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Gen 5 Drought Team - - Critique Needed

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Ok guys so I've been playing pokemon for forever and I've had many mock battles between local friends and what not. Over the years and within the last few years we have discovered all the different formulas that go into making a solid team -- and now that we have made that discovery our metagame is stepping up. I want to get into more online battles myself so I'm trying to make as solid a team as possible.

Before any more suggestions like this are made, no I don't want Heatran. I don't want to erase a file just to get him (I already caught him) and Arcanine has just as good coverage from his movepool if I wanted to make him a sweeper...which I might just do. And his stats aren't absolutely terrible...the only issue is the typing and honestly I can overlook this flaw.

Before I jot down everyone I'm wanting to use, note that I have done a lil researching on Sun Teams at competitions and lots of them have more than a couple shared weaknesses so that's why I've only slightly thrown that rule out the window for more sun abuse. However if I can mitigate that problem any advice is appreciated.

Without further ado, here's what I've formulated so far:



Nature: Timid
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 Speed
Item: Air Balloon
Will-o-the Wisp
Sunny Day

I swapped to a defensive set after switching my battle strategy. Hypnosis I feel is a must so I can, thanks to the new sleep mechs, effectively remove a pokemon from the game temporarily. Will-o-the-Wisp can also mitigate its weakness to Tyranitar. Fire Blast I may end up switching to if Flamethrower doesn't cut it.


Nature: Adamant
Ability: Technician
EVs: 88 Hp / 252 Atk / 164 Speed
Item: Flying Gem // Life Orb
Bullet Punch
Swords Dance

After much deliberation, I decided to use him in place of Starmie. No Rapid Spin, true. But in its place he checks everything I need checked. Tyranitar and every dragon type be damned (along with most of OU tier) he gets rid of MANY threats after a Swords Dance in many cases in one hit. Also he grants an immunity to poison should it make a presence. SubToxic can be very annoying and he's my reply to that as well. I can also switch to Arcanine should a fire type move be of worrying.



Nature: Jolly
Ability: Multi-Scale
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Speed
Item: Lum Berry
Dragon Dance
Fire Punch

This set allows Dragonite to turn into an absolute rape train. Multi-Scale, if Stealth Rock is spun out by Starmie, allows a pseudo-guarantee use of Dragon Dance, making him almost impossible to switch into. Earthquake deals with sun's ultimate threat of Heatran and Fire Punch boosted by dance and the sun gets rid of Metagross which otherwise would wall Dragonite. Outrage is for sheer power though if the lack of ability to switch moves bothers me at some point I can also sacrifice EQ coverage and use Dragon Claw with Extreme Speed to kill off anything that does not resist the two.


Nature: Impish
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Speed
Item: Leftovers
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock
Ice Shard

After taking Starmie out a second time, I see now that Donphan is a very reliable spinner and Stealth Rocker. His stats offensively don't even require the necessary training in evs to hit hard either...not to mention priority Ice Shard to mitigate his speed. He acts as yet another check to Tyranitar and things like that. Landorus-T and the f*cking Heatran (I believe Donphan's bulk hp should be able to allow him to kill Heatran after soaking a hit) to boot. I originally chose Starmie to face off drizzle teams but honestly between Scizor, Venusaur and Arcanine (oddly enough) I can still handle them. Another neat little niche he has too is that he can be sent out if Trick Room is a threat. At that point he will outspeed Reuniclus provided it isn't carrying anything like an Iron Ball or Lagging Tail and then proceed to 2HKO it.

Now for the sun abusers:



Nature: Jolly
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 200 Speed / 48 HP / 4 Sp. Def
Item: Expert Belt // Choice Band
Will-o-the-Wisp // Crunch
Flare Blitz
Wild Charge
Close Combat

I switched to an offensive set to more gear to the nature of this team. Keep stacking on the offense! More sweepers equals walls will go down with one of them, and this set boons this strategy. This set grant near perfect coverage and is nothing to shake a stick at. Expert Belt is an obvious choice in this regard as the Jolly nature and ev spread should get him to outspeed at least half of the metagame. For everything else, Will-o-the-Wisp cripples physical attackers such as Tyranitar and Terrakion that threaten him and will afterwards allow him to continue hitting hard. Crunch may be used in place of Will-o-the-Wisp if I decide on an Expert Belt set.



