Gen 9 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread

It's been 6 months, time for another "OU by technicality" report!

January through June 2024 usage stats for past gen OU tiers, averaged equally with a 2.28% "drop" cutoff, except Gen 8 which has it set at 3.41%. Rising back to OU from "OU by technicality" requires usage above the original cutoff for the respective generation (4.52% for Gen 8 and 3.41% for everything else).

Combined usage for OU (1630 stats)
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Landorus-Therian   | 37.543% |
 | 2    | Ferrothorn         | 24.794% |
 | 3    | Dragapult          | 22.767% |
 | 4    | Clefable           | 20.210% |
 | 5    | Heatran            | 19.736% |
 | 6    | Garchomp           | 19.310% |
 | 7    | Weavile            | 17.738% |
 | 8    | Zapdos             | 15.618% |
 | 9    | Tapu Lele          | 15.462% |
 | 10   | Melmetal           | 15.450% |
 | 11   | Tornadus-Therian   | 15.310% |
 | 12   | Toxapex            | 15.169% |
 | 13   | Kartana            | 14.842% |
 | 14   | Urshifu-Rapid-Strike | 14.550% |
 | 15   | Corviknight        | 12.293% |
 | 16   | Rillaboom          | 10.889% |
 | 17   | Tyranitar          | 10.622% |
 | 18   | Tapu Koko          | 10.533% |
 | 19   | Slowbro            | 10.157% |
 | 20   | Tapu Fini          |  9.470% |
 | 21   | Dragonite          |  8.884% |
 | 22   | Blacephalon        |  8.613% |
 | 23   | Skarmory           |  8.246% |
 | 24   | Blissey            |  7.913% |
 | 25   | Volcarona          |  7.654% |
 | 26   | Buzzwole           |  7.388% |
 | 27   | Excadrill          |  7.371% |
 | 28   | Mew                |  6.715% |
 | 29   | Slowking-Galar     |  6.525% |
 | 30   | Ninetales-Alola    |  6.436% |
 | 31   | Rotom-Wash         |  6.253% |
 | 32   | Zeraora            |  6.224% |
 | 33   | Pelipper           |  5.828% |
 | 34   | Gastrodon          |  5.223% |
 | 35   | Magnezone          |  4.853% |
 | 36   | Victini            |  4.752% |
 | 37   | Arctozolt          |  4.648% |
 | 38   | Hippowdon          |  4.633% |
 | 39   | Volcanion          |  4.623% |
 | 40   | Bisharp            |  4.434% |
 | 41   | Barraskewda        |  4.388% |
 | 42   | Cloyster           |  4.205% |
 | 43   | Hatterene          |  4.156% |
 | 44   | Crawdaunt          |  3.962% |
 | 45   | Celesteela         |  3.884% |
 | 46   | Nidoking           |  3.832% |
 | 47   | Aegislash          |  3.809% |
 | 48   | Blaziken           |  3.686% |
 | 49   | Scizor             |  3.670% |
 | 50   | Regieleki          |  3.614% |
 | 51   | Slowking           |  3.064% |
 | 52   | Zapdos-Galar       |  2.949% |
 | 53   | Hawlucha           |  2.563% |
 | 54   | Latios             |  2.507% |
 | 55   | Aurorus            |  2.387% |
 | 56   | Moltres-Galar      |  2.321% |
 | 57   | Eiscue             |  2.301% |
 | 58   | Swampert           |  2.136% |
 | 59   | Hydreigon          |  2.053% |
 | 60   | Polteageist        |  2.017% |
 | 61   | Tangrowth          |  2.008% |
 | 62   | Nihilego           |  1.933% |
 | 63   | Gengar             |  1.933% |
 | 64   | Cresselia          |  1.927% |
 | 65   | Marowak-Alola      |  1.924% |
 | 66   | Quagsire           |  1.910% |
 | 67   | Seismitoad         |  1.874% |
 | 68   | Torkoal            |  1.837% |
 | 69   | Sandslash-Alola    |  1.817% |
 | 70   | Mandibuzz          |  1.809% |
 | 71   | Kommo-o            |  1.807% |
 | 72   | Chansey            |  1.709% |
 | 73   | Porygon2           |  1.614% |
 | 74   | Venusaur           |  1.607% |
 | 75   | Mamoswine          |  1.476% |
 | 76   | Reuniclus          |  1.464% |
 | 77   | Dracozolt          |  1.424% |
 | 78   | Umbreon            |  1.364% |
 | 79   | Rotom-Heat         |  1.276% |
 | 80   | Suicune            |  1.214% |
 | 81   | Azumarill          |  1.168% |
 | 82   | Obstagoon          |  1.138% |
 | 83   | Shuckle            |  1.088% |
 | 84   | Tapu Bulu          |  1.067% |
 | 85   | Kingdra            |  1.034% |
 | 86   | Diggersby          |  1.019% |
 | 87   | Jirachi            |  1.015% |
 | 88   | Grimmsnarl         |  0.996% |
 | 89   | Gyarados           |  0.965% |
 | 90   | Togekiss           |  0.946% |
 | 91   | Ditto              |  0.924% |
 | 92   | Slurpuff           |  0.888% |
 | 93   | Shedinja           |  0.755% |
 | 94   | Conkeldurr         |  0.717% |
 | 95   | Xatu               |  0.691% |
 | 96   | Primarina          |  0.669% |
 | 97   | Latias             |  0.631% |
 | 98   | Alakazam           |  0.587% |
 | 99   | Vanilluxe          |  0.579% |
 | 100  | Frosmoth           |  0.577% |
 | 101  | Thundurus-Therian  |  0.571% |
 | 102  | Keldeo             |  0.569% |
 | 103  | Terrakion          |  0.565% |
 | 104  | Moltres            |  0.515% |
 | 105  | Darmanitan         |  0.507% |
 | 106  | Drampa             |  0.502% |
 | 107  | Xurkitree          |  0.490% |
 | 108  | Necrozma           |  0.469% |
 | 109  | Tentacruel         |  0.457% |
 | 110  | Registeel          |  0.440% |
 | 111  | Salamence          |  0.433% |
 | 112  | Kabutops           |  0.413% |
 | 113  | Metagross          |  0.400% |
 | 114  | Amoonguss          |  0.392% |
 | 115  | Lanturn            |  0.381% |
 | 116  | Mimikyu            |  0.366% |
 | 117  | Weezing-Galar      |  0.365% |
 | 118  | Meowstic           |  0.365% |
 | 119  | Inteleon           |  0.356% |
 | 120  | Mantine            |  0.355% |
 | 121  | Klefki             |  0.331% |
 | 122  | Milotic            |  0.328% |
 | 123  | Archeops           |  0.328% |
 | 124  | Espeon             |  0.326% |
 | 125  | Gardevoir          |  0.321% |
 | 126  | Porygon-Z          |  0.320% |
 | 127  | Zarude             |  0.311% |
 | 128  | Haxorus            |  0.301% |
 | 129  | Starmie            |  0.301% |
 | 130  | Slowbro-Galar      |  0.290% |
 | 131  | Krookodile         |  0.290% |
 | 132  | Lycanroc-Dusk      |  0.286% |
 | 133  | Blastoise          |  0.284% |
 | 134  | Heliolisk          |  0.280% |
 | 135  | Charizard          |  0.278% |
 | 136  | Araquanid          |  0.271% |
 | 137  | Machamp            |  0.262% |
 | 138  | Snorlax            |  0.262% |
 | 139  | Cofagrigus         |  0.258% |
 | 140  | Mienshao           |  0.246% |
 | 141  | Stakataka          |  0.245% |
 | 142  | Salazzle           |  0.230% |
 | 143  | Ribombee           |  0.228% |
 | 144  | Arcanine           |  0.221% |
 | 145  | Incineroar         |  0.218% |
 | 146  | Raichu-Alola       |  0.217% |
 | 147  | Dhelmise           |  0.213% |
 | 148  | Toxtricity         |  0.191% |
 | 149  | Galvantula         |  0.178% |
 | 150  | Dragalge           |  0.174% |
 | 151  | Bronzong           |  0.159% |
 | 152  | Avalugg            |  0.157% |
 | 153  | Raikou             |  0.149% |
 | 154  | Ninetales          |  0.148% |
 | 155  | Froslass           |  0.147% |
 | 156  | Golisopod          |  0.147% |
 | 157  | Scolipede          |  0.142% |
 | 158  | Claydol            |  0.142% |
 | 159  | Barbaracle         |  0.139% |
 | 160  | Durant             |  0.136% |
 | 161  | Sigilyph           |  0.132% |
 | 162  | Politoed           |  0.119% |
 | 163  | Steelix            |  0.117% |
 | 164  | Zygarde-10%        |  0.115% |
 | 165  | Flygon             |  0.114% |
 | 166  | Sableye            |  0.114% |
 | 167  | Azelf              |  0.112% |
 | 168  | Lucario            |  0.111% |
 | 169  | Sandaconda         |  0.108% |
 | 170  | Nidoqueen          |  0.105% |
 | 171  | Aerodactyl         |  0.103% |
 | 172  | Rhyperior          |  0.100% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
No changes!
Combined usage for OU (1630 stats)
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Landorus-Therian   | 43.988% |
 | 2    | Magearna           | 29.091% |
 | 3    | Greninja           | 25.264% |
 | 4    | Kartana            | 19.141% |
 | 5    | Tapu Koko          | 18.254% |
 | 6    | Ferrothorn         | 15.953% |
 | 7    | Tapu Lele          | 15.063% |
 | 8    | Toxapex            | 13.879% |
 | 9    | Heatran            | 13.865% |
 | 10   | Tornadus-Therian   | 13.848% |
 | 11   | Rotom-Wash         | 12.501% |
 | 12   | Gliscor            | 11.665% |
 | 13   | Tapu Fini          | 11.323% |
 | 14   | Chansey            | 11.052% |
 | 15   | Medicham-Mega      | 10.975% |
 | 16   | Excadrill          | 10.968% |
 | 17   | Serperior          |  9.979% |
 | 18   | Hawlucha           |  9.864% |
 | 19   | Garchomp           |  9.591% |
 | 20   | Clefable           |  9.005% |
 | 21   | Zapdos             |  8.853% |
 | 22   | Kyurem-Black       |  8.402% |
 | 23   | Volcarona          |  8.154% |
 | 24   | Mawile-Mega        |  8.004% |
 | 25   | Victini            |  7.716% |
 | 26   | Alakazam-Mega      |  7.228% |
 | 27   | Skarmory           |  6.889% |
 | 28   | Kommo-o            |  6.444% |
 | 29   | Pelipper           |  6.363% |
 | 30   | Tapu Bulu          |  6.323% |
 | 31   | Lopunny-Mega       |  6.278% |
 | 32   | Celesteela         |  6.128% |
 | 33   | Swampert-Mega      |  6.120% |
 | 34   | Magnezone          |  5.837% |
 | 35   | Charizard-Mega-X   |  5.828% |
 | 36   | Scizor-Mega        |  5.799% |
 | 37   | Sableye-Mega       |  5.339% |
 | 38   | Tyranitar          |  4.724% |
 | 39   | Diancie-Mega       |  4.496% |
 | 40   | Jirachi            |  4.432% |
 | 41   | Charizard-Mega-Y   |  4.426% |
 | 42   | Manaphy            |  4.313% |
 | 43   | Latias-Mega        |  4.151% |
 | 44   | Blacephalon        |  3.920% |
 | 45   | Tyranitar-Mega     |  3.710% |
 | 46   | Cresselia          |  3.626% |
 | 47   | Gyarados-Mega      |  3.590% |
 | 48   | Pinsir-Mega        |  3.415% |
 | 49   | Dragonite          |  3.244% |
 | 50   | Tangrowth          |  3.223% |
 | 51   | Weavile            |  3.028% |
 | 52   | Azumarill          |  2.994% |
 | 53   | Mew                |  2.877% |
 | 54   | Keldeo             |  2.807% |
 | 55   | Ditto              |  2.630% |
 | 56   | Marowak-Alola      |  2.463% |
 | 57   | Hoopa-Unbound      |  2.402% |
 | 58   | Mimikyu            |  2.329% |
 | 59   | Bisharp            |  2.279% |
 | 60   | Reuniclus          |  2.270% |
 | 61   | Seismitoad         |  2.239% |
 | 62   | Shedinja           |  2.080% |
 | 63   | Hippowdon          |  2.065% |
 | 64   | Slowbro            |  2.051% |
 | 65   | Gastrodon          |  1.983% |
 | 66   | Muk-Alola          |  1.981% |
 | 67   | Crawdaunt          |  1.752% |
 | 68   | Togekiss           |  1.736% |
 | 69   | Thundurus-Therian  |  1.713% |
 | 70   | Amoonguss          |  1.693% |
 | 71   | Breloom            |  1.645% |
 | 72   | Beedrill-Mega      |  1.557% |
 | 73   | Hydreigon          |  1.544% |
 | 74   | Venusaur-Mega      |  1.525% |
 | 75   | Aggron-Mega        |  1.456% |
 | 76   | Gyarados           |  1.439% |
 | 77   | Heracross-Mega     |  1.328% |
 | 78   | Ribombee           |  1.317% |
 | 79   | Swampert           |  1.306% |
 | 80   | Kingdra            |  1.286% |
 | 81   | Slowbro-Mega       |  1.266% |
 | 82   | Torkoal            |  1.216% |
 | 83   | Latios-Mega        |  1.189% |
