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Tournament Gen 9 Random Battles Open - (Won by MrSoup)

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Hosted by Frozoid, pokeblade101, and sharpclaw. Approved by sharpclaw.

Welcome to the Gen 9 Random Battles Open! Terastallization is here, and it's time to demonstrate your mastery of unexpected type changes in a single elimination best-of-3 series (best-of-5, quarterfinals onward) tournament!

This tournament is part of our ongoing Rands Slam circuit. Stay tuned after this tour for news about the next one!

The winner of the Gen 9 Randbats Open will receive the Room Prize Winner rank in the Random Battles room for a month, be inducted into the Randbats Hall of Fame, and be awarded points for the Rands Slam. The winner of the Slam Playoffs Round will get a custom avatar and a Smogon banner for a full year, along with a month-long Room Prize Winner rank and joinphrase.

How does the tour work?
It’s simple:
1. Contact your opponent on their Smogon wall and decide on a time to battle.
2. Battle each other in the format “[Gen 9] Random Battle”.
3. The first player to 2 wins (3 wins for quarterfinals onwards) advances to the next round.

Please note:
1. All scheduling attempts MUST be done publicly on Smogon Walls. No other proof of communication will count for act calls regarding scheduling attempts.
2. You MUST post replays of your wins.

We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with the Smogon Tournament Rules and General Guidelines, if you haven’t already. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact the tour hosts (Frozoid, pokeblade101, or sharpclaw) here on Smogon.
What constitutes ghosting in a Random Battles game can be a particularly fine line, so before commenting in a game, always ask yourself: “Would my comment reveal information that hasn’t already been explicitly revealed in this battle?” Examples of ghosting include suggesting that an unexpectedly fast Pokemon might be holding a Choice Scarf, pointing out that a Zoroark’s disguised level proves it’s a Zoroark, etc.

