[Gen 6-8] Eisen's Breeding-Ready Ditto Army

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Lf modest ditto holding gold bottle cap
Deposited zubat female lvl 12
Ign aqw
Message I want to trade for a pokemon that will help with my adventure.
I want the ditto for breeding and the bottle cap for my meloetta
Hello Eisen!
First thanks for your help, it is really appreciated ;) My request is:

Perfect Ditto Joly with gold cap
Deposit: Fearow lvl 34 female
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that will help with my adventure.
Reason: To perform breed of strat pokemon. Only managed to catch 4iv ditto ...

Have a nice day

EDIT : ditto received, thanks again ;)
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Request: Perfect Ditto (6 max IV's) with a destiny knot.
IGN: Rick
Deposit: lvl 1 Alolan Meowth Male
Message: This is a Pokémon that just hatched. Please raise it carefully.
Reason: I want to start to breed my own team on pokemon sun. Hope you can help me with that. :-)

(Haven't got a Mareep yet on sun, hope to give you one the next time :-))

Just got it, thank you very much!! Have a nice day! :-)
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  • Request: Ditto PrfctBrave (31/31/31/31/31/0 Brave)
    with an Assault Vest.
    IGN: Sean-Michael (coloured shorts and boots, glasses, Prof. Oak shirt)
  • Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
    Deposit: Psyduck LV 14 female
    Reason: With your Slowbro and this Ditto I can build up my TR Team. Thank you!
Requested: Ditto HPGrass
Item Requested: Gold Bottle Cap
IGN: Daniel
Deposited: level 1 male Growlithe
Message: I want to trade for one of your precious Pokémon you've given a nickname to.

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Pokemon Deposited: Level 24 Female Grimer
IGN: Dalton
Message: I want to trade for one of your precious Pokemon you've given a nickname to.
Pokemon Requesting: Kartana

Fightinium Z
Jolly | Beast Boost
IVs: 30/31/29/x/31/31 (Hyper trained to 31/31/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Swords Dance / Leaf Blade / Smart Strike / Sacred Sword

If you are capable of nicknaming, would really appreciate you nicknaming it Sadako. The reason I am wanting this Kartana, minus the fact of wanting to unleash it's capability, is that I am so fascinated in the story behind it. It being an origami-like creature, it reminds me of a novel I read growing up, Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, which shows that given a strong enough will, you can inspire many.

Requested: HP Ground Dittobwith gold bottle cap.
Deposited lvl 2 caterpie female
Ign: Bodacious
Message: Please trade pokemon with me thank you in advance
Need a good ditto to breed for a ribombee
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Lf modest ditto with gold bottle cap
Deposited lvl 12 female oricorio (electric)
Ign aqw
Message I want to trade for a pokemon that will help with my adventure.
Want the ditto for breeding and need the bottle cap for my cosmoem
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Requested: HPIce (31/0/30/31/31/31 Timid [HP Ice])
Item requested: Lucky egg
Pokemon deposited: Lv 51 male zubat
IGN: Moon
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thanks for the giveaways :)
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Pokemon requested: PrfctAdmnt Ditto (31/31/31/31/31/31 Adamant)
Pokemon deposited: A female, level 18 Stufful
Message: "Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance."
Item requested: A Bottle cap

I received it. Thank you so much!
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Requested: Breedject of Cutiefly with Timid 5 IVs in the right stats (male) [HP Ground] w/ Shield Dust (if it's still available of course)
Deposited: A level 12 female Gastly
IGN: Dullin
Message: "Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance."
(I listed the filters as gender: male and level: any. Let me know if this is ok since I did not find cutiefly's level on the breedject box)

Got it! Thank you so much!
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Requested: DITTO SpAModest (31/0/31/31/31/31 Modest)
Item: Razor Fang (for Gliscor)
Deposited lvl 7 grimer Male
Ign: Bodacious
Breedings for Vikavolt And item for Gliscor. Tough to find :/
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Requested: DITTO SpAModest (31/0/31/31/31/31 Modest)
Item: Razor Fang (for Gliscor)
Deposited lvl 7 grimer Male
Ign: Bodacious
Breedings for Vikavolt And item for Gliscor. Tough to find :/

I assume you meant IGN Daniel, but left Bodacious from copy-pasting? If so, sent! If not, I'm confused :P
Lf quiet ditto with gold bottle cap
Deposited lvl 10 male crabrawler
Ign aqw
Message I want to trade for a pokemon that will help me with my adventure.
Need the bottle cap for my volcanion and need the ditto for trick room teams.
Would love the

Lv.1 female Mimikyu
IGN: Nigel
Reason: I love Rattata! Does my username not suggest that?
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
Requesting: Entrainment Truant Durant
Deposited: Level 1 Female Abra
IGN: Jebus
Reason: Going to try out a Battle Tree team with the good old Entrainment/Truant setup.
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
Hey, excited to see that you're giving away breedjects alongside the monthly giveaway :)

Request: Goomy breedject (Modest w/ Sap Sipper)
Deposited: Lv. 29 Female Mudbray
IGN: AGSilver
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
Reason: I want to have one ready to breed in case I think of a VGC team with Goodra

Thanks so much!
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Requesting: Goomy 1x Bold w/ Sap Sipper
Deposited: Klefki
Gender: Female
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that will help me with my adventure.

I see someone already requested the modest, so I will request for the Bold Goomy. Please and thank you very much. I want to try and build different teams
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