 | 84   | Manectric-Mega     |  1.151% |
 | 85   | Infernape          |  1.090% |
 | 86   | Ninetales-Alola    |  1.088% |
 | 87   | Gengar             |  0.997% |
 | 88   | Venusaur           |  0.992% |
 | 89   | Mamoswine          |  0.977% |
 | 90   | Latios             |  0.974% |
 | 91   | Quagsire           |  0.973% |
 | 92   | Azelf              |  0.972% |
 | 93   | Porygon-Z          |  0.956% |
 | 94   | Scizor             |  0.954% |
 | 95   | Staraptor          |  0.930% |
 | 96   | Garchomp-Mega      |  0.912% |
 | 97   | Volcanion          |  0.903% |
 | 98   | Zeraora            |  0.902% |
 | 99   | Conkeldurr         |  0.858% |
 | 100  | Shuckle            |  0.836% |
 | 101  | Starmie            |  0.822% |
 | 102  | Blissey            |  0.806% |
 | 103  | Latias             |  0.764% |
 | 104  | Espeon             |  0.757% |
 | 105  | Araquanid          |  0.745% |
 | 106  | Kyurem             |  0.727% |
 | 107  | Nidoking           |  0.721% |
 | 108  | Salamence          |  0.685% |
 | 109  | Alomomola          |  0.683% |
 | 110  | Gallade-Mega       |  0.665% |
 | 111  | Cloyster           |  0.663% |
 | 112  | Suicune            |  0.637% |
 | 113  | Diggersby          |  0.622% |
 | 114  | Altaria-Mega       |  0.592% |
 | 115  | Sharpedo-Mega      |  0.582% |
 | 116  | Gardevoir-Mega     |  0.568% |
 | 117  | Xurkitree          |  0.559% |
 | 118  | Carbink            |  0.555% |
 | 119  | Buzzwole           |  0.555% |
 | 120  | Terrakion          |  0.534% |
 | 121  | Stakataka          |  0.484% |
 | 122  | Uxie               |  0.475% |
 | 123  | Houndoom-Mega      |  0.465% |
 | 124  | Alakazam           |  0.462% |
 | 125  | Thundurus          |  0.456% |
 | 126  | Camerupt-Mega      |  0.452% |
 | 127  | Aerodactyl         |  0.451% |
 | 128  | Darmanitan         |  0.397% |
 | 129  | Umbreon            |  0.393% |
 | 130  | Mandibuzz          |  0.367% |
 | 131  | Klefki             |  0.365% |
 | 132  | Snorlax            |  0.357% |
 | 133  | Galvantula         |  0.341% |
 | 134  | Tentacruel         |  0.337% |
 | 135  | Aerodactyl-Mega    |  0.335% |
 | 136  | Chandelure         |  0.320% |
 | 137  | Scolipede          |  0.303% |
 | 138  | Raichu-Alola       |  0.298% |
 | 139  | Bronzong           |  0.294% |
 | 140  | Mantine            |  0.288% |
 | 141  | Porygon2           |  0.285% |
 | 142  | Metagross          |  0.283% |
 | 143  | Pyukumuku          |  0.278% |
 | 144  | Whimsicott         |  0.275% |
 | 145  | Nihilego           |  0.272% |
 | 146  | Zygarde-10%        |  0.270% |
 | 147  | Sceptile-Mega      |  0.262% |
 | 148  | Avalugg            |  0.262% |
 | 149  | Probopass          |  0.261% |
 | 150  | Moltres            |  0.247% |
 | 151  | Crobat             |  0.241% |
 | 152  | Rotom-Heat         |  0.230% |
 | 153  | Pidgeot-Mega       |  0.228% |
 | 154  | Donphan            |  0.219% |
 | 155  | Slurpuff           |  0.213% |
 | 156  | Forretress         |  0.212% |
 | 157  | Arcanine           |  0.211% |
 | 158  | Tornadus           |  0.206% |
 | 159  | Krookodile         |  0.206% |
 | 160  | Cofagrigus         |  0.205% |
 | 161  | Golem-Alola        |  0.204% |
 | 162  | Haxorus            |  0.203% |
 | 163  | Abomasnow-Mega     |  0.201% |
 | 164  | Absol-Mega         |  0.200% |
 | 165  | Empoleon           |  0.197% |
 | 166  | Slowking           |  0.180% |
 | 167  | Lycanroc           |  0.176% |
 | 168  | Golisopod          |  0.175% |
 | 169  | Salazzle           |  0.171% |
 | 170  | Cobalion           |  0.168% |
 | 171  | Roserade           |  0.165% |
 | 172  | Hoopa              |  0.165% |
 | 173  | Claydol            |  0.162% |
 | 174  | Goodra             |  0.161% |
 | 175  | Primarina          |  0.161% |
 | 176  | Lycanroc-Dusk      |  0.160% |
 | 177  | Gligar             |  0.154% |
 | 178  | Necrozma           |  0.154% |
 | 179  | Incineroar         |  0.143% |
 | 180  | Hitmonlee          |  0.143% |
 | 181  | Ursaring           |  0.141% |
 | 182  | Linoone            |  0.138% |
 | 183  | Zoroark            |  0.137% |
 | 184  | Entei              |  0.133% |
 | 185  | Mismagius          |  0.133% |
 | 186  | Celebi             |  0.132% |
 | 187  | Banette-Mega       |  0.131% |
 | 188  | Xatu               |  0.131% |
 | 189  | Talonflame         |  0.130% |
 | 190  | Raikou             |  0.128% |
 | 191  | Politoed           |  0.119% |
 | 192  | Glalie-Mega        |  0.118% |
 | 193  | Lucario            |  0.118% |
 | 194  | Ludicolo           |  0.115% |
 | 195  | Blastoise-Mega     |  0.112% |
 | 196  | Doublade           |  0.109% |
 | 197  | Sylveon            |  0.106% |
 | 198  | Kommo-o-Totem      |  0.105% |
 | 199  | Feraligatr         |  0.105% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
No changes!
Combined usage for OU (1630 stats)
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Excadrill          | 36.478% |
 | 2    | Landorus-Therian   | 23.979% |
 | 3    | Clefable           | 23.583% |
 | 4    | Rotom-Wash         | 18.887% |
 | 5    | Serperior          | 17.513% |
 | 6    | Tornadus-Therian   | 16.778% |
 | 7    | Weavile            | 16.358% |
 | 8    | Heatran            | 15.224% |
 | 9    | Zapdos             | 13.705% |
 | 10   | Garchomp           | 13.455% |
 | 11   | Bisharp            | 13.283% |
 | 12   | Ferrothorn         | 12.486% |
 | 13   | Keldeo             | 12.310% |
 | 14   | Scizor-Mega        | 11.579% |
 | 15   | Metagross-Mega     | 10.351% |
 | 16   | Lopunny-Mega       | 10.228% |
 | 17   | Talonflame         | 10.122% |
 | 18   | Tyranitar          |  9.879% |
 | 19   | Manaphy            |  9.423% |
 | 20   | Skarmory           |  9.382% |
 | 21   | Volcanion          |  9.326% |
 | 22   | Volcarona          |  9.269% |
 | 23   | Thundurus          |  9.138% |
 | 24   | Gliscor            |  8.470% |
 | 25   | Azumarill          |  7.801% |
 | 26   | Latios             |  7.460% |
 | 27   | Latias             |  7.335% |
 | 28   | Slowbro            |  7.212% |
 | 29   | Chansey            |  7.183% |
 | 30   | Dragonite          |  7.044% |
 | 31   | Gengar             |  6.691% |
 | 32   | Starmie            |  6.681% |
 | 33   | Diancie-Mega       |  6.254% |
 | 34   | Medicham-Mega      |  5.742% |
 | 35   | Magnezone          |  5.462% |
 | 36   | Cofagrigus         |  5.434% |
 | 37   | Kyurem-Black       |  5.367% |
 | 38   | Azelf              |  5.146% |
 | 39   | Alakazam-Mega      |  5.107% |
 | 40   | Pinsir-Mega        |  5.022% |
 | 41   | Amoonguss          |  4.799% |
 | 42   | Charizard-Mega-Y   |  4.642% |
 | 43   | Breloom            |  4.382% |
 | 44   | Charizard-Mega-X   |  4.358% |
 | 45   | Cloyster           |  3.878% |
 | 46   | Manectric-Mega     |  3.766% |
 | 47   | Venusaur-Mega      |  3.454% |
 | 48   | Jirachi            |  3.400% |
 | 49   | Scizor             |  3.311% |
 | 50   | Suicune            |  3.204% |
 | 51   | Tangrowth          |  3.171% |
 | 52   | Hippowdon          |  3.114% |
 | 53   | Gallade-Mega       |  3.107% |
 | 54   | Mew                |  3.106% |
 | 55   | Gastrodon          |  3.027% |
 | 56   | Thundurus-Therian  |  2.977% |
 | 57   | Tyranitar-Mega     |  2.825% |
 | 58   | Gardevoir-Mega     |  2.764% |
 | 59   | Aerodactyl         |  2.749% |
 | 60   | Gyarados-Mega      |  2.717% |
 | 61   | Crawdaunt          |  2.584% |
 | 62   | Cresselia          |  2.494% |
 | 63   | Conkeldurr         |  2.216% |
 | 64   | Altaria-Mega       |  2.205% |
 | 65   | Raikou             |  2.142% |
 | 66   | Seismitoad         |  2.033% |
 | 67   | Latias-Mega        |  2.019% |
 | 68   | Tentacruel         |  2.013% |
 | 69   | Mamoswine          |  1.998% |
 | 70   | Slowbro-Mega       |  1.980% |
 | 71   | Shuckle            |  1.934% |
 | 72   | Hydreigon          |  1.873% |
 | 73   | Reuniclus          |  1.863% |
 | 74   | Heracross-Mega     |  1.631% |
 | 75   | Politoed           |  1.629% |
 | 76   | Gyarados           |  1.592% |
 | 77   | Victini            |  1.581% |
 | 78   | Terrakion          |  1.530% |
 | 79   | Quagsire           |  1.392% |
 | 80   | Swampert-Mega      |  1.319% |
 | 81   | Nidoking           |  1.313% |
 | 82   | Empoleon           |  1.293% |
 | 83   | Diggersby          |  1.183% |
 | 84   | Alakazam           |  1.175% |
 | 85   | Klefki             |  1.164% |
 | 86   | Infernape          |  1.139% |
 | 87   | Togekiss           |  1.134% |
 | 88   | Jellicent          |  1.071% |
 | 89   | Alomomola          |  1.043% |
 | 90   | Blissey            |  1.037% |
 | 91   | Ditto              |  1.028% |
 | 92   | Salamence          |  1.008% |
 | 93   | Metagross          |  0.944% |
 | 94   | Sceptile-Mega      |  0.923% |
 | 95   | Hoopa              |  0.885% |
 | 96   | Espeon             |  0.871% |
 | 97   | Kingdra            |  0.856% |
 | 98   | Kyurem             |  0.755% |
 | 99   | Blastoise-Mega     |  0.691% |
 | 100  | Arcanine           |  0.666% |
 | 101  | Chandelure         |  0.628% |
 | 102  | Venusaur           |  0.627% |
 | 103  | Beedrill-Mega      |  0.627% |
 | 104  | Scolipede          |  0.625% |
 | 105  | Galvantula         |  0.614% |
 | 106  | Latios-Mega        |  0.597% |
 | 107  | Swampert           |  0.589% |
 | 108  | Garchomp-Mega      |  0.588% |
 | 109  | Absol-Mega         |  0.586% |
 | 110  | Aerodactyl-Mega    |  0.563% |
 | 111  | Vaporeon           |  0.560% |
 | 112  | Krookodile         |  0.559% |
 | 113  | Cobalion           |  0.548% |
 | 114  | Feraligatr         |  0.547% |
 | 115  | Sylveon            |  0.546% |
 | 116  | Zygarde            |  0.537% |
 | 117  | Lucario            |  0.526% |
 | 118  | Staraptor          |  0.511% |
 | 119  | Uxie               |  0.506% |
 | 120  | Darmanitan         |  0.502% |
 | 121  | Mandibuzz          |  0.477% |
 | 122  | Bronzong           |  0.462% |
 | 123  | Hawlucha           |  0.462% |
 | 124  | Gardevoir          |  0.451% |
 | 125  | Milotic            |  0.434% |
 | 126  | Umbreon            |  0.432% |
 | 127  | Porygon2           |  0.415% |
 | 128  | Celebi             |  0.408% |
 | 129  | Chesnaught         |  0.392% |
 | 130  | Donphan            |  0.381% |
 | 131  | Ninetales          |  0.362% |
 | 132  | Rotom-Heat         |  0.356% |
 | 133  | Roserade           |  0.354% |
 | 134  | Forretress         |  0.344% |
 | 135  | Snorlax            |  0.340% |
 | 136  | Crobat             |  0.325% |
 | 137  | Sableye            |  0.307% |
 | 138  | Yanmega            |  0.307% |
 | 139  | Dragalge           |  0.292% |
 | 140  | Houndoom-Mega      |  0.280% |
 | 141  | Mienshao           |  0.279% |
 | 142  | Magneton           |  0.276% |
 | 143  | Slowking           |  0.276% |
 | 144  | Haxorus            |  0.275% |
 | 145  | Entei              |  0.269% |
 | 146  | Goodra             |  0.268% |
 | 147  | Kabutops           |  0.267% |
 | 148  | Ampharos-Mega      |  0.260% |
 | 149  | Sharpedo-Mega      |  0.255% |
 | 150  | Smeargle           |  0.243% |
 | 151  | Machamp            |  0.240% |
 | 152  | Slurpuff           |  0.236% |
 | 153  | Heracross          |  0.214% |
