Gen 8 Smogon University Usage Statistics Discussion Thread

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Hey Marty how's it going man :)

We're doing some discussion for CAP29 about how often players click on what button during a battle. Is it possible to gather data on the following statistics for Gen 8 OU and Gen 8 CAP?
  1. How often do players click on a damaging attacking move (e.g. Magma Storm, Scald, etc)?
    • It would be amazing to also see this split into self-switching moves (Volt Switch and U-Turn) versus non-switching moves.
  2. How often do players click on a non-damaging move (e.g. Wish, Dragon Dance, etc)?
  3. How often do players click on a hard switch (e.g. switching to another Pokemon on their team)?
Theoretically, all three of those as a percentage should add up to 100% (unless I'm missing something). Was just curious if that was data we could pull up from those two metas from January to help us with our concept. Thanks for considering!
Hi Birkal!

Sorry, battle logs make no distinction between switches as your turn action, switches to replace fainted Pokemon, or switches via pivot moves. The stats scripts also don't know the difference between attacking or non-attacking moves, and I'm not really interested in adding new functionality that will slow them down at this point. It certainly wouldn't be ready before you need it, anyway.

I'd recommend checking out the moveset stats and thinking about how often Pokemon are running those moves, with the assumption that if they're running a given move they intend to click it about that often.
Hi everyone,

I know that the architecture of the usage stats algorithm has to be reviewed, but we currently meet another huge problematic in the usage stats algorithm, which is the "Teammates" field. I know that this field currently equals P(X|Y) - P(X) (usage stat of Y in the teams with X - usage stat of X). But it drives two problems:

1) Some Pokémon don't have any Teammates
When your Pokémon has 90%+ usage (like Snorlax in [Gen 2] OU for example), it will never have teammates lol Welcome Snorlax :pimp:
So if you want to deal with Snorlax in [Gen 2] OU you will have no idea about what are its teammates, so you will put a random Machamp in your team, be walled by Zapdos which is (let's suppose) P(X|Y) = 60% with Snorlax, and then will lose the game to Lax when your Machamp takes its 3 Body Slam upon switchin... Amazing :)

2) Top tier Pokémon will never be teammates
Let's take the Snorlax example again. You know like me that Snorlax has almost 100% usage in [Gen 2] OU. So Snorlax should appear in all teams with Zapdos (for example) and so be the first Zapdos teammate. But it's not what it's shown here.
| Zapdos |
| Teammates |
| Nidoking +8.054% |
| Gengar +7.914% |
| Jynx +6.426% |
| Cloyster +4.579% |
| Rhydon +3.566% |
| Tyranitar +2.227% |
| Steelix +2.223% |
| Exeggutor +0.647% |
We have a random Nidoking and a random Exeggutor, amazing lol So I will play a Pokémon who beats Zapdos + Nidoking + Exeggutor in my team and be 6-0d by Lax, cool :)
P(X|Y) - P(X) will remove all the top usage Pokémon from the Teammates usage which (again) has 0 sense... We can see it for example with Scizor:
| Scizor |
| Teammates |
| Smeargle +79.684% |
| Machamp +60.492% |
| Jolteon +54.356% |
| Marowak +51.812% |
| Vaporeon +19.768% |
| Quagsire +9.391% |
| Charizard +2.126% |
| Aerodactyl +1.387% |
| Snorlax +0.617% |
Snorlax has currently 98.116% usage, Smeargle does have 7.55%.
=> Snorlax is played in 98.733% of teams with Scizor vs 87.234% for Smeargle. So you want to deal with Snorlax in priority, rather than this Smeargle!!! So those rankings does have 0 utility for players... I really don't know in what cases it can help someone ‍♂Oh I know: if all the Pokémon usage stats would be equal, genius :pimp:

What people want to know is simply "What are the most often played Pokémon with X?", and the answer is P(X|Y). Not "P(X|Y) - P(X)". Those figures clearly do not answer that question, are useless and drive players to errors. It is quite more useful to know that Snorlax has a P(X|Y) usage of 100% with Zapdos (even if it's obvious, it has to be known) than Nidoking has a P(X|Y) - P(X) usage of +10%...
So you just have to put the P(X|Y) instead of P(X|Y) - P(X), because it's all that people want to know! And if you are worried about space (you think there is not enough space in to show all the Pokémon teammates if for example there are many Pokémon with a high usage), simply create a separate stat file like "stats/2021-03/teammates/gen2ou-1760.txt" for example, where you list all the Pokémon + their P(X|Y) sorted by descending order :) There you have your amazing data!

Usage stats topic is crucial so I think this has to be seriously checked and listened to.

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I moved the above post here from PS Suggestions because it has nothing to do with the sim.

This is really easy to change, but do people actually want it changed? Is anyone using the workaround described by Antar years ago?

I've already accumulated usage for April 1-4, so I deleted the offending line from the moveset counter and ran those stats again. I've attached two versions of Gen 8 OU moveset stats, please check both before and after to see if the Teammates section makes more sense like this.


From looking at both, yes, I prefer the teammates section in the second one. I agree that I want to see what, for instance, you need to prepare for alongside a specific Pokemon, and what is a good teammate for a Pokemon on my team, which you can often determine by usage alongside them. To see if a Pokemon is mostly used on one team many people have been spamming is easier with the second one too.
Marty This is insane! Thank you so much for your pretty quick reaction!
Yeah a lot of people want to see those new kind of stats (without the "+" which will now be useless lol), especially Pokémon AI developers like me.
Personally, I use the chaos file as a workaround to get those figures (dividing by the usage count and adding the usage of the mon to get those stats), but I think any people need to know those (not only json file readers like me) because they are fundamental.
I also prefer the more intuitively understandable Teammates numbers, but before you make that change official I would want to hear from someone who prefers the original calculation. Is there a benefit to using "P(X|Y) - P(X)" over "P(X|Y)" that none of us are noticing? Why was that the calculation used in the first place instead of the simpler one?

