Pet Mod [Gen 8] Crossover Chaos


Pokémon: Sunflower
Franchise/Origin: Plants vs. Zombies
Type: Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll/Regenerator
Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Encore, Energy Ball, Grassy Glide, Growth, Hyper Voice, Ingrain, Leech Seed, Sunny Day, Synthesis, Weather Ball
Stats: 75/50/65/80/90/55 (BST: 415)

(Evolves from Sunflower)
Pokémon: Twin Sunflower
Type: Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll/Regenerator
Moves: +Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Giga Drain, Heat Wave, Morning Sun, Mystical Fire, Power Whip, Solar Beam, Wish
Stats: 87/60/85/100/110/45 [+12/+10/+15/+20/+20/-10] (BST: 487)


(Mega Evolves from Twin Sunflower with Sunflorite)
Pokémon: Triplet Sunflower
Type: Grass/Fire
Ability: Drought
Stats: 87/60/100/145/150/45 [+0/+0/+15/+45/+40/+0] (BST: 587)

Reasoning: A staple plant in garden defense, the Sunflower produces sun, the energy that allows the player to plant more plants. In some games, like PvZ Heroes, Sunflower even has healing abilities. Twin Sunflower produces double the sun of Sunflower (duh), so I gave it more Fire and sun-based moves.


Pokémon: Wall-nut
Franchise/Origin: Plants vs. Zombies
Type: Rock/Grass
Ability: Sturdy/Solid Rock
Moves: Amnesia, Body Press, Gyro Ball, Ingrain, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Rapid Spin, Rock Slide, Rollout, Stealth Rock
Stats: 65/60/110/30/80/35 (BST: 415)


(Evolves from Walnut)
Pokémon: Tall-nut
Type: Rock/Grass
Ability: Sturdy/Solid Rock
Moves: +Head Smash, Rock Blast, Smack Down
Stats: 95/77/170/30/110/35 [+30/+17/+60/+0/+30/+0] (BST: 553)

Reasoning: Another staple support plant in the defense against zombies. It’s tough shell is hard for zombies to break through, allowing Wall-nuts to halt zombies waves. Wall-nuts are also used for bowling, hence why it can use spin/roll moves.
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Item: Superspicy Curry
Origin: Kirby's Dream Land
Effect: Increases SpA and Speed by 1.2x, but locks the user into Flamethrower (regardless of whether or not they know said move). Breaks after 5 turns or if the holder enters rain.
Fling Effect: 30 BP, burns target
Reasoning: The Superspicy Curry allows Kirby to spit fire (not as redundant as it sounds, as it was introduced before copy abilities). Unlike in Smash Bros, in Kirby's Dream Land it replaces Kirby's normal attacks, and its effect ends if Kirby is submerged in water (I felt rain was closer to this than being hit with a Water move). The SpA boost is because Kirby Quest shows it as one of the stronger moves, and the Speed boost is because the fire has a better rate of fire than Kirby's normal attacks. 30 BP is the BP ofa lot of things that are probably edible but aren't Berries.

Item: Scrambler
Origin: Iji
Effect: Makes user immune to sound moves (and Taunt, and Quick Drawing [from CCEX]), but confuses holder whenever it blocks a move. Announces itself on entry - "[pokémon] is speaking strangely due to the Scrambler!" , or something along those lines.
Fling Effect: 10 BP.
Reasoning: The Scrambler is an unlockable that "messes up" the dialogue, often making the game much sillier in the process. (Missile ponies, anyone?) In-universe, it's justified as a defective prototype version of the universal translator thing that characters in the game probably use but isn't really talked about much. In addition to sound moves, it can also block Taunt and Quick Drawing because it affects written word as well (occasionally managing to turn it into indecipherable scribbles)

Item: Golden Apple
Origin: Minecraft
Effect: When the user drops before 1/3th of their HP, heals the user by 25% of their max HP, and then mulitiplies their HP by 1.2x for 3 turns (this works similarly to Dynamax). Counts as a Berry for the purpose of abilities and moves.
Fling Effect: 100 BP.
Natural Gift Effect: 100 BP, Fire-type
Reasoning: A golden apple. The healing comes from its very brief Regeneration effect (too brief for it to seem like a multi-turn thing), and the HP boost is from Absorption (an effect which gives temporary extra hearts basically). Its high Fling BP is due to needing 8 gold ingots (nearly a cubic meter) to make, and its Natural Gift type is due to its Enchanted version giving fire resistance. Also, it counts as a berry because "berry" is something an mistranslation and they really mean something closer to "fruit".

Fling Effect:

also here's a resub because what could it hurt

"Too late, human - tonight is the end of our bloodstained history!"
Pokémon: Tor
Origin: Iji
Type: Steel
Ability: Battle Armor
Stats: 150/100/120/120/90/40 (620)
Notable Moves: Charge Beam, Flash Cannon, Steel Beam, Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, Bounce, Heavy Slam, Stomp, Earthquake, Earth Power, Psycho Cut, Shadow Claw, Eruption, Deploy Missiles (see Galleom)
Reasoning: A general in the Komato Imperial Army and the final boss of Iji. While he's technically leading an invasion to wipe out the Tasen, he doesn't really want to do it (and seems like a pretty reasonable guy all things considered), as he simply doesn't think he can change the minds of his people who *do* want all the Tasen dead. He's Steel-type because he fights with a mech and is likely infused with nanomachines, the former fact is also why he has Battle Armor. Charge Beam because of both his "chargeballs" and how many of his weapons power up as he uses them, the former fact is also why he gets Focus Blast. Flash Cannon, Steel Beam and Hyper Beam because he's got a big ol' laser. Bounce and Heavy Slam because he can jump good. Stomp because he does that for two of his attacks, Earthquake and Earth Power because one of his stomps makes shockwaves across the ground. Psycho Cut and Shadow Claw because he has an attack named "Tyrian claw" that shoots cutter things. Eruption because he has an attack literally called that. Finally, Deploy Missiles because he has attacks involving rockets.
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Pokémon: Histoire
Type: Flying/Grass
Ability: Chronicle - The user's moves have perfect accuracy after three turns (à la Slow Start).
Moves: Wings of Light*, Universe**, Hurricane, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Wring Out, Hydro Pump, Power Gem, Dazzling Gleam, Psyshock, Grass Knot, Hidden Power, Sludge Bomb, Recover, Wish, Heal Pulse, Work Up, Teleport
*Flying, Special, 100 BP, 90% acc, 10 PP
**Grass, Special, 120 BP, 85% acc, 10 PP
Z-Move: EXE Drive: Tome of Histoire - Grass, Special, 210 BP | Item: Histium Z | Move: Universe
Stats: 80/80/70/150/100/100 | 580 BST
Reasoning: Planeptune's Oracle, a sort of mentor to the higher-ups of her nation. She flies around atop a book that is an extension of her being, and books come from trees, hence Flying/Grass. In combat, she specializes as a magic attacker and partly as a supporter. Since Neptunia does not have Abilities per se, Histoire's "Ability" is inspired by the motif of her powers taking three of a certain unit of time.

