Gen III Battle Frontier Discussion and Records

What if we, and this would naturally be a separate category, allow the use of the Battle Pike move-learn glitch?


I'm not talking about giving any Pokémon just any move, but give them moves that they end up learning somewhere down the line

Hello everyone, I thought I was done with the frontier after gathering all the golden symbols and the golden shield in the tower at 111. But I was wrong I guess. There is always something to do, its just too good of a game. Anyway, I RNG an amazing Registeel, one of the best pokémon, and I would like to try it in the battle tower.
Careful nature, ivs 31/18/31/30/31/8, hp and sp def invested. A bulky wall, an unmovable object that I was thinking of pairing with a bulky bold latias. I would like you to recommend me a moveset for this steely boy. I was thinking a toxic stalling set cause his atk is shitty but you tell me. If you want to suggest even a third pokemon for the tower with him and latias I am all ears. Latias is bold, hp and def invested with calm mind recover dragon claw and refresh. So two bulky boyz and I dont know who to put with them. I always used a super offensive team and I would like to change asset, trying to stall and tank for a change.Thanks in advance, take your time, no pressure, I will probably try the run this summer cause now I am just strategizing. Thanks a lot and cheers. Amazing forum as always by the way, very helpful. The pictures are of Registeels stats.


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That fits. I am at 231* wins with the following Latias/Registeel stall team, all PKHeX'd:

I originally came up with the Latias Kommo-o ran (that's why his team was called Deutsche Wissenschaft, not because of Registeel), but the original inspiration is down to Jumpman and Peterko because this is simply a Trick lead without Trick. Here Latias outspeeds the crowded 162 tier (110 base neutral natures) while living +0 crit Meteor Mash from Lum Berry Metagross guaranteed (Bold Latias has to make do with a slightly worse spread). Contrary to what the paste says, Registeel is Impish (was Careful) with Def EVs because this improves the team's chances against Regirock3, which must be taken on by Struggling (thus also Curse over Iron Defense) and now deals 51 - 60% to Registeel on a +6 crit (thanks Kommo-o for making the suggestion); the speed investment reaches 81, which is enough for Lapras7/8 (barring QC). Salamence is EV'd to live Rhydon's non-crit +0 Rock Slide, and particularly also have its sub broken by this move at -6 Atk only 3/16 of the time (0/16 would require running 196 Atk, which misses the OHKO on e.g. Snorlax unless running HP Flying, which has its issues too). Rhydon is generally a threat but has failed to end the streak so far.

If this team doesn't convince you, the third team member you choose needs to be able to take on Heracross.

edit: while I'm here, my Factory Doubles streak (76) isn't listed
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Here to report an actual streak for once, in Factory Doubles Level 50. Lost the 78th battle, more on that below. Large parts of the streak were witnessed by submenceisop and HoneyMoon on the discord server. I started logging more details about the streak in round 6. Up to and including round 7, I used Factory Assistant (from round 8 onwards it becomes slow/impractical and almost useless anyway).

It was a really lucky run in which I could have lost way earlier e.g. when I had to dodge a Rock Slide from a Dugtrio AND land a critical hit, I somehow did (first battle of round 10)

Don't have a lot of time to make a really nice writeup, but I have included the text file of my log.


Hello guys, it's been a while and after catching up with some of the streaks posted on the forum I wanted to share some small updates regarding the streaks.

Holthyr I noticed that you mentioned that I deleted your Palace streak from the thread before. I wanted to let you know that I haven't and if I did, this would've been by mistake because I never saw anything suspicious on it and just wanted to let you know that I have added it on the leaderboard as well as your new submission. For the next time, if a streak goes missing again, please let me know as otherwise I do not have the ability to check the forum consistently anymore due to work.

Coeur7 I did not added your streak because as the rules of this thread state, all records require a screenshot or an in-game picture of your battle results inside the facility. If you can add a screenshot to your current submission, just let me know when it is done so I can add your Factory Doubles streak to the leaderboard.

Actaeon same as Coeur, just add an in-game screenshot of your Battle Results and I'll be happy to add your streak!

nikocsub while not obligatory, I would like to encourage users to share their experiences on what they did when they were using their team, explain the roles of their team mates as well as to share any strengths or weaknesses that the team has. If you can add a bit more of detail on your post, I'll be happy to add your streak.

submenceisop I'm going to gouge your eyes out for never reminding me to add your 199 God streak on Arena LOL

AuraRayquaza just wanted to let you know that your streaks have been added, I saw your edits and I added your streaks as a result. If there's any mistakes, please let me know.

JoebertIII I have no words to describe how ingenious and amazing your posts are and I'm always happy to see you reach new heights every day! :quagchamppogsire:

Congratulations to Churly-Puik and Zakelli for your new records and hope to see more from you! I do apologize it took so long but as I mentioned earlier, I had been busy with work recently. Please let me know if you notice any mistakes and I'll be happy to help.

Missing# congratulations to you for entering the leaderboard with your Factory streak! Thank you for sharing and your streak should now be visible on the leaderboard.
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Coeur7 I did not added your streak because as the rules of this thread state, all records require a screenshot or an in-game picture of your battle results inside the facility. If you can add a screenshot to your current submission, just let me know when it is done so I can add your Factory Doubles streak to the leaderboard.
This rule should be overturned IMHO, as it's trivial to alter the record.

Bonus Lv. 50 Factory Singles streak of 48 wins (pretty bad, but got gold in about 20-30 hours)
I won round 5 with Jolteon2 / Walrein3 / Gardevoir2, apparently hitting Sheer Cold multiple times.

Round 6 had Swampert4 / Skarmory3 in the draft, which I took as a tremendous core by Factory standards, I swapped in Exeggutor3 against an upcoming Water specialist who led Ninetales, switched to Pert, got Fire Blasted twice (one crit), OHKO'd with EQ, and saw Tentacruel. I switched to Skarm because of Giga Drain, Cursed once, used Fly twice and died. Send Egg, it ends up at 6 HP, and last is Ludicolo. Which refuses to kill Egg with a simple Giga Drain and sets up Double Team instead. I hit Toxic and Egg recovers enough health to survive.

Later that round, I nearly get killed by Hariyama3 having swapped Egg for Dodrio (QC Rock Slide on Dodrio + crit Cross Chop on Skarm) but Swampert prevails thanks to Mirror Coating Golduck and winning against last mon Ninetales even on like 40 HP.