Hard to call this a reasonable decision if we're only hearing the arguments for one side.

(or if the "other side" has no supporters in the first place, ha ha, we were bamboozling ourselves all along)
For each rated battle, does its usage stats category come from the player with the lowest elo at the beginning or end of the battle?

Also, is there any way to find pokemon ivs when looking through the stat spreads in the chaos section? Every time I look, it doesnt seem like they are there.
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Is there an easy way to combine the 3 months of stats for tiers not reported in the quarter update? Would like to see equally weighted first quarter usage for NFE.
It amazes me how a Pokémon can be used much more than any other mon in OU for multiple generations, and it seemingly never comes up when discussing potentially banworthy threats.
It amazes me how a Pokémon can be used much more than any other mon in OU for multiple generations, and it seemingly never comes up when discussing potentially banworthy threats.
High usage implies that it's good, but I think being broken / in need of a ban is more related to whether the mon is difficult to check / counter. If a mon doesn't have enough checks or counters it will have high usage, but that doesn't imply that a mon with high usage has too few checks or counters.

In other words, a mon being good and having high usage doesn't necessarily mean that it's better for that meta if the mon is banned.
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Stats for April are now up!

The Teammates section was changed to make more sense, as discussed above.
While I very much prefer your new format there seems to be an error: the teammates section lists the last Pokemon twice. Here's an example:

This sort of thing gets repeated all throughout the lists.
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Apologies for double posting, but in addition to the errors TailGlowVM pointed out, the following stats files for 2021-04 are empty:

And the moveset files for those first two don't exist:

The NatDex UU and NU Suspect Test files don't matter (I'm pretty sure they only broke because they had no battles at those higher rating levels in the first place). But can the NatDex AG and VGC 2021 files be recalculated? Marty
If I wanted to convert teammates %'s from before this month to the new formula, so that the Teammates section is always saying "X% of teams that use [Pokemon] also use [Teammate]"... is this the right way to do that?

View attachment 338080

(From 2021-03/gen8ou-1695 and its corresponding moveset file.)
Looks right; for this change I only commented out these two lines:

Apologies for double posting, but in addition to the errors TailGlowVM pointed out, the following stats files for 2021-04 are empty:

And the moveset files for those first two don't exist:

The NatDex UU and NU Suspect Test files don't matter (I'm pretty sure they only broke because they had no battles at those higher rating levels in the first place). But can the NatDex AG and VGC 2021 files be recalculated? Marty
Hmm, no idea what happened there - it seems like VGC2021 and NatDexAG were the first files to get created, and then just never completed. Server issue? Who knows, I'll just re-run the Stats portion since I kept the Raw files around. Should be done sometime tomorrow, hopefully.
Edit: This is done.
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I moved the above post here from PS Suggestions because it has nothing to do with the sim.

This is really easy to change, but do people actually want it changed? Is anyone using the workaround described by Antar years ago?

I've already accumulated usage for April 1-4, so I deleted the offending line from the moveset counter and ran those stats again. I've attached two versions of Gen 8 OU moveset stats, please check both before and after to see if the Teammates section makes more sense like this.
I'm likely one of few that was using this workaround still, as the workaround was in response to my question 5 years ago, hah. :psycry:

I'll update my data processing to accommodate this change, should simplify things. Thanks for the update!
No reason to make a thread just for this thing that happens twice a year, so here's the latest past gens "drops" into OU by technicality.

January through June 2021 usage stats for past gen OU tiers, averaged equally with a 2.28% "drop" cutoff.