Pokémon: Demigod of Rock
Type: Rock/Electric
Ability: Solid Rock / Punk Rock
Signature Move: Rock Out - Rock, Special, 90 BP, 95% Acc, 10 PP | Sound move.
Other Moves: Accelerock, Rock Blast, Rock Climb, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Rock Wrecker, Stealth Rock, Metal Sound, Metal Burst, Iron Head, Overdrive, Boomburst, Hyper Voice, Uproar, Roar, Screech, Sacred Fire, Parting Shot, Extreme Speed, Magma Storm, Dragon Dance, Destiny Bond, Sand Tomb, Gunk Shot, Taunt, Toxic, Sticky Web, Judgment, Close Combat, Wild Charge, Perish Song
Z-Move: Scourge Dropkick - Rock, Physical, 185 BP | Deals super-effective damage to Steel-types. | Base: Rock Slide | Z-Crystal: Guitarium Z
Stats: 100/100/100/100/100/100 | 600 BST
Reasoning: Considering he is a deity of rock, he has "Rock" in his typing, Abilities, moves, and signature move. The half-god aspect of him inspired the 100-all-around base stats, and his Electric typing relates to Overdrive and how rock music is usually associated with electric guitars. His preferred songs are metal (ironically) and he lives for music, hence the connection with "Metal" moves and sound moves. Iron Head is for the helm that he wears. Z-Move is based on the final sequence of the game's Quest Mode where he finishes off a mechanical monster while Sudden Death is played. The rest of the moves relate to the songs in his post-game tier (and partly the artists thereof).
Setting Fire to Sleeping Giants: Sacred Fire | The Dillinger Escape Plan: Parting Shot
Speeding (Vault Version): Extreme Speed
Fury of the Storm: Magma Storm | DragonForce: Dragon Dance
Nemesis | Arch Enemy: Destiny Bond
Deadfall: Sand Tomb | Snot: Gunk Shot
If You Want Peace... Prepare for War: Taunt
Chemical Warfare: Toxic
Black Widow of La Porte: Sticky Web
Holy Wars... The Punishment Due: Judgment
This Day We Fight: Close Combat, Wild Charge
Sudden Death | Megadeth: Perish Song

Affinity Crystal.jpg

Item: Affinity Crystal
Franchise: Hyperdimension Neptunia (specifically Hyperdevotion Noire)
Effect: Manifests itself when the holder switches in. Adds the holder's Hidden Power type as a secondary or tertiary type, and converts the holder's Normal-type moves into that type. (Hidden Type meets a permanent Plasma Fists effect variant.)
Fling: Cannot be flung


Item: Snack Orb
Franchise: Mario Party
Effect: Protects the holder from one biting move. Disappears after use.
Fling: 30 BP | Causes flinching.


Item: Heat Sink
Franchise: Xenoblade Chronicles
Effect: If the holder uses a move, then there is a 50% chance that it will use up one less PP than normal.
Fling: 30 BP
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I'm not confident this'll be accepted, but what the hell. It's time for a certain item that has caused the rage of many a Mario Kart player to appear. That's right, it's THAT item.


Item: Blue Shell
Franchise: Mario Kart
Effect: If Knocked Off, triggers the Fling effect (as if the holder had used the move).
Fling: 100BP. If the user has less HP than the target, deals double damage. If the user has more HP than the target, the user takes 1/2 the damage dealt in recoil.
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Item: Chalice of Healing
Franchise: SMITE
Effect: Heals 12.5% damage the first three turns the user is out. Refills if the user switches out.
Fling: 50BP


Pokémon: Maxwell
Franchise: Scribblenauts

Ability: Prankster
Moves: signature moves (see below), all entry hazards, all weather, Arrow Shot, Fireball, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Bomb Throw, Bomb Blast, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Hurricane, Air Slash, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Surf, Waterfall, Boomburst, Hyper Voice, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Fly, Steel Roller, Flash Cannon, Smart Strike, Power Whip, Sacred Sword, Earthquake, Earth Power, Scale Shot, Dragon Tail, Draco Meteor, Brick Break, Gunk Shot, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, X-Scissor, Signal Beam, Moonblast, Dual Wingbeat, Scorching Sands, Shadow Ball, Night Shade, Psyshock, Psycho Cut, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Meteor Beam, Rock Blast, Confuse Ray, Electro Ball, Dark Pulse, Ice Shard, Grass Knot, Rising Voltage, Corrosive Gas, Triple Axel, Iron Defense, Flash, Heal Bell, Milk Drink, Thunder Wave, Moonlight, Cosmic Power, Spiky Shield, Cotton Guard, Defog, Will-O-Wisp, Nasty Plot, String Shot, Whirlwind, Tailwind, Toxic Thread, Gastro Acid, Swords Dance, Morning Sun, Barrier, Light Screen, Reflect, Leech Seed, Rock Polish
Stats: 80 HP/80 Atk/80 Def/80 SpA/80 SpD/80 Spe (480 BST)

Plain |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Normal added to their typing.
Strong |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Fighting added to their typing.
Winged |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Flying added to their typing.
Poisonous |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Poison added to their typing.
Insectile |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Bug added to their typing.
Ghostly |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Ghost added to their typing.
Rocky |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Rock added to their typing.
Metallic |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Steel added to their typing.
Groundable |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Ground added to their typing.
Grassy |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Grass added to their typing.
Burning |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Fire added to their typing.
Aquatic |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Water added to their typing.
Electrical |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Electric added to their typing.
Telekinetic |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Psychic added to their typing.
Icy |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Ice added to their typing.
Dragon-Like |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Dragon added to their typing.
Evil |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Dark added to their typing.
Lunar |
| 32 PP | 100% | The target (user or foe) has Fairy added to their typing.

Reasoning: Maxwell has a magic notebook, and everything he writes in it becomes real. He can use the notebook to create nearly anything, even galaxies. He can also control anything he creates. From Scribblenauts Unlimited onwards, he can also apply adjectives to others by writing the adjectives down. Adding adjectives to something adds properties to it. The whole plot of Scribblenauts Unlimited happened because Maxwell played a prank on somebody, which is why he has Prankster.


Pokémon: Morrigan Aensland
Franchise: Darkstalkers

Ability: Levitate | Cute Charm | [HA] Steelworker
Moves: Astral Vision, Crunch, Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Pursuit, Knock Off, Moonblast, Play Rough, Draining Kiss, Deploy Missiles (see Galleom), Steel Wing, Bullet Punch, Smart Strike, Fly, Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Dual Wingbeat, Leech Life, X-Scissor, U-turn, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Night Shade, Psycho Cut, Extrasensory, Dream Eater, Drain Punch, Brick Break, Drill Run, Giga Drain, Flame Charge, Fireball (see Bowser), Hone Claws, Lovely Kiss, Roost, Will-O-Wisp, Spikes, Swords Dance, Sweet Kiss
Stats: 82 HP/112 Atk/82 Def/112 SpA/82 SpD/100 Spe (570 BST)

Astral Vision |
| 8 PP | Gives the user a Parental Bond effect for 3 turns.

Morrigan Aensland @ Life Orb
Ability: Steelworker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Deploy Missiles
- Knock Off
- Drill Run
- Astral Vision / Swords Dance / Hone Claws
Reasoning: Morrigan is a succubus who feeds on life energy and souls. Her signature attack is Soul Fist, a soul fireball. A powerful attack she uses is Finishing Shower, that involves missiles. With Astral Vision, she creates a copy of herself that can copy her attacks. She can create metal weapons like spears, claws and drills, and turn her body parts into them. She can fly with her wings, which also transform.

