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2v2 Genesect

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name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Bug Buzz
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Download
nature: Naive
evs: 16 HP / 32 Atk / 128 Def / 80 SpA / 252 Spe


Genesect is a premier threat due to its stellar offensive typing, which can threaten a large portion of the metagame. Bug Buzz can OHKO Rillaboom and non-Tanga Berry Indeedee-F, as well as dealing great damage against Tyranitar. Iron Head blasts through Nihilego and Diancie while dealing significant damage to Kyurem-B. Ice Beam can OHKO Zygarde, Landorus-T, and other Pokemon that can handle Genesect's STAB attack. 16 HP EVs with 128 Defense EVs allow Genesect to survive Pheromosa's Close Combat. 32 Attack EVs enable the 2HKO on physically defensive Togekiss with Iron Head.

Genesect is usually seen on faster-paced teams that can offer speed control for is middling Speed stat. Zapdos and Mew each offer excellent Tailwind support, and Zapdos can threaten bulky Water-types Genesect dislikes such as Tapu Fini and Blastoise. Regieleki can eliminate Water-type Pokemon for Genesect, like Tapu Fini and Volcanion, while offering speed control with Electroweb so Genesect can beat Naganadel and Nihilego. Genesect can then threaten Grass- and Ground-types such as Rillaboom, Zygarde, and Landorus-T that Regieleki struggles with. Blastoise also gives phenomenal support with Follow Me and Fake Out, easily beating the Fire-types that hinder Genesect as well. In return, Genesect can OHKO Rillaboom.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Iron Head
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Download
nature: Modest
evs: 216 HP / 216 SpA / 8 SpD / 68 Spe


Genesect's great bulk with Assault Vest can surprise unsuspecting foes, such as Naganadel without Fire Blast, Nihilego, and Pheromosa. Iron Head is Genesect's main STAB attack and threatens Kyurem-B, Tapu Lele, and Nihilego which regular Genesect can not handle. Ice Beam is great coverage for Zygarde and Landorus while wearing down Togekiss and Zapdos with greater success than Life Orb. Bug Buzz enables Genesect to threaten Psychic-types such as non-Tanga Berry Indeedee-F and Mew. In addition, it checks the ever-present Rillaboom while chipping Metagross and Ferrothorn. 68 Speed EVs allow Genesect to outrun Naganadel after using Flame Charge and OHKO it with Ice Beam afterwards.

Genesect is found alongside speed control teammates such as Regieleki and Zeraora, which utilize Electroweb; they also threaten Water- and Steel-type Pokemon like Tapu Fini, Volcanion, and Celesteela. In return, Genesect can OHKO threats like Naganadel, Nihilego, and Landorus-T. Additionally, Tailwind from Mew and Togekiss aids Genesect's mediocre Speed stat so it can threaten Zeraora and Nihilego. Water-types such as Blastoise, Tapu Fini, and Volcanion can check Fire-types like Incineroar and Victini, while Genesect can OHKO Rillaboom and Regieleki and threaten Kyurem-B.

Other Options

Thunderbolt can be used to threaten Genesect's Water-type checks like Tapu Fini and Volcanion; however, it rarely has a moveslot to spare. Flamethrower can chip down opposing Steel-types such as Genesect, Metagross, Celesteela, and Ferrothorn, though it is very matchup specific.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types**: Incineroar, Heatran, and Volcanion all take little from Genesect's attacks and can OHKO it with ease.

**Faster Threats**: Genesect's Speed stat means that Cinderace, Regieleki, and Naganadel all outrun it and can threaten it.

**Fake Out**: Assault Vest Genesect is particularly weak to Fake Out from Pokemon like Mew, Rillaboom, and Incineroar due to its lack of Protect.