Combined usage for OU (1695 stats)
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Landorus-Therian   | 40.485% |
 | 2    | Magearna           | 22.215% |
 | 3    | Greninja-Ash       | 20.104% |
 | 4    | Tapu Koko          | 17.365% |
 | 5    | Ferrothorn         | 16.853% |
 | 6    | Kartana            | 16.793% |
 | 7    | Heatran            | 16.457% |
 | 8    | Tornadus-Therian   | 12.442% |
 | 9    | Rotom-Wash         | 12.190% |
 | 10   | Zapdos             | 11.716% |
 | 11   | Tapu Lele          | 11.687% |
 | 12   | Medicham-Mega      | 11.068% |
 | 13   | Chansey            | 10.664% |
 | 14   | Toxapex            | 10.608% |
 | 15   | Tapu Fini          | 10.377% |
 | 16   | Garchomp           |  9.992% |
 | 17   | Excadrill          |  9.745% |
 | 18   | Clefable           |  9.666% |
 | 19   | Gliscor            |  9.353% |
 | 20   | Serperior          |  9.048% |
 | 21   | Hawlucha           |  8.535% |
 | 22   | Greninja           |  8.380% |
 | 23   | Scizor-Mega        |  7.820% |
 | 24   | Pelipper           |  7.063% |
 | 25   | Mawile-Mega        |  7.013% |
 | 26   | Tyranitar          |  6.868% |
 | 27   | Swampert-Mega      |  6.815% |
 | 28   | Magnezone          |  6.708% |
 | 29   | Kommo-o            |  6.620% |
 | 30   | Victini            |  6.474% |
 | 31   | Tapu Bulu          |  6.300% |
 | 32   | Celesteela         |  6.256% |
 | 33   | Lopunny-Mega       |  6.251% |
 | 34   | Skarmory           |  6.194% |
 | 35   | Kyurem-Black       |  5.981% |
 | 36   | Charizard-Mega-X   |  5.168% |
 | 37   | Alakazam-Mega      |  5.151% |
 | 38   | Volcarona          |  5.114% |
 | 39   | Tangrowth          |  5.092% |
 | 40   | Pinsir-Mega        |  4.959% |
 | 41   | Azumarill          |  4.596% |
 | 42   | Jirachi            |  4.238% |
 | 43   | Sableye-Mega       |  4.235% |
 | 44   | Charizard-Mega-Y   |  4.109% |
 | 45   | Keldeo             |  4.018% |
 | 46   | Blacephalon        |  3.941% |
 | 47   | Manaphy            |  3.711% |
 | 48   | Diancie-Mega       |  3.641% |
 | 49   | Bisharp            |  3.304% |
 | 50   | Gyarados-Mega      |  3.285% |
 | 51   | Latias-Mega        |  3.219% |
 | 52   | Dragonite          |  3.211% |
 | 53   | Mimikyu            |  3.185% |
 | 54   | Hoopa-Unbound      |  2.951% |
 | 55   | Tyranitar-Mega     |  2.893% |
 | 56   | Venusaur-Mega      |  2.716% |
 | 57   | Weavile            |  2.632% |
 | 58   | Mew                |  2.600% |
 | 59   | Latios             |  2.398% |
 | 60   | Ditto              |  2.356% |
 | 61   | Crawdaunt          |  2.252% |
 | 62   | Beedrill-Mega      |  2.190% |
 | 63   | Gastrodon          |  1.974% |
 | 64   | Kingdra            |  1.912% |
 | 65   | Reuniclus          |  1.832% |
 | 66   | Hippowdon          |  1.829% |
 | 67   | Infernape          |  1.750% |
 | 68   | Marowak-Alola      |  1.740% |
 | 69   | Gyarados           |  1.738% |
 | 70   | Slowbro            |  1.680% |
 | 71   | Ribombee           |  1.675% |
 | 72   | Amoonguss          |  1.654% |
 | 73   | Thundurus-Therian  |  1.620% |
 | 74   | Hydreigon          |  1.613% |
 | 75   | Conkeldurr         |  1.596% |
 | 76   | Quagsire           |  1.593% |
 | 77   | Scizor             |  1.558% |
 | 78   | Shuckle            |  1.558% |
 | 79   | Breloom            |  1.540% |
 | 80   | Cresselia          |  1.497% |
 | 81   | Gengar             |  1.459% |
 | 82   | Gallade-Mega       |  1.452% |
 | 83   | Azelf              |  1.389% |
 | 84   | Staraptor          |  1.367% |
 | 85   | Mamoswine          |  1.341% |
 | 86   | Zeraora            |  1.302% |
 | 87   | Ninetales-Alola    |  1.297% |
 | 88   | Manectric-Mega     |  1.263% |
 | 89   | Muk-Alola          |  1.224% |
 | 90   | Salamence          |  1.221% |
 | 91   | Xurkitree          |  1.126% |
 | 92   | Venusaur           |  1.042% |
 | 93   | Klefki             |  1.021% |
 | 94   | Heracross-Mega     |  1.014% |
 | 95   | Thundurus          |  1.011% |
 | 96   | Nidoking           |  1.011% |
 | 97   | Latios-Mega        |  1.010% |
 | 98   | Cloyster           |  0.986% |
 | 99   | Starmie            |  0.972% |
 | 100  | Alomomola          |  0.946% |
 | 101  | Togekiss           |  0.931% |
 | 102  | Garchomp-Mega      |  0.929% |
 | 103  | Araquanid          |  0.917% |
 | 104  | Snorlax            |  0.893% |
 | 105  | Gardevoir-Mega     |  0.886% |
 | 106  | Altaria-Mega       |  0.863% |
 | 107  | Blissey            |  0.860% |
 | 108  | Torkoal            |  0.857% |
 | 109  | Suicune            |  0.844% |
 | 110  | Latias             |  0.835% |
 | 111  | Buzzwole           |  0.813% |
 | 112  | Volcanion          |  0.809% |
 | 113  | Kyurem             |  0.792% |
 | 114  | Tentacruel         |  0.782% |
 | 115  | Diggersby          |  0.778% |
 | 116  | Shedinja           |  0.775% |
 | 117  | Goodra             |  0.764% |
 | 118  | Espeon             |  0.732% |
 | 119  | Porygon-Z          |  0.720% |
 | 120  | Krookodile         |  0.674% |
 | 121  | Mandibuzz          |  0.655% |