Pokémon: Sol
Franchise: SMITE

Ability: Levitate | Flame Body | [HA] Solar Power
Moves: Radiance, Disapparate, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Mystical Fire, Heat Wave, Fiery Dance, Incinerate, Burn Up, Fireball, Flame Charge, Fire Punch, Burning Jealousy, Solar Beam, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Morning Sun, Sunny Day, Will-O-Wisp, Cosmic Power, Sweet Kiss, Lovely Kiss, Agility, Flash
Stats: 70 HP/100 Atk/70 Def/110 SpA/110 SpD/90 Spe (550 BST)

Radiance |
| 16 PP | Heals 25% damage, and burns opponents that make contact this turn.
Supernova |
| 20 BP | Z-Move. Requires Fire Blast and Solium-Z. Hits 8 times.

Sol @ Solium-Z
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Fire Blast
- Dazzling Gleam
- Thunderbolt
- Dark Pulse

Sol @ Chalice of Healing
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Flash / Lovely Kiss
- Cosmic Power
- Radiance
- Flamethrower
Reasoning: Sol is the Goddess of the Sun. Her real body is being chased by Skoll, but she fights using a manifestation of herself, which is made of fire. It attacks with fire, and floats around everywhere. She has low health and physical protection in SMITE, translating to low HP and Defense here. Her basic attack is weaker, but her abilities are decently strong. She has higher movement speed, as well as having a faster attack speed. Radiance is a move where she creates fire around herself, which heals her and attacks by burning. Supernova is her ultimate, where she brings down eight pillars of fire. Her victory animation has her dancing around (Fiery Dance), and also kissing a warrior (Sweet Kiss, Lovely Kiss). Cosmic Power, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse and Thunderbolt come from some of her skins.

Pokémon: Ness
Franchise: EarthBound

Ability: Serene Grace | Guts | [HA] Forewarn
Moves: PSI Rockin, PK Flash, Homerun (see Batter), Psychic, Psyshock, Mirror Coat, Zen Headbutt, Wood Hammer, Power Whip, Dazzling Gleam, Flash Cannon, Teleport, Hypnosis, Barrier, Reflect, Light Screen, Telekinesis, Trick, Calm Mind, Thunder Wave, Recover, Refresh, Heal Bell
Stats: 150 HP/120 Atk/90 Def/90 SpA/90 SpD/60 Spe (600 BST)

PSI Rockin |
| 140 BP | 8 PP | 100% | Hits all enemies. If the target's Speed is higher than the user's, this move's accuracy is 85%.
PK Flash |
| 16 PP | 100% | Has a 25% chance to paralyze, a 25% chance to flinch, a 25% chance to confuse, and a 25% chance to infatuate (fails if the target is the same gender).
Ness @ Red Card
Ability: Forewarn
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Recover
- Heal Bell
- PSI Rockin
- Thunder Wave

Ness @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Zen Headbutt
- Homerun
- Wood Hammer
- Recover
Reasoning: Ness uses PSI in battle. However, his PSI is less offensive, and more supportive and defensive. His only offensive PSI is PSI Rockin and PK Flash. PSI Rockin hits every opponent, though it has a chance to miss faster opponents. PK Flash inflicts a random status effect. His other PSI include:
  • Teleport: Teleport
  • Hypnosis: Hypnosis
  • Shield: Mirror Coat, Reflect, Light Screen, Barrier
  • Paralysis: Thunder Wave
  • Healing: Heal Bell, Refresh
  • Lifeup: Recover
Bats are one of his signature weapons, giving him Wood Hammer and Homerun, and yo-yos are the other, giving him Power Whip. Serene Grace's Japanese name is Heavenly Blessing, and Ness is "protected by the truth of the universe". Forewarn's Japanese name is Prophetic Dream, which somewhat describes Ness' Magicant. Ness also has a high Guts stat. Ness' stats were created by multiplying the number of stars his EarthBound stats had by 30, with Offence being Attack, Defence being both Defense and Special Defense, Speed being Speed, Vitality being HP, and IQ being Special Attack.

Pokémon: Mr. Peterson
Franchise: Hello Neighbor

Ability: Anger Point | Technician
Moves: Catch Grab, Tomato, Sharkotron, Shovel Bash (see Shovel Knight), Pursuit, Dig, Drill Run, Stomping Tantrum, Bulldoze, Snap Trap, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Seismic Toss, Circle Throw, Storm Throw, Low Sweep, Crush Grip, Vice Grip, Spikes, Leech Seed, Grassy Terrain, Rototiller, Disable, Encore, Sticky Web
Stats: 155 HP/90 Atk/80 Def/30 SpA/38 SpD/107 Spe (500 BST)

Catch Grab |
| 48 PP | 100% | -3 priority. Returns the target to the party, and brings out the Pokémon that came before them. If the target is the first Pokémon out, or the Pokémon that came before them has fainted, the target's stat changes are reset instead.
Tomato |
| 32 PP | 100% | Lowers accuracy by 1 stage.
Sharkotron |
| 90 BP | 24 PP | 100% | Hits one turn after use.
Mr. Peterson @ Focus Sash
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Catch Grab
- Sticky Web
- Spikes
- Bulldoze / Seismic Toss
Reasoning: Mr. Peterson is the neighbor whose house you infiltrate. However, to prevent you from doing so, he makes use of traps and other items. Whenever he sees you, he gets angry. When he reaches you, he grabs you and puts you back at your house. Tomatoes and a shark robot are some of the items he uses. Glue and bear traps are some of the other items, which are represented with Sticky Web and Snap Trap respectively. It is also implied he's buried somebody with a shovel.

Item: Guide's Card
Franchise: Stick Ranger
Effect: +50% base Accuracy to damaging, non-contact moves.
Fling: 10 BP

Item: Clone
Franchise: Powder Game 2
Effect: Holder's attacks of the same type of the first move the holder uses do 1.3x damage. (Doesn't reset on switch-in, but resets when recycled)
Fling: 40 BP

Item: Fire Spirit
Franchise: Stick Ranger
Effect: If the holder attacks and knocks out another Pokemon, the Pokemon that replaces the one knocked out will be hit with a 40 BP Fire-type move used by the holder.
Fling: 10 BP

Item: Barrier Blastia
Franchise: Tales of Vesperia
Effect: When at 1/2 max HP or less, restores 100% of the holder's HP, prevents moves from affecting the holder this turn and puts the holder to sleep (same duration as Rest). Single use.
Fling: 60 BP

Item: Nectar
Franchise: Terraria
Effect: Holder is immune to Bug-type attacks. The item is eaten by the foe when holder is hit.
Fling: 60 BP
And resubs:
Pokémon: Katsuragi
Typing: Normal/Dragon
Ability: Prankster / Unburden
Physical: Return/Frustration, Quick Attack, Dragon Hammer, Outrage, Dragon Tail, High Jump Kick, Rapid Spin, Acrobatics, Smart Strike, Drill Run
Special: Draco Meteor, Hurricane, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere
Status: Attract, Dragon Dance, Charm, Torment, Taunt
For Flavor: Revenge, Mega Kick, Stomp, Rolling Kick, Dragon Claw, Dragon Rush, Dual Chop, Gyro Ball, Dragon Breath, Twister
Stats: 85/105/75/85/65/85 (500)

Form: Katsuragi-Shinobi Transformation (works like Ultra Necrozma, must be holding Katsuragi's Ninja Art Scroll and can use Z-Move after transforming) (HP increase works like Complete Zygarde)
Ability: Dragon Rebellion (Scrappy clone for Dragon-type)
Stats: 105/115/80/105/80/115 (600)
Z-Move: Dead Screw Dragon (200 BP | Dragon | upgraded from Dragon Hammer | No additional effect.)