- Written by: [[Reece, 540482]]
- Quality checked by: [[Itchy, 518399], [PA, 430787]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
Last edited:

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Bug Buzz
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Download
nature: Naive
evs: 16 HP / 32 Atk / 128 Def / 80 SpA / 252 Spe


Genesect is a premier threat due to its stellar offensive typing AC allowing it to blast through most staples within the meta. These are exampled as Bug Buzz is used to OHKO non-Tanga Berrry Indeede-F, Rillaboom, and Tyranitar. Iron Head enables Genesect to blast through Nihilego, Diancie, and Kyurem-B whilst it can be a brutal STAB coverage move. Ice Beam can be super effective coverage for the likes of OHKOs Zygarde, Zapdos, and Landorus-T AC as each take little damage from supplementing Genesect's STAB attacks. Protect is vital as it allows Genesect is targeted due to it being a ever present threat for most teams to avoid damage for a turn. Life Orb is the item of choice to maximise Genesect's offensive output. 16 HP EVs in conjunction with 128 Defense EVs allow Genesect to live a Pheromosa Close Combat. 32 Attack EVs allow it to 2HKO physically defensive Togekiss with Iron Head, while the rest is placed into Special attack.

Genesect is usually seen on faster paced teams that require speed control to be efficient Genesect is not speed control. This Genesect can be supplemented by the likes of Whismicott AC offering immediate Tailwind and Helping Hand support end sentence so With this, Genesect can OHKO the likes of Naganadel, Nihilego, and Pheromosa with ease. In return, Genesect can eliminate the aforementioned, Kyurem-B, and Togekiss which Whismicott has a hard time in facing alone. Regieleki is also a phenomenal teammate AC as it can eliminate the Water-types such as Tapu Fini and Volcanion that Genesect struggle with, while offering speed control in both its blazing Speed tier and Electroweb. Genesect can then threaten the Ground- and Grass-types that thwart resist Regieleki's STAB attacks such as Rillaboom, Zygarde, and Landorus. Blastoise also gives phenomenal support from with Follow Me, thwarting easily taking any Fire-type attacks end sentence while it Blastoise also has access to Fake Out which entitles Genesect to a free move. In return, Genesect can KO its Grass-type checks such as Rillaboom and Amoongus ice beam does about 50%, just mention rilla instead of grasses.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Iron Head
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Download
nature: Modest
evs: 216 HP / 216 SpA / 8 SpD / 68 Spe


Genesect is made into a bulky threat so that it can surprise unexpected foe information is correct, sentence is awkward, such as Naganadel, Nihilego, and Pheromosa by living their STAB moves and coverage. Iron Head is Genesect's main STAB attack as it deals with the likes of surely there is a way to say that more concisely Kyurem-B, Togekiss, and Nihilego and is a decent coverage move once Download-boosted. Ice Beam complements its STAB attacks as it can OHKO resisted None of these pokemon resist iron head foe like Zygarde, Pheromosa, and Landorus, while dealing great chip to Togekiss and Zapdos. Bug Buzz enables Genesect to threaten the Psychic-types of the tier such as non-Tanga Berry Indeede-F, Mew, and Tapu Lele and thwart their offensive playstyle Mew isn't all that offensive, Iron Head is better into Lele. In addition, it checks through the ever present Rillaboom with super effective coverage, while being able to deal exceptional neutral damage to Metagross, Ferrothorn, and Incineroar. Flame Charge allows Genesect to boost its speed past the majority of the metagames fast offensive Pokemon. This is outlines by its 68 Speed EVs that allow it to outrun Naganadel after using Flame Charge, and KO it with Ice Beam in combination with the prior chip; it utilises its 216 Special Attack to do so. These 2 sentences are structured strangely, this should help fix that

Genesect is still found on teams that require Speed control even when a bulkier spread Genesect still is not Speed control. For this, teammates such as Regieleki are able to threaten Water- and Steel-type checks like Tapu Fini, Volcanion, and Celesteela. In return, Genesect can surprise and KO threats like Naganadel and Landorus this is a core matchup, mostly just naga. Additionally, Tailwind from the likes of Mew, Whismicott, and Togekiss aid Genesect's mediocre Speed tier and allow it to threaten Zeraora and Nihilego. Water-types such as Blastoise, Tapu Fini, and Volcanion can check the Fire-types that Genesect hate, while it can dent Grass-types like Rillaboom or threaten Kyurem-B.

