Genesect+Lati@s+Terrakion Austin's IV, Shiny, HP Trade (24 HP, 128 Shiny, 210 Diff. 5IV/HP/Legends)

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Regarding your CMT; I'm interested in:

Ability: Protean
Egg Move: Toxic Spike
In Stock: 1M
Breedable upon request

I can give you Ralts for Froakie. Just out of curiosity, would it be possible for you to breed a female? I know it's difficult to obtain one so I'll accept the male if it's not possible.

As for the leftovers, I know how valuable they are so I'll hold on to it for now and see if an amazing offer presents itself to me. If no offer comes along, you have priority. I won't forget.
Regarding your CMT; I'm interested in:

Ability: Protean
Egg Move: Toxic Spike
In Stock: 1M
Breedable upon request

I can give you Ralts for Froakie. Just out of curiosity, would it be possible for you to breed a female? I know it's difficult to obtain one so I'll accept the male if it's not possible.

As for the leftovers, I know how valuable they are so I'll hold on to it for now and see if an amazing offer presents itself to me. If no offer comes along, you have priority. I won't forget.

Ya no problem. Male for female trace Ralts?
id love a skarmory and a regenerator slowpoke can give a perfect breeding pair of modest swift swim horsea 31/x/31/31/31/31 in premier ball
Interested in a pair of Ferroseed spitbacks if you have them.

I have 5 IV Adamant / Mold Breaker (Or Sand Rush) Drilburs.
Only Males in stock right now, but I can take the time to breed a Female.

Other 5IV pokes I have or can breed are Calm /Gooey Goomy [and] Adamant / Quick Feet Shroomish.

Edit: You have everything else that I can breed lol xD

Edit 2: The Shroomish come with Bullet Seed
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