>
- Aromatherapy<br/>
- Soft-Boiled<br/>
- Toxic / Thunder Wave<br/>
- Seismic Toss / Flamethrower</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<li>Despite the new special walls added this generation, Blissey still stands out as the special wall of the game thanks to her incredible special bulk. Outside of her sister Chansey, Blissey's special bulk stands above all.</li>
<li>Blissey straight up just walls most special attackers that don't break through her. Unless they have a Trick (heh pun) up their sleeve, they aren't breaking through her.</li>
<li>Outside of walling special attackers, Blissey is a solid supporting Pokemon, with access to Aromatherapy, making her an excellent Cleric.</li>
<li>Blissey is horrendously weak to physical attackers with base 10 Defense, many unboosted physical attackers can easily 2HKO Blissey.</li>
<li>If one uses Blissey they have to support her adequately on the physical side to cover that weakness.</li>
<li>Some special Psychic-types can beat her down with Psyshock. Some special attackers can use raw special power to break through her, like Volcarona at times.</li>
<li>The new special walls Florges and Sylveon give Blissey stiff competition. Their their Fairy-typing gives them many unique resistances, they have similarly high special bulk, and they has a very use able special attack with STAB Moonblast, and most importantly don't have an as ridiculously frail physical side.</li>
<li>Assault vest allows Tyranitar and Goodra are very formidable special tanks, rivaling Blissey.</li>
[Set Recommendations]
<p>Blissey @ Leftovers<br />
Ability: Natural Cure<br/>
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Def /252 SDef <br/>
Bold Nature<br/>
- Aromatherapy<br/>
- Soft-Boiled<br/>
- Toxic / Thunder Wave<br/>
- Seismic Toss / Flamethrower</p>
- This set allows Blissey to wall a variety of special attackers, Blissey then effectively sets up a platform on to wear them down, cripple them, for support the team.
- Blissey can make use of Aromatherapy to heal the status of her team, supporting it.
- Toxic allows Blissey to wear down special attackers, walling them out and eventually KOing them.
- Thunder Wave is alternative option, allowing Blissey to cripple Pokemon Blissey can't KO herself, as well as spreading paralysis to support her team.
- Thunder Wave is more suited to support more balanced teams which can have attackers to make use of paralysis spreading. If running Thunder Wave Blissey will be unable to wear down many special attackers, losing one on one to Volcarona for example.
- Seismic Toss is Blissey's main attacking option, wearing down threats 100 HP at a time for all Pokemon outside of Ghost-types. For this is pairs well with Toxic to hit Pokemon whom are immune to poison.
- Flamethrower is another move option, it pairs up well with Toxic to hit Steel-types super-effectively.
- Generally, Seismic Toss is the preferred option to wear down special threats, Flamethrower is mainly used if you need hit fry Ferrothorn or Forretress, who can stack Spikes on Blissey otherwise. Flamethrower is also the only way Blissey can touch Mega Gengar, who can outside beat her out one on one.
- The EVs give her solid special bulk, but enough physical defense so that she can take some weaker physical hits like Pursuit and Psyshock.
- Alternatively 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef Bold can be used, taking physical attacks better and a strong Psyshock from the likes of Alakazam.
- Blissey needs ample team support to take on physical attackers for her. Good partners are ones with high defense to take on the variety of physical attackers, particularly against fighting types. Many of the common physical walls also appreciate Blissey's ability to take special attacks for them.
- Slowbro and Rest-Talk Gyarados makes a fantastic partners, walling out many of the metagames's physical attackers, in particular checking many Fighting-types. Gyarados in particular loves Blissey's support, waking it up from its sleep with Aromatherapy.
- Hippowdon is a very solid physical wall and stalling Pokemon. It can take on many physical attackers, and in addition support the team with Sandstorm and phazing with Whirlwind. Ferrothorn is a good partner in this same vein, but with Spikes and Stealth Rock, however the shared fighting weakness can be problematic.
- Skarmory forms the well known Skarm-Bliss core, where Blissey and Skarmory together wall out both sides of the attacking spectrum. However it is less effective than in the past, with stronger and more common mixed attackers in the metagame.
- Tyranitar, despite the Fighting-type weakness, doubles as a special wall and sets up sandstorm.
- Blissey appreciates Rapid Spin support so that she does not get worn down in the course of the battle. Forretress and Tentacruel are the main defensive options. Forretress is a bulky physical wall for Blissey, while Tentacruel brings a valuable Fighting-type resistance to the table. Excadrill is also a decent spinner if Blissey has already been paired with Tyranitar or Hippowdon. In addition it is decent general check and late game sweeper.
- Being a stall Pokemon, Blissey appreciates Spikes support to wear down threats. Again defensive Pokemon like Forretress, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory all are solid defensive teammates.
[Checks and Counters]
- Physical attackers who can switch in safely and pack a threatening physical attack can beat Blissey easily.
- Guts Pokemon like Conkeldurr and Heracross enjoy being statused and threaten to 1HKO with their Fighting STAB, and then use her to set up.
- A similar situation happens with Lum Berry users like Dragonite and Haxorus, who can easily switch in and set up with Dragon Dance.
- Toxic Orb Gliscor switches in with ease, and can stall her out or set up Swords Dance.
- Sleep-Talk users like Gyarados can break through Blissey in their sleep.
- Crobat only fears Thunder Wave paralysis, and can beat Blissey down.
- Any physical attacker who has a decent attack can check Blissey really.
- In particular physical Fighting-types like Lucario make excellent checks, most of which can flat out 1HKO her. Strong choice band users do the same.
- Blissey takes a solid chunk of damage from Pursuit, so she can be chipped away by Tyranitar and Scizor. Tyranitar switches in relatively safely, outside of being statused, but Scizor must be wary of Flamethrower. Dugtrio can trap and KO a weakened Blissey.
- As special attackers go, Blissey can't touch Alakazam and Reuniclus, who can crush her with Psyshock or boost on her to sweep.
- Special attackers who can boost their attack and control their status can muscle through Blissey.
- Chesto-Rest Volcarona can set up on Blissey for free.
- Blissey heavily relies on status moves to do her job, so Taunt users like Sableye and are a headache and can wear her down slowly with Willow-Wisp.
- Trick users like Scarf Rotom-W can shut down Blissey and make her pretty much useless.
- Specs Gothitelle can KO a weakened Blissey with Psyshock.
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