Round 1
Thicc_Shady  vs  OrderPizza
Muajyeej  vs  feen
fikuyterd  vs  DragonPhoenix333
Rexiedexy  vs  blackjack11z
chefcooke  vs  za
Xboy  vs  BendedCart
Tiamokodubs  vs  Drifting
John Dozo  vs  Puralux
bentheblaster  vs  Dabman1069
LoSconosciuto  vs  Inazuma-Fulgur
Ina fable  vs  god'sleftpinky
Emboar02  vs  silver grace
Kizdop  vs  Teclis
Sparzza  vs  DemataPyro
Maiky3003  vs  Thiago Nunes
OADES  vs  Supreme_Volo
Ahpel the applin water  vs  oliethefarmer
Mo2k20  vs  drakloak
JesusFreakTW  vs  Hooftx
Legendary  vs  Hasuinna
Eeveeto  vs  Asperge_Kate
Tronus kaze2.0  vs  Ladder Jumper GX
jellybean64  vs  DramaticMonster
maxseiji  vs  angieisgay
mtk4271  vs  Demious II
soTsoT  vs  bigguac
Mr.Yessir  vs  smofle
mj  vs  Medeia
YukiNekoSE  vs  Irpachuza
justin frog  vs  PogRamsey
Devyansh g  vs  pikaty001
Xiri  vs  Veko
BoRida  vs  Ceteris Paribus
ki809  vs  dunoks
xokarutox  vs  thaorgd
josigravy  vs  teuny805
Pave Low  vs  Vertigo
alolan88227788  vs  R1C3M4N
yakarimseni  vs  Clementine
blareposeidon  vs  GymChalenges
booghostie12  vs  sayyonara
nexusj4  vs  neycwang
MichaelderBeste2  vs  stopduckabuse
way2smoove  vs  ridgewhat
Buhrito  vs  fujitive
Zero Tales  vs  Desmondo
Lypus  vs  DuoM2
UnBoosted  vs  Portrait or Ruin
swampertsweeps  vs  Unammed
Sayorus  vs  Xceloh
Agus de Alexandria  vs  AshSM4
Megastay  vs  Paxerion
Vitoran  vs  nemoauditur
Tav72  vs  Onderbroek
Tamashii18  vs  TL The Legend
Mr.Bossaru  vs  Golden Warrior
teresbahji  vs  I love Bagon
Annomous_89  vs  Wubben
Godigimon  vs  articoo
Wait2Seconds  vs  Goodluckwithyour0
brendanf123321  vs  crow crumbs
Wesleyy  vs  Khanyaro
idiotpokemoner  vs  chuggachuggachooo
Failbor  vs  Qui-Gon the Flygon
Sudrakon  vs  Finalcrusader15
Infinite Misery  vs  Zoyotte
Podra  vs  kaiegurlmao
temp  vs  meticula
Ricardo [old]  vs  platinumCheesecake
naviii 1  vs  Doctor Zius
whateew  vs  BigReeApple
Anu  vs  Memoriazero
Romsfun  vs  Duckislate
Majorjetlag  vs  StallingGood
ur moom suus  vs  tiemzi
Deathbang  vs  uBezin
cfanick  vs  PokeChess
Hats  vs  C'haLeFiammeViola
sunsets  vs  Dan002
Hairoll  vs  Grandmaster7890
Dragonillis  vs  Yes or no my dude
PikaPlayer  vs  Chetyre
Rasmuth  vs  Chicxy's Madness
Knele97  vs  PKMN4EVR
Piapia  vs  quinlin_0
eggboy612  vs  randplay
Manan999  vs  XYZ15
Quebec420  vs  Duck1739
YBW  vs  Son Can Toa Trio
Deltakip  vs  DripLegend
diegoyuhhi  vs  ZaynX
Mememan1playz101  vs  kiritofps
Trout In Space  vs  Rusl2
flameingpigey2  vs  hunternoooob
Mcthelegit  vs  Mirbro
Don Bork  vs  Real GLaDOS
PlugDome  vs  Anthonyy23
WhatTheOink  vs  seroo
Turtlek  vs  Mr_Aloosh
Shadows4  vs  maito1102
luisrabasco  vs  KitKat
sgtfuzz1411-TTV  vs  sanguine
CactusCrusader42  vs  DaKweep
Trade  vs  chrisp428
salmonelephant  vs  Leon616
Sebeck  vs  EPM
Cherryblossum99  vs  Mudkiped
Lokifan  vs  Ethan Kironus
Commander Awesome  vs  Daven_dillon
reggg  vs  Swiffix
fish anemometer  vs  Divine10
Nowh  vs  EdsonC4
Deep110  vs  BigWes95
AntonioG  vs  retnas11
Ren_Harriet  vs  Miss Novelist
Rage.Spam.Quit.  vs  screwy_professor
SIlverdragon1905  vs  TheBoyWithTheBugz
Exi0022  vs  Amstan
supereccema  vs  Kindyy
Boruto12345  vs  Poipole is so cute
MasterJ007  vs  Romeheffe
relevartemit  vs  Hoopa590
jackofspadesman  vs  TobalaDoPao
