Pet Mod Fusion Evolution [Gen 9] - Final Winners! | Closure

:sv/tsareena: :ss/aerodactyl:
Who up grassing they rocks
DNA Donors: Aerodactyl / Tsareena
Fusion Name: Tsardactyl
New Types:

Base Stats: 76 / 117 / 81 / 55 / 86 / 116 [BST: 531] (+0 HP / +5 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +15 Spe)
New Ability: Monarch = (Pressure + Queenly Majesty)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Stone Edge, Power Whip, High Jump Kick, U-Turn, Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Earthquake

Dragon Dance, Taunt, Roost
Intended Role: Fast offensive pivot
Role Justification: Fast offensive mon that doesn’t get fucked by drudzor priority and can beat both it and Garp in one slot. From my experience, there aren’t many great options for fast offensive grass type mons as they either don’t hit enough speed in celedos’s case or are difficult to use in arblosions case. With its ability to use setup moves as well provides another great option. One definite problem about this fusion now is that it has competition in crygarg, but personally It either encourages different offensive options or provides more use to crygarg

DNA Donors: Aerodactyl-Mega / Tsareena
Fusion Name: Tsardactyl-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 76 / 147 / 101 / 65 / 106 / 136 [BST: 631] (+0 HP / +35 Atk / +20 Def / +10 SpA / +20 SpD / +35 Spe)
New Ability: Tough Claws = ( + )
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:



Intended Role: Banned mega
Role Justification: Banned mega

DNA Donors: Tapu Lele / Articuno-Galar
Fusion Name: Lelecuno-Galar
New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 85 / 85 / 127 / 107 / 99 [BST: 593] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Mind Domain = (Psychic Surge + Competitive)
Ability Description: effect of psychic surge. When this Pokémon’s stats are lowered by an opponent, + 2 spa and sets psychic terrain
Notable Moves:
Freezing Glare, Moonblast, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Future Sight
Calm Mind, Recover, Agility
Intended Role: Specs breaker/Scarf Cleaner
Role Justification: Psyspammer

Formerly named pikmin
DNA Donors: Bombirdier / Shaymin-Sky
Fusion Name: Bombmin-Sky
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 103 / 80 / 102 / 80 / 112 [BST: 562] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +12 SpA / +0 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Draconic Reaction = (Keen Eye + Serene Grace)
Ability Description: Doubles Accuracy
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, U-Turn
Hurricane, Heat Wave, Earth Power, Seed Flare
Roost, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Leech Seed, Substitute
Intended Role: Hurricane clicker
Role Justification: We did just get amigotrio as a flying move user but it can’t really effectively spam it imo. This serves to do just that. It also comes with a surprising amount of role compression, as it is basically a tornadus without regen, with moves like taunt, plot and rocks. Another viable option is subleech, with its speed and great typing it can quite easily pull it off
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DNA Donors: Farigiraf / Infernape
Fusion Name: Farinape
New Types:

Base Stats: 100 / 100 / 70 / 110 / 70 / 95 [BST: 545] (+2 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +3 SpA / +0 SpD / +11 Spe)
New Ability: Armor Fist = (Armor Tail + Iron Fist)
Ability Description: Immune to priority and punching moves. Its own have 1.2 power.
Notable Moves:
Psychic Fangs, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Knock Off, Earthquake, Gunk Shot, Thunder Punch, U-Turn
Psychic, Psyshock, Stored Power, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Vacuum Wave, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Dazzling Gleam, Thunderbolt
Nasty Plot, Agility, Calm Mind, Trick, Stealth Rock, Slack Off, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Set-Up Sweeper, Physical Wallbreaker, Special Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Hazard Setter, Mixed Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Resub! We’re lacking viable special Psychics, and Psychic/Fighting is one of the few Psychic dual types worth anything, so here you go. Absolutely insane movepool lets you do nearly anything offensively, physical or special. It can work as a sweeper with Nasty Plot or Swords Dance, or just run choice or all out-offense sets with pivoting in U-Turn. Can also run offensive hazards with Stealth Rock. Despite the mid speed tier, both STAB Vacuum Wave and especially Mach Punch are boosted by the ability, threatening faster Pokémon. However, said speed tier still hurts it. It’s also reliant on set-up to be a threat sometimes, as its average offenses means it can sometimes struggle with walls even with a strong Fighting STAB. Its bulk being incredibly mid doesn’t help.

DNA Donors: Accelgor / Chien-Pao
Fusion Name: Accel-Pao
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 95 / 60 / 95 / 65 / 140 [BST: 535] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Sticky Sword = (Sticky Hold + Sword of Ruin)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
U-Turn, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Sacred Sword, Icicle Crash, Ice Spinner
Taunt, Swords Dance, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Recover
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Set-Up Sweeper, Speed Control, Suicide Lead
Role Justification: Finishing off the ruin legendaries! Bug type was an easy way to balance Chien-Pao, so here you go. Sword of Ruin makes its attack equivalent to 143 fully invested with an Adamant nature. If running Jolly, it’s equivalent to fully invested 145 attack with the same nature, or 126 with an Adamant nature. Sounds insane combined with 140 speed, especially with STAB Knock Off and U-Turn. In reality, its bulk is paper-thin and it has no coverage against Fairies. If it can’t 2HKO the target, it’s getting KOED back. While it has access to Swords Dance, setting up is very hard, especially due to the Rocks weakness, forcing it to choose between Boots or a Choice Band, although Sticky Hold helps. Despite this, Accel-Pao can serve as a variety of roles, whether it be a revenge killer, wallbreaker, sweeper, or a suicide lead.

:swsh/lunatone::swsh/iron moth:
DNA Donors: Lunatone / Iron Moth
Fusion Name: Luna Moth
New Types:

Base Stats: 86 / 62 / 62 / 118 / 98 / 106 [BST: 532] (+1 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +1 SpA / +1 SpD / +16 Spe)
New Ability: Dirt Powered = (Levitate + Quark Drive)
Ability Description: Combined effects. Quark Drive applies when hit by a Ground move.
Notable Moves:
Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Fiery Dance, Earth Power, Energy Ball, Moonblast
Rock Polish, Stealth Rock, Morning Sun
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Set-Up Sweeper
Role Justification: Special Rock type!! Fire/Rock sounds cringe, but with Earth Power it’s perfect coverage. The ability also gets rid of its most crippling weakness in Ground. 118/106 offenses with STAB Meteor Beam is pretty scary, especially with Fiery Dance to build up even more boosts. With Booster Energy, it can outspeed a lot of Pokémon it wouldn’t normally as well. However, its lack of Boots allows Stealth Rock to be an annoyance to it. It also has very poor physical bulk and still some annoying weaknesses to Water, Rock, and Fighting.