Gold Noland leads Snorlax, it's not Immunity so I can set up Skarm fully and beat it, Weezing comes out, it bolts me for 50%, +6 Fly does 90%... switch to Pert, it Explodes (should have gone to my lead Milotic3 tbh), last mon is Aggron which doesn't beat Milotic even with crit Thunder.

R7 draft was Mr. Mime1 / Electabuzz4 / Vileplume2 / Golem4 / Fearow4 / Clefable4, pretty bad haul. Announcer said Psychic, I picked Buzz / Golem / Clef (for Shadow Ball) and swept Flareon / Gardevoir / Medicham with just Golem (QC proc on Garde). I took Garde for Clef, then picked up a Heracross, which lost battle 7 due to missing Megahorn thrice in a row against last mon Milotic. I should have clicked Endure tbh.
Congratulations to Churly-Puik and Zakelli for your new records and hope to see more from you! I do apologize it took so long but as I mentioned earlier, I had been busy with work recently. Please let me know if you notice any mistakes and I'll be happy to help.

Thank you Kommo-o for your work on this forum, we appreciate it very much. This community is the reason why many of us keep playing Emerald and beating our own records, sharing experiences and helping each other to improve.

By the way, could you update the Arena leader board to include my 114 win streak? Thanks again and I hope you have a great day!


Hello everyone! I want to share with you my biggest accomplishment ever in the tower at lv 50. A win streak of 162. This time using an emulator.
First of all I always admired team Azure of kommo-o and wanted to try it out one day. I also love the colour blu, and guess what are my favourite pokémon? Yeah, 3 blue boys, latios, suicune and metagross. Sad story short, with my gba SP and emerald cartridge, with which I made my previous tower streak, I dont have access to a competitive suicune. The one I have I gotit from fire red years ago and it sucks. So the other day I decided to try emerald on emulator, never used before, not even for smartphone. I was using my pc for univesity and I said, yeah, I deserve it. And oh boy, I discovered an all new world of cheat codes and shenanigans. Mind you, I wanted to try the battle tower fair and square, not with max stats or impossible moves or saving before losing kind of cheats. Not like that. I wouldnt have write down here my streak otherwise. I just wanted a taste of my ideal and favourite team that I couldnt get on cartridge. So I used just the codes for getting perfect ivs and the 3 pokémon I wanted, skipping the RNG process and the cross breedings and the genetic engineering. The 3 blue pokémon that I cited earlier. Than I ev trained them myself looking at team azure as a basic inspiration and some other smogon insights. It was a fast process, not gonna lie. I would have never tried it in any other way. I got them at lv 40, teached them the right moves, that they can normally learn and then I warped to the frontier skipping all of the main story. I did it all this week end in a couple of days. Fast forward mode with the emulator is out of this world. So in a couple of hours I was ready to try the battle tower with my azure team lite version. I tried using Steelix but I just couldnt see his real potential. I would love to have liked it, but the sparks between us never flew I guess. So speaking of my azure team cheap version, cause they are all blue, get it? (I dont get why kommo-o called its team azure with his shiny pokemon of all different colors beside blu?azure?!are you daltonic man?). Anyway, my light blue team, the Sapphire Squad or SS (no pun intended) is composed of a distant cousin of the Enkidu latios of azure team, with different evs spreads and ice beam instead of dragon claw (how do you kill the grass fucker without Ice?!?). It has a different spreads in def and sp def also. Huge thing the nature. I previously ran a modest nature latios with a 200 sp atk but with timid I can outspeed more threats. (Looking at you gengar, starmie and aerodactyl). Than I forged a bulkier suicune without speedy investment, cause I am not smart enough to understand the correlation between speed and putting up substitute. Last but not least a metagross, cause for me its better than steelix. Its far greater. I know its not sturdy and immune to electro but it has a stunning atk and a larger pool of moves. Its hp and atk invested obviously. With a choice band cause its his bread and butter basically. Just 4 evs to get 91 speed and outspeed a couple of other metagross earthquakes. Maybe its a boring team cause latios and metagross are everywhere and over used by now. Well guess what? it s cause they are awesome. Thats why. Its that simple. You know whats even cooler than latios and metagross? Latios and metagross fighting side by side with a suicune. Thats the peak. Top of the chart. Pinnacle of the pyramid. There is no doubts. Any other options its a downgrade.

Latios (Zefiro)

Evs 252 Sp atk / 220 speed / 28 hp / 10 def
Lum berry
Calm mind
Ice beam

Suicune (Crystal)

Evs 252 hp / 252 def / 6 speed
Calm mind

Metagross (Azure)