SirVala  vs  CronusVGC
Boom4Life  vs  glowbrogang
DarmanitanDLuffy  vs  LeoG0211
JustOut459  vs  A Welcome Guest
ptergriffs  vs  paolode99
LazyBananazz  vs  AmoghOp
heliodrone  vs  Enzonana.
Joenotsochill  vs  agentkeval
Jonen  vs  Fern_lightvale
TimoV2003  vs  TeamCharm
ditwo  vs  Ghoulish Champ
latias999999999  vs  Izzetguy
Qwone  vs  Deis Dewdrop
amweird  vs  sleid
Elgino  vs  memedose46
Drookez  vs  Indi01
shinygible  vs  Roginald
bigwetghost  vs  Amaranth
Ghostilex  vs  bigdragoncow6969
cubicalxd  vs  Lambovino
Landorus Norris  vs  Dragon246
snorlax142857  vs  Boopi_Bappi
tMoi  vs  HrrMots
ElonMM  vs  Jacobjackson955
00Astral  vs  LordMenju
igiveuponaname  vs  adorluigi
maxhooij  vs  Trefleuh
deftinwolf  vs  IronBritish
SketchiAkechi  vs  Mannuraj
Somnuzzz  vs  RiceBall65
Bunjumpyjr  vs  yoepboyy
Iranupagoat  vs  Frozoid
Swaay  vs  sparks bloom
pokeblade101  vs  velvet
Mood Breaker  vs  Uakusi_Os
Tarre25  vs  Pupofdeath
Mega UT  vs  Blue YM
ambitious_user  vs  landorockz
RSB  vs  Havens
InvejaMata  vs  MultiAmmiratore
averagetoxapexlover  vs  TheRandomEnma
MEBBAR  vs  bdogthegreat
Ubo  vs  shanstagram
BrockWrecker  vs  Trist
jipple  vs  Austinage
Comedier  vs  Betathunder
manishkumarlal  vs  Mannaggiamme
aColeWorld  vs  AlbertStein
Lady Writer  vs  RiloBR
KingMon  vs  Primal Latios
Lucario  vs  Smucky
BlazeOfVictory  vs  13Max13
InotDark  vs  pmfg10
shoddy battler  vs  JojoOui
Tranquility  vs  ZZZDamon1896
PrinceOfAllTacos  vs  persues100
Albret  vs  BandedCrizor
RaJ.Shoot  vs  MrSoup
EmperorAry  vs  Lrogue
Cureja  vs  pannu
Uta The Clown  vs  Prqk
Teamo505  vs  p4rk
Ruizera  vs  sarfaraz01
Sofasportler  vs  Xerzack987
majaco  vs  Snekneek731
evakiyama!  vs  satvik123
A brazilian guy  vs  SpaceSpeakers
Nlbig  vs  Vug
SyanW  vs  Fragments
ShckSheep  vs  Unjust3
Tails72  vs  Giga-Chandélure
KeanuGrindingArc  vs  zaydapoketrainer
Ev_Evan  vs  Nazib
Yoink 0  vs  Pronzer
LeCehlou  vs  Autumnbreeze123
tommoo56  vs  iamnathan
Ace Trainer Nugz  vs  Minimick05
bryght  vs  bellenguer2
35Q71N  vs  Xr_Kartana
Timmyturner69  vs  ChilaKillerV
rylibes64  vs  Anacardo46
UzumakiFox  vs  Ducky1231
Jim E. Russler  vs  AxelAnims
Banana043  vs  EPICgamerOWNs
FishOfDreams  vs  Arandompolarbear
tpfire  vs  hidin
gorex  vs  Wigglytuff
Shruzz  vs  Catalyszoid
Chains of Markov  vs  Syrinix
KKirby  vs  pratik2007
Martinique Jason  vs  Shreksplz
Nhan-Suno-Fuma  vs  Morp_y8380
Velociraptor09  vs  m1ntchoco
MTB  vs  Iceman8911
Vinsanity224  vs  Champfernape
Palothor  vs  MOHAMEDALL
Doc-Mellitus  vs  FunneeMonkee
ChocolatéSmash  vs  Star Thunderbolt
skatt7000  vs  fra26
KrispyKnight954  vs  Tarrembeau
mrextrazy  vs  Noob88551
Huggy39  vs  livid washed
AntixHasFallen  vs  Casual dot exe
Bellossom01  vs  Morgan&Sableye
WhoDatMan  vs  Phantom0rion
Crougher  vs  JJ09LIE
S3raphiM  vs  midnighthadder
Bigwubben  vs  CapivaraStark
Mada  vs  neomon
Bo chase  vs  Galactikitty
Figbender  vs  Bobness007
Mr. Hippo69  vs  Wigglin Wigglet
Tyranirdelava  vs  Gyarikkuho
PeppaPigFan20067  vs  malefic
Sylveon used calm mind  vs  haxlolo
Kinzo Ketchum  vs  Kanha Greninja
Soul Unmei  vs  Yolographer
king twist  vs  Javi
Bodi 69  vs  Jalkolt
Career Ended  vs  Arsenal
Diamondgemx  vs  Swagata Mitra
FretWL1  vs  Hyperactivity