Nature: Timid
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 72 HP / 4 Def / 252 Sp. Atk / 180 Speed
Item:Life Orb // Black Sludge if Item Clause is on
Sleep Powder
Giga Drain
Sludge Bomb // Hidden Power Whatever

This is it guys. One of the most threatening pokemon in the sun, Venusaur. With Chlorophyll it is nigh impossible to outspeed this bugger, and after a Growth boost his Special Attack SOARS to near 600. Attack coverage is pretty good even if something is resisted, because like I already mentioned, 600 Sp. Atk lol. Giga Drain also mitigates Life Orb. Sludge Bomb is a maybe depending on the steel type presence in people in my metagame.


The goal of this team build is to not only shine in the sun, but to also have checks for many pokemon in the OU meta. Drizzle and Sand Stream teams are my rivals and both have a huge advantage over a sun team which isn't properly equipped. Scizor and Dragonite both serve this purpose perfectly. Venusaur can get out of hand very fast if done properly and Arcanine serves to protect my Fire-Type weaknesses while also filling the role of a revenge killer with a possible Extreme-Speed after the opposing pokemon has been weakened.

Before any other suggestions like this are made, no to the Heatran. I understand he has better typing and can check an opposing sun team by himself. But I am not willing right now to go and delete a file just to get one with perfect IVs and Nature. Arcanine's stats and move-pool grant just as many possibilities.

This is the 4th version of the team. I feel like it's almost done now! The only true problem is my shared weaknesses in my opinion. Everything else looks amazing. I have certain checks to certain weather teams and ways to gain tempo. But all in all, that's only my opinion. What do you guys think?




Nature: Naive
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Speed
Item: Expert Belt
Draco Meteor
Fire Blast

Hydreigon's type coverage is nigh perfect, which makes him a prime user for Expert Belt. Fire Blast is obviously ran for sun boostage and sheer power. The main reason I chose Hydreigon is that he is very hard to switch into in most circumstances. One wrong switch can cause someone a game and Hydreigon's coverage is sure to cause some trip-ups. Also he is my lead. If I don't like the match-up at the start, U-Turn into a counter. I could also U-Turn into Dugtrio to trap another weather carrier before I ever send out Ninetales. Since he is my lead I have considered Taunt in this set to stop other trap leads or just simply annoying Baton Passer leads.

I swapped him for Dragonite for the sole purpose of Multi-Scale. Also swapping like this reduces the shared weaknesses on my team some. But all in all he is still amazing and I will still use him when I feel like it.



Nature: Jolly
Ability: Arena Trap
EVs: 4 Def / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
Item: Focus Sash
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge

A check to Heatran whether he has Air Balloon or not. Also checks Tyranitar, Terrakion, and after Stealth Rock set-up Focus Sash will in most cases activate making Reversal high power -- then being more powerful than STAB Earthquake. This can also deal a humungous amount of damage to Drizzle Politoed. He can also be switched into after my lead Hydreigon uses his U-Turn, most likely locking in another weather team's weather carrier before I ever send out Ninetales.

I will probably swap Starmie out for him if I swap in Hydreigon for the strategy listed above. That's about it lol. I love Dugtrio and he is cool and all, but I feel he only has one niche. And I dislike that the omni-present Stealth Rock breaks his sash.