Evs 252 atk / 252 hp / 6 speed
Choice band
Meteor Mash
Shadow ball

So I started my run using my dream team and I dont know if its the perfect ivs, or the sinergy, or the mesmerizing blue color or I am just in the zone, but I am breezing through the Tower. I dont have a goal in mind thats the thing. I am just enjoying myself. The record streak is a secondary thought. Without losing once I beat Annabel two times. I am also using the emulator speed frame so I am litteraly flying. Latios does most of the work, when I see a bulky curse treat I explode with metagross and for threatening beast, suicune is a game changer. I have never used substitute, but seeing this forum and all of your amazing teams I guessed it was a great strategy to use. And indeed it was. Suicune is a wall, an impenetrable tank. He is just amazing. Its tough to break it. Just electric and grass attack are dangerous but with a couple of calm mind behind a substitute he laugh to the face of everyone, while their attacks cant even scratch the top of his substitute. Trying this run just for him it was worthy. Pp stalling the enemy with the fast forward emulator speed is a piece of cake. Just spamming calm mind and when they hit struggle its done.
The strategy its basically this: Latios kill everything he can. If they let me, I will set up calm mind and they will be sorry. If the enemy can kill my latios I send out metagross, with shadow ball he clear me from psychic and ghost pokemon, with earthquake from the electro one and meteor mash pulverize the icy bastards. If its a DT spammer or just a huge threat that I cant put down in a couple of turns, than that water monster of Suicune rises from the abyss to help me. When he sets up 6 CM its a rainy god raining tsunami down its enemies. He can sweep everything and everyone, sending them to kingdom come. If the enemy has water absorb like lapras or vaporeon I await for his death by struggle from behind my substitute. If he has leftovers I change back to someone else.
I have beaten Annabel 4 times easily with just latios and calm mind. Setting up 4 CM against Raikou, than Ice beamed her latios and 2 shotted snorlax with psychic (how many time do you want to get your ass kicked dear lady?!) I destroyed my records team of 111, done in an entire summer of pain and suffering, the team was the latios bodyguards. It had a slaking as a pivot and it was an ultra offensive one.
But compared to that the cohesion of this team its just poetic. Suicune tanks the latios and metagross threats, metagross the physical ones and the explosions. Latios clean the house. Also the blue frame of their figure gives me the chills. They complete each other. Overall I had some problems with curse and DD users, like a fucking quagsire who I pp stalled just to discover that at maximum atk and def, while struggling he didnt die cause of his leftovers. Also my suicunes surf would just give him health, cause of water absorb ability. In the end I dont know how but I killed it with explosion. DD salamence and gyarados are real fucker. The first one with brightpowder, if I miss ice beam on the first turn with latios I am screwed. Gyarados is the one who put an end at my streak. My loss went like this: after killing typloshion with latios and a boosted 4 CM, I saw a crobat and I went for the psychic easy kill. I miss, cause of brightpowder and he crit me with sludgebomb. Metagross come in to smack his meteor mash but he get confused and he also miss 2 times. When he has just a couple of hp left he killed it but its too late now. Gyarados come in and it has DD. Suicune try to CM and use substitute but after a couple of boost gyarados wreaks havoc. Surfing against him its tough and he rest when he is in the lower hp half. My streak is done but I am proud. Other than that I had problems with umbreon and jolteon 4, maybe some perish song or lovely kiss jynx, but I always survived in the end. Also gardevoir is a bitch. I have to use shadowball with metagross to kill her, but she is faster and sometimes pack fire moves. Also she has destiny bond. What a pain. I also risked my streak 2 times in a row against a porygon 2. What a joke! The fourth set, boltbeam with spec. atk boost. I send out metagross cause latios die in 2 with Ice beam and cant kill him, and suicune hate electricity. Metagross miss meteor mash 3 times. Wow. Just wow. Then he die of thunderbolt. I have to use suicune and his huge bulk to save the situation with the standard calm mind and substitute. But it was a close one. The next battle, trainer number 156 I think, another porygon 2 set 4 came out. The AI saw that I risked my life back there so they want to test me again. Same pattern but this time with metagross I use earthquake cause it has more precision. With the speed frame I couldnt understand why he missed again 3 times, the test its too speedy. Again? It was impossible. Come on. So I decrease the speed frame and I read that porygon 2 has taken the ability levitate from latios. What an idiot I am! Of course it missed, it was immune. Metagross die and Suicune have to save the situation again. God bless you Suicune.
Now a quick citation of an infamous threat of the tower, the 1OK O move. Horn drill, fissure, you name it. I was always scared of them and without a sturdy ability you are kind of naked against it. Just relay on sheer luck I guess. Than I discovered that substitute is amazing even for this. Seeing suicune tanking 3 sheer colds in a row behind a substitute its a wonderful view that I recomend to anyone. It happened just once that they quick clawed me after destroying my substitute with a previous 1OK O move but I was able to win with metagross and an earthquake. (Fuck you rhydon). To conclude this dissertation about why I decided to try a run with blu pokemons, than here it is my blue team, the Sapphire Squad SS - They love the color blu if it wasnt clear and so do I

I hope to be put in the leaderboard but I am a little scared cause I dont fully know your rules and policy about emulator and cheat code. I dont think you find this ethical? Maybe the perfects ivs stats its not fair game? I thought of that but the entire tower has pokemon with perfect ivs so it should be ok. Why not everyone in here does it? Cause your better than me I think. The way I trained my pokemon could have been done without code so its just a reason of time and tools. If the way I got them is the cheat than ok, it means that the process of obtaining them its the real deal not the run per se. But I couldnt find any other way to use this team to be honest. Suicune was just out of reach. This was the only one. But I can understand that people who breed a perfect pokemon and train them or pass them over from colosseum or other games are the OG and they deserve the honor and praise. Strictly considering the frontier though I think I earned it cause you can have perfect IVs pokemon but than you have to use them right. I made a huge run in just a couple of days, but it was a serious and difficult one, fair and square with tower hax move and lucks and the usual things. I used the damage calculator and hozu s spreadsheet, the list of trainer and their possible sets. It was hard work. I sweat and I cried and I laughed and I lived every floor of it. Loving it. Cursing it. But you know if you can put me in the leader board or not. In the end I just wanted to share my experience with you to be honest, cause I did it all out of love and curiosity for this team. I started the run for fun, getting so far wasnt on my agenda. It was a surprise yes, but a welcomed one.

Anyway, after this run I will retire for a while, I used my team of latios bodyguards on cartridge with slaking metagross and latios reaching 111 tower lv and it was a fun run. Than I tried a cheap version of adede iridescence team but without the right stats and moves I couldnt get far. Also without an emulator it was boring as hell. I was thinking of using a registeel team this summer but I lost interest after more consideration. All the while I was thinking about the azure team, my mind painted blu, it became a recurrent mantra, an obsessive thought, a distant colorful mirage. In the end the real obsession was for suicune I think, so I had to try it out. To taste it first hand. With my blue team I reached the pinnacle of my pokemon trainer career. It was done with cheat code and emulator? Yeah so what? The 162 run was mine alone though. I just speed up the process of getting the pokémons. Nonetheless it was worth it, and I enjoyed it all the way to the end. Now I dont know if I will use other teams in the future cause this one will always be the real one and I dont know if I can replace it.
Just too good to be blu.
Let me know if I am eligible for the board so I can put it on my CV. Peace out and cheers everyone. And remember that blue is the warmest color.


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This rule should be overturned IMHO, as it's trivial to alter the record.

Bonus Lv. 50 Factory Singles streak of 48 wins (pretty bad, but got gold in about 20-30 hours)
I won round 5 with Jolteon2 / Walrein3 / Gardevoir2, apparently hitting Sheer Cold multiple times.

Round 6 had Swampert4 / Skarmory3 in the draft, which I took as a tremendous core by Factory standards, I swapped in Exeggutor3 against an upcoming Water specialist who led Ninetales, switched to Pert, got Fire Blasted twice (one crit), OHKO'd with EQ, and saw Tentacruel. I switched to Skarm because of Giga Drain, Cursed once, used Fly twice and died. Send Egg, it ends up at 6 HP, and last is Ludicolo. Which refuses to kill Egg with a simple Giga Drain and sets up Double Team instead. I hit Toxic and Egg recovers enough health to survive.

Later that round, I nearly get killed by Hariyama3 having swapped Egg for Dodrio (QC Rock Slide on Dodrio + crit Cross Chop on Skarm) but Swampert prevails thanks to Mirror Coating Golduck and winning against last mon Ninetales even on like 40 HP.

