Proposal Future of old gens and old gen tournaments

Gilbert arenas

Rex rhydon
is a Tiering Contributor
If we just look at OU tiers 1-8 the current tournament format is ideal as there is no overlap between stour/classic, giving every tier the right amount of exposure. With gen 9 on the horizon we are at a crossroads with what to do with oras and earlier gens like rby/gsc/adv. oras is obviously wayyyyyy more popular than basically every old gen and shouldn’t be removed from the tournament circuit. Ultra-chad vulpix made a great point in the slam thread: the abolition of classic and I’m all for it. Realistically there are like 10-20 people who have a legitimate chance at the trophy every year and the qualifying phase makes me want to do horrible things to myself and others. I propose that we host live tours - the ideal competitive format - one called the ‘relic tour/cup’ a bo3 stour format w rby gsc adv and one called the ‘golden cup/tour’ w dpp/bw/oras. Alternatively we could just have the old gens tournament circuit as it is right now, big fan of that. I just think we should try and figure this out now so when the time comes to axe smthing we are at a consensus. I didn’t even touch on spl format n other shit. Smogons focus should always be on cg ou but old gens are awesome and shouldn’t be swept away without a lot a thinking.
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Epic post by a tournament director to a thread raising legitimate concerns with tournament scene. Kudos for the faultless attempt at hilarity.

The tour circuit as a whole should either be reworked or finally come up with a specific site wide ethos to follow so we can actually have positive and fruitful discussion outside people consistently just clashing heads over what the tour community should/should not attempt to be striving towards during the development stages of these tours. See the other grand slam thread for reference of what an exclusivity vs perceived competitiveness argument devolves in to.

More specifically, Classic is easily the most gate-kept tour on the site and old gen player bases are pretty top heavy. I don't think many, if any, outside of ADV even have an active ladder of any quality. Everyone also seems to openly criticize the tours ran by Lutra throughout the year its pretty much circuit tours and the communities surrounding specific tiers that are the only places to actively grow competence with the tier. An incredibly alienating experience for new players.

Each generation included in Classic is wildly different to the next on a fundamental level, even more so than any of the slam tiers. No preview, no rocks, sleep talk, reflect, sleep in general, and the entire tier of RBY to name a few mechanics that change with each tier. Classic is also far more of a time sink than most tours on the site. RBY sets and GSC games are wildly acknowledged to be incredibly long and are derided as being boring the general smogon populace any time SPL comes knocking around again. I think vulpixs idea from the other thread is the best implementation of any idea given thus far and should be considered.

As an aside, my own personal agenda would see old gens stop being the secondary focus for alot of these tours and the current trophy circuit would be reformatted to be CG focused. Not just CG OU. It future proofs all tours outside of om or new official smogon tiers arguing representation, can be done in a seasons format á la VGC to avoid issues with tier shifts solving one of the main issues with lower tiers, and it would increase accessibility massively to the tournament scene. We get new players who perform incredibly well in all of the CG tournaments year on year, the same cannot be said of old gen tournaments and I believe its very telling of the current situation. The average new players experience in these tours is loading into Finchinator stalling them for 2 matches in a series into quitting due to not being able to play or practice the tiers at a progressive level throughout the year easily. Not exactly what our ideal tournament environment should look like. Problems with player base quality is addressed when you provide more incentive for players to actual play the tiers outside of slam and SCL in the middle of a congested tour season and slam with one of the worst formats in existence.

At the end of the day that last paragraph is a pipe dream though which I can't envision receiving much support from the vocal community on site so I'd rather post in support of Vulpix's idea instead as it solves alot of similar issues of the moment and deletes two awkwardly formatted, high skill floor tours (Extremely so in the case of classic) from an already crowded tour schedule. I'll link their post below.

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I will keep this sorta short. Serious post incoming:

1.) Classic should shift to a seeded format. I am not in favor of seeding in general, but the major appeal of Classic is the way it pulls in GOAT level players who make for an exciting playoff picture. Marcop's right - only a handful of people can actually win classic. Seeding could help to bolster the quality of playoffs while still making the tournament accessible for newcomers.

2.) Shift old generations to invitational tournaments, like the ones CALLOUS has been hosting. Yes, that means a monetary prize. I know this is a touchy subject on the forums, but cash prizes + the ability for donors to contribute to that pool is a GREAT thing for tournaments. For old gens in particular, the CALLOUS tours have been the most hype lately, and the cash prizes + strong format is a good reason for this. I think adopting this sort of format for old generations plays into their strengths - big name players that people like to watch, playing the gens they (typically) prefer to play, etc. Ideally, these would be official, rewarding trophies. I don't care about trophy inflation. It's just some pixels, but if you win a significant sum of money playing Pokemon, you probably deserve something to signify that for the history books.

I cite CALLOUS because he's done the best job with this. He deserves a lot of credit in that area.


