Announcement gn

Heya, effective immediately, I will be stepping down from National Dex Tier Leader and Council roles. This is generally due to mental fatigue - the cards that the ninth generation of Pokemon have given us aren't ideal, and the stress of working in a role like this has gotten to me. I don't feel like I can enjoy the game right now more than ever. In spite of the great friends and memories I've made on this site, I recognize real life and my mental health should be taking priority over Smogon - I can't hold onto them forever.

In other news, please welcome Jho and Kyo as your new Tier Leaders!
Thank you for your contributions as TL and for always being so dedicated to the community. Come back when and if you feel ready, I wish you all the best going forward.
Heya, effective immediately, I will be stepping down from National Dex Tier Leader and Council roles. This is generally due to mental fatigue - the cards that the ninth generation of Pokemon have given us aren't ideal, and the stress of working in a role like this has gotten to me. I don't feel like I can enjoy the game right now more than ever. In spite of the great friends and memories I've made on this site, I recognize real life and my mental health should be taking priority over Smogon - I can't hold onto them forever.

In other news, please welcome Jho and Kyo as your new Tier Leaders!
Just so you know, I've felt the same way about this game, I have recently (like for 1 1/2 years) just not been able to enjoy this game, for different reasons but it is very hard to play when you're not having fun or lose interest. I respect your decision and your contributions to this wonderful community and I wish you good luck for the future.
gn lydia, take care, and thank you for everything
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