Gold Noland leads Snorlax, it's not Immunity so I can set up Skarm fully and beat it, Weezing comes out, it bolts me for 50%, +6 Fly does 90%... switch to Pert, it Explodes (should have gone to my lead Milotic3 tbh), last mon is Aggron which doesn't beat Milotic even with crit Thunder.

R7 draft was Mr. Mime1 / Electabuzz4 / Vileplume2 / Golem4 / Fearow4 / Clefable4, pretty bad haul. Announcer said Psychic, I picked Buzz / Golem / Clef (for Shadow Ball) and swept Flareon / Gardevoir / Medicham with just Golem (QC proc on Garde). I took Garde for Clef, then picked up a Heracross, which lost battle 7 due to missing Megahorn thrice in a row against last mon Milotic. I should have clicked Endure tbh.

Thank you, both streaks have been added to the leaderboard!
Thank you Kommo-o for your work on this forum, we appreciate it very much. This community is the reason why many of us keep playing Emerald and beating our own records, sharing experiences and helping each other to improve.

By the way, could you update the Arena leader board to include my 114 win streak? Thanks again and I hope you have a great day!

Thanks for letting me know, the streak has been added on the leaderboard as well. Please let me know if there's any mistakes or any other streak I might had missed.

View attachment 492012View attachment 492013View attachment 492014

Hello everyone! I want to share with you my biggest accomplishment ever in the tower at lv 50. A win streak of 162. This time using an emulator.
First of all I always admired team Azure of kommo-o and wanted to try it out one day. I also love the colour blu, and guess what are my favourite pokémon? Yeah, 3 blue boys, latios, suicune and metagross. Sad story short, with my gba SP and emerald cartridge, with which I made my previous tower streak, I dont have access to a competitive suicune. The one I have I gotit from fire red years ago and it sucks. So the other day I decided to try emerald on emulator, never used before, not even for smartphone. I was using my pc for univesity and I said, yeah, I deserve it. And oh boy, I discovered an all new world of cheat codes and shenanigans. Mind you, I wanted to try the battle tower fair and square, not with max stats or impossible moves or saving before losing kind of cheats. Not like that. I wouldnt have write down here my streak otherwise. I just wanted a taste of my ideal and favourite team that I couldnt get on cartridge. So I used just the codes for getting perfect ivs and the 3 pokémon I wanted, skipping the RNG process and the cross breedings and the genetic engineering. The 3 blue pokémon that I cited earlier. Than I ev trained them myself looking at team azure as a basic inspiration and some other smogon insights. It was a fast process, not gonna lie. I would have never tried it in any other way. I got them at lv 40, teached them the right moves, that they can normally learn and then I warped to the frontier skipping all of the main story. I did it all this week end in a couple of days. Fast forward mode with the emulator is out of this world. So in a couple of hours I was ready to try the battle tower with my azure team lite version. I tried using Steelix but I just couldnt see his real potential. I would love to have liked it, but the sparks between us never flew I guess. So speaking of my azure team cheap version, cause they are all blue, get it? (I dont get why kommo-o called its team azure with his shiny pokemon of all different colors beside blu?azure?!are you daltonic man?). Anyway, my light blue team, the Sapphire Squad or SS (no pun intended) is composed of a distant cousin of the Enkidu latios of azure team, with different evs spreads and ice beam instead of dragon claw (how do you kill the grass fucker without Ice?!?). It has a different spreads in def and sp def also. Huge thing the nature. I previously ran a modest nature latios with a 200 sp atk but with timid I can outspeed more threats. (Looking at you gengar, starmie and aerodactyl). Than I forged a bulkier suicune without speedy investment, cause I am not smart enough to understand the correlation between speed and putting up substitute. Last but not least a metagross, cause for me its better than steelix. Its far greater. I know its not sturdy and immune to electro but it has a stunning atk and a larger pool of moves. Its hp and atk invested obviously. With a choice band cause its his bread and butter basically. Just 4 evs to get 91 speed and outspeed a couple of other metagross earthquakes. Maybe its a boring team cause latios and metagross are everywhere and over used by now. Well guess what? it s cause they are awesome. Thats why. Its that simple. You know whats even cooler than latios and metagross? Latios and metagross fighting side by side with a suicune. Thats the peak. Top of the chart. Pinnacle of the pyramid. There is no doubts. Any other options its a downgrade.

Latios (Zefiro)View attachment 492018
Evs 252 Sp atk / 220 speed / 28 hp / 10 def
Lum berry
Calm mind
Ice beam

Suicune (Crystal)View attachment 492019
Evs 252 hp / 252 def / 6 speed
Calm mind

Metagross (Azure)View attachment 492020
Evs 252 atk / 252 hp / 6 speed
Choice band
Meteor Mash
Shadow ball