It is true that old generations tend to be less accessible, but they still have passionate, very high level playerbases that should be represented in the tournaments scene. On team tours, a big reason SPL has been so much more successful than the lower tier team tours is the excitement surrounding those big players and their games (hell, even their signups). Shifting old gens to an invitational-focused format, while preserving Classic, helps to accommodate for a growing list of generations while emphasizing the things that make old generations great for the community.

If this is not appropriate for this thread, let me know, and I will start a new thread.

cb aaron judge

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was thinking about this very subject a few days ago but thought it was too soon to warrant a thread despite it being some potential ideas could be changing fall smogon tour to the 3 generations preceding the 3 most recent generations, & adjusting as new generations are released. as for classic, splitting it up into “old” - rby/gsc/adv (fall) & “new” dpp/bw/oras (spring) with a combined playoff at the conclusion among top points getters with winner granted trophy/cash prize (ost for old gens prestigewise). i would argue the lifeblood of tournaments is spl, & to ensure it never gets stale the best way to do this is to ensure there are consistent methods to find new talent in older generations while also incentivizing existing players to stick around.
I have never really talked too much about my invitational tournaments here on Smogon as I’m not really the attention-seeking type and I don’t want to come off as smarmy or self-important. However, with this topic finally coming up organically I would like to offer my perspective.

First of all in over a decade of competitive mons I’ve never played a single ADV Cup or attempted to be involved with Classic in any way, so I’m not necessarily the best guy to discuss the state of Smogon tournaments in old gens, but I sure as hell know the 1-5 player base between running Pokemon Perfect, running invitationals and managing however many old gens tours. In short, I do agree with the consensus that overall player quality and probably depth too have declined as years have gone by and continue to decline as more time passes. Remember the old SPL ADV lineups with Asta, BKC, Ojama, Roro, Undisputed and others all in the pool? With no disrespect to any current day players, I think we can all agree that we are not at that same level of quality today. Looking at the Lavos, BKC, prime Fear, prime Conflict, Earthworm days of GSC I think the same can be said of the other tiers as well.

Regarding invitationals, here’s what I can tell you, good and bad, from half a decade of hosting Callous Invitational.

The tournament has grown in hype, popularity and prize pool every single year and has shown no sign of slowing down. In perspective, we exceeded CI4’s total end of tournament prize pool BEFORE PLAY-INS began in CI5. Our final total was nearly double that of the previous year.

As far as sheer quantity, the number of donors has also gone up every single year by huge amounts. Again, it doubled between CI4 and CI5.

I receive dozens of messages from participants and spectators alike that Callous Invitational is their favorite event in all of Pokemon and the thing they look forward to the most each year. People really, really like it and the appreciation and hype for the tour are extremely evident if you’ve ever been in my Discord server while the tournament is going on.

Often times top players, including players who no longer care about or participate in even the biggest Smogon tournaments such as SPL, come out of the woodwork to play CI and they give it their 100%. UD and Undisputed immediately come to mind from this last year, Asta in previous years, etc.

These tours go a long way towards unifying the community. There is absolutely no dispute that the ADV community is, by far, the deepest, strongest, most active and most unified among all Classic gens. That’s not a coincidence.

The tour requires A LOT of time and effort and it’s easier said than done to find someone who is both willing and able to provide that. If you plan on having an old gen invitational for all of 1-5, not to sound like a dink, but you won’t just find a CALLOUS equivalent in the other gens. Likewise, I cannot emphasize the importance of narrating the games. Again, it’s easier said than done to find someone who will do that. Consider who will be at the helm of these tours before moving forward.

There is no perfect, completely objective, “correct” system for choosing who should or should not be invited. I sincerely try my best every single year to be as fair, objective and neutral as possible and assemble the best lineups I can taking all sorts of things into account- What have they done in the past 12 months? How good do I think an older player still is today? How motivated are they? How much effort do I think they’ll put in? Are they difficult to schedule with? Is there a chance they’ll quit on the tournament or disappear midway through? Is their inclusion going to cause problems for other reasons? How much do they care about ADV? Are they just a pilot? There is no flawless way to make these kind of calls and at the end of the day there will always be people who are critical of the decisions that are made. We certainly don’t want to introduce something that the community views as biased, rigged or unfair.

The inclusion of banned users is also a hot button topic. For me every decision has always been on a case by case basis. This past year I let pasy_g play and there were no problems. Simultaneously, I opted not to let Lavos, a longtime friend and someone I’ve always gotten along with really well by the way, play. If we move these tournaments to Smogon, how will this be handled? We will have to consider what kind of concessions we are willing to make. If the rule were “anyone who is currently banned is ineligible to participate” that’s not something I would personally support or agree with and I’d not be involved in hosting tours here if that were non-negotiable. It’s my personal belief that not all bans are created equal and these tours are about showcasing the best players in any given tier first and foremost.

