[Gen 6-8] Eisen's Breeding-Ready Ditto Army

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Hi, thank you very much for doing this!

Life Orb
Quiet | Regenerator
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/0
EVs: 232 HP / 24 Def / 252 SpAtk
Trick Room / Surf / Psyshock / Ice Beam

IGN: Sean-Michael
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.
Deposited: A lvl. 15 female cubone

Reason: I want to make a TR Team and need a viable TR setter. After a few hourI gave up catching a Regenerator-Slowbro by myself :/
Would love the Perfect Ditto!
Perfect (31/31/31/31/31/31 Jolly)
IGN: Nigel
Deposited: Lv.31 Tentacruel
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
Reason: I need this ditto because it would save me a lot of time for breeding. Right now I use 4iv dittos and chain breed, leading to a lot of unwanted spitbacks.
Edit: Sniped, put up the lv.100 shiny ditto (lonely nature and Japanese) I got from the GTS.
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Hi, I'd like this breedject Cutiefly

  • 1x Timid 5 IVs in the right stats (male) w/ Shield Dust

IGN: Andre
Pokemon deposited: Cutiefly, lv 10, M
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles
Requesting: Breedject Cutiefly Timid 5 IVs in the right stats (male) w/ Shield Dust
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Request: Jolly Marowak with Thick Club
Deposit: lv 27 dhelmise
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles
Reason: Id like to use this for a tailwind team.
Requested: Shiny Timid Xerneas with Choice Specs
IGN: Linathan
Deposit: Wingull (M) Lv1
Reason: Bring back the Big 6! Just kidding. VGC 2016 was a pretty bad format for me, but doesn't hurt to play around with one of the biggest threats of that format!
Message: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for this giveaway! :)
Lf your flawless jolly ditto with gold bottle cap.
Deposited lvl 28 octillery male
Ign aqw
Message I want to trade for a pokemon that will help with my adventure.
Need a good ditto for breeding and I also need the bottle cap for my cosmoem
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Requested: kartana

Focus Sash
Jolly | Beast Boost
IVs: 31/31/31/x/3/31 (Hyper trained to 31/31/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Leaf Blade / Smart Strike / Sacred Sword / Protect

IGN: Ziomauri
Deposited: lv52 male emolga (poke ball)
Reason: I have pokemon moon
Message: i want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles

Thanks in advance :)

Thank you!
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Requested: Ditto HPGrndPrft (31/31/31/30/30/31 Modest [HP Ground]) (Bottle Cap)
Deposited: Lillipup (Lv. 15, male, Dusk Ball)
IGN: Andre
Message: I want to fill my Pokédex.
Thank you!
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Sent: Ditto x6, Greninja, Slowbro, Xerneas, Zygarde, Pheromosa

Awaiting trade: Jirachi, Diancie

LeviticusBrynhildr, thetoprattata, zdrup15, Ilikebugs & Ziomauri : It seems all of you got sniped :( Sorry about that, I'll be around in the next few hours if you want to redeposit.

For this month, I would like,

Modest | Static -> Mold Breaker
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 28 HP / 252 SpAtk / 4 SpDef / 224 Spe
Thunderbolt / Dragon Pulse / Focus Blast / Agility

Instead of an Ampahrosite, I'd like a Destiny Knot if possible.
Also, if possible name it after you. :P

IGN: Red
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
Deposited: A lvl. 15 Female Alolomola

Reason: Instead of giving you bad Pokemon, I would like to give you Mareep instead, because you deserve to be happy after helping other people. :D
Also, I wanna see how well it does in the Battle Tree.

Wow, this is such a kind request!
Sadly (?), I cannot nickname Ampharos, since it was bred in Gen 6 :/ I'm extremely honoured you wanted it nicknamed after me, though! :D
Without the Ampharosite available, I'm afraid it might not fare too well in the Tree :/ Without STAB, Dragon Pulse won't hit so hard. But definitely let me know how it goes, once we manage to not get sniped and do the trade! :P

Edit: Sniped, put up the lv.100 shiny ditto (lonely nature and Japanese) I got from the GTS.