DNA Donors: Lugia / Cyclizar
Fusion Name: Lugizar
New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 95 / 100 / 90 / 110 / 115 [BST: 600] (+2 HP / +3 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpA / +1 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Shedding Scales = (Multiscale + Shed Skin)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Dual Wingbeat, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Earthquake, U-Turn
Aeroblast, Draco Meteor, Overheat, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt
Defog, Roost, Whirlwind, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Shift Gear
Intended Role: Mixed Wall, Hazard Control, Bulky Pivot, Fast Utility, Set-Up Sweeper
Role Justification: Cyclizar with actual bulk!! With Lugia as a fusion component, you get Multiscale, 98 mixed bulk, reliable recovery, and even more utility. It can serve as a pivot, hazard remover, status spreader, item remover, or just a straight-up wall. Its high speed combined with Multiscale and said utility makes it a pain to face. It can even use its bulk to become a Shift Gear sweeper, although its poor offensive typing and STABs alongside only 95 Attack makes it pretty weak. However, STAB Draco Meteor and Aeroblast along phasing can prevent passiveness. Despite this, its weakness to Rocks and common types such as Ice brings it down, forcing Boots on it.
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DNA Donors: Thievul / Koraidon
Fusion Name: Koraievul
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 106 / 86 / 86 / 96 / 122 [BST: 581] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Orichalcum Inhibitor = (Unburden + Orichalcum Pulse)
Ability Description: Boosts Attack by 1.33x when losing an item.
Notable Moves:
Close Combat, Collision Course, Knock Off, Flare Blitz, Play Rough, U-Turn, Acrobatics
Swords Dance, Parting Shot,
Intended Role: Terrain Abuser, Offensive Pivot, Stallbreaker
Role Justification: A pivot that fits well on Terrain teams, though it can also tank Knock Offs if that's a thing.

DNA Donors: Tsareena / Gliscor
Fusion Name: Tsarscor
New Types:

Base Stats: 73 / 107 / 111 / 47 / 96 / 93 [BST: 527] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Aconitine Shroud = (Queenly Majesty + Poison Heal)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Power Whip, Earthquake, U-Turn, Knock Off, High Jump Kick, Rapid Spin, Play Rough, Crabhammer (yes Gliscor has this move now), Facade
Synthesis, Toxic, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Anti-Priority, Stallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Hazard Setter, Hazard Removal, Setup Breaker (Swords Dance)
Role Justification: An multi-purpose fusion who can take up a surprising amount of roles and solid bulk to get a lot of jobs done.

DNA Donors: Lokix / Haxorus
Fusion Name: Lokorus
New Types:

Base Stats: 73 / 124 / 84 / 56 / 82 / 94 [BST: 513] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Atma Hunt = (Tinted Lens + Mold Breaker)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
First Impression, Outrage, X-Scissor, Dragon Claw, Scale Shot, Axe Kick, Knock Off, Earthquake, U-Turn
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot
Role Justification: Rend, slaughter, devour your enemies. There is no other way to survive. You cannot escape your hunger, warriors of purgatory.

DNA Donors: Keldeo / Exploud
Fusion Name: Explodeo
New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 81 / 76 / 110 / 81 / 98 [BST: 543] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Young Rock = (Justified + Soundproof)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Flip Turn
Boomburst, Secret Sword, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Ice Beam, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Boomburst abuser, but unlike the other abuser, it can't really touch Ghost-types aside from Shadow Ball...and it has better options to run....though it can hit harder as a trade-off.

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things fall apart
DNA Donors: Koraidon / Amaura
Fusion Name: Koraimaura
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 100 / 82 / 86 / 81 / 94 [BST: 531] (+0 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: The Frozen Sun = (Orichalcum Pulse + Refrigerate)
Ability Description: Orichalcum Pulse + Normal moves become Ice-type and gain a 1.3x power boost.
Notable Moves:
Close Combat, Stone Edge, Body Slam, Wild Charge, U-turn

Swords Dance, Taunt, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker / Sun Setter
Role Justification: has good dual STABs as well as a nice complement in Refrigerate-boosted Body Slam, but has a poor defensive typing stacked with middling Speed

:swsh/tapu fini::swsh/turtonator:
can we be free?
DNA Donors: Tapu Fini / Turtonator
Fusion Name: Tapu Fininator
New Types:

Base Stats: 65 / 76 / 125 / 95 / 107 / 60 [BST: 528] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +2 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Misty Armor = (Misty Surge + Shell Armor)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:

Fire Blast, Moonblast, Scorching Sands, Shell Trap, Draining Kiss
Calm Mind, Shell Smash, Taunt
Intended Role: Physical Wall / Shell Smash Sweeper
Role Justification: good offensive typing + great defenses / weak to pretty common types like Ground and Poison, so struggles to answer stuff like Golisoros, Iron Dirge, etc.
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Special Rock
DNA Donors: Nihilego / Thievul
Fusion Name: Nihivul
New Types:

Base Stats: 89 / 57 / 63 / 109 / 111 / 101 [BST: 530] (+0 HP / +2 Atk / +11 Def / +2 SpA / +0 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Beast of Burden = (Beast Boost + Unburden)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
U-Turn, Knock Off
Meteor Beam, Dark Pulse, Power Gem, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Psychic
Nasty Plot, Parting Shot, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Meteor Beam Sweeper/Set-Up Sweeper (Nasty Plot), Hazards (Stealth Rock)
Role Justification: Power Herb Meteor Beam Unburden

Regenerator? Nah, this is my OC Rain Generator. Easy mistake to make.
DNA Donors: Cyclizar / Politoed
Fusion Name: Cyclitoed
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 90 / 70 / 97 / 82 / 100 [BST: 519] (+0 HP / +5 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Rain Generator = (Regenerator + Drizzle)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Rapid Spin, Knock Off, U-Turn, Liquidation, Aqua Tail, Double-Edge, Quick Attack, Earthquake, Dragon Tail, Ice Spinner
Hydro Pump, Overheat, Draco Meteor, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Earth Power, Surf
Shift Gear, Taunt, Haze, Encore, Belly Drum if feeling especially spicy.
Intended Role: Rain Setter, Hazard Removal (Rapid Spin), Mixed Attacker
Role Justification: the time for rain is upon us

Physically Defensive Fairy, Webs
DNA Donors: Slurpuff / Orthworm
Fusion Name: Slurpworm
New Types:

Base Stats: 76 / 87 / 120 / 72 / 65 / 78 [BST: 498] (+0 HP / +5 Atk / +5 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Earthburden = (Unburden + Earth Eater)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Body Press, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Heavy Slam, Play Rough, Drain Punch
Sticky Web, Stealth Rock, Coil, Belly Drum, Yawn, Magic Coat
Intended Role: Physically Defensive, Hazards (Sticky Web, Stealth Rock)
Role Justification: apparently I'm gonna sub a second Unburden mon this round lmao.