 | 122  | Darmanitan         |  0.635% |
 | 123  | Uxie               |  0.634% |
 | 124  | Umbreon            |  0.626% |
 | 125  | Slowbro-Mega       |  0.616% |
 | 126  | Galvantula         |  0.612% |
 | 127  | Mantine            |  0.611% |
 | 128  | Alakazam           |  0.599% |
 | 129  | Seismitoad         |  0.590% |
 | 130  | Sylveon            |  0.540% |
 | 131  | Porygon2           |  0.520% |
 | 132  | Aggron-Mega        |  0.515% |
 | 133  | Stakataka          |  0.514% |
 | 134  | Nihilego           |  0.512% |
 | 135  | Pyukumuku          |  0.502% |
 | 136  | Aerodactyl-Mega    |  0.492% |
 | 137  | Chandelure         |  0.488% |
 | 138  | Empoleon           |  0.471% |
 | 139  | Camerupt-Mega      |  0.467% |
 | 140  | Vaporeon           |  0.457% |
 | 141  | Scolipede          |  0.454% |
 | 142  | Whimsicott         |  0.453% |
 | 143  | Milotic            |  0.446% |
 | 144  | Metagross          |  0.435% |
 | 145  | Bronzong           |  0.425% |
 | 146  | Tornadus           |  0.424% |
 | 147  | Rotom-Heat         |  0.420% |
 | 148  | Feraligatr         |  0.418% |
 | 149  | Pidgeot-Mega       |  0.414% |
 | 150  | Sharpedo-Mega      |  0.387% |
 | 151  | Forretress         |  0.373% |
 | 152  | Druddigon          |  0.360% |
 | 153  | Arcanine           |  0.358% |
 | 154  | Cofagrigus         |  0.322% |
 | 155  | Incineroar         |  0.319% |
 | 156  | Swampert           |  0.316% |
 | 157  | Golem-Alola        |  0.314% |
 | 158  | Sceptile-Mega      |  0.310% |
 | 159  | Primarina          |  0.308% |
 | 160  | Raikou             |  0.299% |
 | 161  | Sigilyph           |  0.294% |
 | 162  | Terrakion          |  0.288% |
 | 163  | Lucario            |  0.277% |
 | 164  | Absol-Mega         |  0.275% |
 | 165  | Jolteon            |  0.275% |
 | 166  | Slurpuff           |  0.271% |
 | 167  | Crobat             |  0.271% |
 | 168  | Houndoom-Mega      |  0.268% |
 | 169  | Yanmega            |  0.268% |
 | 170  | Moltres            |  0.264% |
 | 171  | Trevenant          |  0.253% |
 | 172  | Zygarde-10%        |  0.247% |
 | 173  | Raichu-Alola       |  0.244% |
 | 174  | Donphan            |  0.243% |
 | 175  | Aerodactyl         |  0.238% |
 | 176  | Heracross          |  0.227% |
 | 177  | Minior             |  0.223% |
 | 178  | Smeargle           |  0.220% |
 | 179  | Golisopod          |  0.216% |
 | 180  | Entei              |  0.216% |
 | 181  | Chesnaught         |  0.214% |
 | 182  | Salazzle           |  0.213% |
 | 183  | Ninetales          |  0.212% |
 | 184  | Talonflame         |  0.212% |
 | 185  | Celebi             |  0.212% |
 | 186  | Xatu               |  0.210% |
 | 187  | Haxorus            |  0.207% |
 | 188  | Ludicolo           |  0.203% |
 | 189  | Ursaring           |  0.203% |
 | 190  | Doublade           |  0.200% |
 | 191  | Banette-Mega       |  0.198% |
 | 192  | Kabutops           |  0.198% |
 | 193  | Roserade           |  0.197% |
 | 194  | Lycanroc-Dusk      |  0.194% |
 | 195  | Mienshao           |  0.192% |
 | 196  | Politoed           |  0.185% |
 | 197  | Necrozma           |  0.185% |
 | 198  | Zoroark            |  0.182% |
 | 199  | Slowking           |  0.181% |
 | 200  | Glalie-Mega        |  0.181% |
 | 201  | Blastoise          |  0.180% |
 | 202  | Ampharos-Mega      |  0.179% |
 | 203  | Persian-Alola      |  0.179% |
 | 204  | Swellow            |  0.178% |
 | 205  | Florges            |  0.176% |
 | 206  | Noivern            |  0.170% |
 | 207  | Linoone            |  0.162% |
 | 208  | Rotom-Mow          |  0.158% |
 | 209  | Froslass           |  0.157% |
 | 210  | Rhyperior          |  0.157% |
 | 211  | Blastoise-Mega     |  0.155% |
 | 212  | Tsareena           |  0.154% |
 | 213  | Toxicroak          |  0.152% |
 | 214  | Lapras             |  0.150% |
 | 215  | Audino             |  0.148% |
 | 216  | Hoopa              |  0.147% |
 | 217  | Cobalion           |  0.146% |
 | 218  | Machamp            |  0.142% |
 | 219  | Gardevoir          |  0.142% |
 | 220  | Steelix-Mega       |  0.142% |
 | 221  | Sceptile           |  0.141% |
 | 222  | Ambipom            |  0.141% |
 | 223  | Lanturn            |  0.127% |
 | 224  | Abomasnow-Mega     |  0.125% |
 | 225  | Venomoth           |  0.124% |
 | 226  | Rampardos          |  0.124% |
 | 227  | Tyrantrum          |  0.122% |
 | 228  | Electivire         |  0.119% |
 | 229  | Sableye            |  0.117% |
 | 230  | Eelektross         |  0.114% |
 | 231  | Dhelmise           |  0.113% |
 | 232  | Flygon             |  0.113% |
 | 233  | Typhlosion         |  0.110% |
 | 234  | Accelgor           |  0.110% |
 | 235  | Honchkrow          |  0.110% |
 | 236  | Avalugg            |  0.109% |
 | 237  | Heliolisk          |  0.108% |
 | 238  | Nidoqueen          |  0.106% |
 | 239  | Komala             |  0.105% |
 | 240  | Decidueye          |  0.104% |
 | 241  | Scrafty            |  0.102% |
 | 242  | Omastar            |  0.100% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
No changes!