I honestly believe this is guaranteed to be sniped within 30 seconds (and indeed it was) :P
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Lf Adamant perfect ditto
Deposited honedge male lvl 19
Ign aqw
Message I want to trade for a pokemon that will help me with my adventure.
Want the ditto for breeding and the gold bottle cap for my hoopa.
Thanks in avance!
Requested: kartana
Focus Sash
Jolly | Beast Boost
IVs: 31/31/31/x/3/31 (Hyper trained to 31/31/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Leaf Blade / Smart Strike / Sacred Sword / Protect

IGN: Ziomauri
Deposited: lv52 male emolga (poke ball)
Reason: I have pokemon moon
Message: i want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles

Thanks in advance :)
got sniped 3 times! Deposited lv1 female growlithe (great ball)
Thank you!
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Hello again Eisen. Thanks again for doing this!
Requested: Perfect IV Adamant Ditto with Gold Bottle Cap if you don't mind :)
IGN: Alex
Deposited: Level 50 Male Wingull
GTS Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that will help me with my adventure.

Reason: Saving a lot of breeding time!! Though being able to get 4IV Dittos in the wild has been nice in Gen 7.

Thank you again <333
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Requested: Tapu Fini

Bold | Misty Surge
IVs: 31/x/30/31/24/31 (Hyper trained to 31/x/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 248 HP / 196 Def / 56 SpDef / 8 Spe
Moonblast / Surf / Taunt / Defog

Deposited: Psyduck lvl 17 female in pokeball
IGN: Riannon
Message Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
Reason: I want to try VGC and build with Tapu Fini. Thanks!
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Would love the Perfect Ditto!
Perfect (31/31/31/31/31/31 Jolly)
IGN: Nigel
Deposited: Lv.31 Tentacruel
Message: Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
Reason: I need this ditto because it would save me a lot of time for breeding. Right now I use 4iv dittos and chain breed, leading to a lot of unwanted spitbacks.
Edit: Sniped, put up the lv.100 shiny ditto (lonely nature and Japanese) I got from the GTS.
Put up a lv.91 Ditto, named John Cena.
Sent: Diancie, Ditto x2, Kartana, Tapu Fini

Awaiting trade: Jirachi

bodaciouspigeon : Seems you were already sniped :/

thetoprattata : The Ditto was sniped; putting a Ditto on the GTS is almost guaranteed to get sniped very quickly, people are looking for them. I ask to not deposit Ditto in my first post, please try something different.
Requested: Ditto SpAQuiet
Item Requested: Gold Bottle Cap
IGN: Daniel
Deposited: level 1 male Growlithe
Message: I want to trade for one of your precious Pokémon you've given a nickname to.

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Requested: Ditto HPGrass
Item Requested: Gold Bottle Cap
IGN: Daniel
Deposited: level 1 female Growlithe
Message: I want to trade for one of your precious Pokémon you've given a nickname to.

Sniped. Reposted. Seems like people love to throw around hacked Dittos.
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Requested: Timid Xurkitree
IGN: Alex
Deposited: Level 5 Female Wingull
GTS Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that will help me with my adventure.

Reason: Half I still need Pokerus in SuMo, half was thinking of trying Scarf Timid Xurk on Battle Spot. As always I really appreciate the work you put in!!

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Bold | Natural Cure
IVs: 31/0/31/26/24/31 (Hyper trained to 31/0/31/31/31/31)
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Def / 84 SpDef / 16 Spe
Giga Drain / Recover / Thunder Wave / Baton Pass

IGN: Jeffrey
FC: 1221-0650-9233

This is one of the last few pokemon I'm missing for my living dex, and a competitive one sure wouldn't hurt :P

Thanks in advance!
Wow, this is such a kind request!
Sadly (?), I cannot nickname Ampharos, since it was bred in Gen 6 :/ I'm extremely honoured you wanted it nicknamed after me, though! :D
Without the Ampharosite available, I'm afraid it might not fare too well in the Tree :/ Without STAB, Dragon Pulse won't hit so hard. But definitely let me know how it goes, once we manage to not get sniped and do the trade! :P

Thanks! I just felt like you deserved it.
Aww, well, at least I can give dem Mareep.

Also! I redeposited, a female, lv. 1 Snubbul.
IGN: Red (As usual)
IGM: I want to fill my Pokedex.

Thanks Eisen! Now to get that Mareep count to 100!
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Adamant | Intimidate -> Mold Breaker
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Dragon Dance / Waterfall / Earthquake / Ice Fang

Deposited: Lvl. 9 M Misdreavus
IGN: Moshik
Message: I want to trade for a Pokemon that is strong in battles.
Reason: Lost my shiny Gyara a while back...

Thank you!
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Requested: Ditto HPGrass
Item Requested: Gold Bottle Cap
IGN: Daniel
Deposited: level 1 male Growlithe
Message: I want to trade for one of your precious Pokémon you've given a nickname to.

Not sniped, but not found.
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