No Mega-X because that's a definite ban lmao
DNA Donors: Mewtwo / Machoke
Fusion Name: Mewchoke
New Types:

Base Stats: 93 / 105 / 80 / 112 / 75 / 97 [BST: 562] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: No Pressure = (Pressure + No Guard)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Dynamic Punch, Knock Off, Bullet Punch, Poison Jab
Focus Blast, Psystrike, Psyshock, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Hurricane, Thunder, Shadow Ball, Vacuum Wave
Nasty Plot, Bulk Up, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Trick
Intended Role: Physical/Special/Mixed
Role Justification: No Guard Focus Blast/Dynamic Punch etc

DNA Donors: Mewtwo-Y/ Machoke
Fusion Name: Mewchoke-Mega-Y
New Types:

Base Stats: 93 / 145 / 60 / 152 / 105 / 107 [BST: 662] (+0 HP / +40 Atk / -20 Def / +40 SpA / +30 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Insomnia = (Insomnia + )
Ability Description:
Notable Moves:



Intended Role:
Role Justification: Banned (Probably?)
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heard we're subbing deli counterparts this slate
DNA Donors: Koraidon / Anorith
Fusion Name: Anoraidon
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 115 / 85 / 65 / 75 / 105 [BST: 520] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +3 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Mercury Pulse = (Orichalcum Pulse + Swift Swim)
Ability Description: Sets Rain on switch-in. This Pokemon's Attack is 1.33x in Rain.
Notable Moves:
Aqua Jet, Close Combat, Collision Course, Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Stomping Tantrum, U-Turn, X-Scissor

Stealth Rock, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Rain Setter, Rain Abuser, Choice Abuser, Offensive Pivot, Physical Wallbreaker
Role Justification: The tier is finally ready for Rain. This guy provides a nice Grass resistance for the Waters who want to abuse the rain it sets, plus it finally gives offensive Mega Rupert hope. Should be balanced since Band sets have a doodoo speed tier, Scarf sets rely on prediction to break through fat, and SD sets have to choose between being hardwalled by Yu-Clod or being hardwalled by Rotoghold.
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Anyone else at soup this time of hour?
DNA Donors: Sinistcha / Iron Moth
Fusion Name: Iron Matcha
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 66 / 90 / 130 / 100 / 90 [BST: 556] (+5 HP / +1 Atk / +7 Def / +0 SpA / +5 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Heatproof Drive = (Heatproof + Quark Drive)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Matcha Gotcha, Sludge Wave, Fiery Dance, Fire Blast, Hex, Scald, Psychic
Strength Sap, Calm Mind, Toxic Spikes, Nasty Plot
Intended Role: Setup Sweeper, Pivot, Status Spreader, TSpiker, Special Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Back in OU, Iron Moth is known to run many sets, from four attacks sets to offensive utility. While Iron Matcha has stats a bit more diluted, it has a type combination that can make things difficult for threats such as Whimsy Sands and Bellikiss and crazy new tools such as Matcha Gotcha, Calm Mind, and Strength Sap, so it can already cause problems for physical attackers easily with burn and Strength Sap. If you wish to run a third attack, Fire coverage will make Steel mons wary of switching in. It also has options like Scald for Bouffa-Lu and Weezluna, with Psychic also being a good choice to hit Weezluna, a sufficiently weakened Tornado, and Yu-Clod. That being said, useful its dualSTABs may be for hitting certain threats Steels and Poisons will both easily switch in on them if you’re running two attacks (Fire coverage instead of Sludge Wave could alleviate this against other mons) and it may also struggle against Iron Tornado and Crygargonal. Its speed tier is meh but Booster Energy or Webs support can alleviate this.
Tidy time
DNA Donors: Furret / Lugia
Fusion Name: Lurret
New Types:

Base Stats: 95 / 93 / 97 / 67 / 104 / 100 [BST: 556] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Frisk Scale = (Frisk + Multiscale)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
U-Turn, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Body Slam, Zen Headbutt, Earthquake, Double-Edge
Roost, Tidy Up, Toxic
Intended Role: Hazard Control, Mixed Wall, Pivot, Status Spreader, possible Setup Sweeper

Role Justification: Tidy Up is the name of the game here. Not only is it effective hazard control but it also nixes a good amount of Lurret’s passivity after use, unless it’s up against Garpyuku. U-Turn and Knock Off are great utility and it could spread paralysis with STAB Body Slam. While EQ is neat coverage it won’t help against mons like Rotoghold or Meta.
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DNA Donors: Cobalion / Ceruledge
Fusion Name: Cobaledge
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 110 / 110 / 75 / 86 / 99 [BST: 565] (+2 HP / +3 Atk / +6 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Vigilante = (Justified + Flash Fire)
Ability Description: Immune to Dark-Type moves, if hit by one: +1 Attack.
Notable Moves:
Close Combat, Shadow Sneak, Poltergeist, Bitter Blade, Flare Blitz
Volt Switch
Stealth Rock, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Physical Sweeper, Hazard Setter, Offensive Pivot, Physical Wallbreaker
Role Justification: Wallbreaker with solid defensive utility, checking many fightings and Dark types and providing fighting offense in itself. Has utility in pivoting and rocks, too.

DNA Donors: Landorus / Shiftry
Fusion Name: Landshift
New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 112 / 80 / 102 / 70 / 94 [BST: 555] (+8 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Wind Force = (Sheer Force + Wind Rider)
Ability Description: Effects of Wind Rider. This Pokemon's wind attacks have their power multiplied by 1.3x.
Notable Moves:
Sucker Punch, Knock Off, U-Turn, Earthquake, Stone Edge
Hurricane, Dark Pulse, Sandsear Storm, Heat Wave
Nasty Plot, Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Defog, Will-o-Wisp, Synthesis
Intended Role: Mixed Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot, Hazard Setter, Hazard Remover
Role Justification: wip
DNA Donors: Magearna / Wyrdeer
Fusion Name: Magedeer
New Types:

Base Stats: 100 / 100 / 93 / 121 / 100 / 66 [BST: 580](+9 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +4 SpA / +5 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Daunt = (Soul-Heart + Intimidate)
Ability Description: Lowers the foe(s) Special Attack by 1 when switching in.
Notable Moves:
Psyshield Bash, Iron Head, Earthquake
Psychic, Psyshock, Ice Beam, Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Stored Power, Fleur Cannon, Aura Sphere
Shift Gear, Calm Mind, Spikes, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Set-Up Sweeper, Offensive/Defensive Pivot, Hazard Setter
Role Justification: wip

DNA Donors: Kommo-o-Totem / Tapu Lele
Fusion Name: Tapu Ommo
New Types:

Base Stats: 74 / 97 / 100 / 115 / 110 / 99 [BST: 595] (+2 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +9 Spe)
New Ability: Zany Zone = (Overcoat + Psychic Surge)
Ability Description: Combined Effects
Notable Moves:

Focus Blast, Flamethrower, Psychic, Psyshock
Trick, Stealth Rock, Calm Mind
Intended Role: Offensive Choice User, Special Sweeper, Special Wallbreaker, Offensive Hazard Setter
Role Justification: wip
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Purple Rain
DNA Donors: Flutter Mane / Masquerain
Fusion Name: Flutter Rain
New Types:

Base Stats: 65 / 57 / 63 / 117 / 119 / 107 [BST: 528] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +0 SpA / +11 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Prehistoric Might = (Protosynthesis + Intimidate)
Ability Description: Combined Effects of Both Abilities
Notable Moves:
Moonblast, Bug Buzz, Hydro Pump, Mystical Fire
Quiver Dance, Sticky Web, Thunder Wave, Memento
Intended Role: Set Up Sweeper, Sticky Web Setter
Role Justification:
Ogerpon-H if it were balanced
DNA Donors: Pyroar / Kartana
Fusion Name: Pyrtana
New Types:

Base Stats: 73 / 127 / 103 / 87 / 53 / 107 [BST: 550] (+1 HP / +3 Atk / +2 Def / +3 SpA / +5 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Chilling Beast = (Unnerve + Beast Boost)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Leaf Blade, Wild Charge, Smart Strike, Crunch

Swords Dance, Defog, Toxic, Synthesis
Intended Role: anti-meta wallbreaker
Role Justification: ogerpon-h lookalike. this hits the common garpyuku + grass resist core
Vaporemons Reference
DNA Donors: Lokix / Lycanroc
Fusion Name: Lokanroc
New Types:

Base Stats: 73 / 115 / 71 / 53 / 60 / 113 [BST: 485] (+0 HP / +7 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +11 Spe)
New Ability: Sand Clock = (Swarm + Sand Rush)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
First Impression, Knock Off, Close Combat, U-turn, Accelerock, Stone Edge, Endeavor, Crunch, Drill Run, Play Rough, Iron Head
Nuh uh
Swords Dance, Stealth Rock, Taunt
Intended Role: Suicide Lead, Wallbreaker
Role Justification: vaporemons reference. sand rush abuser to synergise with tyranix. other than that, steel-types are no longer a safe switch in to this
DNA Donors: Nymble / Rockruff
Fusion Name: Nymruff
New Types:

Base Stats: 39 / 62 / 40 / 25 / 32 / 62 [BST: 260] (+0 HP / +7 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Sleepless Night = (Tinted Lens + Vital Spirit)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Unused Mechanic + Mixed Attacker
DNA Donors: Deoxys-Speed / Aegislash
Fusion Name: Deoxislash-Speed
New Types:

Base Stats: 61 / 72 / 120 / 72 / 120 / 120 [BST: 565] (+6 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +0 SpA / +5 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Forced Fencer = (Pressure + Stance Change)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Shadow Sneak, Close Combat, Shadow Claw, Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch
Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Steel Beam, Psycho Boost, Psychic, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
Swords Dance, Toxic, King’s Shield, Taunt, Stealth Rock, Spikes, Nasty Plot, Thunder Wave
Intended Role: Suicide Lead, Wallbreaker
Role Justification: a very interesting concept that everyone basically ignored. this can make for a good suicide lead or a very offensive mon
DNA Donors: Deoxys-Speed / Aegislash-Blade
Fusion Name: Deoxislash-Speed-Blade
New Types:

Base Stats: 61 / 120 / 72 / 120 / 72 / 120 [BST: 565] (+6 HP / +5 Atk / +0 Def / +5 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
DNA Donors: Nihilego / Latias
Fusion Name: Latilego
New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 67 / 73 / 119 / 131 / 113 [BST: 600] (+3 HP / +1 Atk / +5 Def / +1 SpA / +1 SpD / +7 Spe)
New Ability: Ancient Bird = (Beast Boost + Levitate)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off
Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Aura Sphere, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Energy Ball, Power Gem, Sludge Wave, Stored Power, Meteor Beam, Power Gem
Calm Mind, Roost, Stealth Rock,
Intended Role: Meteor Beam Sweeper, CM Wincon
Role Justification: every wanted a special rock type and a meteor beamer, so nihilego fits, and draco meteor after a meteor beam AND beast boost looks scary af
DNA Donors: Nihilego / Latias-Mega
Fusion Name: Latilego-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 87 / 103 / 149 / 151 / 113 [BST: 600] (+3 HP / +21 Atk / +35 Def / +31 SpA / +21 SpD / +7 Spe)
New Ability: Levitate
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New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 120 / 105 / 75 / 85 / 85 [BST: 560] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +18 Def / +13 SpA / +3 SpD / +2 Spe)
New Ability: Intimidate = (Intimidate + Intimidate)
Ability Description: On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage.

Notable Moves:
Barb Barrage, Crunch, Earthquake, Stone Edge
Scald if you are really desperate i guess
Roar, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Taunt, Splash

Intended Role: Utility Pivot
Role Justification: Dark/Flying is a pretty good defensive typing and it has very high natural bulk thanks to Intimidate. It has a fairly large utility movepool with tons of status spreading and some hazard access, as well as Taunt to mess with some walls. 120 base Atk also means that despite being an utility pivot, its still dishing out massive ammounts of damage throughout the battle (though should be noted that it lacks a Flying STAB and its best Dark move is Crunch). Sadly locked to boots, but I believe its stats make up for that a fair bit.

New Types:

Base Stats: 90 / 150 / 135 / 85 / 115 / 85 [BST: 660] (+0 HP / +30 Atk / +30 Def / +10 SpA / +30 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Mold Breaker
Ability Description: This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon.

Notable Moves:
Crunch, Earthquake, Lash Out, Iron Head, Stone Edge
Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Taunt, Toxic, Splash

Intended Role: Set-Up Sweeper
Role Justification: The mega, on the other hand, is a clear cut set-up sweeper. It has a pretty insane statline with incredible bulk to facilitate setu-up and massive 150 atk, mitigated by being a monotype. Mold Breaker allows it to do some interesting things such as hitting Earthquake on Weezaluna and Necrotrik, hitting through Iron Mimic's disguise and keeping its stat boosts against Garpyku.

Dragon Dance allows it to take its 85 speed to greater levels and be a threat to offensive mons since it can outspeed a good portion of them and threaten a KO back (and, if it fails, it has 90/135/115 bulk to back it up so it also doesn't instantly die). Do note, however, that some common Speed Protosythesis users still outspeed +1 (Notably, Whimsy Sands, Great Kleav and Scream Cormorant)

Swords Dance imo is not as good but also becomes immediately a lot more threatening against defensive options (Still struggles vs Iron Tornado, though)

Also relevant to point out that if you wanna use this thing, you have to keep hazards off the field since base is weak to Stealth Rocks and won't be holding Boots

Fusion Name: Fishkarp-Hisui
New Types:

Base Stats: 42 / 52 / 70 / 35 / 37 / 102 [BST: 338] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Fishy Threat = (Intimidate + Swift Swim)
Ability Description: On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Speed of opponents by 2 stages.

Notable Moves:

Intended Role: Splasher Supreme

(If you wanna be funny you can try to make use of its speed + Destiny Bond, and it has some cool lead tools such as high speed, hazards, taunt, immunity to prankster and toxic, but I doubt it's seriously viable)

:swsh/flutter mane::swsh/machamp:
New Types:

Base Stats: 73 / 93 / 67 / 117 / 111 / 95 [BST: 556] (+1 HP / +1 Atk / +0 Def / +17 SpA / +1 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Timeless = (Protosynthesis + No Guard)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Notable Moves:
Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Moonblast, Psyshock, Vacuum Wave
Calm Mind, Encore, Taunt

Intended Role: Set-up Sweeper (Booster Speed CM), Choice Scarf, Choice Specs
Role Justification: Was aiming to make a cool special Fighting. Hits pretty hard thanks to its main STAB being Focus Blast. For Choiced sets, dual STABs with Psyshock and Shadow Ball should cover for everything (You need that last one to hit Roto), and No Guard also adds some cool coverage such as Thunder or Fire Blast if you wanna hit a specific target.

Has some pretty good utility tools in Encore and Taunt to mess with, as well as Vacuum Wave being pretty good in choiced sets to snipe some of our speedy threats.