Combined usage for OU (1630 stats)
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Landorus-Therian   | 26.544% |
 | 2    | Excadrill          | 22.906% |
 | 3    | Keldeo             | 18.345% |
 | 4    | Clefable           | 18.312% |
 | 5    | Rotom-Wash         | 18.284% |
 | 6    | Garchomp           | 17.899% |
 | 7    | Heatran            | 16.619% |
 | 8    | Latios             | 14.803% |
 | 9    | Bisharp            | 14.761% |
 | 10   | Ferrothorn         | 14.626% |
 | 11   | Metagross-Mega     | 14.355% |
 | 12   | Tornadus-Therian   | 14.329% |
 | 13   | Tyranitar          | 13.362% |
 | 14   | Talonflame         | 11.534% |
 | 15   | Weavile            | 11.502% |
 | 16   | Serperior          | 11.162% |
 | 17   | Magnezone          | 10.967% |
 | 18   | Azumarill          | 10.687% |
 | 19   | Gliscor            | 10.118% |
 | 20   | Scizor-Mega        |  9.543% |
 | 21   | Gengar             |  8.847% |
 | 22   | Lopunny-Mega       |  8.571% |
 | 23   | Manaphy            |  8.354% |
 | 24   | Chansey            |  8.193% |
 | 25   | Skarmory           |  7.880% |
 | 26   | Starmie            |  7.871% |
 | 27   | Latias             |  7.285% |
 | 28   | Thundurus          |  7.241% |
 | 29   | Dragonite          |  7.040% |
 | 30   | Breloom            |  6.969% |
 | 31   | Zapdos             |  6.651% |
 | 32   | Slowbro            |  6.550% |
 | 33   | Volcarona          |  6.466% |
 | 34   | Amoonguss          |  6.198% |
 | 35   | Jirachi            |  5.731% |
 | 36   | Tangrowth          |  5.533% |
 | 37   | Medicham-Mega      |  5.412% |
 | 38   | Mew                |  4.855% |
 | 39   | Charizard-Mega-Y   |  4.807% |
 | 40   | Diancie-Mega       |  4.799% |
 | 41   | Venusaur-Mega      |  4.780% |
 | 42   | Charizard-Mega-X   |  4.638% |
 | 43   | Azelf              |  4.159% |
 | 44   | Scizor             |  3.894% |
 | 45   | Pinsir-Mega        |  3.831% |
 | 46   | Manectric-Mega     |  3.696% |
 | 47   | Kyurem-Black       |  3.688% |
 | 48   | Gardevoir-Mega     |  3.309% |
 | 49   | Hydreigon          |  3.180% |
 | 50   | Altaria-Mega       |  3.163% |
 | 51   | Hippowdon          |  3.074% |
 | 52   | Shuckle            |  2.713% |
 | 53   | Alakazam-Mega      |  2.686% |
 | 54   | Crawdaunt          |  2.500% |
 | 55   | Volcanion          |  2.357% |
 | 56   | Gyarados-Mega      |  2.345% |
 | 57   | Alakazam           |  2.342% |
 | 58   | Latias-Mega        |  2.337% |
 | 59   | Slowbro-Mega       |  2.309% |
 | 60   | Togekiss           |  2.270% |
 | 61   | Suicune            |  2.184% |
 | 62   | Klefki             |  2.148% |
 | 63   | Cloyster           |  2.140% |
 | 64   | Tyranitar-Mega     |  1.990% |
 | 65   | Politoed           |  1.973% |
 | 66   | Raikou             |  1.905% |
 | 67   | Conkeldurr         |  1.866% |
 | 68   | Thundurus-Therian  |  1.820% |
 | 69   | Tentacruel         |  1.800% |
 | 70   | Hoopa              |  1.711% |
 | 71   | Chandelure         |  1.611% |
 | 72   | Kingdra            |  1.582% |
 | 73   | Jellicent          |  1.573% |
 | 74   | Mamoswine          |  1.548% |
 | 75   | Heracross-Mega     |  1.462% |
 | 76   | Terrakion          |  1.447% |
 | 77   | Sylveon            |  1.432% |
 | 78   | Quagsire           |  1.426% |
 | 79   | Infernape          |  1.426% |
 | 80   | Milotic            |  1.377% |
 | 81   | Gyarados           |  1.347% |
 | 82   | Nidoking           |  1.316% |
 | 83   | Gastrodon          |  1.294% |
 | 84   | Alomomola          |  1.284% |
 | 85   | Blastoise-Mega     |  1.269% |
 | 86   | Swampert-Mega      |  1.210% |
 | 87   | Staraptor          |  1.158% |
 | 88   | Sharpedo-Mega      |  1.157% |
 | 89   | Metagross          |  1.135% |
 | 90   | Victini            |  1.083% |
 | 91   | Donphan            |  1.063% |
 | 92   | Galvantula         |  1.059% |
 | 93   | Gallade-Mega       |  1.041% |
 | 94   | Salamence          |  1.025% |
 | 95   | Lucario            |  1.022% |
 | 96   | Mandibuzz          |  1.017% |
 | 97   | Scolipede          |  0.972% |
 | 98   | Beedrill-Mega      |  0.960% |
 | 99   | Diggersby          |  0.955% |
 | 100  | Absol-Mega         |  0.947% |
 | 101  | Aerodactyl         |  0.940% |