Nature: Timid
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 Sp. Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Speed
Item: Choice Specs
Ice Beam
Rapid Spin

I've had this set on here before. Starmie was even on the very first version of my team and the Choice lock into Rapid Spin was pointed out. But after much deliberation I have decided that it's not so bad. Sure, I'll be locked into it if Starmie stays out. Yeah, that might give up a little tempo but at the same time this allows Dragonite to switch in with Multi-Scale in-tact later on, and also allows Starmie to shine after the entry hazard pokemon has been dealt with. Starmie is also very important to checking rain teams as well as with Choice Specs he will 2HKO the specially defensive Jellicent. That in itself means that in most cases Starmie can revenge kill many of the popular rain team candidates. Tyranitar could pose a huge threat as well, though if he gets sent out odds are he will try landing a dark-type move which Scizor can easily switch to and start tearing holes in him.
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Overall it's very solid if you wanted to runner stuff to abuse flash fire I guess you could try a sawsbuck as it's a good sun sweeper and would be a
Full fledged physical attacker and sweeper/revenge killer but other than that is extremely solid I give it 8.6 out of 10
I think Heatran will be better than Arcanine.
Sloth (Heatran) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Overheat
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I think Heatran will be better than Arcanine.
Sloth (Heatran) (F) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Overheat
I don't think I'm gonna give into Heatran tempation, as much as I want to. I do not have enough physical attackers on this team and switching to him could be disasterous if a good wall switches in.

I might swap Volcarona out for Dugtrio or Gliscor so I can deal with Heatran better because I know that not only is he an asset to sun teams he is also a check to sun teams, though I am unsure yet.
Hi there, nice and original team :)
A small nitpick: You say starmie checks tyranitar but i'm pretty sure ttar can survive anything starmie has to offer and kill with crunch/pursuit.

Another general problem i see in this team at first glance: No steel types, wich means dragons can do what they want. Thats why heatran is such a staple on sun teams as its the only steel type that doesn't get its fire weakness boosted. However i feel like you don't like the thought of putting heatran in the team so you'll just have to predict fire type attacks.
The options then are : Jirachi, Ferrothorn, Forretress, Skarmory and scizor if you don't want entry hazards.
I feel like Jirachi or Scizor would be the best pick to get some more physical dammage in the team. Jirachi can run Stealth rock while scizor can check about 50% of the OU threats.

One thing i'd defenatly change also is Hydreigons nature, he has 2 physical attacks but modest takes away of its power, better run Naive or hasty for max speed, or Mild/rash for max SpA.

Good luck with the team :)
Orr you can use good old weavile :P It handles dragon types like a charm with ice shard/ice punch/pursuit. Its weak to scizor but you have 3 fire pokemon that can handle it so it might be a good fit.
Orr you can use good old weavile :P It handles dragon types like a charm with ice shard/ice punch/pursuit. Its weak to scizor but you have 3 fire pokemon that can handle it so it might be a good fit.

Yeah that works aswell however weavile cant switch into a dragon, he can only revenge kill. Multiscale DDnite laughs at his ice shard unless its banded (wich weavile never is i think? correct me if i'm wrong).
However since this team is rather offensive weavile might work better.
All up to the Arcanine Fan :P
Hi there, nice and original team :)
A small nitpick: You say starmie checks tyranitar but i'm pretty sure ttar can survive anything starmie has to offer and kill with crunch/pursuit.

Another general problem i see in this team at first glance: No steel types, wich means dragons can do what they want. Thats why heatran is such a staple on sun teams as its the only steel type that doesn't get its fire weakness boosted. However i feel like you don't like the thought of putting heatran in the team so you'll just have to predict fire type attacks.
The options then are : Jirachi, Ferrothorn, Forretress, Skarmory and scizor if you don't want entry hazards.
I feel like Jirachi or Scizor would be the best pick to get some more physical dammage in the team. Jirachi can run Stealth rock while scizor can check about 50% of the OU threats.

One thing i'd defenatly change also is Hydreigons nature, he has 2 physical attacks but modest takes away of its power, better run Naive or hasty for max speed, or Mild/rash for max SpA.

Good luck with the team :)
Can't believe I overlooked the nature thing on Hydreigon...I just changed him from a suggestion from a different forum. I'm definitely changing that to Naive. Bummer too, I just hatched a f*ck awesome Deino with Modest...unless you would think Earth Power is good enough to run. As for switching out U-Turn if I go for Modest I might use Substitute or Roost.

As for Scizor, Idk what I would use in place of him. I could take out Starmie for him but Idk...I'm also switching Volcarona for either Dugtrio or Gliscor so we'll see. I do like Acrobatics with Flying gem and Technician, though.