New Types:

Base Stats: 74 / 95 / 65 / 112 / 85 / 124 [BST: 555] (+0 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +6 Spe)
New Ability: Cursed Surge = (Psychic Surge + Cursed Body)
Ability Description: On switch in, or when hit by an attack, sets Psychic Terrain

Notable Moves:
Dazzling Gleam, Fire Blast, Psychic, Psyshock, Shadow Ball

Intended Role: Offensive Pivot, Special Breaker
Role Justification: The idea is simple: We have a lot of priority going around so I figured an offensive mon that blocks priority as a whole would be cool. Psychic/Ghost is a strange type in that it does have pretty good neutral coverage but it has very little defensive utility (So, even for an offensive mon, its harder to come in). Lack of Focus Blast means your coverage for Darks has to be Dazzling Gleam (Fire Blast also an option for Icekrai). The Sp Atk combined with Psysurge makes for an incredibly strong breaker, at the cost of being pretty frail and being a bit hard to bring it in.

New Types:

Base Stats: 105 / 150 / 115 / 70 / 100 / 85 [BST: 625] (+0 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Tardus Dominus = (Supreme Overlord + Slow Start)
Ability Description: On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are halved for 5 turns. -1 Turn per fainted ally

Notable Moves:
Body Slam, Earthquake, Iron Head, Knock Off
Rock Polish, Swords Dance, Taunt

Intended Role: Late game cleaner
Role Justification: Aye its the last slate, might as well try to get in one last gimmick lmao. Its fairly straightforward, something you keep in the back til late game so you can either protect for a turn to burn the abil or just keep it for dead last to get big stats off the gate. STABs + Earthquake hit everything but Rotoghold. SD and Rock Polish are also both options and its got pretty decent bulk to set up. Still ultimately a goofy gimmick though.
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Mixed Priority
DNA Donors: Greninja / Toucannon
Fusion Name: Tocinja
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 110 / 75 / 90 / 75 / 95 [BST: 525] (+4 HP / +3 Atk / +4 Def / +1 SpA / +2 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Battle Skill = (Battle Bond + Skill Link)
Ability Description: Effect of both abilities
Notable Moves:
Liquidation, U-Turn, Rock Blast, Knock Off, Bullet Seed
Water Shuriken, Boomburst, Ice Beam, Heat Wave
Swords Dance, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Switcheroo
Intended Role: Offensive Pivot, Setup Sweeper, Hazard Setter, Choice Item
Role Justification: While this may seem a bit weird at first, it fills several offensive niches at once, its mixed offenses and other traits enable it to act either as a pivot that sets hazards (with Toxic Spikes in particular being rather uncommon), a potent wallbreaker with Swords Dance or a Choice Band, or a special breaker with potent STABs in Water Shuriken to have a positive match-up against faster foes like Sol Valiant, Roaring Sal, Toedeleki, Relishadow, Whimsi Sands and Iron Mimic, with a single KO enabling it a chance to downright sweep, It's also certainly possible to go with mixed sets given its wide movepool enabled by its ability.

However, its speed is just above all defensive threats yet below most offensive options, so it can be checked by fast resists such as Floatzera, Iron Legion and several defensive staples like Stargrowth, Drampiclus and Goopert.

Dual Weather
DNA Donors: Pelipper / Charizard
Fusion Name: Pelizard
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 70 / 90 / 105 / 80 / 90 [BST: 505] (+1 HP / +3 Atk / +1 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Hot Water = (Drizzle + Blaze)
Ability Description: Drizzle + User's Fire moves are boosted by x1.5 under rain
Rain Sweeper
DNA Donors: Pelipper / Mega Charizard X
Fusion Name: Mega Pelizard X
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 116 / 123 / 126 / 80 / 90 [BST: 605] (+1 HP / +49 Atk / +34 Def / +24 SpA / +3 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Tough Claws
Ability Description: User's contact moves do x1.3 damage
Sun Setter
DNA Donors: Pelipper / Charizard
Fusion Name: Mega Pelizard Y
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 90 / 90 / 155 / 110 / 90 [BST: 605] (+1 HP / +23 Atk / +1 Def / +53 SpA / +33 SpD / +8 Spe)
New Ability: Drought
Ability Description: On switch-in, the user sets Sunny Day
Notable Moves:
Liquidation, Knock Off, U-Turn, Dragon Claw, Outrage
Weather Ball, Surf, Flamethrower, Hurricane, Solar Beam, Ice Beam, Focus Blast
Roost, Dragon Dance
Intended Role: Weather Setter, Setup Sweeper
Role Justification: Compressing between the capability to set rain in base and sun with Mega Y, with Mega X acting as an extra abusing its own weather to wallbreak ASAP (otherwise run the base + M-Goopert), this compresses several desired roles for the meta, even doing so in a healthy manner, as while rain gets all the benefits it'd want, sun is limited by 4 turns out of no Heat Rock to hold, and in any case this is held back by a weakness to Stealth Rock and rather average stats without Mega Evolving.
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Mixed Priority
DNA Donors: Greninja / Toucannon
Fusion Name: Tocinja
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 110 / 75 / 90 / 75 / 95 [BST: 525] (+4 HP / +3 Atk / +4 Def / +1 SpA / +2 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Skill Issue = (Protean + Skill Link)
Ability Description: Effect of both abilities
Notable Moves:
Liquidation, U-Turn, Rock Blast, Knock Off, Bullet Seed
Water Shuriken, Boomburst, Ice Beam, Heat Wave
Swords Dance, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Switcheroo
Intended Role: Offensive Pivot, Setup Sweeper, Hazard Setter, Choice Item
Role Justification: While this may seem a bit weird at first, it fills several offensive niches at once, its mixed offenses and other traits enable it to act either as a pivot that sets hazards (with Toxic Spikes in particular being rather uncommon), a potent wallbreaker with Swords Dance (with its innate Normal type ensuring it can preserve its Protean for later) or a Choice Band, or a special breaker with potent STABs in Water Shuriken to have a positive match-up against faster foes like Sol Valiant, Roaring Sal, Toedeleki, Relishadow, Whimsi Sands and Iron Mimic. It's also certainly possible to go with mixed sets given its wide movepool enabled by its ability.

However, its speed is just above all defensive threats yet below most offensive options, so it can be checked by fast resists such as Floatzera, Iron Legion and several defensive staples like Stargrowth, Drampiclus and Goopert.

Dual Weather
DNA Donors: Castform / Genesect
Fusion Name: Geneform
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 95 / 85 / 95 / 85 / 87 [BST: 527] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Weather Report = (Forecast + Download)
Ability Description: On switch-in, the user sets Sunny Day and changes to Sunny Form if its Atk is higher than its SpA, sets Rain Dance and changes to Rainy Form if its SpA is higher than its Atk, and only Forecast effects if both are equal.
Notable Moves:
Extreme Speed, Explosion, Blaze Kick, U-Turn, Iron Head
Weather Ball, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
Shift Gear
Intended Role: Weather Setter, Offensive Pivot, Setup Sweeper
Role Justification: Straight to the point, compresses the role of a sun setter, a rain setter and can also be used as a potent sweeper with STAB Extreme Speed and Shift Gear, is clearly held back by its stats and its physical coverage not being that good.
Thats not how Protean works btw. Clicking SD makes you turn into a Pure Normal by default.
Boneless Thorns
DNA Donors: Heliolisk / Archeops
Fusion Name: Heliops
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 100 / 60 / 115 / 80 / 115 [BST: 540] (+2 HP / +3 Atk / +2 Def / +5 SpA / +1 SpD / +6 Spe)
New Ability: Icarus = (Solar Power + Defeatist)
Ability Description: While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its max HP, its Sp. Atk is 1.5x but loses 1/8 HP per turn.
Notable Moves:
Thunderbolt, Meteor Beam, Surf, Grass Knot, Earth Power
Roost, Glare, Stealth Rock, Defog
Intended Role: Special Sweeper, Hazard Setter, Hazard Control
Role Justification: Meteor beamer cuz we lacking those which also has coverage options for potential threats like Garpyuku, Mega Drud or Bouffa-Lu
DNA Donors: Helioptile / Archen
Fusion Name: Helien
New Types:

Base Stats: 50 / 75 / 40 / 75 / 45 / 70 [BST: 355] (+1 HP / +0 Atk / +1 Def / +8 SpA / +1 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Icarus = (Solar Power + Defeatist)
Ability Description: While this Pokemon has 1/2 or less of its max HP, its Sp. Atk is 1.5x but loses 1/8 HP per turn.
Expanding force florgerouge stocks go up
DNA Donors: Tapu Lele / Lucario
Fusion Name: Tapu Luca
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 97 / 72 / 125 / 95 / 106 [BST: 565] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +3 SpA / +3 SpD / +14 Spe)
New Ability: Mind Field = (Psychic Surge + Inner Focus)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:

Psychic, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Moonblast
Nasty Plot
Intended Role: Special Wallbreaker, Special Sweeper, Specs User, Terrain Setter
Role Justification: Psysurge setter that puts down priority users and also works as an special fighting type
DNA Donors: Tapu Lele / Lucario-Mega
Fusion Name: Tapu Luca-Mega
New Types:

Base Stats: 70 / 132 / 90 / 150 / 95 / 128 [BST: 665] (+0 HP / +35 Atk / +18 Def / +28 SpA / +3 SpD / +36 Spe)
New Ability: Adaptability
Notable Moves:

Psychic, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Shadow Ball, Moonblast
Nasty Plot
Intended Role: Banned
How it feels to be Gliscor in OU
DNA Donors: Weezing-Galar / Gliscor
Fusion Name: Weezcor-Galar
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 95 / 125 / 65 / 75 / 80 [BST: 515] (+5 HP / +3 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Misty Heal = (Misty Surge + Poison Heal)
Ability Description: Misty Surge effects; heals 1/8 HP if Misty Surge is active
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, Play Rough, U-Turn, Dual Wingbeat, Earthquake
Pain Split, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Defog, Haze, Protect, Will-o-Wisp
Intended Role: Physical Wall, Hazard Setter, Hazard Control, Terrain Setter
Role Justification: Big physical wall that heals a lot of HP but has the downside of not being able to use wisp (unless the target flies). It is still able of using Defog, but it would end its healing misty terrain, but it can pivot out anyways
DNA Donors: Koffing / Gligar
Fusion Name: Koffgar
New Types:

Base Stats: 55 / 70 / 100 / 60 / 55 / 60 [BST: 400] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +13 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Smelly = (Stench + Immunity)
Ability Description: Can't be poisoned or flinched. Gaining this Ability while poisoned cures it.
Big brain cat
DNA Donors: Rampardos / Liepard
Fusion Name: Rampard
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 130 / 55 / 80 / 50 / 85 [BST: 485] (+5 HP / +4 Atk / +0 Def / +4 SpA / +0 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Chiseling = (Sheer Force + Unburden)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Rock Slide, Crunch, Play Rough, U-Turn, Sucker Punch, Earthquake
Fire Blast
Swords Dance, Stealth Rock
Intended Role: Physical Sweeper, Scarf User, Terrain Abuser
Role Justification: Since we just lost our grassy terrain abuser, I thought I could make a new one. What makes it good is Sheer Force, giving it hard hitting moves and options to hit Fire and Dragon types which Arbolosion does not normally have. It could be argued that it could also be ran on electric terrain, but we already have like 1 quarkillion Esurge abusers. Alternatively it could also just run choice scarf and pray to get knock off’d
DNA Donors: Cranidos / Purrloin
Fusion Name: Cranloin
New Types:

Base Stats: 60 / 90 / 40 / 40 / 35 / 65 [BST: 330] (+6 HP / +3 Atk / +2 Def / +0 SpA / +2 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Chiseling = (Sheer Force + Unburden)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
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It’s been a good run yall, pleasure to work with you and I’m lookin forward to whatever comes next, but while we’re here, let’s cook.

“Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark.”
DNA Donors: Sylveon / Ceruledge
Fusion Name: Sylvedge
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 105 / 75 / 85 / 115 / 75 [BST: 540] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Pyromantic = (Pixilate + Flash Fire)
Ability Description: This Pokémon’s fire attacks become fairy type and get 1.2x power. Fire Immunity
Notable Moves:
Bitter Blade, Shadow Sneak, Poltergeist, Close Combat, Poison Jab, Trailblaze, Flare Blitz, Flame Charge

Swords Dance, Will-o-Wisp, Wish, Protect, Bulk Up, Wish, Taunt, Substitute
Intended Role: Special Tank, Physical Breaker, Speed Control, SD Sweeper, (Choice Band)
Role Justification: Got the Pixilate Bitter Blade keeping you healthy at all times, press it, sd to boost, fairy id a nice phys offensive type but rn our only solid phys fairy is mega sol and that would much rather be clicking dark moves. Regardless you got great special bulk, heal a shitload from blade, this thing just kinda soft checks a majority of spatkers and a bunch of phys attackers too, which is nice with the bitter blade healing keeping you healthy and applying pressure. CB is an off set, but depending on teamcomp could still be good if used correctly.

“Playing with fire is bad for those who burn themselves. For the rest of us, it is a very great pleasure.”
DNA Donors: Eevee / Charcadet
Fusion Name: Charvee
New Types:

Base Stats: 50 / 55 / 45 / 55 / 55 / 45 [BST: 305] (+3 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +8 SpA / +3 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Nuclear Football = (Adaptability + Flash Fire)
Ability Description: Flash Fire Effects + This Pokémon’s fire moves do 2x damage.
Notable Moves:



Intended Role: kaboofing child
Role Justification: hehehe nuclear stupid baby

"You don't win by being lucky; you win by being bold."
DNA Donors: Ledian / Koraidon
Fusion Name: Lediraidon
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 85 / 85 / 70 / 105 / 110 [BST: 535] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Mythrill Gauntlets = (Iron Fist + Orichalcum Pulse)
Ability Description: Combined Effects but switch the boosts (1.2x to Atk, 1.333x to Punch)
Notable Moves:
U-Turn, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Mach Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Close Combat, Flare Blitz

Substitute, Taunt, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Physical Breaker, SD Sweeper/Breaker, Choice Item, Pivot,
Role Justification: Like 112 atk effective on jolly with better Iron Fist for great coverage. Viable Bug, not rocks weak, and ready to punch the shit out of just about whatever. Lacks bug stab outside of U-Turn tho, so setup sets do loose a STAB.

"For to die with honour is far better than to live disgraced."
DNA Donors: Escavalier / Slowking
Fusion Name: Kingcavalier
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 115 / 95 / 80 / 110 / 25 [BST: 510] (+3 HP / +10 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Hive Mind = (Swarm + Oblivious)
Ability Description: Oblivious + Bug Immunity
Notable Moves:
Earthquake, Knock Off, Iron Head, Close Combat, Zen Headbutt

Taunt, Toxic, Thunder Wave, Chilly Reception, Slack Off, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Tank, Bulky Pivot, Snow Setter, Pivotblocker
Role Justification: Great Bulk, Phys Movepool, Support Moves, Setup, Chilly Reception. This guy has a lot, plus the type synergizes well with snow so long as you have a couple good fire resists in the back. Blocks U-Turn too, alongside spreading status and all that jazz.