Other Options

Thunderbolt can be used to threaten its Water-type checks like Tapu Fini and Volcanion however Genesect rarely has a slot to waste spare. Flamethrower can chip down opposing Steel-types such as mirrored Genesect, Metagross, Celesteela, and Ferrothorn although it has less usage outside of these.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types**: Incineroar, Heatran, and Volcanion all stave off take little from Genesect's coverage and can OHKO it back with ease.

**Faster Threats and Fake Out**: Genesect's speed tier means that Cinderace, Regieleki, and Naganadel can all outrun Genesect and OHKO it. Assault Vest Genesect is specifically weak to Fake Out so it is constantly left exposed mention that AV cannot slot Protect here, meaning teammates of Fake Out users such as Mew, Rillaboom, and Incineroar can threaten it.

- Written by: [[Reece, 540482]]
- Quality checked by: [[Itchy, 518399], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
You know the drill, QC here! I know you'll probably not be able to implement this for a bit, but I'll leave it here for when you can :D
I started doing grammar stuff at the top, but I stopped doing all of it partway through - I encourage you to proofread before the second QC check
Gonna take another look before I pass this to someone else

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Bug Buzz
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Download
nature: Naive
evs: 16 HP / 32 Atk / 128 Def / 80 SpA / 252 Spe


Genesect is a premier threat due to its stellar offensive typing, enabling it to beat most Pokemon present I am not entirely sure what this means, something like "scoring OHKOs on a variety of opponents" would work better and be less confusing. Bug Buzz is used to OHKO non-Tanga Berrry Indeede-F, Rillaboom, and Tyranitar With max HP and sand, this is a 37.5% roll in ttar's favor with max SpA. Iron Head enables Genesect to blast through Nihilego, Diancie, and Kyurem-B same thing as ttar, mention both as things you threaten massive damage onto. Ice Beam OHKOs Zygarde, Zapdos, and Landorus-T, supplementing Genesect's STAB attacks. Protect is vital as it allows Genesect to avoid damage for a turn. Life Orb is the item of choice to maximise Genesect's damage. honestly don't think this is necessary to include 16 HP EVs in conjunction with 128 Defense EVs allow Genesect to live a Pheromosa Close Combat. 32 Attack EVs allow it to 2HKO physically defensive Togekiss with Iron Head, while the rest is placed into Special attack.

Genesect is usually seen on faster paced teams that can offer speed control for is middling Speed stat. Genesect can be supplemented by the likes of Whismicott, offering immediate Tailwind and Helping Hand support. With this, Genesect can OHKO Naganadel, Nihilego, and Pheromosa you do these before, mention ttar/kyub with ease. In return, Genesect can eliminate Kyurem-B, and Togekiss which Whismicott has a hard time in facing alone. Regieleki is also a phenomenal teammate, as it can eliminate the Water-types such as Tapu Fini and Volcanion that Genesect struggle with, while offering speed control in both its blazing Speed tier and with Electroweb. Genesect can then threaten the Ground- and Grass-types that resist Regieleki's STAB attacks such as Rillaboom, Zygarde, and Landorus-T. Blastoise also gives phenomenal support with Follow Me, easily taking any Fire-type attacks. Blastoise also has access to Fake Out which entitles Genesect to a free move. In return, Genesect can KO its Grass-type checks like Rillaboom if there aren't any other grasses this KOes, you can just say Rillaboom.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Iron Head
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Download
nature: Modest
evs: 216 HP / 216 SpA / 8 SpD / 68 Spe


Genesect's great bulk with the Assault Vest can surprise unsuspecting foes, such as Naganadel, Nihilego, and Pheromosa by living their STAB moves and coverage. Iron Head is Genesect's main STAB attack that threatens Kyurem-B, Tapu Lele, and Nihilego. Ice Beam is a great coverage move as it can OHKO foes Zygarde, Pheromosa depends on the download boost, either ice beam or iron head will, and Landorus, while dealing great chip to Togekiss and Zapdos. Bug Buzz enables Genesect to threaten Psychic-types such as non-Tanga Berry Indeede-F and Mew to thwart their offensive playstyle neither of these are particularly offensive or threatening to Genesect. In addition, it checks the ever present Rillaboom with super effective coverage bug buzz is not coverage and this is something people should know coming in anyway, while being able to deal exceptional chip to Metagross, Ferrothorn, and Incineroar. 68 Speed EVs allow it to outrun Naganadel after using Flame Charge, and KO it with Ice Beam in combination with the prior chip afterwards.