 | 154  | Pidgeot-Mega       |  0.209% |
 | 155  | Heliolisk          |  0.204% |
 | 156  | Jolteon            |  0.196% |
 | 157  | Nidoqueen          |  0.195% |
 | 158  | Hitmontop          |  0.187% |
 | 159  | Whimsicott         |  0.184% |
 | 160  | Aggron-Mega        |  0.178% |
 | 161  | Lanturn            |  0.178% |
 | 162  | Blastoise          |  0.174% |
 | 163  | Noivern            |  0.159% |
 | 164  | Ludicolo           |  0.156% |
 | 165  | Trevenant          |  0.151% |
 | 166  | Eelektross         |  0.143% |
 | 167  | Qwilfish           |  0.141% |
 | 168  | Meloetta           |  0.138% |
 | 169  | Doublade           |  0.132% |
 | 170  | Camerupt-Mega      |  0.131% |
 | 171  | Druddigon          |  0.126% |
 | 172  | Ursaring           |  0.124% |
 | 173  | Banette-Mega       |  0.121% |
 | 174  | Rhyperior          |  0.119% |
 | 175  | Toxicroak          |  0.119% |
 | 176  | Honchkrow          |  0.117% |
 | 177  | Typhlosion         |  0.109% |
 | 178  | Florges            |  0.103% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
No changes!
Combined usage for OU (1630 stats)
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Latios             | 40.386% |
 | 2    | Tyranitar          | 30.108% |
 | 3    | Scizor             | 25.978% |
 | 4    | Ferrothorn         | 25.942% |
 | 5    | Garchomp           | 24.597% |
 | 6    | Starmie            | 22.551% |
 | 7    | Dragonite          | 22.215% |
 | 8    | Landorus-Therian   | 22.172% |
 | 9    | Jirachi            | 21.139% |
 | 10   | Excadrill          | 21.059% |
 | 11   | Politoed           | 19.719% |
 | 12   | Skarmory           | 17.510% |
 | 13   | Alakazam           | 17.238% |
 | 14   | Keldeo             | 17.077% |
 | 15   | Reuniclus          | 11.851% |
 | 16   | Rotom-Wash         | 11.744% |
 | 17   | Magnezone          | 11.692% |
 | 18   | Tentacruel         | 11.160% |
 | 19   | Thundurus-Therian  | 10.975% |
 | 20   | Jellicent          | 10.827% |
 | 21   | Volcarona          | 10.334% |
 | 22   | Kyurem-Black       | 10.305% |
 | 23   | Gliscor            |  9.950% |
 | 24   | Mamoswine          |  9.466% |
 | 25   | Breloom            |  9.099% |
 | 26   | Heatran            |  7.644% |
 | 27   | Terrakion          |  7.228% |
 | 28   | Forretress         |  6.230% |
 | 29   | Celebi             |  5.852% |
 | 30   | Gengar             |  5.830% |
 | 31   | Cloyster           |  5.405% |
 | 32   | Conkeldurr         |  5.356% |
 | 33   | Hippowdon          |  5.336% |
 | 34   | Latias             |  5.041% |
 | 35   | Abomasnow          |  4.854% |
 | 36   | Gyarados           |  3.934% |
 | 37   | Blissey            |  3.731% |
 | 38   | Xatu               |  3.624% |
 | 39   | Clefable           |  3.440% |
 | 40   | Ninetales          |  3.405% |
 | 41   | Amoonguss          |  3.263% |
 | 42   | Chansey            |  3.147% |
 | 43   | Slowbro            |  3.113% |
 | 44   | Lucario            |  2.976% |
 | 45   | Gastrodon          |  2.951% |
 | 46   | Aerodactyl         |  2.920% |
 | 47   | Donphan            |  2.834% |
 | 48   | Salamence          |  2.727% |
 | 49   | Bronzong           |  2.715% |
 | 50   | Tornadus           |  2.652% |
 | 51   | Hydreigon          |  2.043% |
 | 52   | Azelf              |  1.982% |
 | 53   | Toxicroak          |  1.888% |
 | 54   | Victini            |  1.561% |
 | 55   | Seismitoad         |  1.524% |
 | 56   | Kyurem             |  1.423% |
 | 57   | Cresselia          |  1.328% |
 | 58   | Mew                |  1.282% |
 | 59   | Zapdos             |  1.257% |
 | 60   | Weavile            |  1.205% |
 | 61   | Virizion           |  1.195% |
 | 62   | Sableye            |  1.183% |
 | 63   | Slowking           |  1.161% |
 | 64   | Espeon             |  1.107% |
 | 65   | Mienshao           |  1.017% |
 | 66   | Jolteon            |  0.961% |
 | 67   | Infernape          |  0.914% |
 | 68   | Quagsire           |  0.866% |
 | 69   | Kingdra            |  0.828% |
 | 70   | Shedinja           |  0.782% |
 | 71   | Haxorus            |  0.773% |
 | 72   | Darmanitan         |  0.744% |
 | 73   | Milotic            |  0.715% |
 | 74   | Metagross          |  0.681% |
 | 75   | Riolu              |  0.678% |
 | 76   | Vaporeon           |  0.625% |
 | 77   | Scrafty            |  0.573% |
 | 78   | Froslass           |  0.528% |
 | 79   | Dusclops           |  0.526% |
 | 80   | Porygon-Z          |  0.487% |
 | 81   | Ditto              |  0.473% |
 | 82   | Suicune            |  0.470% |
 | 83   | Tangrowth          |  0.468% |
 | 84   | Azumarill          |  0.453% |
 | 85   | Omastar            |  0.441% |
 | 86   | Honchkrow          |  0.428% |
 | 87   | Mandibuzz          |  0.428% |
 | 88   | Blastoise          |  0.427% |
 | 89   | Moltres            |  0.402% |
 | 90   | Togekiss           |  0.368% |
 | 91   | Machamp            |  0.368% |
 | 92   | Gallade            |  0.367% |
 | 93   | Bisharp            |  0.366% |
 | 94   | Sigilyph           |  0.341% |
 | 95   | Nidoking           |  0.336% |
 | 96   | Flygon             |  0.314% |
 | 97   | Empoleon           |  0.313% |
 | 98   | Chandelure         |  0.309% |
 | 99   | Rotom              |  0.290% |
 | 100  | Zoroark            |  0.290% |
 | 101  | Lanturn            |  0.283% |
 | 102  | Sharpedo           |  0.269% |
 | 103  | Dugtrio            |  0.269% |
 | 104  | Feraligatr         |  0.252% |
 | 105  | Cofagrigus         |  0.235% |
 | 106  | Staraptor          |  0.221% |
 | 107  | Raikou             |  0.219% |
 | 108  | Heracross          |  0.200% |
 | 109  | Uxie               |  0.187% |
 | 110  | Porygon2           |  0.182% |
 | 111  | Whimsicott         |  0.181% |
 | 112  | Hitmontop          |  0.176% |
 | 113  | Ambipom            |  0.175% |
 | 114  | Scolipede          |  0.172% |
 | 115  | Lapras             |  0.171% |
 | 116  | Floatzel           |  0.166% |
 | 117  | Umbreon            |  0.165% |
 | 118  | Swampert           |  0.160% |
 | 119  | Meloetta           |  0.160% |
 | 120  | Archeops           |  0.158% |
 | 121  | Escavalier         |  0.151% |
 | 122  | Yanmega            |  0.148% |
 | 123  | Roserade           |  0.145% |
 | 124  | Krookodile         |  0.139% |
 | 125  | Snorlax            |  0.139% |
 | 126  | Whiscash           |  0.137% |
 | 127  | Alomomola          |  0.128% |
 | 128  | Parasect           |  0.124% |
 | 129  | Magneton           |  0.122% |
 | 130  | Cobalion           |  0.120% |
 | 131  | Crawdaunt          |  0.117% |
 | 132  | Marowak            |  0.109% |
 | 133  | Kabutops           |  0.106% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Hydreigon moved from OU to (OU)
Toxicroak moved from OU to (OU)
Combined usage for OU (1630 stats)
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Tyranitar          | 50.108% |
 | 2    | Latias             | 38.411% |
 | 3    | Jirachi            | 38.070% |
 | 4    | Heatran            | 32.425% |
 | 5    | Breloom            | 25.567% |
 | 6    | Metagross          | 24.847% |
 | 7    | Starmie            | 23.779% |
 | 8    | Gyarados           | 23.364% |
 | 9    | Flygon             | 19.892% |
 | 10   | Scizor             | 18.769% |
 | 11   | Dragonite          | 18.396% |
 | 12   | Rotom-Wash         | 15.324% |
 | 13   | Lucario            | 14.665% |
 | 14   | Infernape          | 14.508% |
 | 15   | Suicune            | 14.490% |
 | 16   | Bronzong           | 14.462% |
 | 17   | Azelf              | 14.316% |
 | 18   | Gengar             | 14.315% |
 | 19   | Swampert           | 14.279% |
 | 20   | Skarmory           | 13.089% |
 | 21   | Zapdos             | 12.235% |
 | 22   | Machamp            | 12.213% |
 | 23   | Rotom-Heat         | 11.579% |
 | 24   | Empoleon           | 11.566% |
 | 25   | Clefable           |  8.751% |
 | 26   | Magnezone          |  7.448% |
 | 27   | Roserade           |  7.358% |
 | 28   | Kingdra            |  7.166% |
 | 29   | Gliscor            |  6.654% |
 | 30   | Celebi             |  4.674% |
 | 31   | Aerodactyl         |  3.860% |
 | 32   | Hippowdon          |  3.688% |
 | 33   | Donphan            |  3.672% |
 | 34   | Forretress         |  3.671% |
 | 35   | Blissey            |  3.399% |
 | 36   | Rotom-Mow          |  3.053% |
 | 37   | Weavile            |  2.835% |
 | 38   | Uxie               |  2.629% |
 | 39   | Magneton           |  2.327% |
 | 40   | Mamoswine          |  1.918% |
 | 41   | Raikou             |  1.827% |
 | 42   | Rhyperior          |  1.645% |
 | 43   | Dusknoir           |  1.252% |
 | 44   | Togekiss           |  1.215% |
 | 45   | Crobat             |  1.150% |
 | 46   | Vaporeon           |  1.149% |
 | 47   | Milotic            |  1.134% |
 | 48   | Rotom-Frost        |  1.124% |
 | 49   | Nidoqueen          |  1.112% |
 | 50   | Heracross          |  0.991% |
 | 51   | Ludicolo           |  0.984% |
 | 52   | Abomasnow          |  0.981% |
 | 53   | Cresselia          |  0.972% |
 | 54   | Quagsire           |  0.941% |
 | 55   | Smeargle           |  0.894% |
 | 56   | Gallade            |  0.891% |
 | 57   | Shaymin            |  0.830% |
 | 58   | Tentacruel         |  0.794% |
 | 59   | Qwilfish           |  0.745% |
 | 60   | Jolteon            |  0.711% |
 | 61   | Yanmega            |  0.689% |
 | 62   | Hitmontop          |  0.651% |
 | 63   | Snorlax            |  0.639% |
 | 64   | Electivire         |  0.622% |
 | 65   | Feraligatr         |  0.597% |
 | 66   | Slowbro            |  0.587% |
 | 67   | Kabutops           |  0.585% |
 | 68   | Porygon-Z          |  0.506% |
 | 69   | Claydol            |  0.429% |
 | 70   | Sceptile           |  0.427% |
 | 71   | Camerupt           |  0.419% |
 | 72   | Staraptor          |  0.355% |
 | 73   | Blastoise          |  0.306% |
 | 74   | Mesprit            |  0.305% |
 | 75   | Honchkrow          |  0.299% |
 | 76   | Hariyama           |  0.294% |
 | 77   | Moltres            |  0.293% |
 | 78   | Azumarill          |  0.252% |
 | 79   | Venusaur           |  0.249% |
 | 80   | Alakazam           |  0.241% |
 | 81   | Entei              |  0.216% |
 | 82   | Walrein            |  0.209% |
 | 83   | Gastrodon          |  0.205% |
 | 84   | Cloyster           |  0.197% |
 | 85   | Spiritomb          |  0.171% |
 | 86   | Torterra           |  0.171% |
 | 87   | Registeel          |  0.170% |
 | 88   | Ambipom            |  0.167% |
 | 89   | Charizard          |  0.151% |
 | 90   | Arcanine           |  0.150% |
 | 91   | Porygon2           |  0.150% |
 | 92   | Drapion            |  0.149% |
 | 93   | Aggron             |  0.149% |
 | 94   | Regirock           |  0.138% |
 | 95   | Cradily            |  0.130% |
 | 96   | Mismagius          |  0.121% |
 | 97   | Umbreon            |  0.115% |
 | 98   | Muk                |  0.114% |
 | 99   | Nidoking           |  0.112% |
 | 100  | Exeggutor          |  0.101% |
 | 101  | Medicham           |  0.100% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
No changes!
Can you help me understand these units?
Here are a couple rows from the Blissey section of the June usage stats.