Torox  vs  Legokimbo
HaunterBoy28  vs  sneaky.
LakeyTheDolphin  vs  Lady Salamence
epic gamer  vs  Taka
Cleffr  vs  Elite4Kenzie
xPython  vs  clean
BijouMode  vs  Kinetic1000
freebird88  vs  jboost77
aybekay  vs  enzodave
Liimpy  vs  Sjjssj
Jeebz  vs  tails147cf
IDaHAN  vs  lazatron
A59  vs  SwordIsBored
PKMN Master Manny  vs  NFS15
VanitasEcho  vs  Reuniplus
freezai  vs  Bye 1
ZviTello  vs  Rasche
cheesesir  vs  Bye 3
meeVariann  vs  Bye 4
zachattack01  vs  Bye 5
Hoodlum SHady  vs  Pura Killa
Michielleus  vs  Bye 7
Himangshu  vs  Bye 8
giove97  vs  Bye 9
TheVersatileUser  vs  Bye 10
KingArti  vs  Bye 11
Luchik  vs  Bye 12
Bever  vs  Bye 13
1729is56time  vs  Bye 14
Joffacake  vs  Bye 15
DaylenAli08  vs  Bye 16
ajhockeystar  vs  Bye 17
Shiny gold!  vs  Bye 18
Chisaki Kai  vs  Bye 19
havocknight  vs  Bye 20
GoldenPheonix21  vs  Bye 21
Wellhell  vs  Bye 22
Perish Song  vs  Bye 23
Skadoty  vs  Bye 24
Nashe  vs  Bye 25
Blazey4  vs  Bye 26
Celever  vs  Bye 27
renmaster100  vs  Bye 28
Lialiabeast  vs  Jordy004
Glalieite  vs  Bye 30
carl10  vs  Bye 31
Charwillusher  vs  Bye 32
JeoZ  vs  Bye 33
bruised  vs  Bye 34
ilyiix  vs  Bye 35
smeebee08  vs  Bye 36
poopawmcgee  vs  Bye 37
Critsomnia  vs  Bye 38
Lyppa  vs  Bye 39
Delta4  vs  Bye 40
hoopshl4  vs  Bye 41
Banbadoro  vs  Bye 42
Fant'sy Beast  vs  Bye 43
Eeveon7  vs  Bye 44
PepsiEnby  vs  Bye 45
Neko  vs  Bye 46
infrequentmemory  vs  Fantos13
ExxoThic  vs  Bye 48
TrainerPla  vs  Bye 49
TheGreatGatley  vs  Bye 50
Cookie dou  vs  Bye 51
TheMoneyMeister  vs  Bye 52
Clorodulce  vs  Bye 53
SavageSceptile420  vs  Bye 54
franzy613  vs  Bye 55
ant4456  vs  Bye 56
ChronicIronic  vs  Bye 57
davidelbello  vs  Bye 58
ADinHD07  vs  Bye 59
TheIronPikachu  vs  Bye 60
Vrynsand  vs  Bye 61
boris69  vs  Bye 62
Scaperishimfr  vs  Bye 63
Glesias  vs  Bye 64
swag god  vs  RandomPopplio
mpcastellana  vs  Bye 66
Wolfein  vs  Bye 67
KlinklangKang  vs  Bye 68
Treantomologist  vs  Bye 69
dex  vs  Bye 70
buggahz349  vs  Bye 71
the blue heron  vs  Bye 72
Davo2544  vs  Bye 73
Unconventional Cat  vs  Bye 74
FLAREfofo  vs  Bye 75
AhmedTheOne  vs  Bye 76
hammy3581  vs  Bye 77
YasuKe  vs  Bye 78
tausifur  vs  Bye 79
Rowlet69420  vs  Bye 80
Cepha  vs  Bye 81
Pinazo  vs  Bye 82
AxelRod45  vs  SOM/05
Chinezul  vs  Bye 84
A-drago destroyer  vs  Bye 85
HoopsspooH  vs  Bye 86
Zane(Bifloofendoofen)  vs  arrambh
Kaneki-san  vs  Fleeting Memories
Chatblox  vs  Bye 89
Milkshook  vs  Bye 90
Playinhdisgaem4fun  vs  Bye 91
mimmar  vs  samisalami
helpimbadatthislol-sdname  vs  Bye 93
JangMoo-Moo  vs  Bye 94
blaconator1230  vs  Bye 95
autumn  vs  Bye 96
Master Chief  vs  Bye 97
JuanPkMaster  vs  frostyicelad
Todd_Gaming  vs  Bye 99
duckycrater  vs  Bye 100
jpeanuts_  vs  Bye 101
cicepece11  vs  Bye 102
Thootjuh  vs  baconeatinassassin
Tayhkarp  vs  Bye 104
Sylveesnom  vs  Bye 105
Mundnar  vs  Bye 106
LordST  vs  Bye 107
LimpingHorse  vs  Bye 108
Aqua Jet  vs  Bye 109
Canned Furs  vs  Bye 110
Chaos23333  vs  Bye 111
Potato Man 347  vs  Bye 112
Clouds  vs  Bye 113
moomlight  vs  Bye 114
Goro Yagami  vs  Bye 115
Zygarde12  vs  Bye 116
Shiny_Raptorch  vs  Bye 117
FINITOOOO  vs  Bye 118
Typical_bastard  vs  Bye 119
suli_as  vs  Bye 120
Raahel  vs  Bye 121
Skirmish  vs  Bye 122