As for Starmie, if I were to keep him yeah he doesn't directly take down Tyranitar...actually now I can see him switching out as well.

Orr you can use good old weavile :P It handles dragon types like a charm with ice shard/ice punch/pursuit. Its weak to scizor but you have 3 fire pokemon that can handle it so it might be a good fit.
I may end up wanting to use Skarmory for steel typing and Trap set-ups too, though I am sketchy on this. I don't particularily like to run one pokemon to specifically take out one type. Sure Weavile is pretty offensive but getting rid of dragons isn't quite enough to run it. I feel like Scizor gets rid of lots of the OU meta upon further inspection and can own dragons pretty well.
It could be banded but life orb is perfered. And also, thats why rocks is a must is all teams. You need rocks or else you'll never go as far with the team as you should.
Can't believe I overlooked the nature thing on Hydreigon...I just changed him from a suggestion from a different forum. I'm definitely changing that to Naive. Bummer too, I just hatched a f*ck awesome Deino with Modest...unless you would think Earth Power is good enough to run. As for switching out U-Turn if I go for Modest I might use Substitute or Roost.

As for Scizor, Idk what I would use in place of him. I could take out Starmie for him but Idk...I'm also switching Volcarona for either Dugtrio or Gliscor so we'll see. I do like Acrobatics with Flying gem and Technician, though.

As for Starmie, if I were to keep him yeah he doesn't directly take down Tyranitar...actually now I can see him switching out as well.

I may end up wanting to use Skarmory for steel typing and Trap set-ups too, though I am sketchy on this. I don't particularily like to run one pokemon to specifically take out one type. Sure Weavile is pretty offensive but getting rid of dragons isn't quite enough to run it. I feel like Scizor gets rid of lots of the OU meta upon further inspection and can own dragons pretty well.

Don't get me wrong on the starmie comment, he is a good rapid spinner, he just doesnt counter Ttar, scizor does tho, like a boss even :D
He can go over volcarona maybe too. Then you still don't have stealth rock tho, wich i feel you really need if you don't want venusaur dieing to a sash/sturdy pokemon.
He can go over volcarona maybe too. Then you still don't have stealth rock tho, wich i feel you really need if you don't want venusaur dieing to a sash/sturdy pokemon.

^This made my decision clear

I think Dugtrio is now a shoe in. Also I thought about this earlier -- Scizor's only weakness is fire I believe. FLASH FIRE. Perfect.

With the addition of Dugtrio and Scizor I now have dragon defense, stealth rock support, ttar checks along with most of the ou tier checking, nullifying toxic stallers, and the list goes on. These replacements give me more physical damage output as opposed to mostly specially offensive.

It could be banded but life orb is perfered. And also, thats why rocks is a must is all teams. You need rocks or else you'll never go as far with the team as you should.
This is something I have known I've needed and Idk why I never decided to support it til now. I'm glad you guys talked me into it.
As I said before, use Choice Scarf Heatran.
I'm trying to avoid this.

1) I have already caught the Heatran on each version I can catch him in. I don't feel like resetting one game just so I can get a Heatran.

2) Arcanine gets the job done just as well with worse typing. That's the only true downfall I see here. If I truly wanted, Arcanine's movepool (note not the move set I assigned here) also grants perfect coverage just like Heatran. And the stats really are not bad.

I'm sorry but it's not worth taking him out so I can be less original. Thanks for the suggestion though. Contrary to my reaction I do actually appreciate it. Now, do you think the team is fine otherwise?
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I'm trying to avoid this.

1) I have already caught the Heatran on each version I can catch him in. I don't feel like resetting one game just so I can get a Heatran.

2) Arcanine gets the job done just as well with worse typing. That's the only true downfall I see here. If I truly wanted, Arcanine's movepool (note not the move set I assigned here) also grants perfect coverage just like Heatran. And the stats really are not bad.

