BSS Gengar


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Gengar is good again, but I liked his role in Bayonetta 3 more!

name: Disruptor
move 1: Encore
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Destiny Bond / Sludge Bomb / Dazzling Gleam / Focus Blast
move 4: Thunder Wave / Sludge Bomb / Dazzling Gleam / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash
ability: Cursed Body
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal / Fairy / Flying


* Gengar's useful immunities and fast Encore give it a niche as an incredibly disruptive Pokemon, especially if taking the corrective predictive risks.

* Destiny Bond is excellent at making foes second guess attacking Gengar. When slower foes don't take the bait and use a setup move, Gengar can punish them with Encore.

* Thunder Wave is great at crippling faster sweepers if Gengar's Focus Sash is intact, and punishing fast, common switch-ins such as Hydreigon.

* Sludge Bomb covers Meowscarada and Fairy-types, in addition to being Gengar's most powerful attack.

* Dazzling Gleam OHKOes Hydreigon after Stealth Rock damage and is an appealing secondary STAB move when using Tera Fairy.

* Focus Blast is Gengar's best shot at beating Kingambit outside of Destiny Bond.

* Will-O-Wisp does a great job of crippling bulky sweepers that Gengar can be forced to Destiny Bond against, such as Dragonite and Tera Annihilape.

Tera Types

* **Normal**: Tera Normal Gengar can turn slower Ghost-types such as Mimikyu and Annihilape into easy Encore targets.

* **Fairy**: A Dragon-type immunity gives Gengar new Encore targets and better threatens Dragon-types.

* **Flying**: Earthquake is a common attack against Gengar, so Tera Flying can turn the tables effectively. It also takes advantage of common Fissure users such as Dondozo and Garganacl.

* **Dark**: A Dark Tera type lets Gengar surprise Espathra, letting it Encore Stored Power and potentially ruin its sweep.


- Written by: [[Theorymon, 29010]]
- Quality checked by: [[DerpySuX, 528485]]
- Grammar checked by: [[UT, 523866]]
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I feel like you could slash in another offensive move in the third move slot as well. Not to say that destiny bond isn’t good, but a more offensive use of encore could really turn a game around too.

I would also note that with a flying tera you’re able to encore fissure mons and get entirely free turns on them, which is a pretty big deal, almost bigger than the EQ immunity.

Apart from that, solid as always. QC APPROVED
Implemented the stuff! Yeah I've seen "3 offensive moves" Gengar before, probably better it's this set rather than making a new set, because it still does the crazy Encore stuff lol.

Anyways, thanks for the check, this is ready for GP!

GP Team
add remove conjecture
name: Disruptor
move 1: Encore
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Destiny Bond / Sludge Bomb / Dazzling Gleam / Focus Blast
move 4: Thunder Wave / Sludge Bomb / Dazzling Gleam / Focus Blast
item: Focus Sash
ability: Cursed Body
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Normal / Fairy / Flying


* Gengar's useful immunities and access to a fast Encore give it a niche as an incredibly disruptive Pokemon, especially if taking the corrective predictive risks.

* Destiny Bond is excellent at making foes second guess attacking Gengar. When slower foes don't take the bait and use a setup one word move, Gengar can punish them back with Encore.

* Thunder Wave is great at crippling faster sweepers if Gengar's Focus Sash is intact, and punishing fast, common switch-ins such as Hydreigon.

* Sludge Bomb covers Meowscarada and Fairy-types, in addition to being Gengar's most powerful attack.

* Dazzling Gleam OHKOes Hydreigon after Stealth Rock damage, remove comma and is an appealing secondary STAB move when using Tera Fairy.

* Focus Blast is Gengar's best shot at beating Kingambit outside of Destiny Bond.

* Will-O-Wisp does a great job of crippling bulky sweepers that Gengar can be forced to Destiny Bond against, such as Dragonite and Tera Annihilape.

Tera Types

* **Normal**: Tera Normal Gengar can make turn slower Ghost-types such as Mimikyu and Annihilape into easy Encore targets.

* **Fairy**: A Dragon-type immunity gives Gengar new Encore targets, and the boosted power of Dazzling Gleam does much more damage against Dragon-types and better threatens Dragon-types.

* **Flying**: Earthquake is a common attack against Gengar, so Tera Flying can turn the tables effectively. It also makes Gengar take advantage takes advantage of common Fissure users such as Dondozo and Garganacl.

* **Dark**: A Dark Tera type lets Gengar surprise Espathra, letting it Encore Stored Power and potentially ruin its sweep.
GP 1/1! Noticed credits are missing, don't forget those (I am 523866)


GP Team done