  • Katsuragi is a Shinobi in training, studying at Hanzo National Academy.
  • Katsuragi's Dragon type comes from her guardian beast, a Dragon that she utilizes in her attacks. She is a normal student girl (as normal as ninjas can be) and doesn't always materialize her dragon, so she also gets Normal type.
  • Unburden is based on Frantic mode, a mechanic in all Senran Kagura games where a character strips most of their clothes and gains more power and speed. Pransker is based on Katsuragi's comic relief moments where she harasses her classmates.
  • Katsuragi's moves often rely on kicking, but she can also utilize aura attacks and can manifest a dragon. Her weaponized boots also produce wind for certain attacks, such as her Tornado Spindle.
  • Shinobi Transformation comes from another mechanic in Senran Kagura games, where a character gains a boost in attack and speed, but keeps their clothes. In certain games, characters recover HP when transforming. Only transformed characters can use their Secret Ninja Arts. Dead Screw Dragon is Katsuragi's strongest Secret Ninja Art.
  • Dragon Rebellion is the name of Katsuragi's transforming boots, which are her main weapons. Wouldn't make much sense for mechanical iron greaves to not be able to hit Fairies, even if they have a dragon aura in them.
Sample Sets:
Katsuragi @ Katsuragi's Ninja Art Scroll
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- High Jump Kick
- Taunt / Return
- Dragon Hammer

Pokémon: Drizzler
Regional Variant: Lesser Salmonids
Franchise/Origin: Splatoon 2
Typing: Steel/Poison
Ability: Umbrella Contraption: (Drizzler only) Immune to Ground. When this Pokemon is hit by an attack, Toxic Cloud begins and Drizzler changes to Upside-Down form. When in Upside-Down form, loses immunity to Ground and Poison for that turn and the next. Turns back to regular form afterwards.
Toxic Clouds: Same as GLaDOS. This damages Pokémon for 1/16th of their HP at the end of each turn, unless they're Poison, Ghost, or Steel-type, or have the abilities Poison Heal or Immunity. Lasts for 5 turns (8 if Toxic Rock is held).
Moves: Physical: Bounce, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Gyro Ball, Smart Strike
Special: Tide Shift (same as Lesser Salmonids), Surf, Acid Spray, Sludge Wave, Infestation
Status: Inky Terrain (same as Inkling/Lesser Salmonids), Defog, Toxic, Splash, Flail, Minimize, Soak, Lock-On, Focus Energy, Soft-Boiled, Toxic Spikes, Iron Defense
Tide Shift: Water-type U-Turn clone.
Stats: 150/63/92/73/82/35 (495)
  • Type: Poison-type because Drizzlers are ink-splattering Salmonids who come from irradiated waters. Steel because they use machine umbrellas to become "essentially impervious to ink" as the Salmonid Field Guide puts it.
  • Abilities: Umbrella Contraption is based on the Drizzler's movement and attack patterns, where it will fly until encountering a nearby player. It losing the immunity to Poison represents how it's "susceptible to (ink) attack immediately after it fires." Toxic Clouds effect comes from the Drizzler Missiles setting Ink Storms (only Salmonid who does this), but they only shoot them when the player is in close proximity.
  • Stats: HP stat is based on Drizzler's HP in-game compared to Inklings and Lesser Salmonids who are already in. Speed is low because they really don't move often and even the slow attack pattern makes it vulnerable. Rest is based on his looks.
  • Moves: Soft-Boiled because they literally drop eggs (two types, even).
Here is the concept art of Drizzler depicting most stuff covered in the sub.
Pokémon: Mononobe no Futo
Franchise/Origin: Pokemon
Typing: Rock
Ability: Sturdy / Piled Up Dishes
Piled Up Dishes - Damage of all moves is increased depending on how many plate hazards there are. Max 2x with 5 plates.
Moves: Physical: Rock Throw, Rock Blast, Stone Edge, Arrow Shot (See Orion), Sky Uppercut, Waterfall, Liquidation, Flare Blitz, Fly, Okiku Upper, Plate Throw
Special: Ancient Power, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Dragon Pulse, Twister, Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind, Water Pulse, Surf, Fire Spin, Fire Blast, Inferno, Heat Wave, Earth Power, Air Slash, Gust, Hurricane, Hidden Power
Status: Heal Pulse, Morning Sun, Wish, Healing Wish, Memento, Nature Power, Geomancy, Lucky Chant, Safeguard, Stealth Rock, Rain Dance, Will-o-Wisp
Signature Moves: Plate Throw - 90 BP | Rock | Physical | 100% Accuracy | Sets a plate hazard on field for Futo's ability.
Okiku Upper - Ghost-type Sky Uppercut clone, only useable when holding Futo's Occult Ball
Z Move: Even in Death, One Plate is Still Missing! (160 BP | Ghost | Physical | must know Okiku Upper and be holding Futo's Occult Ball | +40 BP for every plate hazard removed, max 9)
Stats: 100/75/75/75/75/120 (520)
Signature Item: Futo's Occult Ball - Once per battle, allows Mononobe no Futo to set a pure Ghost-type Substitute upon switch-in. x1.5 to Ghost moves while the Substitute lasts. Item isn't consumed when the Substitute breaks.
Reasoning: Type: Mononobe no Futo is an immortal that feigned death by transferring her soul to a plate, which is made of porcelain (Rock). She's able to conjure plates, and gets stronger with the more plates there are. She's also associated with ancient things, having old-fashioned clothes and speaking in an archaic way, and the move Ancient Power is Rock-type. Lastly, she's a hermit, and the literal meaning of hermit in Japanese is "mountain person."
Moves: Futo's moves are based on her spell cards and her ability to control feng shui, which involve the four basic elements (air, fire, earth and water), absorbing power from and manipulating nature and qi. Feng shui is called "Chinese geomancy" and Futo acquired this power by worshipping nature, so it's pretty similar to Pokemon Geomancy.
Stats: Futo is an immortal who I figured her HP should be at least average. She's also one of the fastest characters in the fighting games.
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Voting begins now. You have one week to vote.
There will be two separate votes, one for items and one for regular subs. As usual three Crossover Pokemon will get through and also the three Crossover Items with the most votes. Typical 3-2-1 voting as always.
KirbyRider1337's Snatcher
KirbyRider1337's Palutena
KirbyRider1337's Chaos
KirbyRider1337's Big Bird
KeeganSkymin4444's Water Vellumental
zxgzxg's Sunflower line
zxgzxg's Wall-nut line
Pika Xreme's Tor
Mygavolt's Histoire
Mygavolt's Demigod of Rock
Ninetales Dragons's Maxwell
Ninetales Dragons's Morrigan
Ninetales Dragons's Sol
Ninetales Dragons's Ness