Genesect is found on teams that grant great sSpeed control to slower allies. For this, teammates such as Regieleki are able to threaten Water- and Steel-type checks like Tapu Fini, Volcanion, and Celesteela This sentence is not obviously connected to the one before, mention Electroweb before the crucial matchups. In return, Genesect can surprise and KO threats like Naganadel add a couple more here please. Additionally, Tailwind from the likes of Mew, Whismicott, and Togekiss aid Genesect's mediocre Speed tier and allow it to threaten Zeraora and Nihilego. Water-types such as Blastoise, Tapu Fini, and Volcanion can check the Fire-types that Genesect hate, while it can dent Grass-types like KO Rillaboom or threaten Kyurem-B at least one more example here would be nice.

Other Options

Thunderbolt can be used to threaten its Water-type checks like Tapu Fini and Volcanion however Genesect rarely has a slot to waste spare. Flamethrower can chip down opposing Steel-types such as Genesect, Metagross, Celesteela, and Ferrothorn why is it used less?.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types**: Incineroar, Heatran, and Volcanion all take little from Genesect's coverage and can OHKO it back with ease.

**Faster Threats and Fake Out**: Genesect's speed tier means that Cinderace, Regieleki, and Naganadel all outrun Genesect and OHKO it. Assault Vest Genesect is specifically weak to Fake Out due to its lack of Protect, meaning Mew, Rillaboom, and Incineroar can hinder it.

- Written by: [[Reece, 540482]]
- Quality checked by: [[Itchy, 518399], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
There was more here than I thought, one more check and this should be ready for qc2

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Bug Buzz
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Download
nature: Naive
evs: 16 HP / 32 Atk / 128 Def / 80 SpA / 252 Spe


Genesect is a premier threat due to its stellar offensive typing that allows it to threaten a large portion of the metagame. Bug Buzz is used to OHKO non-Tanga Berrry Indeede-F, and Rillaboom, as well as dealing great damage against Tyranitar. Iron Head enables Genesect to blast through Nihilego and Diancie, while doing significant damage to Kyurem-B. Ice Beam OHKOs Zygarde and Landorus-T, supplementing Genesect's STAB attacks. Protect ensures it avoids damage for a turn. 16 HP EVs with 128 Defense EVs allow Genesect to live a Pheromosa Close Combat. 32 Attack EVs allow it to 2HKO physically defensive Togekiss with Iron Head, while the rest is placed into Special attack.

Genesect is usually seen on faster paced teams that can offer speed control for is middling Speed stat. Genesect can be supplemented by the likes of Whismicott, offering immediate Tailwind and Helping Hand support. With this Helping Hand support, Genesect can OHKO threats to Whimsicott, like Naganadel, Tyranitar, and Kyurem-B which Whismicott has a hard time in facing alone. Regieleki can eliminate the Water-type Pokemon like Tapu Fini and Volcanion that Genesect struggles with, while offering speed control with Electroweb. Genesect can then threaten the Ground- and Grass-types that resist Regieleki's STAB attacks such as Rillaboom, Zygarde, and Landorus-T. Blastoise also gives phenomenal support with Follow Me, easily taking any Fire-type attacks. Blastoise also has access to Fake Out which entitles Genesect to a free move. In return, Genesect can KO Rillaboom for Blastoise.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Iron Head
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Download
nature: Modest
evs: 216 HP / 216 SpA / 8 SpD / 68 Spe