So I started my run using my dream team and I dont know if its the perfect ivs, or the sinergy, or the mesmerizing blue color or I am just in the zone, but I am breezing through the through. I dont have a goal in mind thats the thing. I am just enjoyng myself. The record streak is a secondary thought. Without losing once I beat Annabel two times. I am also using the emulator speed frame so I am litteraly flying. Latios does most of the work, when I see a bulky curse treat I explode with metagross and for threatening beast, suicune is a game changer. I have never used substitute, but seeing this forum and all of your amazing teams I guessed it was a great strategy to use. And indeed it was. Suicune is a wall, an impenetrable tank. He is just amazing. Its tough to break it. Just electric and grass attack are dangerous but with a couple of calm mind behind a substitute he laugh to the face of everyone, while their attacks cant even scratch the top of his substitute. Trying this run just for him it was worthy. Pp stalling the enemy with the fast forward emulator speed is a piece of cake. Just spamming calm mind and when they hit struggle its done.
The strategy its basically this: Latios kill everything he can. If they let me, I will set up calm mind and they will be sorry. If the enemy can kill my latios I send out metagross, with shadow ball he clear me from psychic and ghost pokemon, with earthquake from the electro one and meteor mash pulverize the icy bastards. If its a DT spammer or just a huge threat that I cant put down in a couple of turns, than that water monster of Suicune rises from the abyss to help me. When he sets up 6 CM its a rainy god raining tsunami down its enemies. He can sweep everything and everyone, sending them to kingdom come. If the enemy has water absorb like lapras or vaporeon I await for his death by struggle from behind my substitute. If he has leftovers I change back to someone else.
I have beaten Annabel 4 times easily with just latios and calm mind. Setting up 4 CM against Raikou, than Ice beamed her latios and 2 shotted snorlax with psychic (how many time do you want to get your ass kicked dear lady?!) I destroyed my records team of 111, done in an entire summer of pain and suffering, the team was the latios bodyguards. It had a slaking as a pivot and it was an ultra offensive one.
But compared to that the cohesion of this team its just poetic. Suicune tanks the latios and metagross threats, metagross the physical ones and the explosions. Also the blue frame of their figure gives me the chills. They complete each other. Overall I had some problems with curse and DD users, like a fucking quagsire who I pp stalled just to discover that at maximum atk and def, while struggling he didnt die cause of his leftovers. Also my suicunes surf would just give him health, cause of water absorb ability. In the end I dont know how but I killed it with explosion. DD salamence and gyarados are real fucker. The first one with brightpowder, if I miss ice beam on the first turn with latios I am screwed. Gyarados is the one who put an end at my streak. My loss went like this: after killing typloshion with latios and a boosted 4 CM, I saw a crobat and I went for the psychic easy kill. I miss, cause of brightpowder and he crit me with sludgebomb. Metagross come in to smack his meteor mash but he get confused and he also miss 2 times. When he has just a couple of hp left he killed it but its too late now. Gyarados come in and it has DD. Suicune try to CM and use substitute but after a couple of boost gyarados wreaks havoc. Surfing against him its tough and he rest when he is in the lower hp half. My streak is done but I am proud. Other than that I had problems with umbreon and jolteon 4, maybe some perish song or lovely kiss jynx, but I always survived in the end. Also gardevoir is a bitch. I have to use shadowball with metagross to kill her, but she is faster and sometimes pack fire moves. Also she has destiny bond. What a pain. I also risked my streak 2 times in a row against a porygon 2. What a joke! The fourth set, boltbeam with spec. atk boost. I send out metagross cause latios die in 2 with Ice beam and cant kill him, and suicune hate electricity. Metagross miss meteor mash 3 times. Wow. Just wow. Then he die of thunderbolt. I have to use suicune and his huge bulk to save the situation with the standard calm mind and substitute. But it was a close one. The next battle, trainer number 156 I think, another porygon 2 set 4 came out. The AI saw that I risked my life back there so they want to test me again. Same pattern but this time with metagross I use earthquake cause it has more precision. With the speed frame I couldnt understand why he missed again 3 times, the test its too speedy. Again? It was impossible. Come on. So I decrease the speed frame and I read that porygon 2 has taken the ability levitate from latios. What an idiot I am! Of course it missed, it was immune. Metagross die and Suicune have to save the situation again. God bless you Suicune.
Now a quick citation of an infamous threat of the tower, the 1OK O move. Horn drill, fissure, you name it. I was always scared of them and without a sturdy ability you are kind of naked against it. Just relay on sheer luck I guess. Than I discovered that substitute is amazing even for this. Seeing suicune tanking 3 sheer colds in a row behind a substitute its an amazing view that I recomend to anyone. It happened just once that they quick clawed me after destroying my substitute with a previous 1OK O move but I was able to win with metagross and an earthquake. (Fuck you rhydon). To conclude this dissertation about why I decided to try a run with blu pokemons, than here it is my blue team, the Sapphire Squad SS - They love the color blu if it wasnt clear and so do I

I hope to be put in the leaderboard but I am a little scared cause I dont fully know your rules and policy about emulator and cheat code. I dont think you find this ethical? Maybe the perfects ivs stats its not fair game? I thought of that but the entire tower has pokemon with perfect ivs so it should be ok. Why not everyone in here does it? Cause your better than me I think. The way I trained my pokemon could have been done without code so its just a reason of time and tools. If the way I got them is the cheat than ok, it means that the process of obtaining them its the real deal not the run per se. But I couldnt find any other way to use this team to be honest. Suicune was just out of reach. This was the only one. But I can understand that people who breed a perfect pokemon and train them or pass them over from colosseum or other games are the OG and they deserve the honor and praise. Strictly considering the frontier though I think I earned it cause you can have perfect IVs pokemon but than you have to use them right. I made a huge run in just a couple of days, but it was a serious and difficult one, fair and square with tower hax move and lucks and the usual things. I sweat and I cried and I laughed and I lived every floor of it. Loving it. Cursing it. But you know if you can put me in the leader board or not. In the end I just wanted to share my experience with you to be honest, cause I did it all out of love and curiosity for this team. I started the run for fun, getting so far wasnt on my agenda. It was a surprise yes, but a welcomed one.

Anyway, after this run I will retire for a while, I used my team of latios bodyguards on cartridge with slaking metagross and latios reaching 111 tower lv and it was a fun run. Than I tried a cheap version of adede iridescence team but without the right stats and moves I couldnt get far. Also without an emulator it was boring as hell. I was thinking of using a registeel team this summer but I lost interest after more consideration. All the while I was thinking about the azure team, my mind painted blu, it became a recurrent mantra, an obsessive thought, a distant colorful mirage. In the end the real obsession was for suicune I think, so I had to try it out. To taste it first hand. With my blue team I reached the pinnacle of my pokemon trainer career. It was done with cheat code and emulator? Yeah so what? The 162 run was mine alone though. I just speed up the process of getting the pokémons. Nonetheless it was worth it, and I enjoyed it all the way to the end. Now I dont know if I will use other teams in the future cause this one will always be the real one and I dont know if I can replace it.
Just too good to be blue.
Let me know if I am eligible for the board so I can put it on my CV. Peace out and cheers everyone. And remember that blue is the warmest color.

Hi Alex, unfortunately on this case, my rules are clear and I do not accept streaks with hacked Pokemon. However since you have been a regular for a while on this forum, I don't mind sharing with you, .pk files of RNG abused Pokemon that you might need and you can just dump them on your emulator save. Do you happen to have Discord? Because you can join the Bank of Hoenn server and tag either me or Runeblade14 so we can help you and send you the files. I do happen to have RNG abused Latios, Suicune and Metagross that I can share with you and feel free to re-submit the streak after using them (you'll have to take care of the EV training by yourself though)
Im going to try to complete the battle tower using 3 shiny legendary dogs with RNG abuse to improve ivs its ilegal from fire red have decent ivs, but from colosseum this will be different, I have the three legal dogs, im going to focus to get silver symbol in battle frontier If I can complete I will post here the strategy and the ivs evs and natures. Thank you for create this post of battle frontier im really interested in do this challenge !! Very good post I will use orignal gba cartridge
Reached 78 KOs in the Arena using a team of Gengar, Snorlax, and Latios which was based off of submenceisop's team.

