Gonna Conk You Up (Peaked #1)

This is a great team! Its one of those teams where I'm actually afraid to suggest any possible fixes, because I feel as though whatever I change may just end up being counterproductive. The team is so well constructed as is, and any "improvement" may just stray away from the original flow. I don't see anything being a serious threat for you with proper prediction. Congratulations!


Wow, thanks for the high praise! That means a lot. I'm really proud of this team :P
i like your team

zam's kinda scary i might try chopletar and then move rocks off lando-t and make it a uturn/eq/se/rp set. thats kinda fun

oh and if you use chople you can do fblast and get forry cause youre a bit sun weak atm

hope i helped though i likely didnt :)
Yeah Forretress can be a bitch to take out, and it really sucks cause I don't have a spinner., so a full set of hazards hurts. I think Chople TTar might work, I'll try it out. And yeah, Alakazam is a pain too (I ALWAYS forget that ScarfTar doesn't outspeed -__-). So yeah, I'll definitely test it. Thanks for the rate and luvdisc Lavos :)
'sup? Awesome team so far :]
played a while with it and changed some sets. Since your team doesn't really need the weather too much i replaced the scarftar for the focush sash leadtar. Worked out pretty good and with the wish support from rachi you can even sometimes refresh your sash if you didn't get knocked down to it of course :] I gave jirachi enough speed to outspeed jolly brelooms and replaced protect for u-turn, which is pretty cool thing to have against sub+disable gengar. I still used life orb mamo over lando and replaced sr for superpower, since after hazard damage it gets 2hkod by it. On latias i just played max spatk and speed with lefties and that's it :]

Like i said, the team is pretty awesome, and i liked it so far
keep it up :]
Hi there, Halcyon of Light! I love this team. And I love this RMT you made for it. The intro gave me a good laugh. I agree that Sheer Force Conkeldurr is very underrated. ^_^

I agree entirely with toshimelonhead's suggestion of Landorus-Therian's ideal EV spread.

I wish you continued luck with your team!
Same here cool team. I don't really like using two scarfer in the same the team but I see why Tyranitar is scarf works on you team but probably as Lavos Spawn said you could try a Chopple Berry Tyrnitar so you can deal with Lati@s and with Chopple berry you can defeat Gengar and Alakazam. The good thing is that you have CM Jirachi so you can deal with both.

Anyway you could try the set:

Tyranitar (F) @ Chople Berry
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Stealth Rock
- Pursuit
- Crunch
- Fire Blast/ Stone Edge

Hope I've helped. GL with your team.
Cool team

Minor nitpick, your Jirachi has a careful nature, which I assume is a mistake?

I assume it's meant to be timid, as any other nature would be an inefficient use of ev's.

Max speed really isn't that useful on Jirachi, you really only need 156 speed ev's to outspeed neutral nature landorus and thundurus-t. You could use a bit more to outspeed landorus-t, but it's really not worth it.

As you use Jirachi to check a load of special threats, I recommend the unusual choice of putting the spare 100 ev's into special defence. Allowing it to do it's role better.
To continue on what george182 said, Calm > Careful on a special attacker (in this case Jirachi) with no physical moves ;)