focusblast 0.15030335075843404
trick 0.27802857406897047
seismictoss 455.5104895417065
stealthrock 269.8543289772725

Stealth Rock is about 100x bigger than Trick. Seismic toss is about 1.68x as big as Stealth Rock. Trick is about 80% bigger than Focus Blast. How wrong is it to say that 100x as many Blisseys use Stealth Rock as Trick above 1825? Or that 1.8x as many Blisseys use Trick as Focus Blast? Obviously with some adjustments for weightings for rating etc.

What does .15 mean? Focus Blast has .15 what? If you multiplied every number in the document by 100 would they become wrong?
Is there a way to see a Pokemon's Tera type usage (%) in the Smogon stats? Kind of like how the abilities, items, and moves are broken down in the Moveset statistics
Well as it turns out, tomorrow will be the first time a Tera Type breakdown appears in the moveset files, thanks to Tbolt!
Ignore Tera Types being reported in formats that don't have or allow Terastallizing; the sim is notorious for saving useless information and/or being straight up bugged. Most of this should be fixed for the following month.
Hello. There was a discussion in the uu room a couple days ago with some guys making throwaway comments saying that ladders seemed less active and that the difference between of ou ladder and uu ladder activity seemed like it was further than it had ever been. I agreed with them and wanted to see how much of a change in activity things have shifted over the years so I looked at the usage data for games and put together some graphs for ubers, ou, uu, ru, nu and pu for fun. I reccommend reading the bolded disclaimer. I'd do other tiers if people were interested, but I'll also delete this if I get embarrassed or this isn't the right place so...

DISCLAMER: The data used in generation 6 has only 25 weeks worth of data as it is missing the beginning of the gen and generation 9 has only 23 weeks worth of data as it is not over yet and that is what was available in the (From November 2014 to August 2024). I did not add 2014 data to the yearly graphs and started with the first full year. Additionally, these graphs include data taken from the -0 files (e.g. uu-0.txt for gen 6 or gen8uu-0.txt) AND those that have been labeled with suspecttest, alpha, beta or DLC. I believed they deserved to be included with the respective generations ladders for the time they appear, but if you think differently let me know and I can make new ones removing the suspects and/or alpha/beta ladders. Once a new ladder appeared from a new gen e.g. gen6 switched to gen7 I stopped pulling data from gen6 to make it more fair to ongoing gens and OU overlap. I'm also not 100% taking responsibility for this being perfect, something could be massively wrong I'm missing. If someone smarter than me can make something better, that would be cool. Also last minute, but I didn't add the pokebank ladders data in 2017 so it might be technically higher for gen7 by a couple million for OU and a decent bit higher for others especially PU, if you think that should be added and you're interested let me know!

I saw that the stats used .json files and I've only ended up using them once in my life so I didn't feel comfortable to pull the data using that and instead wrote a html scraper in python and pulled each of the different first lines in the Total Battles: number from the specified files that were listed for each gen in the -0 files and the ones in the disclaimer. Gen 6 was the worst because they went with just the title of tier, while the labeling got progressively better as the dates went on and we consolidated ladders over time. Some of the struggles I had were pulling stuff like lcuu and aaaubers and such because the beginning labels changed so much for what I wanted to add. Also getting rid of the overlapping gens during the ladder change was painful in like late 2016 and and there's bound to be SOMETHING I missed. I also did some further data cleaning in excel to get the categories I wanted based on how I printed out my txt files.


















OU kept up numbers better than all the lower tiers and remained around 2015 rates, which is cool. Pretty much all the lower tiers have gone down, but I was surprised at how much with NU, Ubers and UU, but you can kinda tell with the 1500 ladder rates reaching up to like top 100 in some tiers. DLC is where spikes kind of appeared on a monthly basis for the latest two gens, but they also went to new lows afterwards. Everything saw a dip in 2020 and 2021ish but OU recovered better than others. But yeah, lower tiers have been kinda falling behind OU these past couple of gens on ladder so the guy who made the one comment in the uu room about a dead ladder is kinda right? I think tournament rates have gone up though since I last looked and I'd love to scrape that data again and I'd LOVE if we had the rest of the xy data somewhere but I think we lost it at some point.

I just made this for my own sake for fun cause I thought it was cool to look into the topic and wanted to share with the community for fun. Feel free to move/delete.


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One part of using averages of three months of usage for tiering that interests me is some changes aren't just projected but can be guaranteed. One that caught my eye is Toxicroak, which is locked in to rise from below ZU (SU) in October to NU because it has 7.175% average usage across July and August 2024. If a Pokemon has 6.8% usage or greater in a higher tier across two months before a full tier shift then even if said Pokemon got 0% usage in the following month it would still rise to the higher tier. It's not just that Toxicroak could rise to NU, it's that it will rise to NU.

The Pokemon that are guaranteed to rise in the following tier shift using this threshold include:
- Comfey: RUBL -> UU
- Hoopa-Unbound: RUBL-> UU
- Thundurus-Therian: RUBL -> UU
- Okidogi: RU -> UU
- Inteleon: PUBL -> NU
- Bronzong: PU -> NU
- Slowbro-Galar: PU -> NU
- Tauros-Paldea-Aqua: PU -> NU
- Toxicroak: SU -> NU
- Cramorant: SU -> ZU
- Mismagius: SU -> ZU
- Palossand: SU -> ZU
- Sableye: SU -> ZU

You can further use this to forecast which Pokemon are guaranteed to remain in their tier (unless they are banned or rise to another tier) without risk of dropping, such as even some more middlingly ranked Pokemon like Chansey and Forretress in RU, Tsareena in NU, and Hisuian Braviary in PU.

Using a formula of 13.56 - (Month 1 usage + Month 2 usage) you can even find the necessary usage a Pokemon would need to see to avoid dropping to a lower tier from its native tier or how much usage it needs to rise to a higher tier based on the previous two months of usage. Any Pokemon that gets 13.56% usage or higher in a higher tier for one month is guaranteed to rise to a higher tier or avoid dropping from its native tier, but this tends to be a pretty constrained group of the top 15ish Pokemon in the tier, examples being OU Dragapult, UU Slowking, RU Thundurus, etc. Using the formula you can can establish a floor for certain Pokemon that might be at risk of dropping, such as Blissey in OU, which needs at least 5.40424% usage in September to avoid dropping to UU. On the flipside, if Zapdos sees at least 3.95196% usage then it will rise to OU.