Ninetales Dragons's Mr. Peterson

Cookie Butter's Katsuragi
Cookie Butter's Drizzler
Cookie Butter's Mononobe no Futo
ToadBrigade's Annoying Dog
KirbyRider1337's Franklin Badge
KirbyRider1337's Back Shield
KeeganSkymin4444's Clear Bomb
KeeganSkymin4444's Ghost Glove
KeeganSkymin4444's Ender Pearl
Heavyweapon Mann's Super Mushroom
Heavyweapon Mann's P-Up, D-Down
Heavyweapon Mann's D-Up, P-Down
Ticktock's Mr Saturn
Ticktock's Timer
Ticktock's Poison Mushroom
Ticktock's Boomerang
Ticktock's Freezie
Pika Xreme's Superspicy Curry
Pika Xreme's Scrambler
Pika Xreme's Golden Apple
Mygavolt's Affinity Crystal
Mygavolt's Snack Orb
Mygavolt's Heat Sink
Neosonic97's Blue Shell
Ninetales Dargon's Chalice of Healing

Cookie Butter's Guide's Card
Cookie Butter's Clone
Cookie Butter's Fire Spirit
Cookie Butter's Barrier Blastia
Cookie Butter's Nectar
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Cookie Butter's Drizzler
zxgzxg's Wall-nut line
KirbyRider1337's Chaos

KeeganSkymin4444's Clear Bomb
Heavyweapons Mann's D-Up, P-Down
my Affinity Crystal
For Items:
Cookie Butter's Nectar
KirbyRider1337's Back Shield
Pika Xreme's Scrambler

For Characters:
KeeganSkymin4444's Water Vellumental
KirbyRider1337's Snatcher
Ninetales Dragons' Ness
Character Votes:
Ninetales Dragons' Ness
KeeganSkymin4444's Water Vellumental
Mygavolt's Histoire

Item Votes:
KirbyRider1337's Back Shield
Cookie Butter's Nectar
KeeganSkymin4444's Clear Bomb
KeeganSkymin’s Water Vellumental
zxgzxg’s Sunflower
KirbyRider1337’s Chaos

PikaXreme’s Golden Apple
HeavyweaponMann’s Super Mushroom
KirbyRider1337’s Franklin Badge

Congratulations to KeeganSkymin4444, Cookie Butter and Ninetales Dragons for winning with Water Vellumental, Drizzler and Ness. Cookie Butter has earned the title, Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and KeeganSkymin4444 has earned the title, Mario and Sonic at the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Also congratulations to Cookie Butter, Pika Xreme and KirbyRider1337 for their winning submissions for the first item mini-slate. The following items have been added to Crossover Chaos: Nectar (Terraria)
, Golden Apple (Minecraft)
and Back Shield (Kid Icarus)
. Item slates will be back soon.

This slate is for characters who are ancient. There's not a whole lot more to add, just characters who are abnormally old.

As always submissions for the current slate close in one week.
Have fun!
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"Hmm, I'm not quite sure what you're saying, but if you get in my way, I'll just take you down too."
Pokémon: Tsih
Franchise/Origin: SUGURI / 100% Orange Juice
Type: Rock
Ability: Tradeoff Boost (Holding an item on this list gives Tsih x1.33 on Attack. Holding a Toxic Orb or Black Sludge whilst being Poison-type doesn't apply the boost, and neither does holding a Flame Orb whilst being Fire-type.) / Magnet Pull
Notable moves: Charge Beam, Flash Cannon, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Rock Blast, Swift, Camouflage, Stealth Rock, Magnet Rise
Signature move: Stealth On (Applies Rage Powder effects onto any adjacent allies. Tsih has x1.5 power on all damaging moves until her next strike. This has +3 Priority, but moves last in its own priority bracket, so it effectively has +2.9 priority.)
Stats: 70/87/60/70/68/130 [BST 485]

Reasoning: Stat spread was an easy low-hanging fruit: 4HP/0Atk/-1Def/+2Eva in 100% Orange Juice, though she favors physical attacks because rocks. (I also kept them low because choiced Tsih would be a MONSTER.) She attacks with swirly beams, orbs of energy, and (most notably) boulders she swings into you. Tsih's named after a star, so Swift of course can coincide with the orbs of energy for the "speed star" pun. Stealth Rock also happens to be there because that's two things she does nicely. Her ability's her (nameless) passive from 100% Orange Juice, which gives her a +2 Attack boost whenever she's holding a Gift Card (Which also passively applies more stuff, be it good or bad), allowing her to hurt hard. Magnetic stuff because that's the only explanation I have for those tethers she uses to swing the rocks into you.

An immortal and genderless godlike figure, Chaos was originally the peaceable leader of the Chao. But, after an incident many millennia ago, its goodness turned to evil.
Pokémon: Chaos
Type: Water/Fairy (Perfect Chaos is Water/Dark)
Abilities: Bulletproof / Water Veil / Hydration (Perfect Chaos has Primordial Sea)
Moves: Life Dew, Water Pulse, Minimize, Acid Armor, Ice Punch, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Recover, Earthquake, Drill Run, Liquidation, Surf, Scald, Sky Uppercut, Dig, Rock Climb, Waterfall, Misty Terrain, Misty Explosion, Rain Dance, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Lash Out, Aqua Tail, Crunch, Double Team, Power Whip, Dive, Ancient Power
Stats: (Chaos 0) 75/105/65/80/85/90 [BST 500]
(Chaos 1) 85/115/75/80/85/70 [BST 510]
(Chaos 2) 85/115/85/80/95/60 [BST 520]
(Chaos 4) 95/115/85/80/95/70 [BST 540]
(Chaos 6) 125/115/75/90/105/50 [BST 560]
(Perfect Chaos) 125/135/105/135/120/40 [BST 660] (It Mega Evolves from Chaos 6 using the Final Chaos Emerald as a Mega Stone.)
Reasoning: Water because it is. Fairy because not only is it a mutant chao (which is reminiscent of mons such as Clefairy), but it's also revered as a deity, and one that guards its sacred land at that, kinda like the Tapus. (Tapu Bulu comes to mind first and foremost, since an attempt at trying to take its sacred land ended horribly for the people who attempted to take it) This is removed in favor of Dark for Perfect Chaos because of it drawing from the Negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds to power up. Bulletproof because it is, Water Veil because it's made of water, and same goes for Hydration, which can help remove impurities. Lash Out because its past trauma caused its rampage both in Tikal's time and in ours. Earthquake and Ice coverage because it has that in Sonic Adventure 2: Battle's multiplayer, the latter also because most Water-types have Ice-type coverage. Play Rough is mandatory STAB. Power Whip because it stretchy, Sky Uppercut because of its three-hit combo in said SA2:B multiplayer, Dig and Rock Climb because it has Knuckles' and Rouge's gamemode for that, Aqua Tail because Chaos 4 does that, Crunch because Chaos 6 does that, and Double Team because Chaos 2 splits into many small blobs.

If you thought Thor was the God of Thunder, this boss will change your mind in a hurry.
Name: Kracko
Franchise: Kirby
Type: Electric/Water
Abilities: Levitate / Iron Barbs
Stats: 110/80/100/110/90/80 [BST 570]
Moves: Gunk Shot, Clear Smog, Hurricane, Defog, Rain Dance, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Charge Beam, Shock Wave, Thunder Wave, Wild Charge, Zing Zap, Hydro Pump, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Soak, Mist, Cotton Guard, Drill Run, Grav Apple
Reasoning: Electric was a given: This cloud attacks with a vast assortment of electrical moves, and of course Thunder was a given. Zing Zap too considering his spikes and the JP name being "Shocking and Prickly"... an apt description for our cloud friend here, which also explains Iron Barbs. Water typing, Clear Smog, Mist, Cotton Guard, and Aqua Ring because he's a cloud, plus in the case of the Water typing he gets those water moves too, owing to his rain attack. He also dispels clouds in the background during Triple Deluxe with a tornado, that's Hurricane and Defog, and he has Gunk Shot because he drops lots of junk pieces in that boss fight before culminating in summoning a cannon that can... get Kirby out of the way of his massive lightning move. Drill Run because that fight also has him grow two massive drill-like spikes on the sides. Grav Apple because he can drop apples in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe.
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Bonus aside, I owe this one to my Discord avatar.