Gengar @ Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA, 6 SpD, 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
IVs: 15/30/2/31/22/27
Ice Punch
Fire Punch
Destiny Bond

snorlax gif.gif

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Thick Fat
Nature: Brave
EVs: 144 HP, 252 Atk, 114 Def
IVs: 16/29/31/23/16/17
Shadow Ball

Leftovers turned out to be really useful for winning Body judgments and the recovery can also mean the difference between dying and barely surviving to Selfdestruct.

Latios @ Cheri Berry
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
EVs: 6 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
IVs: 29/21/15/31/23/29
Ice Beam
Calm Mind

TwistedSpoon is another item I considered on Latios since it gets the guaranteed OHKO on Heracross 2 which runs max HP.

Lost against a team of Slowking 4, Weezing 4, and Gardevoir 4. Destiny Bond on Slowking, and Weezing explodes on Lax. Then it's Latios vs Gardevoir which I win 1v1 assuming no crit or brightpowder. But AI gets the crit Ice Punch and kills me.


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Does anyone know of a 2nd option for Latio's? I know that he is a staple but I accidently EV trained mine wrong and he is a level 100 so now I'm stuck with a Level 100 Latios with bad stats. Or can I just use berries on him and retrain him again? I'm new to this EV training thing.
In gen 3, Pokemon can have their EV re-applied by putting the Pokemon from your party to the PC Box and out again[0]. So just apply your EV-reducing berry and farm the proper EV and do that. Do note that this won't work in gen 4 and 5 as EV is gained along with EXP, and level 100 Pokemon don't gain EXP. Though this can be worked around in gen 5 as it has those EV-increasing feather items.

[0] -

EDIT: Welp, I got it totally wrong, memory failed me big time. Level 100 Pokemon don't gain EV in gen 3 and 4, but do in gen 5[1]. Ugh, sorry.

[1] -
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Retried the Battle Frontier..after not playing Emerald in 15+ years on Emulator. My first attempt and onging streak in the Battle Tower:

Win streak (ongoing) - 56 on Level 50.

Gardevoir (F)
IVs: 31/1/30/21/31/31
EVs: 252 HP 100 Defense 156 Speed

Moves: Theif, Destiny Bond, Memento, Double Team

Bred on Emerald.

IVs: 31/10/30/31/31/31
EVs: 220 HP 34 Defense 28 Special Defense 228 Speed

Moves: Protect, Flash, Substitute, Double Team

Rng'd on Fire Red by me.

IVs: 31/7/31/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP 252 Special Attack 252 Speed

Moves: Substitute, Recover, Calm Mind, Dragon Claw

Rng'd in Emerald by me

(The team is a work in progress)

Proof Attach.


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I got the Gold Symbol from Battle factory after 100+ hours on this nightmare. I tried a lot to get some good pokemons but either i lost because of bad luck or because of AI's luck. First of all if you want to try Gold Symbol for Factory its absolutely necessary to get your win streak on Battle Tower to 0. This gives you the opportunity to face opponents with below average IVs pokemons. Also i found that the more you trade pokemons its easier for you to get Pokemons with good IV's. After 15 trades you can get a Pokemon with 31 IV's. For the first 2 rounds i trade 14 Pokemon. Yeah 14 Pokemons and that means for the first 2 rounds i traded Pokemon after every battle( every round has 7 battles so for 2 rounds that means 14 trades). Also if you trade 15+ times when a round starts and you choose 3 of the 6 available Pokemon you have the opportunity to get a Pokemon from the next round( for example if you now start the 4th round and you have 15+ trades one of the 6 Pokemon you are able to choose will be from the 5th round and etc). If you want to try the Factory just try the lvl 50 its easier and you can make more mistakes without cost you the battle. I faced Noland only two times. The first time i dont even remember what Pokemons i had or he has. But after the method i mentioned above i met him for second time and...boom i won the gold symbol. My team was Electrode, Milotic and Skarmory from the next round(i had more than 15+ trades). Noland's team was Blissey which was just a nightmare. This Blissey had fire blast, softboiled, blizzard and one more move which i dont remember. I just tried to end all her PPs with Milotic and just kill it with Skarmory. Next pokemon was Gyarados which I oneshot it with Electrode and last Pokemon was Lanturn and i used explosion with Electrode and i won the Gold Symbol. I upload the screen with me streak. Thanks everyone


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Long-time lurker, and first-time poster here to report an ongoing streak of 42 wins in the Battle Palace on a retail cart of Pokemon Emerald.

Here is the team;


Bell (Suicune) @ Chesto Berry
Evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp.Atk
Ivs: 8 / 19 / 28 / 26 / 29 / 21
Ability: Pressure
Level: 50
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Ice Beam
- Rest
- Surf


Haystack (Meganium) @ Brightpowder
Evs: 252 HP / 126 Def / 132 Sp.Def
Ivs: 14 / 27 / 12 / 15 / 31 / 13
Ability: Overgrow
Level: 50
Bold Nature
- Synthesis
- Reflect
- Counter
- Leech Seed


Blissey @ Leftovers
Evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Sp.Atk
Ivs: 31 / 15 / 22 / 10 / 11 / 13
Ability: Natural Cure
Level: 50
Calm Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Toxic
- Softboiled
- Calm Mind

I know the team is less than optimal, and I will be making immediate adjustments now that I have gotten past Spenser ( as my first few runs have not been without challenges). I guess I wanted to see this team out because I like it and it had gotten so close to breaking 42 wins in the past. It functions essentially as it looks like it would, Meganium is for some of the wandering mixed attackers and physical threats that Suicune or Blissey can't take care of. It also throws out important leech seeds making reliable Suicune setups a bit easier. Blissey is there to wall special threats, and take care of the bulky waters that Suicune can not. Suicune is obviously the main sweeper.

This Suicune is one that I recently spent a bit of time resetting for in colosseum after using a Quirky FRLG Suicune for some open-level runs. Can say that the improvement in move choice was not as helpful as I thought it might be, but the extra IVS definitely saved me on some of the more dicey matchups that Suicune sometimes struggles with. All in all, I probably will stick with this Suicune for a while as, besides HP, the rest of its IVS are pretty solid.

Some notes on this streak and prior attempts:
Breloom is often a total run killer unless Suicune is already set up or Meganium plays its cards right. Going forward I am planning to swap Meganium for Swords Dance Venusaur. It is a better matchup into Breloom and I have had some prior success with it in open level paired with a support Stantler and CM Suicune, so I would like to see if the adjustment helps.