Even if we move the tournaments to Smogon, a dedicated Discord server is absolutely necessary. Watching the games live and commentating and enjoying as they happen is a HUGE part of the enjoyment and the hype building. How would that sit with Smogon’s rules regarding “ghosting”? Would that open up a can of worms of “if it’s okay in that tour why isn’t it okay in this other one”? Again, consider this before moving forward. Along the same lines, understand that with money on the line and clear incentive to do so, you’re risking players colluding or cheating in invitationals. Doesn’t it just make sense that Pikachu123 and Raichu321, both participants in the tournament and longtime friends, would agree to be in a call with each other during all their matches, help each other and then split whatever prize they win at the end? The more you build these tours and get more money involved the more likely and incentivized this undesirable behavior becomes.

Introducing a financial element also opens up a whole host of potential problems. What if someone wants their money back? What if a minor donates using their parents card/account without their permission? What if the person holding the money, potentially thousands of dollars, takes the money and runs? Is Smogon prepared to deal with these potential problems? Money complicates things. We aren’t just playing for pixels anymore.

For now this post is long enough and I’ve literally typed this all out on my phone at work. I think there is a lot of upside to going down the invitationals rabbit hole but I also think there’s a right and a wrong way to do it and it comes with plenty of risk and new problems. I’d be happy to discuss the matter further if anyone has any questions.
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The inclusion of banned users is also a hot button topic. For me every decision has always been on a case by case basis. This past year I let pasy_g play and there were no problems. Simultaneously, I opted not to let Lavos, a longtime friend and someone I’ve always gotten along with really well by the way, play. If we move these tournaments to Smogon, how will this be handled? We will have to consider what kind of concessions we are willing to make. If the rule were “anyone who is currently banned is ineligible to participate” that’s not something I would personally support or agree with and I’d not be involved in hosting tours here if that were non-negotiable. It’s my personal belief that not all bans are created equal and these tours are about showcasing the best players in any given tier first and foremost.
None. Forum banned and tourbanned people are both banned from playing in any tournament hosted by Smogon. It's not even up for discussion.


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I have some thoughts about the prestige of tournaments.

So World Cup #1 was just some naff tournament idea that Jackal had. At the time I think Jackal was a guy who was around smogon, but I dont think I knew him personally. He hosts this tournament, there's no NZ/Oceania team I think, And I think what happened is at some point after the first round Asia needed a sub for a round and I said "I'll play" cause I had played for Asia in other world cups before and I guess I had probably been knocked out of whatever other tournament it was that I actually cared about at the time. I honestly am not sure, I get this tournament confused with some other tours cause I hardly remember it. But you guys retroactively gave me a trophy for that!

SPL #1 was a major tournament, with a trophy and all, with RBY in it! Except the RBYers were mostly just washed up big names who had been bought for a lot of money but weren't good enough to play current gens. But somewhere along the line SPL eventually became the pinnacle of RBY competition. I regret a little that I didnt just farm SPL RBY those early years, except I am pretty sure I would have brought Nidokings and Muks or whatever every round and ended up with a moderate record anyway.

Point being, not many tournaments start out with prestige, even ones with trophies. You might think the circuit tours arent prestigious, but put a trophy on the end of them, or count ribbons towards the hall of fame, and they'll catch on. You don't need money either...


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I'm going to be quite blunt in this post, but this shit is getting out of hand. ABR might not take the correct tone when addressing these posts, but at least he cares enough to respond, and his valuable counterpoint shouldn't be removed. I agree with his sentiment 100%.

Individual trophies are meant to be the highest honor on the site. If only 10-20 users can win classic, good. Get better if you want to win. It not only lowers the value of current trophies if everyone is capable of winning one, but past ones as well. How can you compare a Smogon Frontier winner who had to run a gauntlet of the best players on the site with little to no margin of error to a PU cup winner? I think most of us can agree that ribbons hold little value; if we implement some of these recent proposals, trophies will just become the new ribbons.

I can agree that the tournament scene seems to be on a decline, and there are likely ways that we could rectify this. Inflating the trophy market is not the way to handle this.

At this rate we might as well start awarding participation trophies for signing up.

Side note, but needs addressing as marcop brought it up: Please don't lump gen 6 in with 4/5. Speaking as an avid old gen player, fairy gens hold almost nothing in common with the older gens. This would be an easy way to turn off a huge amount of the playerbase.


is a Tiering Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnus
RUPL Champion
Side note, but needs addressing as marcop brought it up: Please don't lump gen 6 in with 4/5. Speaking as an avid old gen player, fairy gens hold almost nothing in common with the older gens. This would be an easy way to turn off a huge amount of the playerbase.
RBY and BW hold absolutely nothing in common, yet they are in classic together. I am missing your point as to why ORAS can't be in the same tour as non fairy tiers. If ORAS isn't in classic, then should it just be the forgotten "middle child"? The alternative to classic would probably be to split stour up into a "current gen stour" with ubers, ou and uu and then a "new gens tour" with gens 6-8 ou, but this is a short term solution that will need to once again be looked at once gen 10 comes out (if smogon even exists then).

Also, if you are an avid old gen player than maybe you should learn ORAS. Time is moving just as swift as ever and gamefreak is releasing new gens every couple years, so you can't stay hidden in the gens 1-5 bubble forever.

As for trophies, maybe read the post above yours. It's even more exclusive than the current system!

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