“I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying.”
DNA Donors: Slowpoke / Karrablast
Fusion Name: Slowblast
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 70 / 60 / 40 / 45 / 40 [BST: 330] (+5 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Immortalized = (Regenerator + No Guard)
Ability Description: Combined Effects of both Abilities.
Notable Moves:
Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Megahorn, Knock Off
Zap Cannon
Slack Off
Intended Role: Dumb Baby
Role Justification: He’s stupid.
"Peace Was Never An Option."
DNA Donors: Magneton / Venomoth
Fusion Name: Magnemoth
New Types:

Base Stats: 60 / 65 / 80 / 110 / 80 / 80 [BST: 475] (+0 HP / +3 Atk / +3 Def / +5 SpA / +8 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Sniper Goggles = (Analytic + Tinted Lens)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:

Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Bug Buzz, Sludge Bomb, Psychic
Quiver Dance, Thunder Wave, Sleep Powder, Morning Sun
Intended Role: Choice Item, Quiver Dance Sweeper, Pseudo-Trapper, Special Breaker
Role Justification: Ability makes it really difficult to switch into. Resists that switchin are getting bombed, which makes it a great offensive volt switch spammer. Psychic and poison coverage lets it pick its checks, but mostly either spam volt switch on choiced sets, or qd up, though both sets have major issues. Choiced sets are rocks weak, and leave you with one middling stat. QD sets struggle to set up as the bulk is not ideal, and it doesn’t make full use of its abil, using analytic opportunities to qd instead. It’s also priority vulnerable and can be dealt with using any good scarfer. But overall an interesting new Mon that adds a new sort of playstyle to the meta, almost functioning as a trapper by heavily punishing switchins, though it’s not actual trapping cuz that would be kinda broken on the last slate.

“Go go gadget”
DNA Donors: Magnemite / Venonat
Fusion Name: Magnenat
New Types:

Base Stats: 45 / 45 / 60 / 80 / 55 / 45 [BST: 330] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +13 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Sniper Goggles = (Analytic + Tinted Lens)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:



Intended Role: Magnet
Role Justification: Child
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DNA Donors: Kommo-o / Toxtricity
Fusion Name: Kommo-Tricity
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 109 / 97 / 117 / 87 / 85 [BST: 570] (+0 HP / +5 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Screamo = (Soundproof + Punk Rock)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Drain Punch, Scale Shot
Clanging Scales, Boomburst, Overdrive, Sludge Bomb
Shift Gear, Clangorous Soul
Intended Role: Special sweeper, wallbreaker
Role Justification:

DNA Donors: Aggron / Arcanine-Hisui
Fusion Name: Arcaggron-Hisui
New Types:

Base Stats: 82 / 122 / 130 / 77 / 70 / 80 [BST: 561] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Metal Head = (Heavy Metal + Rock Head)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
Flare Blitz, Head Smash, Heavy Slam, Wild Charge, Extreme Speed, Aqua Tail, Close Combat
not worth using
Will-o-Wisp, Morning Sun, Stealth Rock, Substitute
Intended Role:
Role Justification:
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DNA Donors: Archeops / Hydreigon
Fusion Name: Hydrarch
New Types:

Base Stats: 83 / 122 / 77 / 122 / 77 / 109 [BST: 590] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +4 SpA / +0 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Weak Flier = (Defeatist + Levitate)
Ability Description: Levitate but deactivates at 50% or less HP.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Earthquake, Head Smash
Meteor Beam, Dark Pulse, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Earth Power
Taunt, Stealth Rock, Nasty Plot, Dragon Dance
Intended Role: HO Hazard Lead, Sweeper, Fast Pivot
Role Justification: Taunt + Rocks to block opposing Rocks while getting up its own. Alternatively, it can threaten out leads with its strong STAB Meteor Beam / Head Smash or via Dragon Dance, or act as a pivot with U-Turn.
DNA Donors: Heracross / Azelf
Fusion Name: Herazelf
New Types:

Base Stats: 79 / 130 / 82 / 82 / 82 / 101 [BST: 556] (+2 HP / +5 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability: Above All = (Swarm + Levitate)
Ability Description: This Pokemon is immune to Ground-type attacks, Bug-type attacks, and the effects of Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Sticky Web, and the Arena Trap Ability. The effects of Gravity, Ingrain, Smack Down, Thousand Arrows, and Iron Ball nullify the immunity.
Notable Moves:
Close Combat, Eathquake, Knock Off, Stone Edge, Trailblaze, Explosion, Zen Headbutt, U-turn, Fire/Ice/Thunder Punch
Vacuum Wave, Other stuff if you feel that nasty plot funk in your soul
Spikes, Swords Dance, Bulk Up, Trick, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Screens
Intended Role: Anti-pivot Pivot, Scarf User, SR Setter, Set-Up Sweeper
Role Justification: I havent touched FE in a hot minute so im making my subs around the answers given in the survey, and one of the things mentionned was an anti-pivot pivot. So I sorta made the most single braincell version of that by making a bug immune ability. Ig this mon is sort of a landorus-lite that scews a bit more towards offense thanks to stab ccs, just a glue mon with access to useful utility like spikes, srs and koff. Personally think it would make a pretty good scarf mon thanks to trick and u-turn and pretty spammable stabs (quickly looking at stuff in #vr-suggestions seem to show like those have a decent matchup into the most common mons, hitting stuff like drudd, buffa-lu, torando, sal etc). The mega is most likely broken i dont really think its worth discussing.
DNA Donors: Diancie / Buzzwole
Fusion Name: Buzzcie
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 130 / 145 / 76 / 105 / 64 [BST: 600] (+2 HP / +11 Atk / +1 Def / +0 SpA / +4 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Unaware = (Clear Body + Beast Boost)
Ability Description: Effects of unaware
Notable Moves:
Diamond Storm, Body Press, Close Combat, EQ, Ice/Thunder Punch, Lunge, Leech Life, idk Fell Stinger?
Roost, Bulk Up, ID, SR, Taunt, Rock Polish
Intended Role: Dogshit Typing Overcomer, Unawall, Set Up Sweeper maybe
Role Justification: Bug/Rock is bad. Both typings separately are bad. Thats why theres like 4 of each in the mod! It might be alright offesnviely, but defensively? What the hell... This fusion aims to overcome that by sheer force of everything else. Very solid stats, a very workable movepool, and also unaware. Hopefully not having torch song and a SR weakness makes this not as broken as old dirge. Bug actually kinda works in favor of this mons's rock type, granting it resistances to fighting and ground. Mega is also broken but i found how to automatically make it on the tool so im incorporating it here.

