ty man! i rng'd my first sick 5th gen XD!!
If the game always begins in a random frame between 40-60, how is it possible to obtain frame 8 eggs? I have successfully RNG a lot of flawless shiny pokemon eggs, but I just can't figure out how to hatch flawless-non shinies. D:
Edit: Currently doing this.
Mom: Flawless adamant ditto@everstone
Dad: Flawless adamant magikarp (1500 steps to hatch, decent scapegoat)
1)Time Finder tab > Capture > Gen 5 Standard seed, frame 8/8, gift pokemon
2)IVs: 31/31/x/x/x/31.
3)Copy seed into main window and select BW Breeding + Ditto Parent
4)Find initial frame
5)Find a frame where Def and SpDef are inherited
6)Chatot all the way to it
Am I missing something?
Why would you choose to have your min frame at 70?
Isn't the starting frame 8? Wouldn't you want something closer to that?
I'm using the Shiny Egg Finder. The spread asks for 73 frames. Do I have to use a Chatot 65 times then?
Hi I'm new to the forum and to RNG abuse so please try to go easy on me. I've been struggling to get this to work for two days. I've followed the guides here and watched bearsfan's video tutorials and I keep having the same issue.
My problem is in the Calibration step. I've followed the guide and how-to videos exactly. I know my mac address, I use black *english* version and play on a dslite. Got that down. Synced my ds to an external clock and started it at a precise time which I entered in the paramaters page.
I am saved directly in front of Kyurem so I load my game, throw a masterball, calculate his IV's and enter that info as well AND..... I get nothing. No results have been found for me, ever. I tried several times with Kyurem, many times just inside the Victory Road, caught a variety of high-level pokemon and entered their IVs and still I never get any results. I am sure I'm not holding down any buttons when I start the game. I'm really at a loss. >.<
I can provide exact dates, times, IVs and any other information that might be needed for anyone to show me what I'm doing wrong.
Okay, so as an example:
Let's say I generate the list of eggs first. I find one I like, it says it's on frame 57. I go to the main window, paste the full seed, Breeding(B/W), put in the desired IVs, leave the nature as Any, so I can check the full list, and click Generate. I change the time to what the Time Finder wants, start the game 1 second earlier than that, and hold the buttons (if any). I spam the menu button after starting the game (with C-Gear off), view Chatot's summary, spam the A button after exiting the menu, and get the egg. Then it's *recommended* that I got to Victory Road, catch a random, and view the IVs. I compare those IVs to the list to determine which one I actually got. (And if I'm understand correctly, THAT'S my SSF?) So if the starting frame was originally 57, let's say I find the one I got on..... 70. 70-57+1=14, so I'd start the game at the same time as the first, go through the steps again, but I'd view Chatot's summary 14 times instead, then collect the egg?
The Frame that gnerates IVs is on MTIVRNG Frame 8
The Frame that generates Nature/Ability/Shininess/Inheritance is on a seperate RNG called "PIDRNG"
When you collect the egg after you hit the seed it takes the IVs from Frame 8 of the MTIVRNG automatically. However you have to find the SSF of the PIDRNG on your own. RNG Reporter calculates the SF (37-58) of but the NPCs throw it off. Your Chatot Calls advance the PIDRNG.
Kiwi, The PIDRNG always begins on a "random frame". MTIVRNG always begins on 1 but Eggs take the IVs from 8
Razur, your confusing the 2 RNGs. 73-SSF = # of Advances
So, I'm not exactly new to RNGing. I RNGed a lot in 4th gen, and have successfully RNGed quite a few times in this gen. However, the new RNG Reporter (9.93) has me a bit stumped...
On the LEFT side, my shiny frame is 80. On the RIGHT, my shiny frame is 79. Both sides have an accurate TID and SID. The seed was C/P straight into the Seed (Hex) box.
What's the right frame???
You're supposed to go into the game a second before your target time.I've been trying to RNG breed after having success with three different RNG wild encounter projects in BW, a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Deerling, 31/31/31/31/31/31 Frillish, and 31/31/30/30/30/30 Litwick. Now I'm stuck again.
Ok, I'm still having trouble hitting my seed, so I'm gonna post everything to make sure I'm doing it right. To be clear, I want a regular egg, not a shiny egg, with 31/10/31/30/31/31. The seed is F8BE773408BCA716, the time is 12/01/11, 02:35:42, with no keypresses, so I'm booting the game at 02:35:41.
Using Time Finder, with 3 Keypresses, under 4th/5th Gen Shiny Egg, Year 2011, Month 12, Min/Max Frame is 50/100. Breeding Type Black/White, Everstone nature Calm, Nature and Ability Any, gender any, Mother's IVs 31/31/31/31/31/31 and Father's IVs 31/10/31/30/31/18. Ditto parent and show inheritance boxes are checked. Enter the desired IVs, and hit generate.
Pick a seed that matchs everything I want, it inherits the HP and Sp. Attack IVs from Ma and Defense IVs from Fe, has a Calm Nature, Ability 0, Dream Ability False, and there is an M under the 12.5% column.
C+P from Time Finder to the main window, Method Breeding BW, Everstone Nature Calm, the desired IVs/Nature/Ability/Gender aren't filled in. Ditto Parent is checked off.
I boot the game at 02:35:41, no keypresses, press A when the comet appears, mash X as the season fades, grab the egg as fast as possible, and hatch it. It doesn't match anything on the list of frames for that seed.
What am I doing wrong?
You're supposed to go into the game a second before your target time.