 | 102  | Umbreon            |  0.936% |
 | 103  | Reuniclus          |  0.929% |
 | 104  | Cofagrigus         |  0.916% |
 | 105  | Machamp            |  0.913% |
 | 106  | Celebi             |  0.868% |
 | 107  | Goodra             |  0.845% |
 | 108  | Ditto              |  0.787% |
 | 109  | Xatu               |  0.766% |
 | 110  | Seismitoad         |  0.756% |
 | 111  | Arcanine           |  0.748% |
 | 112  | Porygon-Z          |  0.731% |
 | 113  | Pidgeot-Mega       |  0.724% |
 | 114  | Espeon             |  0.718% |
 | 115  | Hawlucha           |  0.706% |
 | 116  | Garchomp-Mega      |  0.704% |
 | 117  | Empoleon           |  0.699% |
 | 118  | Porygon2           |  0.689% |
 | 119  | Snorlax            |  0.674% |
 | 120  | Blissey            |  0.665% |
 | 121  | Feraligatr         |  0.660% |
 | 122  | Slowking           |  0.621% |
 | 123  | Latios-Mega        |  0.604% |
 | 124  | Lapras             |  0.603% |
 | 125  | Cobalion           |  0.597% |
 | 126  | Crobat             |  0.593% |
 | 127  | Haxorus            |  0.574% |
 | 128  | Forretress         |  0.570% |
 | 129  | Kyurem             |  0.558% |
 | 130  | Chesnaught         |  0.532% |
 | 131  | Aerodactyl-Mega    |  0.531% |
 | 132  | Whimsicott         |  0.471% |
 | 133  | Sceptile-Mega      |  0.455% |
 | 134  | Vaporeon           |  0.453% |
 | 135  | Darmanitan         |  0.440% |
 | 136  | Zygarde            |  0.429% |
 | 137  | Uxie               |  0.426% |
 | 138  | Cresselia          |  0.414% |
 | 139  | Entei              |  0.413% |
 | 140  | Venusaur           |  0.388% |
 | 141  | Jolteon            |  0.376% |
 | 142  | Roserade           |  0.371% |
 | 143  | Dragalge           |  0.360% |
 | 144  | Ludicolo           |  0.354% |
 | 145  | Rotom-Heat         |  0.351% |
 | 146  | Blastoise          |  0.338% |
 | 147  | Smeargle           |  0.331% |
 | 148  | Heracross          |  0.329% |
 | 149  | Kabutops           |  0.322% |
 | 150  | Sableye            |  0.317% |
 | 151  | Ampharos-Mega      |  0.298% |
 | 152  | Aggron-Mega        |  0.285% |
 | 153  | Emboar             |  0.284% |
 | 154  | Slurpuff           |  0.277% |
 | 155  | Ambipom            |  0.270% |
 | 156  | Lanturn            |  0.264% |
 | 157  | Krookodile         |  0.262% |
 | 158  | Mienshao           |  0.245% |
 | 159  | Ninetales          |  0.245% |
 | 160  | Gardevoir          |  0.238% |
 | 161  | Swampert           |  0.237% |
 | 162  | Doublade           |  0.217% |
 | 163  | Magneton           |  0.208% |
 | 164  | Meloetta           |  0.208% |
 | 165  | Rhyperior          |  0.205% |
 | 166  | Medicham           |  0.203% |
 | 167  | Houndoom-Mega      |  0.201% |
 | 168  | Gligar             |  0.193% |
 | 169  | Bronzong           |  0.193% |
 | 170  | Banette-Mega       |  0.193% |
 | 171  | Toxicroak          |  0.190% |
 | 172  | Abomasnow-Mega     |  0.184% |
 | 173  | Vivillon           |  0.178% |
 | 174  | Tyrantrum          |  0.173% |
 | 175  | Zoroark            |  0.164% |
 | 176  | Stoutland          |  0.159% |
 | 177  | Avalugg            |  0.151% |
 | 178  | Shaymin            |  0.150% |
 | 179  | Florges            |  0.145% |
 | 180  | Noivern            |  0.144% |
 | 181  | Meowstic           |  0.143% |
 | 182  | Malamar            |  0.142% |
 | 183  | Camerupt-Mega      |  0.141% |
 | 184  | Aggron             |  0.136% |
 | 185  | Hitmontop          |  0.135% |
 | 186  | Chatot             |  0.135% |
 | 187  | Rotom-Mow          |  0.134% |
 | 188  | Regigigas          |  0.133% |
 | 189  | Durant             |  0.133% |
 | 190  | Liepard            |  0.130% |
 | 191  | Heliolisk          |  0.125% |
 | 192  | Pangoro            |  0.124% |
 | 193  | Froslass           |  0.122% |
 | 194  | Nidoqueen          |  0.116% |
 | 195  | Moltres            |  0.115% |
 | 196  | Omastar            |  0.112% |
 | 197  | Yanmega            |  0.111% |
 | 198  | Glalie-Mega        |  0.110% |
 | 199  | Spiritomb          |  0.108% |
 | 200  | Sigilyph           |  0.106% |
 | 201  | Slaking            |  0.105% |
 | 202  | Typhlosion         |  0.102% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
No changes!