"I feel like I could take on a whole army!"

Pokémon: Nowi
Type: Dragon/Normal
Ability: Unarmed - The user's attacking moves (except Struggle) fail. This Ability cannot be suppressed, copied, or removed.
Moves: Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Breath, Twister, Outrage, Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Taunt, Protect
Stats: 80/100/100/92/106/92 | 570 BST

When holding a Dragonstone, (base) Nowi undergoes a form change like Primal Reversion.

Form: Nowi-Draconic
Type: Dragon
Ability: Naga's Blessing - The user's Dragon-type attacks bypass the immunity of Fairy-types.
Stats: 80/125/130/107/126/102 | 670 BST

Alternatively, Nowi changes form (and moveset) if one of the following items is used on her:
  • Rider Seal - Changes her into Wyvern Rider Nowi. (Dragon Tail / Aerial Ace)
  • Wyvern Seal - At level 50 or above, changes her into Wyvern Lord Nowi.
  • Griffon Seal - At level 50 or above, changes her into Griffon Rider Nowi.
  • Magic Seal - Changes her into Mage Nowi. (Twister / Nature Power)
  • Sage Seal - At level 50 or above, changes her into Sage Nowi.
  • Knight Seal - At level 50 or above, changes her into Dark Knight Nowi.
  • Wedding Bouquet - At level 50 or above, changes her into Bride Nowi. (Dragon Rush / Slash)
  • Manakete Seal - Changes her back into her regular form. (Dragon Tail)
(Sprites used henceforth are generic but get the point across.)


Form: Wyvern Rider Nowi (Eviolite-compatible)
Type: Dragon/Flying
Ability: Tough Claws
Added Moves: Axe Strike (from Camilla), Return, Frustration, Strength, Slash, Double Hit, Dual Chop, Close Combat, Submission, Brick Break, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Smack Down, Throat Chop, Night Slash, Brutal Swing, Acrobatics, Fly, Dual Wingbeat, Aerial Ace, Substitute
Stats: 60/92/92/60/60/80 | 444 BST


Form: Mage Nowi (Eviolite-compatible)
Type: Dragon/Normal
Ability: Sheer Force
Added Moves: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Incinerate, Ember, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Shock Wave, Thunder Shock, Hurricane, Air Slash, Air Cutter, Gust, Dazzling Gleam, Nature Power
Stats: 60/60/64/100/85/90 | 459 BST

Wyvern Rider Nowi evolves at level 50 into Griffon Rider Nowi if Spe > Atk, otherwise Wyvern Lord Nowi.


Evolution: Griffon Rider Nowi
Type: Dragon/Ground
Ability: Take Flight - Upon switch-in, adds the Flying type to the user (like Forest's Curse).
Added Moves: High Horsepower, Stomping Tantrum, Bulldoze, Bone Club, U-turn
Stats: 80/100/100/80/80/107 | 547 BST


Evolution: Wyvern Lord Nowi
Type: Dragon/Flying
Ability: Tough Claws
Added Moves: Iron Tail, Iron Head, Smart Strike, Metal Claw, Icicle Spear
Stats: 80/112/112/80/80/100 | 564 BST

Mage Nowi evolves at level 50 into Dark Knight Nowi if Def > SpA, otherwise Sage Nowi.


Evolution: Dark Knight Nowi
Type: Dragon/Ground
Ability: Lifetaker - Upon scoring a KO, the user regains up to 50% max HP.
Added Moves: Griffon Rider movepool minus U-turn, Axe Strike, and Flying-type moves; Solar Blade, Leaf Blade, Earth Power, Scorching Sands, Mud Bomb, Mud Shot
Stats: 80/96/104/107/101/105 | 593 BST


Evolution: Sage Nowi
Type: Dragon/Normal
Ability: Tomefaire - The user deals 1.5* damage with non-STAB special attacks.
Added Moves: Wish, Heal Pulse, Aromatherapy, Teleport
Stats: 80/80/82/120/106/110 | 578 BST

(sprite unavailable, so have an image instead)

Form: Bride Nowi
Type: Dragon/Normal
Ability: Rally Heart - If the user does a hard switch, then its replacement takes 80% direct damage, deals 120% damage, and has 1.2* Speed until the end of its next turn.
Added Moves: Arrow Shot (from Orion), Smart Strike, Icicle Spear, Return, Frustration, Strength, Slash, Close Combat, Submission, Brick Break, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Smack Down, Throat Chop, Night Slash, Brutal Swing, Wish, Heal Pulse, Aromatherapy, Teleport
Stats: 80/100/108/102/106/110 | 606 BST

Reasoning: Nowi is a manakete, a humanoid species with a draconic form. Even as a humanoid, and no matter her class, she possesses the dragon affinity, so all of her forms are Dragon-type. Because Manakete, Mage, Sage, and Bride are infantry classes, she is part Normal in those forms (but not when she transforms). As a Dark Knight or Griffon Rider, she possesses the beast affinity, which is tough to represent as a type in Pokémon; I went with Ground for the indomitability and High Horsepower (Griffon power?) of such mounts. Wyvern mounts are part Flying for the same reason Camilla is, while the griffon mount is given a particular Ability due to type limitations. (Yes, Griffon Rider Nowi has three affinities at once.) To clarify the movepool a bit, Nowi's class determines the types of weapons that she can equip.
  • Manakete: Dragonstones
  • Wyvern Rider and Griffon Rider: Axes
  • Wyvern Lord: Axes and Lances
  • Mage: Tomes
  • Sage: Tomes and Staves
  • Dark Knight: Tomes and Swords
  • Bride: Lances, Bows, and Staves
Nowi's growth rates in Awakening are obscene compared to those of the Fates characters (and Edelgard), so I instead used stat caps relative to the Villager class as guidelines for the base stats. Tough Claws and Sheer Force are derived from Strength +2 and Magic +2 respectively, while U-turn in Griffon Rider form comes from Deliverer.
Bonus Justification: Despite her appearance, she is 1000 years old.
And hey, this one fits too.

Pokémon: Histoire
Type: Flying/Grass
Ability: Chronicle - The user's moves have perfect accuracy after three turns (à la Slow Start).
Moves: Wings of Light*, Universe**, Hurricane, Air Slash, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Wring Out, Hydro Pump, Power Gem, Dazzling Gleam, Psyshock, Grass Knot, Hidden Power, Sludge Bomb, Recover, Wish, Heal Pulse, Work Up, Teleport
*Flying, Special, 100 BP, 90% acc, 10 PP
**Grass, Special, 120 BP, 85% acc, 10 PP
Z-Move: EXE Drive: Tome of Histoire - Grass, Special, 210 BP | Item: Histium Z | Move: Universe
Stats: 80/80/70/150/100/100 | 580 BST
Reasoning: Planeptune's Oracle, a sort of mentor to the higher-ups of her nation. She flies around atop a book that is an extension of her being, and books come from trees, hence Flying/Grass. In combat, she specializes as a magic attacker and partly as a supporter. Since Neptunia does not have Abilities per se, Histoire's "Ability" is inspired by the motif of her powers taking three of a certain unit of time.
Bonus Justification: As her name implies, she embodies the history of her world.