Current projected usage stats don't distinguish between guaranteed rises and uncertain rises, but they do weight the more recent month more heavily when drawing projections in the month before a full tier shift. I find it worthwhile to point out that exceptions to weighting a more recent month more heavily can emerge from metagame development and especially bans shaking up a tier. Some Pokemon also have usage that hover close or around the threshold, so even small fluctuations in the usage of fence-sitter Pokemon can be exaggerated if they're weighted. One example is in the usage of Ribombee in OU between 4.54635% in July vs 4.35932% in August; Ribombee's projected usage for September is 4.42166333333%, but if you tried to project its August usage based on July's usage and June's 4.37414% usage then its projected August usage would be 4.48894666667%, closer to the 4.52% threshold than its actual August usage was.

It's a lot harder to make predictions or guarantees of just one month of usage, but it's still possible to see the handful of typically top tier Pokemon that are guaranteed to stay just off of one month. You can also work backwards to find the average threshold a Pokemon will need to reach in usage to stay or rise. Hopefully others find this helpful, as when I engage with a lower tier I enjoy knowing how certain upcoming changes from shifts might be.
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Stats files question:
If I recall correctly, many years ago Antar posted something along the lines of "disregard the leads stats files for doubles formats, because those aren't necessarily being calculated correctly." Is that still the case? Sorry I don't have a post link for reference, hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about.
One part of using averages of three months of usage for tiering that interests me is some changes aren't just projected but can be guaranteed. One that caught my eye is Toxicroak, which is locked in to rise from below ZU (SU) in October to NU because it has 7.175% average usage across July and August 2024. If a Pokemon has 6.8% usage or greater in a higher tier across two months before a full tier shift then even if said Pokemon got 0% usage in the following month it would still rise to the higher tier. It's not just that Toxicroak could rise to NU, it's that it will rise to NU.

The Pokemon that are guaranteed to rise in the following tier shift using this threshold include:
- Comfey: RUBL -> UU
- Hoopa-Unbound: RUBL-> UU
- Thundurus-Therian: RUBL -> UU
- Okidogi: RU -> UU
- Inteleon: PUBL -> NU
- Bronzong: PU -> NU
- Slowbro-Galar: PU -> NU
- Tauros-Paldea-Aqua: PU -> NU
- Toxicroak: SU -> NU
- Cramorant: SU -> ZU
- Mismagius: SU -> ZU
- Palossand: SU -> ZU
- Sableye: SU -> ZU

You can further use this to forecast which Pokemon are guaranteed to remain in their tier (unless they are banned or rise to another tier) without risk of dropping, such as even some more middlingly ranked Pokemon like Chansey and Forretress in RU, Tsareena in NU, and Hisuian Braviary in PU.

Using a formula of 13.56 - (Month 1 usage + Month 2 usage) you can even find the necessary usage a Pokemon would need to see to avoid dropping to a lower tier from its native tier or how much usage it needs to rise to a higher tier based on the previous two months of usage. Any Pokemon that gets 13.56% usage or higher in a higher tier for one month is guaranteed to rise to a higher tier or avoid dropping from its native tier, but this tends to be a pretty constrained group of the top 15ish Pokemon in the tier, examples being OU Dragapult, UU Slowking, RU Thundurus, etc. Using the formula you can can establish a floor for certain Pokemon that might be at risk of dropping, such as Blissey in OU, which needs at least 5.40424% usage in September to avoid dropping to UU. On the flipside, if Zapdos sees at least 3.95196% usage then it will rise to OU.

Current projected usage stats don't distinguish between guaranteed rises and uncertain rises, but they do weight the more recent month more heavily when drawing projections in the month before a full tier shift. I find it worthwhile to point out that exceptions to weighting a more recent month more heavily can emerge from metagame development and especially bans shaking up a tier. Some Pokemon also have usage that hover close or around the threshold, so even small fluctuations in the usage of fence-sitter Pokemon can be exaggerated if they're weighted. One example is in the usage of Ribombee in OU between 4.54635% in July vs 4.35932% in August; Ribombee's projected usage for September is 4.42166333333%, but if you tried to project its August usage based on July's usage and June's 4.37414% usage then its projected August usage would be 4.48894666667%, closer to the 4.52% threshold than its actual August usage was.

It's a lot harder to make predictions or guarantees of just one month of usage, but it's still possible to see the handful of typically top tier Pokemon that are guaranteed to stay just off of one month. You can also work backwards to find the average threshold a Pokemon will need to reach in usage to stay or rise. Hopefully others find this helpful, as when I engage with a lower tier I enjoy knowing how certain upcoming changes from shifts might be.
what is the 2-month usage average needed for a mon to be a guarenteed drop if possible?
what is the 2-month usage average needed for a mon to be a guarenteed drop if possible?
Excellent question! One aspect of averaged usages means that Pokemon can never be guaranteed to drop or guaranteed to not rise. Any Pokemon can technically reach 13.56% usage and rise to a new tier or defy dropping from its native tier even if it saw 0% usage in the previous two months. However, you can still project the usage threshold they would need to drop and juxtapose it with the Pokemon's pattern of usage. I've used the formula I described in my previous post to find the thresholds Pokemon would need to go above or below. For example, if Virizion sees less than 5.2727% (= 13.56 - (3.71173 + 4.57557)) usage, it will be guaranteed to drop from ZU to SU, and this seems pretty likely given its usage in each of July and August was below that amount. Conversely, Cryogonal needs to go below 2.17632% (= 13.56 - (5.85351 + 5.53017)) usage in September to avoid rising to ZU, and it's pretty unlikely to avoid rising given each month saw it with over double that threshold in usage. Even something like Oinkologne technically can't be guaranteed to not rise given some dedicated player could give it 13.56% usage in their tier of choice, but the likelihood of that is like pigs flying. This can create a pretty interesting juxtaposition with the way quickdrops work currently where Pokemon can drop if they see <2.28% average usage across 2 months but could technically rise back if they get 8.96% usage or greater in the last month before tier shifts. This isn't exactly an easy threshold to cross given the threshold is around the top 20 Pokemon in usage, but it's technically possible.
Stats for September are now up!

Stats files question:
If I recall correctly, many years ago Antar posted something along the lines of "disregard the leads stats files for doubles formats, because those aren't necessarily being calculated correctly." Is that still the case? Sorry I don't have a post link for reference, hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about.
I also remember him saying that, but there was no elaboration on what he thought the issue was, no one has brought it up since, and I haven't done anything about it.
What's the thought process behind the cumulative usage for each quarter being weighed by month instead of by games played? Basically you currently take the raw average for each month, instead of considering how many games were in each month. I ask because I've been calculating the Ubers UU usage stats weighed by number of games, and apparently y'all don't do that so my numbers are slightly off when one month is busier than another. Is there somewhere this was discussed?
Stats for October are now up!

What's the thought process behind the cumulative usage for each quarter being weighed by month instead of by games played? Basically you currently take the raw average for each month, instead of considering how many games were in each month. I ask because I've been calculating the Ubers UU usage stats weighed by number of games, and apparently y'all don't do that so my numbers are slightly off when one month is busier than another. Is there somewhere this was discussed?
If it was discussed it would have been over 10 years ago, but even since then I can't recall anyone ever suggesting another way to calculate it.
If it was discussed it would have been over 10 years ago, but even since then I can't recall anyone ever suggesting another way to calculate it.
Where would I go to discuss it? When the tiers fluctuate a lot in total playcount it can create some bias. In the extreme example, if a million games were played one month, and 10 the next and the next after that, would it really make sense to put all their usages on equal footing?

What I've been doing with Ubers UU is multiplying the winrate by amount of games played, combining those for all 3 months, and then dividing by the total amount of games played across all 3 months. It's no more difficult to calculate and gives a better representation of what was truly used in that time period, in my opinion.
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Where would I go to discuss it? When the tiers fluctuate a lot in total playcount it can create some bias. In the extreme example, if a million games were played one month, and 10 the next and the next after that, would it really make sense to put all their usages on equal footing?

What I've been doing with Ubers UU is multiplying the winrate by amount of games played, combining those for all 3 months, and then dividing by the total amount of games played across all 3 months. It's no more difficult to calculate and gives a better representation of what was truly used in that time period, in my opinion.
View attachment 683946
You can post in PR I guess? I'm pretty sure no one had brought it up because it runs contrary to tier development. Each month has fewer games than the one prior, that's just how every format pans out as interest goes down throughout the generation. Having the first month of the three be worth the most when the meta has had two more months to develop since then just seems bad on paper.
Part of this post are taken from previous things I discussed in a post above. I discussed forecasting usage and finding how close or far some Pokemon are from usage thresholds, so I recommend checking it out as well.

Pokemon can be considered "locked in"* for their tier based off just one month of usage. 13.56% (=4.52%*3) usage or greater in just one month can guarantee a stay or a rise for a Pokemon. The only exceptions are Pokemon that are banned or unbanned. See the following spoiler for a tier-by-tier listing of these elite Pokemon.

+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Great Tusk | 38.376% |
| 2 | Kingambit | 27.937% |
| 3 | Gholdengo | 23.586% |
| 4 | Raging Bolt | 19.236% |
| 5 | Roaring Moon | 18.341% |
| 6 | Landorus-Therian | 18.302% |
| 7 | Zamazenta | 18.136% |
| 8 | Dragapult | 18.099% |
| 9 | Slowking-Galar | 17.670% |
| 10 | Iron Valiant | 17.460% |
| 11 | Ogerpon-Wellspring | 17.312% |
| 12 | Dragonite | 17.301% |
| 13 | Samurott-Hisui | 15.464% |
| 14 | Iron Moth | 14.196% |
| 15 | Gliscor | 13.635% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Excadrill | 30.968% |
| 2 | Tornadus-Therian | 25.241% |
| 3 | Lokix | 20.598% |
| 4 | Weavile | 20.378% |
| 5 | Heatran | 19.592% |
| 6 | Scizor | 18.909% |
| 7 | Quaquaval | 17.796% |
| 8 | Greninja | 17.138% |
| 9 | Latios | 17.106% |
| 10 | Okidogi | 16.812% |
| 11 | Ogerpon-Cornerstone | 14.430% |
| 12 | Hoopa-Unbound | 14.130% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Cyclizar | 24.514% |
| 2 | Bisharp | 22.809% |
| 3 | Zapdos-Galar | 16.437% |
| 4 | Goodra-Hisui | 16.156% |
| 5 | Kleavor | 15.324% |
| 6 | Krookodile | 14.995% |
| 7 | Thundurus | 14.835% |
| 8 | Jirachi | 14.651% |
| 9 | Hippowdon | 13.655% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Flygon | 38.461% |
| 2 | Incineroar | 21.964% |
| 3 | Bronzong | 17.941% |
| 4 | Overqwil | 17.443% |
| 5 | Vaporeon | 15.914% |
| 6 | Tsareena | 15.730% |
| 7 | Mienshao | 15.291% |
| 8 | Diancie | 14.321% |
| 9 | Muk-Alola | 14.021% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Tauros-Paldea-Blaze | 36.812% |
| 2 | Mudsdale | 28.905% |
| 3 | Tatsugiri | 25.647% |
| 4 | Wo-Chien | 22.796% |
| 5 | Toxtricity | 21.024% |
| 6 | Houndstone | 19.739% |
| 7 | Gastrodon | 17.872% |
| 8 | Florges | 16.178% |
| 9 | Decidueye | 15.772% |
| 10 | Bellibolt | 14.050% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + --------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + --------- +
| 1 | Mesprit | 33.37596% |
| 2 | Decidueye-Hisui | 17.14729% |
| 3 | Lycanroc | 16.13333% |
| 4 | Charizard | 15.06582% |
| 5 | Jolteon | 14.72837% |
| 6 | Passimian | 14.68897% |
| 7 | Qwilfish | 14.51287% |
| 8 | Brute Bonnet | 14.42090% |

Some people break down usage into the top ten or another number, but I think using a threshold like this can highlight significant differences in how much usage Pokemon get. We can see that while Great Tusk's high usage in OU isn't an anomaly necessarily when you compare it to lower tiers like NU and PU, OU does see a notably greater number of Pokemon that meet this threshold. This may indirectly reflect a level of top-heaviness or centralization a tier observes relative to other tiers.

