Hi everyone,
I know that the architecture of the usage stats algorithm has to be reviewed, but we currently meet another huge problematic in the usage stats algorithm, which is the "
Teammates" field. I know that this field currently equals P(X|Y) - P(X) (usage stat of Y in the teams with X - usage stat of X). But it drives two problems:
1) Some Pokémon don't have any Teammates
When your Pokémon has 90%+ usage (like Snorlax in [Gen 2] OU for example), it will never have teammates lol Welcome Snorlax
So if you want to deal with Snorlax in [Gen 2] OU you will have no idea about what are its teammates, so you will put a random Machamp in your team, be walled by Zapdos which is (let's suppose) P(X|Y) = 60% with Snorlax, and then will lose the game to Lax when your Machamp takes its 3 Body Slam upon switchin... Amazing :)
2) Top tier Pokémon will never be teammates
Let's take the Snorlax example again. You know like me that Snorlax has almost 100% usage in [Gen 2] OU. So Snorlax should appear in all teams with Zapdos (for example) and so be the first Zapdos teammate. But it's not what it's shown here.
| Zapdos |
| Teammates |
| Nidoking +8.054% |
| Gengar +7.914% |
| Jynx +6.426% |
| Cloyster +4.579% |
| Rhydon +3.566% |
| Tyranitar +2.227% |
| Steelix +2.223% |
| Exeggutor +0.647% |
We have a random Nidoking and a random Exeggutor, amazing lol So I will play a Pokémon who beats Zapdos + Nidoking + Exeggutor in my team and be 6-0d by Lax, cool :)
P(X|Y) - P(X) will remove all the top usage Pokémon from the Teammates usage which (again) has 0 sense... We can see it for example with Scizor:
| Scizor |
| Teammates |
| Smeargle +79.684% |
| Machamp +60.492% |
| Jolteon +54.356% |
| Marowak +51.812% |
| Vaporeon +19.768% |
| Quagsire +9.391% |
| Charizard +2.126% |
| Aerodactyl +1.387% |
Snorlax +0.617% |
Snorlax has currently 98.116% usage, Smeargle does have 7.55%.
=> Snorlax is played in 98.733% of teams with Scizor vs 87.234% for Smeargle. So you want to deal with Snorlax
in priority, rather than this Smeargle!!! So those rankings does have 0 utility for players... I really don't know in what cases it can help someone ♂Oh I know: if all the Pokémon usage stats would be equal, genius
What people want to know is simply "What are the most often played Pokémon with X?", and the answer is
P(X|Y). Not "P(X|Y) - P(X)". Those figures clearly do not answer that question, are useless and drive players to errors. It is
quite more useful to know that Snorlax has a P(X|Y) usage of 100% with Zapdos (even if it's obvious, it has to be known) than Nidoking has a P(X|Y) - P(X) usage of +10%...
So you just have to put the P(X|Y) instead of P(X|Y) - P(X), because it's all that people want to know! And if you are worried about space (you think there is not enough space in
https://www.smogon.com/stats/2021-03/moveset/gen2ou-1760.txt to show all the Pokémon teammates if for example there are many Pokémon with a high usage), simply create a separate stat file like "stats/2021-03/
teammates/gen2ou-1760.txt" for example, where you list all the Pokémon + their P(X|Y) sorted by descending order :)
There you have your amazing data!
Usage stats topic is crucial so I think this has to be seriously checked and listened to.