Some of the more interesting battles on this current streak include;
Suicune PP stalling multiple Lapras
Battles 35-41 had 3 encounters with Breloom (Only one was super dire, as suicune was not set up and Meganium was K.O.d with crit focus punch
Meganium impressively handling an Ampharos that would have otherwise ended the run.

The Spenser fight went about as well as I could have possibly hoped for:
Suicune handles Arcanine with two surfs after tanking two extreme speeds,
Suicune is swapped for Meganium on Slaking in hopes of getting leech seed, it is instead K.O.d with hyper beam and shadow ball
Suicune reappears and rests, tanks a hit, and begins to set up ( this includes a lucky Hyper Beam miss while at half health)
Slaking is K.O.d with surf, Spensers Suicune is sent out
Blissey is swapped in and eats everything while retaliating with thunderbolt and toxic until Suicune drops.

Anyway, it is lovely to finally participate in this thread after lurking for so long. It is so wonderful that the Gen III Frontier has maintained a community all of these years. I hope this is the first of many posts! It is a childhood dream of mine to attain a reputation in the Palace, and after years of reading and waiting around it is about time to finally take the dream on!

Retried the Battle Frontier..after not playing Emerald in 15+ years on Emulator. My first attempt and onging streak in the Battle Tower:

Win streak (ongoing) - 56 on Level 50.

Gardevoir (F)
IVs: 31/1/30/21/31/31
EVs: 252 HP 100 Defense 156 Speed

Moves: Theif, Destiny Bond, Memento, Double Team

Bred on Emerald.

IVs: 31/10/30/31/31/31
EVs: 220 HP 34 Defense 28 Special Defense 228 Speed

Moves: Protect, Flash, Substitute, Double Team

Rng'd on Fire Red by me.

IVs: 31/7/31/31/31/31
EVs: 6 HP 252 Special Attack 252 Speed

Moves: Substitute, Recover, Calm Mind, Dragon Claw

Rng'd in Emerald by me

(The team is a work in progress)

Proof Attach.

Hello, thanks for joining. Take into account that the minimum requirement to join the leaderboard is for +70 wins, so whenever you update the streak or reach 70 wins, let me know and I'll add this to the leaderboard :)
In gen 3, Pokemon can have their EV re-applied by putting the Pokemon from your party to the PC Box and out again[0]. So just apply your EV-reducing berry and farm the proper EV and do that. Do note that this won't work in gen 4 and 5 as EV is gained along with EXP, and level 100 Pokemon don't gain EXP. Though this can be worked around in gen 5 as it has those EV-increasing feather items.

[0] -

EDIT: Welp, I got it totally wrong, memory failed me big time. Level 100 Pokemon don't gain EV in gen 3 and 4, but do in gen 5[1]. Ugh, sorry.

[1] -

I'ts been almost x2 decades since I played Emerald so I'm relearning everything. I did use the berries to lower my ev's down on my Latios to retrain it but then I realized that my Latios is a level 50 and almost a level 51 so I literally cannot retrain it since it would then become a level 51 or higher and then would not be usable. Ugh, I think I'm just scraping this team until I can get a copy of ruby or sapphire and transfer a fresh Latios over and ev train it right the first time. Instead of the Latios, Metagross, and the Swampert squad, what do you recommend?

Since I'm relearning the game, I'm going to stick to x3 breedable and recaptaureable pokemon so in case I make a mistake then I can re bred and re train. I'm thinking of a Salamance and a Snorlax team but I'm not sure of a 3rd option. Especially seeing as these x2 Pokemon posed a threat to Adedede's 2,457 win streak team in his match against against Pkmn Ranger Tyler. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm currently thinking of a Metagross as my 3rd option.

I would just use Pkmn Ranger Tyler's team but I know that Exploud is not a solid 3rd choice since nobody with a big streak has been using him on their team.

All help is appreciated.
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I'm thinking of a Salamance and a Snorlax team but I'm not sure of a 3rd option. Especially seeing as these x2 Pokemon posed a threat to Adedede's 2,457 win streak team in his match against against Pkmn Ranger Tyler. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm currently thinking of a Metagross as my 3rd option.
Metagross and Salamence do pair very well. Something I've done to great effect in Gen IV (and I imagine it wou work here as well) is switch between the two when I'm facing an EdgeQuake user. The AI will always try to earthquake against Metagross and Stone Edge against Salamence, so if you just keep switching the end result is an opponent out of PP for their best move against Mence at -6 attack. Easy, easy setup. Might be a little less easy here because of Rock Slide's higher PP but the same basic principle is the same. The AI reacts, it doesn't predict.
Metagross and Salamence do pair very well. Something I've done to great effect in Gen IV (and I imagine it wou work here as well) is switch between the two when I'm facing an EdgeQuake user. The AI will always try to earthquake against Metagross and Stone Edge against Salamence, so if you just keep switching the end result is an opponent out of PP for their best move against Mence at -6 attack. Easy, easy setup. Might be a little less easy here because of Rock Slide's higher PP but the same basic principle is the same. The AI reacts, it doesn't predict.

Sweet because I was really feeling the Salamence, Metagross, and Snorlax setup. I gotta do my ev training and then I'll be on my way to the battle frontier.
Hi everyone, I hope you're doing very well. I would like to share with you my new win streak. The last one was on Battle Factory and now on Battle Pike. I reach 140 wins thanks to Pokemon i got from Hoenn Bank on discord server. I want to thank you guys all of you Jellal, Captain Santana and Runeblade. I will post picture proof and which Pokemon i used. Jolly Heracross with Hidden Power Ghost ( Choice Band) - 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 6 SPD , Latios ( Lum Berry) - 28 Hp / 12 Def / 244 Spa / 6 SpD / 220 Spe and Blissey (Leftovers) - 172 Hp / 252 Def / 84 Spd.


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Good day everyone, I'm here again to report my new streak of 133 Championships in Battle Dome Doubles Open Level. I mostly play Battle Tower Doubles because that is the facility I enjoy the most considering I used to casually play VGC a long time ago. However, the Battle Dome can actually be quite fun since it has team preview, but at the same time one gets more punished for "bad luck" and misplays than Battle Tower Doubles. In BT since one has 4 mons, one can make up for misplays or bad luck with the Pokemon in the back. Not in Battle Dome obviously. So, on my first run, I tried to use the same BT team I've been using for my streaks, but I only won 65 Championships. Lost at the 66th.