All of OU, UU, and RU have a number one Pokemon that is a hazard remover, and NU is the only one without one in at least the top three. RU is the only tier to not have a Pokemon that can set Spikes with usage above this threshold. It shouldn't be surprising either that Stealth Rock setters outnumber removers roughly two to one among these elite Pokemon. It's not exactly news that Pokemon that are involved in the hazard metagames of their respective tiers tend to see higher usage. Hazard removers on the lower end of viability in lower tiers are prominent examples of Pokemon tend to be proportionally overrepresented in usage compared to similarly ranked Pokemon across lower tiers; you can see this effect with Pokemon like Donphan in UU (despite Excadrill's presence), Forretress in RU, Tsareena (a "locked-in" Pokemon) in NU, Hitmontop in PU, and Hitmonchan and Cryogonal in ZU.

None of this is to say that Pokemon that didn't hit this threshold aren't serious contenders for being considered part of the tier in terms of projected usage. Half of the difference between 13.56 and a Pokemon's current usage is the average usage it needs to get in order to guarantee a stay or a rise. For example, Corviknight, which had about 10.81% usage in October, would only need to see an average of 2.75% usage across the next two months to guarantee it would stay OU. In contrast, Deoxys-Speed, which saw about 4.07% usage in OU last month, would need to get an average of 4.74% usage across the next two months in order to stay OU. Pecharunt, which trended to about ~4.78% usage in OU last month, would only need to get an average of 4.39% usage in OU in the next two months to rise in January 2025. Anything with 4.52% usage would just need to keep up the same usage for the next two months, anything below the threshold would need to see half of its margin above the threshold for the next two months, and anything above that isn't already locked in only needs half of its margin of excess across the next two months.

You can take the projected threshold further to find the threshold a Pokemon would need to reach next month in order to guarantee a rise or a stay. The formula is simply just the difference between 13.56% and its usage from this last month. Darkrai (~9.76% last month) only needs ~3.80% usage in November in order to remain OU, Meowscarada (~4.85% last month) needs ~8.71% usage to stay in OU, and Tinkaton (~5.06% last month) would need ~8.50% to guarantee a rise to OU from next month's usage alone. A Pokemon with 4.52% usage last month would need at least twice its usage next month to guarantee a rise or a stay in January, so this can be a pretty steep threshold for Pokemon on the cusp of the threshold, such as Enamorus (~4.82% last month).

You can also use this to find Pokemon that are at risk of quick dropping. Official tiers saw no quick drops this month, which makes sense given we're coming up on almost a year since the Indigo Disk released. 1.53% is a pretty low threshold too, being around top 70 for most tiers that have around 40 Pokemon each. Quick drops for the second month of usage take an average of the two months of usage, so you can determine which Pokemon are "safe" from quick drops even if they dropped off the face of the earth in the next month. 2.28% is the quick drop threshold for December 2024, so any Pokemon that saw 4.56% usage or greater last month is considered "safe". Even if Enamorus suddenly tanked in November, it wouldn't drop to UU, and it could potentially recover in December.

I don't have a grand unified thesis for this post. My point is mostly just that a little bit of algebra can reveal some patterns and thresholds in usage stats that aren't entirely obvious. I also know there's other sickos out there who like to gawk at usage stats, given the responses to tier shifts where nothing changes, so I hope they enjoy this. Maybe this post can get some people thinking about how to look for patterns or meaningful thresholds in usage.
Looking to do a project, I see that the total battles counter for gen9ou-0 through gen9ou-1825, the total battles counter at the top (995612) is the same across the board, and the only difference is that each team gets weighed less on average, because the it filters out the battles that weren't at that elo. First of all, can I just get confirmation that that's how this works, since this system is just kinda new to me, and then also is there a way to get raw data for any of the battles above 0? Also, reading through some of the other messages here, it seems like I should be able to see more stuff, like winrate or tera type (i know winrate isn't a great metric but id like to see it)? Is that a thing or no? Thanks.
Also, reading through some of the other messages here, it seems like I should be able to see more stuff, like winrate or tera type (i know winrate isn't a great metric but id like to see it)? Is that a thing or no? Thanks.
Tera types are already visible if you click "moveset" at the top of the page. You can see win rates for random formats by entering "/rwr [format]" in a Showdown chat room, but I don't know if people track win rates for formats like VGC or OU.
:zapdos: :cobalion: :talonflame: :bronzong: :bombirdier: :passimian:
Vacuum Decay and Lower Tier Cannibalism: An Analysis

Vacuum Decay: A Definition
If you've been paying attention to gen 9 lower tiers, you may have noticed an effect where many Pokemon have been rising up into higher tiers, destabilizing the tiers they leave behind. While rises are a feature of tiering, they've been especially noticeable and pronounced in the lowest tiers. As metagame staples leave lower tiers, they often prompt quickbans of metagame elements that become less manageable in response. This creates a vacuum in the tier that is often filled by increased usage for Pokemon from the tier below the lower tier in question. Then, the tier below undergoes the same process, but intensified. Since tiers generally remain the same size (~37), it means that there's an upward pull of Pokemon from lower tiers. I'm choosing to label this overall effect "vacuum decay", and I'll cover more specific examples of this later in this post.

The Indigo Disk in OU
When the Indigo Disk released, a huge amount of Pokemon were quickdropped into the lower tiers. While this allowed for accelerated tiering, I believe it's also destabilizing these middle and later stages of the SV lower tiers metagames. Some of this is unavoidable, as much of the effects of this vacuum decay come organically from the development of higher tiers. As metagames stabilize, they (should) tend to centralize. Pokemon that aren't consistent fall out of the metagame, while Pokemon that are good crystallize as staples. This (ideally) leads to less effective Pokemon existing in lower tiers, while better Pokemon become part of higher tiers. In SS, there was even a new tiering policy implemented that raised the bar for tier cutoffs from 3.41% to 4.52% with the explicit intent of stabilizing lower tiers. If you're just looking at things shift-by-shift, the tiering system generally looks like it's working as intended. However, if you look a little more closely at some of the recent tier shifts, a pattern starts to emerge.

The Indigo Disk officially released a bit over a year from when I'm posting this, injecting the tiering system with 7 new Pokemon (8 later with Pecharunt) and 139 returning Pokemon (many being NFEs, but some, like Rhydon, Porygon2, and Duraludon, are relevant to lower tiers). Around 75 total Pokemon were ejected from OU during this tier shift, the vast majority of the re-added fully evolved Pokemon.

:gouging fire:
From the point of the DLC's release, OU made the following bans:
- Terapagos: quickbanned December 16th, 2023
- Archaludon: banned February 17, 2024
- Volcarona: banned April 27, 2024
- Gouging Fire: September 7, 2024
Sleep moves were also quickbanned (January 22, 2024), but that was less consequential on overall usage trends I'll discuss here. A similar sentiment applies to non-Pokemon bans that tiers have done, such as Drizzle, Drought, Light Clay, and so on.

:iron crown:
DLC2 and U(U)
After the turbodrops of January 2024, UU would see the following changes up to the initiation of regular 3-month shifts:
- February 2024: 3 rise to OU, 3 drop from OU - net 0
- March 2024: 1 rise to OU, 3 drop from OU - net +2
- April 2024: 4 rise to OU, 3 drop from OU - net +1

During the first two months of the 3-month average system, which started in April 2024, there weren't any quickdrops from OU outside of major tier shifts.
- May 2024: no changes - net +1
- June 2024: no changes - net +1
- July 2024 (regular shift): 2 rises to OU, 3 drops - net +2
- August 2024: no changes - net +2
- September 2024: no changes - net +2
- October 2024: 1 rise, 5 drops - net +6
- November 2024: no changes - net +6
- December 2024: no changes - net +6

From just tier shifts, it looks like the tiering system works as intended for UU. There was a net change of six new Pokemon since February 2024. Even though losing staples like Zapdos and Iron Crown created some upsets, there was generally an influx of new options to replace the Pokemon that rose over the course of 2024. However, if you compare this net of six with bans, something else emerges:
- January 6, 2024: Blaziken, Iron Hands, and Latias quickbanned
- January 29, 2024: Ceruledge banned
- February 19, 2024: Garganacl banned
- February 24, 2024: Moltres-Galar quickbanned
- March 25, 2024: Garchomp quickbanned
- April 11, 2024: Iron Boulder quickbanned
- May 13, 2024: Pelipper banned
- June 12, 2024: Kommo-o banned
- July 21, 2024: Ursaluna banned
- November 11, 2024: Okidogi banned
- December 10, 2024: Hoopa-Unbound banned

At this point in time, the only UUBL that has risen to OU has been Garganacl. This means that despite an apparent net gain of six, UU's twelve bans (excluding Garganacl because it's already counted as a rise) have led to a net loss of six. The implications of this become apparent in the next section, where I'm going to repeat the process for RU.

Lower Tier Impacts

RU was hit by its second wave of DLC2 drops in February 2024, so I'll start counting changes from March 2024 forward. This gets a little messy with some of the quickbans conducted during January + February, but I'll try to keep it coherent. If something rose from a tier below RU (such as NUBL, NU, PUBL, and so on), I've counted it as rising "out" of RU, as it becomes unavailable to the tier. The same goes for if something fell beyond RU. If something was already banned to RUBL and rose, I'll include discussion of it in the next section on bans to RUBL.
- March 2024: 7 rise out of RU, 3 drop to RU - net -4
- April 2024: 2 drop to RU - net -2 (3-month shifts begin after this month)
- May 2024: no changes - net -2
- June 2024: no changes - net -2
- July 2024: 3 rise out of RU, 3 drop to RU - net -2
- August 2024: no changes - net -2
- September 2024: no changes - net -2
- October 2024: 1 rise out of RU, 3 drop to RU - net 0
- November 2024: no changes
- December 2024: 1 drop to RU - net +1
A smaller net drop total for RU than UU, a portent. Moving to the bans:
- February 4, 2024: Hydreigon and Manaphy quickbanned
- February 21, 2024: Iron Jugulis quickbanned
- March 18 2024: Zarude banned
- March 27, 2024: Hoopa-Unbound quickbanned
- May 11, 2024: Thundurus-Therian banned
- May 16, 2024: Iron Leaves quickbanned
- May 27, 2024: Enamorus-Therian banned
- August 17, 2024: Blastoise banned
- October 18, 2024: Thundurus banned
- November 3, 2024: Yanmega banned
The net total for RU turns out to be a net loss of ten Pokemon. Watch as this effect escalates into lower tiers:

- April 2024: 2 rise out of NU, 1 drop to NU - net -1
- May 2024: no changes - net -1
- June 2024: no changes - net -1
- July 2024: 7 rise out of NU, 6 drop to NU - net -2
- August 2024: no changes - net -2
- September 2024: no changes - net -2
- October 2024: 3 rise out of NU, 1 drop to NU - net -4
- November 2024: no changes - net -4
- December 2024: no changes - net -4
- March 8, 2024: Lilligant-Hisui, Regidrago, and Suicune quickbanned
- March 15, 2024: Armarouge, Gyarados, and Necrozma quickbanned
- June 14, 2024: Mew quickbanned
- July 17, 2024: Lycanroc-Dusk quickbanned
- July 25, 2024: Deoxys-Defense and Feraligatr quickbanned
- August 5, 2024: Cloyster and Lucario quickbanned
- August 23, 2024: Gallade banned
- October 13, 2024: Cresselia and Iron Thorns quickbanned
- October 27, 2024: Oricorio-Pom-Pom quickbanned
With 16 bans, NU's net total goes from -4 to -20. Wondering why PU was gutted last tier shift? It's not because NU has it out for the tier. We're not done here, however.