I'm sorry but it's not worth taking him out so I can be less original. Thanks for the suggestion though. Contrary to my reaction I do actually appreciate it. Now, do you think the team is fine otherwise?
Yes, it will do well.
I'm not really a big fan of dugtrio, and not having a spinner will most likely lose you the weather war, not to mention dugs sash. You could trade dugtrio for a standard donphan, as it is still a check. Plus most heatrans double switch after they go in, losing you a turn if it is successful.
Replacement for hydreigon?
I don't think Fairies will be an issue. They're weak to fire after all and are all frail from what I've seen.

I'm not really a big fan of dugtrio, and not having a spinner will most likely lose you the weather war, not to mention dugs sash. You could trade dugtrio for a standard donphan, as it is still a check. Plus most heatrans double switch after they go in, losing you a turn if it is successful.
I may consider this. I do like Donphan more than Dugtrio too but I'll look more into it and reply on the thread when I've done my research.
i just wanna make a suggestion of getting a spinner; Ninetales is really important to keep alive cuz if rain is up your p much screwed, and its losing along with arcanine 1/4 of its health from rocks, limiting switches. Rocks also break duggys sash, making his item completely useless u:
Imo the best spinner would be like starmie cuz its v fast, helps deal with rain and is p much the only offensive spinner, which is good cuz your team is quite offensive
i just wanna make a suggestion of getting a spinner; Ninetales is really important to keep alive cuz if rain is up your p much screwed, and its losing along with arcanine 1/4 of its health from rocks, limiting switches. Rocks also break duggys sash, making his item completely useless u:
Imo the best spinner would be like starmie cuz its v fast, helps deal with rain and is p much the only offensive spinner, which is good cuz your team is quite offensive
Starmie is something I had in the first version of this team. To be honest I still really think it's a great asset but what are your thoughts on Donphan or Starmie? Which do you think would be good? Both have Rapid Spin but Starmie has slightly better coverage with BoltBeam but Donphan has Spin Support alongside Stealth Rock.

I have considered taking Hydreigon out before but I feel he's just SO amazing and as such I have so much trouble fighting the will to take him out. If I do take him out I'd be swapping him for Starmie and then switching Dugtrio for Donphan.
The new version of the team is up. Before anyone says anything, yes, no Stealth Rock. I do have a set on here for Donphan though if later I feel like I still need entry hazards.

Another noted consideration, I have thought about an offensive set to Arcanine with:

Wild Charge
Flare Blitz
Extreme Speed
Close Combat

I might have formed some doubt on a bulky set for him, but what do you guys think?
i just wanna make a suggestion of getting a spinner; Ninetales is really important to keep alive cuz if rain is up your p much screwed, and its losing along with arcanine 1/4 of its health from rocks, limiting switches. Rocks also break duggys sash, making his item completely useless u:
Imo the best spinner would be like starmie cuz its v fast, helps deal with rain and is p much the only offensive spinner, which is good cuz your team is quite offensive

Starmie needs a lot of support to stay alive and generally works better on a rain team. I stand by my decision for donphan and would recommend him.

A major threat to this team is dragons, and scizor will not be able to take hits forever, and most dragons have fire coverage as well. A solid counter to most dragons is stealth rock and donphan would reliably check them. I overall think he suits this team much better than starmie, and he has he patches up your dragon weakness with priority ice-shard.

But, you know, your decision.
Starmie needs a lot of support to stay alive and generally works better on a rain team. I stand by my decision for donphan and would recommend him.

A major threat to this team is dragons, and scizor will not be able to take hits forever, and most dragons have fire coverage as well. A solid counter to most dragons is stealth rock and donphan would reliably check them. I overall think he suits this team much better than starmie, and he has he patches up your dragon weakness with priority ice-shard.

But, you know, your decision.
I guess I see it more now. Sorry if it looked like I didn't even consider Donphan...lately I have been terribly busy. 50 hours in 3 days :/

Starmie I will make the secondary slot instead of him. Now that I look at stats, his are actually very reliable for spinning and entry-hazarding. And he moves before any dragon...even when defending against other Dragon Dance boosters. While Starmie is fast, I think there's little it can do to stop a dancer.
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