Latios @ Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 28 HP / 12 Def / 244 SpA / 6 SpD / 220 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Protect


Tauros @ Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 218 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Double-Edge
- Earthquake
- Return
- Hidden Power [Ghost]


Swampert (F) @ Soft Sand
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 168 HP / 252 Atk / 90 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Substitute
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power [Rock]

I lost to a quick claw Metagross explosion. If I remember correctly, the NPC led with Metagross and Registeel vs. My Latios and Swampert, I protected with Latios first turn fearing T1 explosion and EQ'ed with Swampert. Metagross survived with very low HP and Registeel avoided it with Brightpowder. Next turn, Metagross' quick claw activated and used explosion. Needless to say, Registeel survived it, but not my Pokemon. Not calling this bad luck. I totally misplayed: Did not alternate protect T2 like I should've had, and just lost.

Although I love Tauros in BT Doubles, I did not feel it in this facility. CB can be quite tricky to play around sometimes. I always feared that I would get stuck with a move and lose because of it. Eg: Going for EQ, expecting Latios to KO the flying type/levitating Pokemon but failing at doing so for whatever reason (missing, QC from the other Pokemon, brightpowder, etc), Latios fainting and then being stuck on EQ with Tauros, straight up losing the game.

I replaced it with Cheri Berry Metagross. Everyone loves Metagross but me for some BF facilities. Every time I've tried using it, it has been just meh. There are way too many fast fire types out there. However, since this facility has team preview I thought it would be a nice option. Explosion is handy, but one has to be careful not to just braindead spam it in every situation. For instance, there is a Blissey set that has brightpowder. Imagine I lead Latios + Metagross, I go for protect + explosion, and Blissey avoids it then it's gg. The same goes for various brightpowder/protect sets.

I decided not to run protect on this Metagross because I felt it was not necessary and also I'm almost never bringing it vs. a direct threat.

Swampert works almost the same way as in my BT team. It has substitute which again, is a decent way to play around explosion, and to deal with some counter sets, especially Blissey's. It's great against the Regis, fire types, Rhydon, Metagross, Tyranitar, Steelix, etc.



Latios @ Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 28 HP / 12 Def / 244 SpA / 6 SpD / 220 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Protect


Metagross @ Cheri Berry
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Hidden Power [Steel]
- Earthquake
- Shadow Ball
- Explosion


Swampert (F) @ Soft Sand
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 168 HP / 252 Atk / 90 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Substitute
- Earthquake
- Hidden Power [Rock]

There are two Pokemon that I fear a lot: Rhydon and Heracross. Since I'm no longer using Tauros to get Rhydon in -1 attack, Megahorn is 1HKO on Latios. A T1 QC Megahorn is not fun at all on Latios. I always try to Protect Latios and EQ with Swampert when I'm facing a Rhydon. Depending on IVS of the opponent, sometimes it 1HKO it and some others do not, meaning that in many instances I have no choice but pray the QC does not activate T2. Of course, In case it's one of the megahorn sets. Again, the other QC Horn drill spamming sets are not fun at all either... So yeah, Rhydon is pretty annoying.

Now, Heracross. It has a brightpower and a focus band set. They can be quite scary, especially the brightpower one.

Did not have close calls with them during these runs, but I always knew they were scary mons to face. So yeah, explosion, Rhydon and Heracross I think are the biggest threats to the team.

Battle Dome 133 Championships Wins.png

I lost at the 134th Championship.... Out of the Pokemon I faced I would've never expected to lose against an Aggron XDD. I probably misplayed in the battle itself, but I definitely should've brought Swampert... That was the mistake. Then Aggron got two QC attacks and I lost. I'm not blaming bad luck at all, I totally should've brought Swampert. Period.

As always and as proof I try to record parts of my runs when I have the time. I recorded a long session (60 Championships) because I had a lot of time on my hands yesterday.

This is not the end. I will definitely try to go for 200 Championship wins in the near future. I might modify the team, so if anybody has suggestions please let me know.

On a side note, I'd love that my BT Doubles streaks could be examined at some point. It looked like they were overlooked or maybe the admin is just too busy, but the leaderboards have been updated in recent times and I did not receive any feedback from my streaks.
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Finally beat my PB and reached an ongoing streak of 70 on Battle Tower Lv50 Doubles (cart).

Photo is coming. When I try upload a photo from my phone it says 'file too large'. I'll figure something out.

Why the bad natures, IVs and EVs?
This is the best I got lol. I RNG'd a few Pokemon but found it tedious so used other means of getting high IV Pokemon: the ruby battle tower glitch. I've done the glitch successfully 6 times, although the natures and EV investment are random, hence my rash Gardevoir and serious Milotic. Substitute was breed onto my Kangaskhan so that I don't need to replay leaf green to have a pokemon with substitute.

Team Explanation
I lead with Kangaskhan and Gardevoir and always use fake out on turn 1.
This allows Gardevoir to either set up, wall break, score KO's, or pivot. I try to keep the least threatening of the opponent's Pokemon in while hitting the other with STAB psychic and STAB double edge.

Kangaskhan can set up substitute easily since Gardevoir usually protects when targeted because of its low HP and defence. Sitrus berry heals double edge recoil and helps set up more substitutes. Double edge can KO Starmie and with rock slide Kangaskhan can hit ghost types. Even against steel types, Kangaskhan has come in handy stalling with substitute and scoring flinches and chip damage with rock slide.

This is the first time I've used a max speed, max HP Milotic and it worked very well. I run protect instead of recover to avoid damage from my Salamence's EQ, but it also works great for stalling, pivoting and recovering with leftovers. Milotic hasn't had a problem tanking hits thanks to Salamence's intimidate, while it's high speed stat allows it to do damage before taking damage.

I ran DD on Salamence but changed it for flamethrower for a reliable answer for Scizor, counter users, and physically defensive Metogross.

Team building
I refered to a type chart to find which moves hit the most Pokemon super effectively. So, I wanted my special attacking Pokemon to run boltbeam + psychic, while my physical attackers run EQ + rock slide. I chose Pokemon with high HP and speed. Only 1 is weak to Ice, 1 weak to electric, (2 neutral). Only 1 is weak to rock while 1 immunity to EQ (3 neutral).

I'm going to leave this streak at 70 and only continue after some calculations and optimisation.
I could run Destiny Bond or replace Gardevoir with Latios. Although, being neutral against ice is important for Starmie match ups, while Alakazam is quite frail.
Hariyama could replace Kangaskhan, but Kangaskhan is faster and hits like a truck with STAB double edge.
I chose Milotic over Swampert for the ice resist and better ability.
I chose Salamence because it's a dragon and dragons are cool.

Please comment with any ideas for improvements