- May 2024: no changes
- June 2024: no changes
- July 2024: 2 drop to PU - net +2
- August 2024: 2 drop to PU - net +4
- September 2024: 1 drop to PU - net +5
- October 2024: 10 rise out of PU, 1 drop to PU - net -4
- November 2024: no changes - net -4
- December 2024: no changes - net -4
- April 7, 2024: Drednaw quickbanned
- April 14, 2024: Oricorio-Pom-Pom quickbanned
- April 28, 2024: Cetitan banned
- July 7, 2024: Raikou quickbanned
- July 21, 2024: Inteleon banned
- October 13, 2024: Duraludon and Flamigo quickbanned
- November 28, 2024: Scyther banned
Considering PU's shifts and bans, PU has a net total of -12. This is less than NU, revealing that the "vacuum wave" is currently most intense in NU. Projections are showing a number of PU Pokemon are going to rise in the next shift, which means that this wave is still growing as it moves downwards through the tiering system. ZU's changes will further demonstrate this point.

:brute bonnet:
- June 2024: no changes
- July 2024: 2 rise out of ZU, 2 drop to ZU - net 0
- August 2024: no changes - net 0
- September 2024: 1 drop to ZU - net +1
- October 2024: 1 rise out of ZU, 5 drop to ZU - net +5
- November 2024: no changes - net +5
- December 2024: no changes - net +5
- May 5, 2024: Articuno-Galar, Hitmonlee, Sceptile, and Tornadus quickbanned
- May 30, 2024: Emboar banned
- June 2, 2024: Vulpix banned
- June 15, 2024: Uxie quickbanned, Vulpix unbanned
- June 27, 2024: Kingdra banned
- July 7, 2024: Alcremie and Thwackey quickbanned, Hitmonlee and Sceptile unbanned
- July 28, 2024: Thwackey unbanned
- August 16, 2024: Bruxish banned
- August 25, 2024: Electrode-Hisui quickbanned
- October 5, 2024: Delphox and Hariyama quickbanned
- November 30, 2024: Dudunsparce banned
Putting aside all of the ban waffling, ZU's shifts and bans together produce a net of -6. This clarifies my point earlier that the wave of vacuum decay is currently strongest around NU and PU. However, if you account for the guaranteed tier changes coming up, you can see that ZU's total is going to at least jump to -8 for the new year, and that isn't even accounting for the very likely additional rises that will happen in the upcoming tier shift.

- July 2024: 10 rise out of SU, 1 drop to SU - net -9
- August 2024: 1 drop to SU - net -8
- September 2024: 2 drop to SU - net -6
- October 2024: 16 rise out of SU, 6 drop to SU - net -16
- November 2024: 1 drop to SU - net -15
- December 2024: 1 drop to SU - net -14
SU (Sub-Zero Used) isn't an official tier, but at a net loss of -14, it's a good last point for highlighting where the peak of the vacuum decay wave is. I didn't count its bans given its status as a doubly unofficial tier, but ZU's usage stats still are part of the tiering system, as they're accounted for in terms of including NFEs in the ZU builder.

Lower Tier Cannibalism
It hasn't been a full year of all lower tiers having the drops from the Indigo Disk, but already we're seeing what I'm going to label "tier cannibalism". OU has taken a few things (Zapdos) from UU, UU has harvested (Cobalion) from RU, RU took more (Talonflame, Quagsire, Umbreon) from NU, NU scooped a huge amount (Bronzong, Gligar, Milotic, Slowbro-Galar, Scream Tail) from PU, and PU is poised to start taking even more (Hisuian Decidueye, Rhydon, Frosmoth) from ZU. This effect is going to amplify into 2025 as well: there are already Pokemon locked-in to rise to higher tiers (see the post I linked above), and that's not even accounting for the Pokemon that are practically unable to avoid rising at this point, such as Cramorant from ZU to PU and Gastrodon from PU to NU.

This cannibalism is a positive feedback loop in the system of lower tiers. Pecharunt's potential rise to OU from UU could remove a defensive piece of UU's metagame, and that likely creates a void for UU to fill by pulling from RU beyond just the usage vacuum. UU has had two bans since Zapdos's rise and is already going to take Revavroom and Mew (technically NUBL) from RU. NU is going to almost certainly take Gastrodon, Tornadus (technically ZUBL), and Meloetta from PU, and it could easily take Decidueye and Copperajah. Cramorant and Frosmoth are pretty much assured rises to PU at this point alongside guarantees of Decidueye-Hisui and Rhydon. Porygon2 cannot avoid rising to ZU, and Venomoth, Sneasel-Hisui, and Oricorio are confident rises next month. This is somewhat tempered when higher tiers only taking from a lower tier's banlist, which is the case of Hawlucha likely rising from RUBL to UU. However, I don't think there's been a single player from RU, NU, or PU who hasn't felt the impact of rises this year. When lower tiers lose their staples, they have to find replacements. Instability caused by rises makes tiers more likely to make quickbans or conduct suspect tests, making the vacuum grow stronger with every full tier shift, quickban, and suspect test.

Generation 8 vs Generation 9
If my point is still hard to believe, I'd like to cross-reference with the only other generation that's had a double DLC pack release: SS. SS is a finished generation, so even though it has more material to cover, I don't want to spend too much time on it so this post doesn't balloon any more than it already has. I'll be abridging everything I already did for SV. I'll also be noting the point where a tiering policy, one that went against the very feature of usage-based lower tiers as playable metagames featuring unpopular Pokemon, was implemented to freeze rises for the rest of the generation. I would like to prompt discussion on that type of policy for gen 9, but that starts going beyond the scope of this post and this thread, something better left to tier leaders for policy review.

The Crown Tundra released October 23rd, 2020. The turbodrops for SS lower tiers took place November 1, 2020. Then, mid-month tier shifts were conducted to accelerate tier formation. In January 2021, 1-month tier shifts ended, and the 3-month average usage system was implemented. This continued until April 2022 as mentioned earlier in this post. April 2022 saw the last tier shift with rises, which were frozen for the last two full tier shifts of the generation.

- October 28, 2020: Genesect and Naganadel quickbanned
- November 3 2020: Landorus quickbanned
- November 17 2020: Kyurem-Black and Zygarde quickbanned
- December 17, 2020: Pheromosa banned
- January 9, 2021: Urshifu banned
- February 5, 2021: Spectrier banned
- February 21, 2021: Cinderace and Magearna quickbanned
- April 25, 2021: Zamazenta-Crowned remains banned - outlier case, won't be counted
- December 13, 2021: Kyurem banned
Total SS OU net: -10

Full shifts are bolded
- Mid-November 2020: 3 rise out of UU, 1 drop to UU - net -2
- December 2020: 4 rise out of UU, 2 drop to UU - net -4
- Mid-December 2020: 1 drop to UU - net -3
- January 2021: 1 rise out of UU - net -4
- February 2021: no changes - net -4
- March 2021: no changes - net -4
- April 2021: 6 rise out of UU, 4 drop to UU - net -6
- May 2021: no changes - net -6
- June 2021: no changes - net -6
- July 2021: 2 rise out of UU, 3 drop to UU - net -5
- August 2021: no changes - net -5
- September 2021: no changes - net -5
- October 2021: 4 rise out of UU, 6 drop to UU - net -3
- November 2021: no changes - net -3
- December 2021: no changes - net -3
- January 2022: 1 rise out of UU - net -4
- February 2022: no changes - net -4
- March 2022: no changes - net -4
- April 2022: 1 rise out of UU, 2 drops to UU - net -3
- May 2022: no changes - net -3
- June 2022: no changes - net -3
- July 2022: no changes - net -3
- August 2022: no changes - net -3
- September 2022: no changes - net -3
- October 2022: 1 drop to UU - net -2
- November 2022: no changes - net -2
- November 16, 2020: Blacephalon, Dracozolt, Hawlucha, and Weavile quickbanned
- November 30, 2020: Gengar and Volcarona quickbanned
- December 6, 2020: Aegislash and Zapdos-Galar quickbanned
- December 28, 2020: Blaziken banned
- February 5, 2021: Latias banned
- March 6, 2021: Terrakion banned
- March 8, 2021: Victini quickbanned
- March 22, 2021: Aegislash unbanned
- April 2, 2021: Alakazam and Latios quickbanned
- September 5, 2021: Thundurus banned
- September 8, 2021: Arctozolt quickbanned
- October 1, 2021: Latias quick-unbanned
- October 17, 2021: Latias quick-rebanned (for suspect)
- November 1, 2021: Latias remains banned
- November 18 2021: Kommo-o banned
- December 21, 2021: Mienshao banned
- May 2, 2022: Moltres-Galar banned
- June 5, 2022: Aeigslash banned
Total SS UU net: -21

Full shifts are bolded
- December 2020: 6 rise out of RU, 2 drop to RU - net -4
- Mid-December 2020: 2 rise out of RU, 4 drop to RU - net -2
- January 2021: 1 rise out of RU, 2 drop to RU - net -1
- February 2021: no changes - net -1
- March 2021: no changes - net -1
- April 2021: 1 rise out of RU, 1 drop to RU - net -1
- May 2021: no changes - net -1
- June 2021: no changes - net -1
- July 2021: 2 rise out of RU, 2 drop to RU - net -1
- August 2021: no changes - net -1
- September 2021: 1 drop to RU - net 0
- October 2021: 3 rise out of RU, 1 drop to RU - net -2
- November 2021: no changes - net -2
- December 2021: no changes - net -2
- January 2022: 2 drop to RU - net 0
- February 2022: no changes - net 0
- March 2022: no changes - net 0
- April 2022: 4 rises out of RU - net -4
- May 2022: no changes - net -4
- June 2022: no changes - net -4
- July 2022: no changes - net -4
- August 2022: no changes - net -4
- September 2022: no changes - net -4
- October 2022: 1 drop to RU - net -3
- November 2022: no changes - net -3
- December 6, 2020: Conkeldurr, Haxorus, Kyurem, Scolipede, and Venusaur quickbanned
- December 23, 2020: Diggersby quickbanned
- February 28, 2021: Slowbro-Galar quickbanned
- March 15, 2021: Zygarde-10% banned
- February 7, 2022: Necrozma banned
- May 2, 2022: Obstagoon banned
Total SS RU net: -13

