This thread will centralize all information regarding Generation 9 CAP Updates. Please see this PRC thread for general information and this PRC thread for the resolution regarding Necturna.
Please see the following regarding how the updates process will function. Please note that discussion will take place on the CAP Discord at the times scheduled below. If you cannot make the discussion time, please keep an eye on this thread to voice any opinions.
Preliminary updates already implemented on Showdown! at the posting of this thread (credit to Wulfanator):
Regarding Heal Bell: We are treating Heal Bell as effectively unobtainable in the game. There are no users of the move in the game since Blissey cannot actually run the move. However, if Heal Bell does end up becoming available again, we will review the CAPs who previously had the move for which ones should receive it in Gen 9.
Please see the following regarding how the updates process will function. Please note that discussion will take place on the CAP Discord at the times scheduled below. If you cannot make the discussion time, please keep an eye on this thread to voice any opinions.
Based on the feedback from the thread, we'll move forward with the following process:
- CAP Moderators post a Generation 9 Updates thread, which will serve as a hub for Generation 9 Updates.
- The scheduled date and time for the first batch of CAPs to be updated will be posted in this thread.
- At that scheduled time, we will convene on Discord to discuss the batch of CAPs. At least one CAP Moderator will lead the discussion and ensure that movepool additions are not excessive. These are the following discussion points for each CAP:
- The fate of its Isle of Armor tutor moves
- The fate of its Swords/Shield transfer moves
- Its level-up movepool gaps
- Any applicable movepool trends new in Scarlet and Violet
- Whether or not it will get a new, competitively-relevant move, and (if it will) what that ONE move will be (this move does not need to be introduced in Generation 9)
- The results of the Discord discussion will be summarized in the Generation 9 Updates Thread, and users will have up to 48 hours to voice any objections to the proposed changes. Heavily contested additions could be put up to a vote, if necessary. Additionally, the next scheduled date and time for the next batch of caps will be posted in the thread.
- Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until all CAPs have been updated.
- Retaining old moves (such as Knock Off Malaconda) OR acquiring new moves based on movepool trends (such as Ice Spinner Syclant) will NOT count as the "one new competitively-relevant move" outlined above.
- Adding new competitively-relevant moves to "stronger" CAPs will be under higher scrutiny. As always, signature moves will be held with higher scrutiny than non-signature moves. Legendary signature moves are not allowed, as always.
- The CAP Moderator leading discussion will have discretion to steer discussion away from "obviously" broken movepool additions. For each CAP in the batch, we will discuss these as applicable.
Preliminary updates already implemented on Showdown! at the posting of this thread (credit to Wulfanator):
- Updated level-up levels to fix calculation errors
- Deleted moves purged from level-up pools
- Scald removed from Arghonaut level-up
- Scald remains in Volkraken level-up (due to sharing typing with Volcanion)
- Overlapping Gen 8 TM/TRs and Gen 9 TMs kept (i.e.: Krilowatt no longer learns Scald)
- Tera Blast added to all learnsets
except Protowatt - Snowscape treated as a 1-to-1 replacement for Hail
- The fate of its Isle of Armor tutor moves
- The fate of its Swords/Shield transfer moves
- Its level-up movepool gaps
- Any applicable movepool trends new in Scarlet and Violet
- Whether or not it will get a new, competitively-relevant move, and (if it will) what that ONE move will be (this move does not need to be introduced in Generation 9)
- Session 1: Friday (1/13/2023) at 6 PM EST
- Stratagem / Smokomodo / Crucibelle / Naviathan
- Session 2: Saturday (1/14/2023) at 10 AM EST
- Malaconda / Plasmanta / Snaelstrom / Syclant
- Session 3: Saturday (1/14/2023) at 6 PM EST
- Caribolt / Miasmaw / Kitsunoh / Kerfluffle
- Session 4: Sunday (1/15/2023) at 10 AM EST
- Chromera / Colossoil / Aurumoth / Tomohawk
- Session 5: Friday (1/20/2023) at 6 PM EST
- Necturna / Mollux / Voodoom / Cyclohm
- Session 6: Saturday (1/21/2023) at 10 AM EST
- Volkraken / Pajantom / Krilowatt / Saharaja
- Session 7: Saturday (1/21/2023) at 6 PM EST
- Arghonaut / Jumbao / Fidgit / Revenankh
- Session 8: Sunday (1/22/2023) at 10 AM EST
- Astrolotl / Equilibra / Cawmodore / Pyroak / Venomicon
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Skitter Smack or Triple Axel)
- Retained past gen moves: Pin Missile, Bug Bite
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Close Combat, Ice Spinner, Pounce, Trailblaze
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: Poltergeist (not retaining Coaching)
- Retained past gen moves: Ancient Power, Power Whip
- Replace Revenge with Poltergeist in LU
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Thunder Punch, Take Down, Confuse Ray, Close Combat
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Grassy Glide, Burning Jealousy, Scorching Sands, or Terrain Pulse)
- Retained past gen moves: Heat Crash, Worry Seed
- If applicable, Replace Burn Up with Overheat in LU
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Take Down, Trailblaze
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Corrosive Gas or Scorching Sands)
- Retained past gen moves: Self-Destruct, Magic Room, Wonder Room, Block
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Pounce, Ice Spinner
- New Competitive Move: Healing Wish
- Retained IoA Moves: Meteor Beam
- Retained past gen moves: Rock Polish, Smack Down, Explosion
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV:
Rock Throw, Iron Defense - New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Skitter Smack, Coaching, or Lash Out)
- Retained past gen moves: Superpower, Brine, Torment
- Replace Revenge with Aqua Cutter, Scald with Liquidation, Submission with Superpower in LU
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Chilling Water, Take Down
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Skitter Smack or Poltergeist)
- Retained past gen moves: Pain Split, Knock Off, Iron Tail
- Replace Revenge with Knock Off in LU pool
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Confuse Ray, Night Shade, Pounce
- New Competitive Move: Strength Sap
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Rising Voltage)
- Retained past gen moves: Weather Ball, Breaking Swipe
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Take Down, Chilling Water