Combined usage for OU (1630 stats)
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Latios             | 41.607% |
 | 2    | Ferrothorn         | 33.458% |
 | 3    | Tyranitar          | 32.187% |
 | 4    | Garchomp           | 26.339% |
 | 5    | Politoed           | 24.579% |
 | 6    | Landorus-Therian   | 24.262% |
 | 7    | Scizor             | 22.501% |
 | 8    | Keldeo             | 19.842% |
 | 9    | Excadrill          | 19.415% |
 | 10   | Jirachi            | 18.677% |
 | 11   | Dragonite          | 18.226% |
 | 12   | Alakazam           | 16.881% |
 | 13   | Tentacruel         | 16.862% |
 | 14   | Rotom-Wash         | 14.862% |
 | 15   | Starmie            | 14.750% |
 | 16   | Magnezone          | 14.535% |
 | 17   | Thundurus-Therian  | 13.951% |
 | 18   | Skarmory           | 13.552% |
 | 19   | Breloom            | 12.768% |
 | 20   | Jellicent          | 10.803% |
 | 21   | Kyurem-Black       | 10.284% |
 | 22   | Volcarona          | 10.087% |
 | 23   | Gliscor            | 10.041% |
 | 24   | Heatran            |  9.469% |
 | 25   | Reuniclus          |  8.553% |
 | 26   | Celebi             |  7.303% |
 | 27   | Mamoswine          |  7.115% |
 | 28   | Terrakion          |  6.837% |
 | 29   | Salamence          |  5.827% |
 | 30   | Forretress         |  5.078% |
 | 31   | Gastrodon          |  4.793% |
 | 32   | Tornadus           |  4.474% |
 | 33   | Gyarados           |  4.302% |
 | 34   | Latias             |  3.996% |
 | 35   | Conkeldurr         |  3.830% |
 | 36   | Gengar             |  3.720% |
 | 37   | Hydreigon          |  3.471% |
 | 38   | Cloyster           |  3.358% |
 | 39   | Lucario            |  3.002% |
 | 40   | Ninetales          |  2.843% |
 | 41   | Toxicroak          |  2.824% |
 | 42   | Hippowdon          |  2.540% |
 | 43   | Amoonguss          |  2.459% |
 | 44   | Abomasnow          |  2.447% |
 | 45   | Xatu               |  2.264% |
 | 46   | Infernape          |  2.154% |
 | 47   | Donphan            |  2.011% |
 | 48   | Azelf              |  1.868% |
 | 49   | Chansey            |  1.868% |
 | 50   | Haxorus            |  1.813% |
 | 51   | Mew                |  1.811% |
 | 52   | Mienshao           |  1.783% |
 | 53   | Slowking           |  1.643% |
 | 54   | Blissey            |  1.434% |
 | 55   | Weavile            |  1.293% |
 | 56   | Seismitoad         |  1.275% |
 | 57   | Kyurem             |  1.272% |
 | 58   | Slowbro            |  1.254% |
 | 59   | Metagross          |  1.251% |
 | 60   | Jolteon            |  1.236% |
 | 61   | Bronzong           |  1.126% |
 | 62   | Espeon             |  1.011% |
 | 63   | Victini            |  0.923% |
 | 64   | Kingdra            |  0.871% |
 | 65   | Cresselia          |  0.862% |
 | 66   | Aerodactyl         |  0.814% |
 | 67   | Ditto              |  0.804% |
 | 68   | Porygon2           |  0.795% |
 | 69   | Zapdos             |  0.734% |
 | 70   | Empoleon           |  0.710% |
 | 71   | Darmanitan         |  0.700% |
 | 72   | Raikou             |  0.691% |
 | 73   | Bisharp            |  0.655% |
 | 74   | Chandelure         |  0.618% |
 | 75   | Vaporeon           |  0.616% |
 | 76   | Milotic            |  0.604% |
 | 77   | Sableye            |  0.583% |
 | 78   | Hitmontop          |  0.529% |
 | 79   | Scrafty            |  0.526% |
 | 80   | Azumarill          |  0.521% |
 | 81   | Sharpedo           |  0.509% |
 | 82   | Cofagrigus         |  0.458% |
 | 83   | Cinccino           |  0.455% |
 | 84   | Virizion           |  0.434% |
 | 85   | Staraptor          |  0.425% |
 | 86   | Heracross          |  0.423% |
 | 87   | Liepard            |  0.422% |
 | 88   | Nidoqueen          |  0.405% |
 | 89   | Archeops           |  0.401% |
 | 90   | Quagsire           |  0.395% |
 | 91   | Togekiss           |  0.375% |
 | 92   | Moltres            |  0.374% |
 | 93   | Feraligatr         |  0.370% |
 | 94   | Meloetta           |  0.365% |
 | 95   | Zoroark            |  0.361% |
 | 96   | Tangrowth          |  0.352% |
 | 97   | Roserade           |  0.345% |
 | 98   | Froslass           |  0.345% |
 | 99   | Uxie               |  0.342% |
 | 100  | Swampert           |  0.339% |
 | 101  | Nidoking           |  0.318% |
 | 102  | Registeel          |  0.318% |
 | 103  | Samurott           |  0.302% |
 | 104  | Sceptile           |  0.297% |
 | 105  | Riolu              |  0.291% |
 | 106  | Venusaur           |  0.288% |
 | 107  | Machamp            |  0.287% |
 | 108  | Suicune            |  0.279% |
 | 109  | Dusclops           |  0.277% |
 | 110  | Clefable           |  0.275% |
 | 111  | Claydol            |  0.263% |
 | 112  | Rotom-Mow          |  0.254% |
 | 113  | Snorlax            |  0.248% |
 | 114  | Walrein            |  0.239% |
 | 115  | Sigilyph           |  0.230% |
 | 116  | Mandibuzz          |  0.208% |
 | 117  | Alomomola          |  0.205% |
 | 118  | Eelektross         |  0.198% |
 | 119  | Leafeon            |  0.195% |
 | 120  | Krookodile         |  0.195% |
 | 121  | Crobat             |  0.186% |
 | 122  | Umbreon            |  0.183% |
 | 123  | Yanmega            |  0.176% |
 | 124  | Lanturn            |  0.174% |
 | 125  | Whimsicott         |  0.174% |
 | 126  | Lapras             |  0.172% |
 | 127  | Arcanine           |  0.163% |
 | 128  | Lopunny            |  0.158% |
 | 129  | Rotom-Heat         |  0.153% |
 | 130  | Porygon-Z          |  0.153% |
 | 131  | Blastoise          |  0.147% |
 | 132  | Gorebyss           |  0.142% |
 | 133  | Houndoom           |  0.136% |
 | 134  | Honchkrow          |  0.129% |
 | 135  | Omastar            |  0.118% |
 | 136  | Flygon             |  0.118% |
 | 137  | Durant             |  0.118% |
 | 138  | Magneton           |  0.117% |
 | 139  | Gallade            |  0.112% |
 | 140  | Ambipom            |  0.109% |
 | 141  | Charizard          |  0.105% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
Infernape moved from OU to (OU)