Full shifts are bolded
- Mid-December 2020: 2 rise out of NU, 3 drop to NU - net +1
- January 2021: 4 rise out of NU, 2 drop to NU - net -1
- February 2021: no changes - net -1
- March 2021: no changes - net -1
- April 2021: 3 rise out of NU, 2 drop to NU - net -2
- May 2021: no changes - net -2
- June 2021: no changes - net -2
- July 2021: 2 rise out of NU, 1 drop to NU - net -3
- August 2021: no changes - net -3
- September 2021: no changes - net -3
- October 2021: 1 rise out of NU, 3 drop to NU - net -1
- November 2021: no changes - net -1
- December 2021: no changes - net -1
- January 2022: 1 rise out of NU, 1 drop to NU - net -1
- February 2022: no changes - net -1
- March 2022: no changes - net -1
- April 2022: 1 rise out of NU, 2 drop to NU - net 0
- May 2022: no changes - net 0
- June 2022: no changes - net 0
- July 2022: 1 drop to NU - net +1
- August 2022: no changes - net +1
- September 2022: no changes - net +1
- October 2022: no changes - net +1
- November 2022: no changes - net +1
- December 1, 2020: Obstagoon and Reuniclus quickbanned
- December 6, 2020: Arctozolt, Durant, Heracross, Indeedee, and Lucario quickbanned
- December 11, 2020: Linoone, Polteageist, Sharpedo, and Slurpuff quickbanned
- December 24, 2020: Barbaracle, Slowbro-Galar, and Tornadus quickbanned
- January 2, 2021: Porygon-Z and Toxtricity quickbanned
- January 19, 2021: Sigilyph banned
- February 21, 2021: Bewear and Pangoro banned
- February 27, 2021: Mienshao quickbanned
- March 14, 2021: Cresselia banned
- April 1, 2021: Arctozolt quick-unbanned
- April 10, 2021: Entei and Glastrier quickbanned
- April 26, 2021: Glastrier unbanned
- October 3, 2021: Regidrago and Snorlax quickbanned
- October 20, 2021: Snorlax unbanned
- November 21, 2021: Arctovish quickbanned
- January 24, 2022: Arctovish quick-unbanned (so fun when I can't find its ban where it was supposed to be reported), Sandshrew-Alola and Sandslash-Alola quickbanned
- February 21, 2022: Goodra banned
- June 27, 2022: Dragalge banned
- August 22, 2022: Machamp banned
- August 28, 2022: Sirfetch'd quickbanned
- September 19, 2022: Blastoise banned
- November 22, 2022: Indeedee-F banned
Total SS NU net: -29

Full tier shifts are bolded
- January 2021: 4 rise out of PU - net -4
- February 2021: 1 drop to PU - net -3
- March 2021: no changes - net -3
- April 2021: 7 rise out of PU - net -10
- May 2021: 4 drop to PU - net -6
- June 2021: no changes - net -6
- July 2021: 6 rise out of PU, 3 drop to PU - net -9
- August 2021: no changes - net -9
- September 2021: no changes - net -9
- October 2021: 2 rise out of PU - net -11
- November 2021: no changes - net -11
- December 2021: no changes - net -11
- January 2022: 2 rise out of PU, 4 drop to PU - net -9
- February 2022: no changes - net -9
- March 2022: no changes - net -9
- April 2022: 2 rise out of PU, 2 drop to PU - net -9
- May 2022: no changes - net -9
- June 2022: no changes - net -9
- July 2022: 4 drop to PU - net -5
- August 2022: no changes - net -5
- September 2022: no changes - net -5
- October 2022: 2 drop to PU - net -3
- November 2022: no changes - net -3
- January 2, 2021: Duraludon, Exploud, Indeedee-F, Kingdra, Machamp, Raichu-Alola, Machamp, Sceptile, Sirfetch'd, and Tauros quickbanned
- January 15, 2021: Roserade quickbanned
- April 3, 2021: Virizion quickbanned
- April 18, 2021: Clawitzer, Kingler, and Omastar quickbanned
- June 26, 2021: Exeggutor-Alola banned
- July 1, 2021: Arctozolt quick-unbanned (previously quickbanned April 2, 2020)
- November 15, 2021: Drampa banned
- January 1, 2022: Ninjask quick-unbanned (previously quickbanned July 19, 2020)
- March 10, 2022: Espeon banned
- July 3, 2022: Inteleon quickbanned
- July 18, 2022: Araquanid (remains) banned
- July 26, 2022: Guzzlord quickbanned
- August 15, 2022: Vanilluxe banned
- September 15, 2022: Scyther (remains) banned (following quickban and retest)
- October 2, 2022: Zoroark quickbanned
- December 2, 2022: Scrafty banned
Total PU net: -25

Full tier shifts are bolded
- February 2021: no changes - net 0
- March 2021: 2 drop to ZU - net +2
- April 2021: 4 rise out of ZU, 1 drop to ZU - net -1
- May 2021: 2 drop to ZU - net +1
- June 2021: no changes - net +1
- July 2021: 5 rise out of ZU, 2 drop to ZU - net -2
- August 2021: no changes - net -2
- September 2021: no changes - net -2
- October 2021: 4 rise out of ZU - net -6
- November 2021: no changes - net -6
- December 2021: no changes - net -6
- January 2022: 1 rise out of ZU, 1 drop to ZU - net -6
- February 2022: no changes - net -6
- March 2022: no changes - net -6
- April 2022: 6 rise out of ZU, 1 drop to ZU - net -11
- May 2022: no changes - net -11
- June 2022: no changes - net -11
- July 2022: 2 drop to ZU - net -9
- August 2022: no changes- net -9
- September 2022: no changes - net -9
- October 2022: 3 drop to ZU - net -6
- November 2022: no changes - net -6
- January 12, 2021: Haunter, Scrafty, and Toxicroak quickbanned
- January 17, 2021: Exeggutor-Alola and Vikavolt quickbanned
- February 6, 2021: Gallade and Turtonator quickbanned
- February 23, 2021: Sneasel banned
- March 7, 2021: Drampa, Magmortar, Omastar, and Silvally-Dragon quickbanned
- April 17, 2021: Magneton quickbanned
- July 19, 2021: Centiskorch banned
- August 9, 2021: Silvally-Ground banned
- December 5, 2021: Vanilluxe quickbanned
- January 17, 2022: Aurorus banned
- February 26, 2022: Arctovish banned
- April 11, 2022: Basculin quickbanned
- June 18, 2022: Malamar banned
- July 22, 2022: Ninjask (remains, after a quickban into suspect test) banned
- October 8, 2022: Glastrier quickbanned
- November 28, Perrserker (remains, after a quickban into suspect test) banned
Total ZU net: -29

Overall, most SS lower tiers saw an average net loss of about 23 Pokemon across the span of the generation, and that was with the policy prohibiting rises for the last two tier shifts. With an average tier size of about 37, that means most lower tiers lost over half of their tierlists to bans and vacuum decay between the release of DLC2 and the end of the generation, and that was still with the rise-freezing tiering policy. SV is getting to that point right now, and it's not even been eight months since the beginning of 3-month average tiering. Yet, there's already an average of about 11 net lost Pokemon per lower tier. Like this gen, anyone who was active in a lower tier in gen 8 can probably tell you about how some Pokemon rising impacted the metagame, whether this was Volcanion's rise to OU, Cobalion's rise to UU, Bronzong's rise to RU, Passimian's rise to NU, Audino's rise to PU, etc. Just seeing the difference between SS and SV highlights that this process is hardly complete for gen 9, and there's no confirmed end in sight for this generation. I project that this vacuum is going to grow more intense in the coming year, and we're going to see tiers like NU, PU, and ZU especially recoil from the incoming tier shift.

Tiering Decay Realism: Is there no alternative?
From my point of view, there's two paths that emerge for how to respond to something like this:
1. Let it be
Under this idea, the flux of lower tiers is a feature and not a bug of tiering in the first place. As lower tiers are all derivative, then the amount of instability they experience is proportional to their "lowness" on the tiering rung. It's not as much up to lower tiers to define what Pokemon are considered part of higher tiers. Tampering with that system inhibits the democratic and meritocratic elements of tiering where players collectively and successfully use Pokemon Showdown's ladders to influence placements on the tiering totem. This effect is also the natural consequence of an accelerated system that quickdropped Cobalion from OU to RU and Registeel from OU to PU, so the recoil that comes afterwards is something lower tiers should just cope with if they're interested in maximizing the amount of time they have for tiering after DLC2.

2. Change the system
If lower tier instability is at the point where managing a lower tier becomes too cumbersome for leadership, hostile to tournament play, and unsustainable for resource creation and management, then there could be attention directed to tiering differently. I've mentioned several times that the previous generation saw lower tiers leadership implement a policy that froze rises, something that gave lower tiers a lot more control and consistency over their tierlists for the last six months of the generation. This thread is probably the highest quality and most recent policy discussion of changes to tiering cutoffs. The OP suggests raising the cutoff for rises, something I personally find more reasonable than disallowing rises entirely. Lower tiers could be insulated from the most destabilizing effects of smaller trends in usage for mid-level Pokemon in a higher tier's metagame, yet the tiering system would still reflect Pokemon becoming newfound staples in higher tiers. I think this system, especially in gen 9, has a huge amount of potential for stabilizing lower tiers by letting them hold onto non-broken balanced and defensive additions. UU thrives with Excadrill, Heatran, Hydrapple, and Rotom-Wash all present, and more lower tiers could thrive too if they were able to gain or hold onto options like Blissey, Gastrodon, Registeel, and so on. I'm mostly observing this effect though rather than trying to direct policy. I'm not involved in official tiering leadership, so this is beyond me.

For time and brevity, I wasn't able to cover all of the specific rises and drops between tiers. Even if I did, I still wouldn't be able to fully describe how significant some changes were for specific tiers. In April 2024 alone, Ribombee's rise to OU was much less significant than the rises of Deoxys-Speed and Iron Moth. Similarly, Serperior's drop to UU in July 2024 was more significant than Torkoal's in the same month. This might highlight that the effects of vacuum decay in tiering are actually more serious than I'm describing here, as if Torkoal drops to NU (a tier where Drought is banned) in January 2025, it's a completely useless drop to NU compared to the significance of any rises from the tier. The same can be said for Pokemon like Blissey, which hasn't made a huge impression in UU, and probably wouldn't make a big impression in RU either given Chansey's currently middling rank. At the same time, something like Araquanid rising from NU isn't likely to have a major destabilizing effect on UU, RU, or NU given it isn't a cornerstone of any of those tiers. However, objectively weighting these Pokemon's impacts through their usage would have made this post even longer than it is.

I'd be interested in hearing what people involved in lower tiers metagames think about these trends. With the January 2025 tier shift approaching, the trajectory of the gen 9 tiering system will be much clearer than it is now. Do you think these trends are accurate or that they'll continue into 2025? Should there be policy intervention like in gen 8, or is gen 9 a special case that deserves more or less interference? If intervention happpens, should it happen sooner to promote stability, or should it happen later once the end of generation 9 becomes clear?
But the big point I want to add is how much this chaos is impacting the analyses. As a C&C mod for PU, I wanna get analyses up and running, but we haven't been able to do so. We keep telling the QC members that we'll start up analyses after X suspect/shift, just for the changes to be more vital than anticipated so we have to put them off again. For reference, we stopped all current gen analyses back in October, aka right after the previous shift, and haven't been able to get anything done this whole time. We probably won't be able to in January either for reasons stated below.

I'd just like to agree that changing the tiering system back to 3.41% would help with this so much.

Gonna put the disclaimer that I'm bias and already not a fan of the new 4.52%, as a lower tier player who doesn't like how it furthers the power creep in lower tiers thematically (like Raikou being in PU, a tier meant for mediocre mons). Another disclaimer is that I've only skimmed the last few posts so IDK how much it's been discussed here :V

That being said, the easier qualifications to drop is what's allowing these mons to, well, drop in the first place. While it could be argued that it makes it harder for them to rise back up again, a lotta these mons were mid-ranked mons that were borderline dropping/staying to begin with, so even a little boost in usage for them could be the defining factor.

While I haven't put in as much research as missangelic, I have experienced a lotta this chaos first hand in PU. In the previous shift we lost a butt-ton of S/A-ranked mons (like Glowbro, Milotic, Scream Tail, etc), completely changing the meta. This could have been avoided had they not fallen in the first place. The tier is still recovering, with one suspect after the next (just banned Scyther, now there's a Meloetta suspect going on). But there's not gonna be any time to breath bcuz Gastrodon is said to rise to NU in this next shift, who is a staple for checking so many threats, meaning there will likely be even more suspects after it leaves.

IK various users that don't think the change back to 3.41% should be done mid-gen cuz it could get chaotic, and it's a completely justified argument, but things are chaotic anyway so might as well.
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