The deadline to join as a sub is Wednesday, September 6th at 11:59PM GMT-4. There are lots of byes here in round 1, so don't hesitate!

The deadline for Round 1 is Sunday, September 10th at 11:59 PM GMT-4. Good luck and have fun!
Won both games. Here are the replays:

Last edited:
Calling act, wrote to my opponent on tuesday, he has not been online since the 2nd of september. Proof on his profile.
so here's the issue, I tried scheduling w skatt and v honestly i noted down the incorrect scheduled time, so i requested him if we could resched since it was a friday, and he agreed, then i tried to schedule w him and constantly urged him to msg me on cord asw so i dont forget (kindly check his timeline), he said he had alr sent the req and i accepted and we scheduled, and after deciding the time i showed up on time as shown (im gmt +5) and the rest is shown in the screenshots, i was wary of dlc mons so i asked a mod (tdr) and he said stours, and when i conveyed it to him he had such a reaction
i dont want an act but what can i do here, i myself am amused, looking forward to the decision u make


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so here's the issue, I tried scheduling w skatt and v honestly i noted down the incorrect scheduled time, so i requested him if we could resched since it was a friday, and he agreed, then i tried to schedule w him and constantly urged him to msg me on cord asw so i dont forget (kindly check his timeline), he said he had alr sent the req and i accepted and we scheduled, and after deciding the time i showed up on time as shown (im gmt +5) and the rest is shown in the screenshots, i was wary of dlc mons so i asked a mod (tdr) and he said stours, and when i conveyed it to him he had such a reaction
i dont want an act but what can i do here, i myself am amused, looking forward to the decision u make
It is the case in all random battles tournaments that you can be forced to play on main, and cannot force your opponent to play on smogtours. You should have asked random battles staff instead of an unaffiliated mod.

Anyway, won in 2 GGs

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