Combined usage for OU (1630 stats)
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | Rank | Pokemon            | Percent | 
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- + 
 | 1    | Tyranitar          | 51.107% |
 | 2    | Jirachi            | 36.477% |
 | 3    | Latias             | 28.556% |
 | 4    | Heatran            | 28.496% |
 | 5    | Starmie            | 24.554% |
 | 6    | Breloom            | 22.152% |
 | 7    | Metagross          | 21.639% |
 | 8    | Gyarados           | 21.366% |
 | 9    | Flygon             | 20.253% |
 | 10   | Swampert           | 18.398% |
 | 11   | Dragonite          | 18.387% |
 | 12   | Infernape          | 17.333% |
 | 13   | Gengar             | 16.828% |
 | 14   | Scizor             | 16.253% |
 | 15   | Rotom-Wash         | 15.891% |
 | 16   | Lucario            | 15.011% |
 | 17   | Rotom-Heat         | 14.356% |
 | 18   | Skarmory           | 14.074% |
 | 19   | Bronzong           | 12.775% |
 | 20   | Azelf              | 12.761% |
 | 21   | Machamp            | 12.434% |
 | 22   | Zapdos             | 12.383% |
 | 23   | Suicune            | 11.919% |
 | 24   | Magnezone          | 10.760% |
 | 25   | Empoleon           | 10.137% |
 | 26   | Roserade           |  9.967% |
 | 27   | Kingdra            |  9.741% |
 | 28   | Clefable           |  8.496% |
 | 29   | Gliscor            |  8.040% |
 | 30   | Blissey            |  5.231% |
 | 31   | Celebi             |  4.610% |
 | 32   | Uxie               |  4.315% |
 | 33   | Hippowdon          |  3.587% |
 | 34   | Forretress         |  3.058% |
 | 35   | Weavile            |  2.939% |
 | 36   | Nidoqueen          |  2.939% |
 | 37   | Aerodactyl         |  2.939% |
 | 38   | Mamoswine          |  2.807% |
 | 39   | Milotic            |  2.479% |
 | 40   | Raikou             |  2.387% |
 | 41   | Tentacruel         |  2.225% |
 | 42   | Rotom-Mow          |  1.788% |
 | 43   | Shaymin            |  1.663% |
 | 44   | Heracross          |  1.623% |
 | 45   | Abomasnow          |  1.570% |
 | 46   | Snorlax            |  1.521% |
 | 47   | Dusknoir           |  1.413% |
 | 48   | Vaporeon           |  1.408% |
 | 49   | Slowbro            |  1.347% |
 | 50   | Donphan            |  1.277% |
 | 51   | Togekiss           |  1.195% |
 | 52   | Ludicolo           |  1.175% |
 | 53   | Gallade            |  1.091% |
 | 54   | Rhyperior          |  0.986% |
 | 55   | Crobat             |  0.976% |
 | 56   | Yanmega            |  0.930% |
 | 57   | Qwilfish           |  0.898% |
 | 58   | Froslass           |  0.834% |
 | 59   | Electivire         |  0.746% |
 | 60   | Smeargle           |  0.721% |
 | 61   | Kabutops           |  0.707% |
 | 62   | Cresselia          |  0.705% |
 | 63   | Jolteon            |  0.677% |
 | 64   | Honchkrow          |  0.651% |
 | 65   | Staraptor          |  0.648% |
 | 66   | Claydol            |  0.630% |
 | 67   | Porygon-Z          |  0.562% |
 | 68   | Camerupt           |  0.546% |
 | 69   | Rotom-Frost        |  0.521% |
 | 70   | Quagsire           |  0.468% |
 | 71   | Omastar            |  0.457% |
 | 72   | Azumarill          |  0.407% |
 | 73   | Alakazam           |  0.388% |
 | 74   | Venusaur           |  0.354% |
 | 75   | Hitmontop          |  0.339% |
 | 76   | Primeape           |  0.337% |
 | 77   | Umbreon            |  0.319% |
 | 78   | Gastrodon          |  0.313% |
 | 79   | Ambipom            |  0.305% |
 | 80   | Feraligatr         |  0.301% |
 | 81   | Blastoise          |  0.298% |
 | 82   | Torterra           |  0.297% |
 | 83   | Registeel          |  0.282% |
 | 84   | Hariyama           |  0.275% |
 | 85   | Charizard          |  0.264% |
 | 86   | Cradily            |  0.259% |
 | 87   | Spiritomb          |  0.234% |
 | 88   | Moltres            |  0.232% |
 | 89   | Glaceon            |  0.194% |
 | 90   | Sceptile           |  0.180% |
 | 91   | Aggron             |  0.180% |
 | 92   | Drifblim           |  0.177% |
 | 93   | Walrein            |  0.172% |
 | 94   | Rotom-Fan          |  0.163% |
 | 95   | Porygon2           |  0.146% |
 | 96   | Scyther            |  0.127% |
 | 97   | Arcanine           |  0.127% |
 | 98   | Clamperl           |  0.124% |
 | 99   | Typhlosion         |  0.112% |
 | 100  | Absol              |  0.110% |
 | 101  | Rotom              |  0.110% |
 | 102  | Nidoking           |  0.108% |
 | 103  | Steelix            |  0.105% |
 + ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
No changes!
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