Pokemon: **Soul of Cinder** (Dark Souls III)
Type: Fire/Ghost
Ability: Cursed Body / Flame Body / Great Lord (Boost the damage of Electric type moves by 1.5x)
Moves: Thunderbolt, Thunder, Fire Punch, Toxic, Will o Wisp, Work Up, Recover, Blaze Kick, Sacred Sword, Shadow Ball, Ancient Power, Arm Thrust, Shadow Punch, Volt Switch, Rock Blast, Wish, Dazzling Gleam
Stats: 110 / 130 / 95 / 130 / 110 / 105 | 680 BST
Reasoning: Soul of Cinder is the final boss of the non-dlc story of Dark Souls III, and the manifestation of all previous lords who linked the flame to preserve the age of Gods. Fire/Ghost is because it is the reincarnated souls of all those who sacrificed their bodies to fuel the flame. Flame Body is because the SoC's body is always on fire, sometimes fully ablaze or sometimes just embers remaining. Cursed Body is because of the unimaginable pain all those who link the flame experience. It is also because all Unkindled ones (those who tried to link the flame but failed) are cursed with undeath. Great Lord is because SoC's second phase is a callback to Gwyn, the first to link the flame and one of the original gods who found the flame in the first place. Gwyn was known for his lightning bolts capable of killing dragons, and SoC uses a lot of these lightning-based attacks in phase 2. In phase 1, SoC switches between four fighting styles, based generally on the main builds players can use: strength, dexterity, intelligence and faith. Because of this, SoC has a wide moveset because of the high number of attacks in each style. Fire Punch, Blaze Kick, Sacred Sword, and Arm thrust come from strength. Toxic, Shadow Ball, Ancient Power, and Rock Blast come from Intelligence. Work Up, Shadow Punch, Fire Claw, and Volt Switch come from Dexterity. Recover, Wish, and Dazzling Gleam come from Faith. In phase 2, SoC uses a lot of these attacks together, as well as some new electric ones and callback moves to Gwyn. Due to SoC being a combination of the strongest beings throughout history in the Dark Souls universe, including Gods and those who kill Gods, it has a BST on par with many legendaries from pokemon. Offense is clearly the strongest point of SoC. When fighting it, finding a moment to heal or strike is hard because of the almost non-stop strong attacks being sent your way. A high HP and SpD are because SoC has the second highest max HP in the base game, and also has a very high amount of elemental and physical damage resistances due to the amount of forms he takes throughout the battle. Speed and Defense are the lowest stats despite it's good distance closing and damage taking capabilities, because they aren't on the same level as it's best traits.


Pokemon: **Divine Dragon** (Sekiro)
Type: Dragon/Flying
Ability: Multiscale / Grassy Surge
Moves: Air Slash, Hurricane, Air Cutter, Roar, Slash, Vine Whip, Branch Poke, Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Dragon Claw, Aqua Jet
Stats: 140 / 100 / 60 / 100 / 60 / 80 | 550 BST
Reasoning: Divine Dragon is an ancient dragon that Sekiro has to defeat to obtain it's tears. Dragon for obvious reasons. Flying because it is fought in the divine realm, which seems to be made mainly of clouds, and a lot of it's attacks are wind-based. Multiscale is because the Divine Dragon only takes damage from redirected lightning, and also has multiple scales. Grassy Surge is because the Divine Dragon is seemingly partially attached to a tree and also summons trees instantly when it first appears, as well as some other times during the battle. Also, the fight before the Divine Dragon is called Old Dragons of the Tree. High HP but low defenses is because the Divine Dragon cannot be killed by just your sword, you have to redirect lightning. A middling speed is because the Divine Dragon doesn't move much during the fight, but can fly and has a long neck so is quite fast when it does move. Balanced offenses are because of the ease of avoiding most attacks but the above average damage they deal if you do get hit. Most of the moves are attacks it does in-game. Vine Whip and Branch Poke are because of the trees it summons throughout the battle, and Aqua Jet represents it's tears.
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Pokemon: Leif
Type: Bug/Ice
Abilities: Ice Scales/Oblivious/Innards Out
By holding the Badge Equipper item, Leif can change restores 1/8th of his HP every two turns or when switching out.
Signature Move:
Frigid Coffin
- Type: Ice
- Classification: Special
- Power: 85
- Accuracy: 100
- PP: 10 (max 16)
- Effect: Has a 20% chance to freeze the foe.
Stats: 78/60/85/117/95/95 (Total: 530)
Notable Moves: Ice Coffin (See Mina Nishizawa), Bug Buzz, Silver Wind, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Ice Shard, Ice Punch, Freeze Dry, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power, Quiver Dance, Acupressure, Memento, Work Up, Barrier, Amnesia, Curse, Ice Ball, Haze, Mist, Safeguard, Light Screen, Reflect, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Confide, Turn Relay, Baton Pass, Ally Switch
Overview: Leif is the final party member in Bug Fables, and for reasons unknown is capable of using ice magic. It's revealed rather early in the game that he is in fact from a time long before the events of the game, somehow, so he applies for the slate bonus. Ice Scales comes from being a moth with ice powers, just like Frosmoth. Oblivious comes from being immune to powerful pheromones, as well as other spoilery reasons. Innards Out is also a spoiler, just trust me on this one, it's applicable. Frigid Coffin comes from the ingame skill of the same name, which deals damage and has a good chance to freeze a single foe. His stats come from his lack of being able to do physical combat (he evens states that he was merely a scout and couldn't fight before discovering his magic), while his magic is rather strong. His moves come from his status as a magic using bug, with the Ice attacks coming from his offensive abilities, his stat changing moves coming from his ability to buff party members and debuff foes, and Barrier and his screen moves come from being able to create a bubble shield to protect his party members with.

Pokemon: Guardian
Franchise: The Legend of Zelda
Type: Ground/Steel
Ability: Compound Eyes/Heavy Metal
Moves: Autotomize, Body Press, Body Slam, Charge Beam, Earthquake, Earth Power, Explosion, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Heavy Slam, Ice Beam, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Searing Shot, Shift Gear, Steel Beam, Stomping Tantrum, Thunderbolt
Stats: 105/110/95/125/85/60 (BST: 580)
Description: Large spider-legged robots that shoot lasers.
Ground because it looks like it's made of some sort of clay materal and it travels on the ground.
Steel because it's a robot.
Compound Eyes because it uses a laser scope that makes it's lasers almost homing.
Heavy Metal because it's big and metal.
Beam/Bolt/Blast/Shot moves because of the lasers.
Iron Tail because of the long leg things.
Explosion because it explodes when it dies.
Shift Gear because it has gears.

Slate Justification: Guardians are 100-year-old technology.
"Both of you, faithless fools who would dare to take up arms against the king of light and shadow... So you choose! And so you shall feel my wrath!"