Genesect's great bulk with the Assault Vest can surprise unsuspecting foes, such as Naganadel, Nihilego, and Pheromosa by living their STAB moves and coverage. Iron Head is Genesect's main STAB attack that threatens Kyurem-B, Tapu Lele, and Nihilego. Ice Beam is a great coverage move as it can OHKO foes Zygarde, and Landorus, while dealing great chip to Togekiss and Zapdos. Bug Buzz enables Genesect to threaten Psychic-types such as non-Tanga Berry Indeede-F and Mew. In addition, it checks the ever present Rillaboom, while being able to chip Metagross, Ferrothorn, and Incineroar this does not hit SpDef or AV Incin very hard. 68 Speed EVs allow it to outrun Naganadel after using Flame Charge, and KO it with Ice Beam afterwards.

Genesect is found on teams that grant great Speed control to slower allies. For this, teammates such as Regieleki and Zeraora are able to provide Electroweb; they each threaten Water- and Steel-type Pokemon like Tapu Fini, Volcanion, and Celesteela. In return, Genesect can surprise and KO threats like Naganadel, Nihilego, and Landorus-T. Additionally, Tailwind from Mew, Whismicott, and Togekiss aid Genesect's mediocre Speed tier and allow it to threaten Zeraora and Nihilego. Water-types such as Blastoise, Tapu Fini, and Volcanion can check the Fire-types that Genesect hate, while it can KO Rillaboom, Regieleki, and threaten Kyurem-B.

Other Options

Thunderbolt can be used to threaten its Water-type checks like Tapu Fini and Volcanion however Genesect rarely has a slot to spare. Flamethrower can chip down opposing Steel-types such as Genesect, Metagross, Celesteela, and Ferrothorn, however, it has little use outside of these yeah it's niche but that's what OO is for - of the 2, I think this would be the more useful one.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types**: Incineroar, Heatran, and Volcanion all take little from Genesect's coverage moves Bug Buzz and Iron Head are not coverage and can OHKO it back with ease.

**Faster Threats and Fake Out**: Genesect's speed tier means that Cinderace, Regieleki, and Naganadel all outrun Genesect and OHKO it. Assault Vest Genesect is specifically weak to Fake Out due to its lack of Protect, meaning Mew, Rillaboom, and Incineroar can hinder it. making this a separate check / counter

**Fake Out**:
Assault Vest Genesect
is specifically particularly weak to Fake Out regular Genesect is but not to the same extent due to its lack of Protect, meaning Mew, Rillaboom, and Incineroar can hinder it enable their partners to KO Genesect before it can move this is more descriptive.

- Written by: [[Reece, 540482]]
- Quality checked by: [[Itchy, 518399], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

QC 1/2 when implemented, just some small edits left
Last edited:
name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Bug Buzz
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Download
nature: Naive
evs: 16 HP / 32 Atk / 128 Def / 80 SpA / 252 Spe


Genesect is a premier threat due to its stellar offensive typing that allows it to threaten a large portion of the metagame. Bug Buzz is used to OHKO non-Tanga Berry Indeedee-F, and Rillaboom, as well as dealing great damage against Tyranitar. Iron Head enables Genesect to blast through Nihilego and Diancie, while doing significant damage to Kyurem-B. Ice Beam OHKOs Zygarde and Landorus-T, supplementing Genesect's STAB attacks. Protect ensures it avoids damage for a turn. 16 HP EVs with 128 Defense EVs allow Genesect to live a Pheromosa Close Combat. 32 Attack EVs allow it to 2HKO physically defensive Togekiss with Iron Head, while the rest is placed into Special Attack.

Genesect is usually seen on faster-paced teams that can offer speed control for is middling Speed stat. Genesect can be supplemented by the likes of Zapdos and Mew, offering Tailwind support. Zapdos and Mew (if we are being honest, the chances of you beating Cinderace with Mew the majority of the time is very slim) can threaten the bulky Water-types it dislikes such as Tapu Fini and Blastoise. Regieleki can eliminate the Water-type Pokemon like Tapu Fini and Volcanion that Genesect struggles with while offering speed control with Electroweb. (what does genesect need the speed control for specifically) Genesect can then threaten the Ground- and Grass-types that resist Regieleki's STAB attacks such as Rillaboom, Zygarde, and Landorus-T. Blastoise also gives phenomenal support with Follow Me, easily taking any Fire-type attacks. Blastoise also has access to Fake Out which entitles Genesect to a free move. In return, Genesect can KO Rillaboom for Blastoise.