- New Competitive Move: Defog
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Lash Out or Scorching Sands)
- Retained past gen moves: Brutal Swing, Payback, Superpower, Aqua Tail, Wide Guard, Block
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Ice Spinner, Stealth Rock, Take Down, Mud Shot
- New Competitive Move: Headlong Rush
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Rising Voltage or Flip Turn)
- Retained past gen moves: Whirlpool
- Replace Mind Reader with Whirlpool in LU Pool
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Pounce, Chilling Water
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Burning Jealousy, Rising Voltage, Lash Out, Coaching)
- Retained past gen moves: Knock Off, Throat Chop, Payback, Vacuum Wave, Torment
- Replace Grudge with Torment, Revenge with Mach Punch in LU Pool
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Take Down, Rock Tomb
- New Competitive Move: Volt Switch
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Coaching or Dual Wingbeat)
- Retained past gen moves: None
- Shift all of its moves to remove movepool gaps
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Mud Slap, Air Cutter, Takedown, Trailblaze
- New Competitive Move: Body Press
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Grassy Glide, Skitter Smack)
- Retained past gen moves: Leaf Blade, Spite
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Trailblaze, Confuse Ray
- New Competitive Move: Shell Smash
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Skitter Smack or Corrosive Gas)
- Retained past gen moves: Sludge Wave
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: None
- New Competitive Move: Hydro Pump
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Skitter Smack or Expanding Force)
- Retained past gen moves: Megahorn, Disable, Psych Up
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Pounce,
Calm Mind - New Competitive Move:
Stored PowerCalm Mind
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Scale Shot, Grassy Glide, Lash Out, Skitter Smack)
- Retained past gen moves: Knock Off, Power Whip, Synthesis, include Brutal Swing, Spite, Screech, Swagger, Recycle if we have space in the movepool
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Belch, Trailblaze, Poison Tail
- New Competitive Move: Grav Apple
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Dual Wingbeat)
- Retained past gen moves: Knock Off, Endeavor
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Chilling Water, Take Down, Air Cutter
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Flip Turn, Burning Jealousy, Scorching Sands, or Skitter Smack)
- Retained past gen moves: Infestation
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Pounce, Flare Blitz
- New Competitive Move: Extrasensory
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Rising Voltage or Corrosive Gas)
- Retained past gen moves: Magnet Rise, Sludge Wave (clodsire gets it), fit Shock Wave if we can
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Acid Spray, Chilling Water, Charge Beam
- New Competitive Move: Surf
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Steel Roller or Scale Shot)
- Retained past gen moves: Icicle Spear, Whirlpool, Breaking Swipe, Muddy Water
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Chilliing Water
- New Competitive Move: Wave Crash
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Steel Roller or Meteor Beam)
- Retained past gen moves: Rock Polish, Sludge Wave
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Acid Spray
- New Competitive Move: Knock Off
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Misty Explosion or Coaching)
- Retained past gen moves: Beat Up, Swagger
- Replace Power-Up Punch with Charm in LU pool
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Take Down
- New Competitive Move: Psychic
- Retained IoA Moves: None
- Retained past gen moves: Dream Eater, Infestation, Sand Tomb
- Replace Laser Focus with Sand Tomb, Dual Chop with Shadow Claw in LU Pool
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Take Down, Confuse Ray
- New Competitive Move: Taunt
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Grassy Glide or Misty Explosion)
- Retained past gen moves: Superpower, Shore Up (add Shore Up to Gen 8 Movepool too)
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Take Down, Trailblaze
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Terrain Pulse, Grassy Glide, or Rising Voltage)
- Retained past gen moves: Power Whip, Uproar, Endeavor
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Take Down, Trailblaze
- New Competitive Move: Hyper Drill
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Burning Jealousy, Scorching Sands, Scale Shot, or Corrosive Gas)
- Retained past gen moves: Endeavor
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV:
Flame Charge, Trailblaze, Aerial Ace - New Competitive Move:
SpikesFlame Charge
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Skitter Smack or Dual Wingbeat)
- Retained past gen moves: Pin Missile, Muddy Water, Razor Shell
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Chilling Water, Pounce
- New Competitive Move:
Calm MindRecover
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Steel Roller)
- Retained past gen moves: Gravity
- Replace Mind Reader with Gravity in LU
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Ice Spinner, Heavy Slam
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Scorching Sands and Meteor Beam)
- Retained past gen moves: Safeguard
- Replace Heal Bell with Safeguard in LU
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Take Down, Flame Charge
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Skitter Smack or Corrosive Gas)
- Retained past gen moves: Megahorn, Breaking Swipe
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Pounce
- New Competitive Move: Scale Shot
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Lash Out)
- Retained past gen moves: Uproar, Assurance, Payback, Switcheroo
- Replace Decorate with Play Rough, Aromatherapy with Grass Knot (new move to preserve one move of each type in LU pool) in LU Pool
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Chilling Water, Trailblaze, Mud Slap
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Dual Wingbeat)
- Retained past gen moves: None
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Take Down, Tailwind, Acid Spray
- New Competitive Move: None
- Retained IoA Moves: None (not retaining Scorching Sands or Lash Out)
- Retained past gen moves: High Horsepower, Pay Day
- Move additions based on new movepool trends in SV: Take Down, Rain Dance, Trailblaze, Chilling Water
- New Competitive Move: None
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