Pokemon: Ganondorf
Type: Dark/Fighting
Mega Type: Dark
Ability: Sturdy/Sheer Force
Mega Ability: Reckless
Moves: Knock Off, Taunt, Lunge, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Dark Pulse, Shadow Punch, Shadow Ball, Destiny Bond, Curse, Power-Up Punch, Superpower, Close Combat, Counter, Force Palm, Double-Edge, Mach Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Low Kick, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Drain Punch, Mega Punch, Dynamic Punch, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Hyper Voice, U-Turn, Play Rough, Waterfall, Liquidation, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Inferno, Flare Blitz, Head Smash
Sig Move: Warlock Punch | Dark | Physical | 130 Base Power | 30PP | 100% accuracy | ⅓ damage as recoil
Stats: 150/90/120/120/90/90
Mega Stats: 150/150/150/75/135/100

Reasoning: Dark/Fighting as he is a skilled combatant and master of dark magic. Sturdy for his extreme durability, usually required to be impaled through the face by the master sword to be killed. Sheer Force coming from the Triforce of Power. Reckless for his mega form as he usually relies on brute force in giant pig mode. The Triforce of Power offers Ganondorf a multitude of powerful and varied attacks. His Signature Move, Warlock Punch, is an incredibly powerful punch from Smash Bros. His normal form relies mostly on his spellcasting, reflected by his stats. His Ganon form, however, is mostly brute force and destruction, reflected by his dramatic increase in Attack and an equally dramatic decrease in Special Attack.


Pokémon: Springtrap
Type: Dark/Steel
Ability: Magnet Pull/Child Killer - NFE Pokemon takes double damage from S.T.A.B. attacks.
H. Ability: Undead - Sturdy + STAB on ghost moves
Moves: Return, Facade, Quick Attack, Fake Out, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Swords Dance, Swagger, Taunt, Torment, Dark Pulse, Snatch, Snarl, Knock Off, Night Slash, Shadow Claw, Recover, Nasty Plot, Will-o-Wisp, Pursuit, Iron Defense, Hone Claws, Smart Strike, Drain Punch.
Signature move: Jump Scare | Dark | Physical | 90 Power | 85% Accuracy | 15PP | Deals double damage to opponents switching out.
Stats: 145/105/90/45/90/110

Reasoning: Springtrap's typing is reminiscent of his child murderer persona and his cyborg body. His abilities are also reminiscent of this. Magnet Pull allows Springtrap to lure and trap steel types, his modus operandi for killing kids in the games. Child Killer is the obvious one. Undead is because he got crushed by the suit, yet still kept on with his murderous scumbag ways. Jump Scare is another obvious one. The FNAF games live and die on their Jump Scares. His stats reflect his strength as an animatronic and abnormal speed. He's also fairly bulky and has a large HP count to reflect his toughness. He gets crushed in his own suit Iron Maiden style and shut behind a door for 30 years and starts killing the instant he gets out. Fazbear Fright burns to the ground and he survived. It took getting stuck inside a burning building for a second time to finally kill him, and FNAF VR implied even that didn't stick entirely.

"Kill them... kill them all!"

Pokémon: Alma Wade
Type: Psychic/Ghost
Ability: Unstable/Sturdy
H. Ability: Shadow Tag
Moves: Phantom Force, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Psyshock, Skill Swap, Psycho Shift, Topsy-Turvy, Recover, Will o Wisp, Scary Face, Mean Look, Curse, Moonblast, Moonlight, Giga Drain, Fiery Dance, Eruption, Heat Wave, Fire Blast, Inferno, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb.
Signature move: Almaverse: Sets up the Almaverse for 5 turns. In the Alamverse:
  • At the end of each turn, each adjacent sleeping opponent takes damage equal to ⅕ of its maximum HP.
  • Boosts the power of Psychic-type moves by 50%.
  • Immunities are canceled.
  • Burn damage is doubled.
  • Prevents healing moves.
Stats: 150/25/50/165/135/105

Reasoning: Ghost/Psychic as Alma is a super powerful Psychic that died and became a mental projection into the real world. Technically speaking, Alma is not a ghost - she is a mental projection of her own mind that exists on the physical and spiritual planes, but she was based on Sadako and acts like a ghost, so close enough. Unstable comes from the complete insanity given by her tragic backstory of experiments and forced pregnancies. Sturdy comes from her determination which is also the reason for her large HP. She literally refused to die for six days without life support, and when she finally did, it didn't stop her from trying to get revenge. Shadow Tag comes from her constant attempts to trap and… force herself on you in the second game. Movepool is mostly Ghost and Psychic attacks. Scary Face is for obvious reasons, Fire moves are from her pyromania. Stats are heavily skewed toward the Special side. She can cause untold amounts of damage with her mind, but her physical body is incredibly weak, being dead and rotting and all. The Almaverse is an entirely separate reality that formed in Alma's mind during her incarceration. Here, it is designed to do what it did in the game. Make everything hurt more.

Pokemon: Ganondorf
Franchise/Origin: The Legend of Zelda

Abilities: Sturdy/Sand Veil | Divine Power
Divine Power
: Each attack deals damage equal to 1/16 of the target's HP after the attack lands. For example, using Earthquake would cause an additional 1/16 of the target's HP to be lost after the attack lands, while Taunt does not. Multi-hit moves only do this on the last hit. Z-moves and Max Moves do not do this at all.)
Moves: Earthquake, High Horsepower, Knock Off, Taunt, Torment, Sacred Sword, Night Slash, Slash, Body Press, Heavy Slam, Darkest Lariat, Heat Crash, Rain Dance, Hurricane, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Earth Power, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Surf, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Double-Edge, Curse, Parting Shot, Warlock Punch, Mega Punch, Focus Punch, Sucker Punch, Nightmare, Phantom Force, Rest, Sleep Talk, Drain Punch
Signature Move: Warlock Punch: 150 BP, Dark, Physical, 5-8 PP, Makes contact, is punch-based. Has -1 priority. Z-move: 200 BP Black Hole Eclipse
Stats: 130/125/90/100/90/65 (600)
Justification: Dark is the stereotypical "evil" typing, while Ground represents the fact he hails from Gerudo Desert. High Horsepower is based off of the Dark Rider phase in Twilight Princess and his boar form, Sacred Sword and the other slash moves is because of his skill at sword combat, Body Press, Heavy Slam, Heat Crash and Darkest Lariat are due to his large size. Sturdy is based off of how he can survive what should be fatal blows, while Divine Power is based off of how he often has possession of the Triforce of Power. Sand Veil is common on desert Pokemon. Rain Dance and Hurricane is based off of the point in Wind Waker when he cast an endless stormy night over the Great Sea. Him being a sorcerer represents Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse, with Earth Power being a mandatory special Ground STAB. The Scourge of the Divine Beasts in Breath of the Wild represent the elemental punches and the special Fire-, Water/Ice-, and Electric-type moves. Stats lean towards a slow physical tank. Special attack is still lower than Attack due to his preference for physical combat, as seen in the Smash Bros. series. Warlock Punch is one of his special moves in Smash Bros. and is pretty much a stronger Falcon Punch. Sucker Punch (and Phantom Force, to an extent) is based off of the Forest Temple Phantom Ganon battle where he charges out of paintings, while Nightmare refers to the beginning of A Link Between Worlds, where he appears in a nightmare. Curse represents the death curse he put on Jabu Jabu and the Deku Tree in Ocarina of Time. Drain Punch and the rest of his punching moves are a nod to his Smash Bros incarnation, plus it gives him some form of recovery.


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