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Iron Head
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Bug Buzz
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Download
nature: Modest
evs: 216 HP / 216 SpA / 8 SpD / 68 Spe


Genesect's great bulk with the Assault Vest can surprise unsuspecting foes, such as Naganadel, ( u still die to Fire Blast sooo unless u specify heat wave probably shouldn't be mentioned) Nihilego, and Pheromosa by living their STAB moves and coverage. Iron Head is Genesect's main STAB attack that threatens Kyurem-B, Tapu Lele, and Nihilego. Ice Beam is a great coverage move as it can OHKO Zygarde and Landorus, while dealing wearing down to Togekiss and Zapdos. Bug Buzz enables Genesect to threaten Psychic-types such as non-Tanga Berry Indeedee-F and Mew. In addition, it checks the ever-present Rillaboom, while being able to chip Metagross and Ferrothorn. 68 Speed EVs allow it to outrun Naganadel after using Flame Charge, and KO it with Ice Beam afterwards. (again refer to comments above)

Genesect is found on teams that grant great Speed control to slower allies. For this, teammates such as Regieleki and Zeraora are able to provide Electroweb; they each threaten Water- and Steel-type Pokemon like Tapu Fini, Volcanion, and Celesteela. In return, Genesect can surprise and KO threats like Naganadel, Nihilego, and Landorus-T. Additionally, Tailwind from Mew and Togekiss aid Genesect's mediocre Speed tier and allow it to threaten Zeraora and Nihilego. Water-types such as Blastoise, Tapu Fini, and Volcanion can check the Fire-types that Genesect hate, while it can KO Rillaboom, Regieleki, and threaten Kyurem-B.

Other Options

Thunderbolt can be used to threaten its Water-type checks like Tapu Fini and Volcanion however Genesect rarely has a slot to spare. Flamethrower can chip down opposing Steel-types such as Genesect, Metagross, Celesteela, and Ferrothorn, though, it is very matchup specific.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types**: Incineroar, Heatran, and Volcanion all take little from Genesect's moves and can OHKO it back with ease.

**Faster Threats**: Genesect's speed tier means that Cinderace, Regieleki, and Naganadel all outrun Genesect and can OHKO it.

**Fake Out**: Assault Vest Genesect is particularly weak to Fake Out due to its lack of Protect, meaning Mew, Rillaboom, and Incineroar can enable their partners to KO Genesect before it can move.

- Written by: [[Reece, 540482]]
- Quality checked by: [[Itchy, 518399], [PA, 430787]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
Last edited:
Add/Fix Remove Comment
(RC): Remove Comma

name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Bug Buzz
move 2: Iron Head
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Protect
item: Life Orb
ability: Download
nature: Naive
evs: 16 HP / 32 Atk / 128 Def / 80 SpA / 252 Spe


Genesect is a premier threat due to its stellar offensive typing that typing, which can threaten a large portion of the metagame. Bug Buzz can OHKO Rillaboom and non-Tanga Berry Indeedee-F, as well as dealing great damage against Tyranitar. Iron Head enables Genesect to blast blasts through Nihilego and Diancie (RC) while dealing significant damage to Kyurem-B. Ice Beam can OHKO Zygarde and Landorus-T, supplementing Zygarde, Landorus-T, and other Pokemon that can handle (I imagine?) Genesect's STAB attacks. Protect ensures it avoids damage for a turn. 16 HP EVs with 128 Defense EVs allow Genesect to live survive Pheromosa's Close Combat. 32 Attack EVs can enable the 2HKO on physically defensive Togekiss with Iron Head, while the remaining EVs placed into Special Attack. (if you meant to add something else, like "...EVs placed into Special Attack allow Genesect to _______..", feel free to keep the phrase and add that thing)

Genesect is usually seen on faster-paced teams that can offer speed control for is middling Speed stat. This is helped greatly by Zapdos and Mew; they Zapdos and Mew each offer (optional: word like "excellent") Tailwind support, while and Zapdos can threaten bulky Water-types Genesect dislikes such as Tapu Fini and Blastoise. Regieleki can eliminate Water-type Pokemon for Genesect, like Tapu Fini and Volcanion for Genesect, while offering speed control with Electroweb so Genesect can beat Naganadel and Nihilego. Genesect can then threaten Ground- and Grass-types types Grass- and Ground-types such as Rillaboom, Zygarde, and Landorus-T that Regieleki struggles with. Blastoise also gives phenomenal support with Follow Me and Fake Out, (if it doesnt always run fake out, you can say like "and possibly Fake Out") easily beating the Fire-types that hinder Genesect as well. Blastoise also has access to Fake Out which entitles Genesect to a free turn. In return, Genesect can OHKO Rillaboom. (removed extra linebreak under)

name: Assault Vest
move 1: Iron Head
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Bug Buzz (it's not clear why you ordered the three attacks like this here but totally different in the first set. pls either give the two sets the same move order on these three moves or explain why some move(s) are particularly important for some set(s).)
move 4: Flame Charge
item: Assault Vest
ability: Download
nature: Modest
evs: 216 HP / 216 SpA / 8 SpD / 68 Spe


Genesect's great bulk with the Assault Vest can surprise unsuspecting foes, such as Naganadel without Fire Blast, Nihilego, and Pheromosa. Iron Head is Genesect's main STAB attack that and threatens Kyurem-B, Tapu Lele, and Nihilego. Ice Beam is great coverage for Zygarde and Landorus (RC) while wearing down Togekiss and Zapdos. Bug Buzz enables Genesect to threaten Psychic-types such as non-Tanga Berry Indeedee-F and Mew. In addition, it checks the ever-present Rillaboom (RC) while being able to chip chipping Metagross and Ferrothorn. 68 Speed EVs allow it Genesect to outrun Naganadel after using Flame Charge (RC) and OHKO it with Ice Beam afterwards.

Genesect is found on teams that grant great Speed control to slower allies. For this, alongside speed control teammates such as Regieleki and Zeraora are able to utilise Zeraora, which utilize Electroweb; they also threaten Water- and Steel-type Pokemon like Tapu Fini, Volcanion, and Celesteela. In return, Genesect can OHKO threats like Naganadel, Nihilego, and Landorus-T. Additionally, Tailwind from Mew and Togekiss aids Genesect's mediocre Speed stat so it can threaten Zeraora and Nihilego. Water-types such as Blastoise, Tapu Fini, and Volcanion can check the Fire-types like Incineroar and Victini, while it Genesect can OHKO Rillaboom, Regieleki, and Rillaboom and Regieleki and threaten Kyurem-B. (removed extra linebreak under)

Other Options

Thunderbolt can be used to threaten its Genesect's Water-type checks like Tapu Fini and Volcanion; (comma -> semicolon) however, Genesect it rarely has a moveslot to spare. Flamethrower can chip down opposing Steel-types such as Genesect, Metagross, Celesteela, and Ferrothorn, though (RC) it is very matchup specific.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-types**: Incineroar, Heatran, and Volcanion all take little from Genesect's attacks and can OHKO it with ease.

**Faster Threats**: Genesect's Speed stat means that Cinderace, Regieleki, and Naganadel all outrun Genesect it and can threaten it.

**Fake Out**: Assault Vest Genesect is particularly weak to Fake Out from Pokemon like Mew, Rillaboom, and Incineroar due to its lack of Protect, meaning Mew, Rillaboom, and Incineroar can exploit its inability to protect itself.

- Written by: [[Reece, 540482]]
- Quality checked by: [[Itchy, 518399], [PA, 430787]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
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