DNA Donors: Diancie-Mega / Buzzwole
Fusion Name: Buzzcie
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 190 / 105 / 136 / 65 / 124 [BST: 700]
New Ability: Magic Bounce
Role Justification: By all accounts super broken.
DNA Donors: Chien-Pao / Politoed
Fusion Name: Poli-Pao
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 100 / 77 / 97 / 82 / 112 [BST: 553] (+0 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +7 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Super Soaker = (Sword of Ruin + Drizzle)
Ability Description: Effects of Drizzle + Outside of rain, Pokémons with other abilities have 0.75x defense.
Notable Moves:
Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Liquidation i think, Sacred Sword
Surf, HPump, Ice Beam,
SD, Recover, Yawn, Encore(?)
Intended Role: Rain Setter
Role Justification: its poli-pao ! hot poli-paos in your area
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DNA Donors: Buzzwole / Infernape
Fusion Name: Infernole
New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 123 / 107 / 79 / 67 / 97 [BST: 570] (+6 HP / +2 Atk / +2 Def / +1 SpA / +5 SpD / +4 Spe)
New Ability: Beast Fist = (Beast Boost + Iron Fist)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities
Notable Moves:
Close Combat, U-turn, Drain Punch, Knock off, Elemental Punches, Gunk Shot(Fairies), Stone edge(Flying)
Slack off/Roost for recovery, Stealth Rock, Will-o-Wisp, Swords dance, Taunt, Switcheroo, Encore
Intended Role: Hazard Setter(Stealth Rock), Physical Wall, Physical Wallbreaker, Offensive Pivot
Role Justification: Buzzwole lite as said in discord. This is essentially a buzzwole with a lot more flexibility in its sets. It can remove items with knock off, burn opponents with wisp, setup stealth rock, run scarf or band sets with switcheroo, and be a solid pivot with u-turn.

DNA Donors: Landorus-Therian / Fezandipiti
Fusion Name: Landipiti-Therian
New Types:

Base Stats: 88 / 118 / 86 / 87 / 102 / 100 [BST: 581] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Manipulate = (Intimidate + Toxic Chain)
Ability Description: This pokemon's attacks have a 30% chance to lower the opponent's attack by one stage.
Notable Moves:
Play Rough, Brave Bird, Earthquake, U-turn, Crunch
Swords dance, Roost, Stealth Rock , Toxic, Taunt
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker/Sweeper(Swords dance), Offensive Pivot, Defensive Pivot
Role Justification: I believe we could use another offensive flying type. Landipiti provides that and has added utility from its ability being able to spread atk drops as it pivots out of its checks with u-turn. It also can setup rocks and has genuinely good bulk.
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i WILL beat the shitmon allegations

:swsh/urshifu: :swsh/golurk:
DNA Donors: Urshifu / Golurk
Fusion Name: Urshilurk
New Types:

Base Stats: 94 / 140 / 90 / 60 / 70 / 76 [BST: 530] (+0 HP / +13 Atk / +0 Def / +1 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Unhanded = (Klutz + Unseen Fist)
Ability Description: Klutz effects. This Pokemon ignores the opponent's item.
Notable Moves:
Close Combat, Earthquake, Poltergeist, Sucker Punch, U-turn, Wicked Blow

Swords Dance
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker
Role Justification: big polts and bigger blows but no item slot womp womp.

ignores status moves
DNA Donors: Volbeat / Reshiram
Fusion Name: Volshiram
New Types:

Base Stats: 82 / 96 / 87 / 105 / 102 / 100 [BST: 572] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +12 SpA / +0 SpD / +13 Spe)
New Ability: Buzzkill= (Swarm + Turboblaze)
Ability Description: Combined effects of both abilities.
Notable Moves:
Blue Flare, Bug Buzz, Earth Power, Focus Blast, Overheat
Encore, Roost, Tail Glow, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Will-o-Wisp
Intended Role: special wallbreaker
Role Justification: tail glow with epic coverage but with curse of quad rock weakness
has vessel of ruin, sword of ruin, berserk, defenss berserk all at once
DNA Donors: Chien-Pao / Moltres-Galar
Fusion Name: Molt-Pao-Galar
New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 105 / 95 / 95 / 95 / 115 [BST: 590] (+0 HP / +3 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability: Torch of Ruin = (Sword of Ruin + Berserk)
Ability Description: Effects of Berserk. Pokemon at 1/2 max HP or below have x0.75 Defense and Special Attack.
Notable Moves:
Brave Bird, Crunch, Power Trip, Sacred Sword, Sucker Punch, U-turn
Dark Pulse, Hurricane, Ruination
Recover, Swords Dance
Intended Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Physical Sweeper
Role Justification: originally wanted to do an offensive ruination user but the darkness in me had other plans…
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There's not that many subs for some reason, gotta do a sub review.

First of all, I'm noticing many are subbing Psychic/Fighting types and Meteor Beam mons, please don't just blindly follow what a somewhat anonymous user tells you and look on if what you're doing also fits the meta.

:Garchomp::Shiftry: Feels boring given :Dracozolt::Corviknight: exists, even if it may do that one role better it's overlapping.

:Flygon::Espeon: Offensive M-Bounce would be a good niche if it did more niche-wise as :Drampa::Reuniclus: exists as stated.

:Lycanroc-Midnight::Hawlucha: I think we already have more than sufficient all or nothing sweepers on regards of that kind of abilities, especially given that Protosynthesis and Quark Drive are everywhere, with those being easier to build around given how Booster Energy works.

:Walking Wake::Aerodactyl: This isn't using Defog, lol, but it does fill a valid set of niches given meta trends.

:Tsareena::Aerodactyl: Decent sub, there's a lot of offensive pivots in the meta, but this fills a decent niche, even if rather specific.

:Tapu Lele::Articuno-Galar: I presume the ability is limited like this for the sake of not overlapping with the previous sub? TBH you could lower SpA a bit (using a weaker fusion component) and allow Psychic Terrain to come in switch-in, it'd also be more interesting in total given users lately appear to want more field setters.

:Bombirdier::Shaymin-Sky: TBH I'd add a secondary STAB, feels rather underpowered otherwise, beyond that it's a decent sub, special attacking Flyings that are fast and don't hit like a wet noodle with such STAB are uncommon.

:Infernape::Farigiraf: You could do Armor Tail + Blaze so its priority moves are boosted by x1.5, a x1.2 multiplier for mainly those moves is barely noticeable, and I'd think it's slightly underpowered otherwise, especially as that type combination struggles with Psychic-types.

:Accelgor::Chien-Pao: TBH I'd still find this rather borderline, this outspeeds nearly the whole meta and has rather decent STABs, just acting like :Beedrill-Mega: on terms of just constantly spamming U-Turn until it can sweep, Knock Off can also easily cripple its checks too, really feels like a pre-nerf :Roaring Moon::Salazzle: on crack.

:Lunatone::Iron Moth: TBH I don't think Meteor Beam is a big niche contrary to what someone said in the poll, so I personally find this rather unecessary, as said before there's already plenty of Protosynthesis and Quark Drive options to choose from for this kind of sweeper, in this case I'd rather just use :Skeledirge::Iron Treads:.

:Lugia::Cyclizar: Give it Regen + Multiscale, jokes aside, this seems like a decent sub, Dragon/Flying is an interesting defensive profile in the context of the meta, and fast walls are also funny to use.

:Koraidon::Thievul: Losing an item by Knock Off is rather inconsistent, this is just going to be a terrain abuser with consumable seeds, we also already have plenty of sun abusers given the trend of Protosynthesis, so I see no niche here beyond a blatant overlap with :Roaring Moon::Salazzle:.

:Gliscor::Tsareena: This'd be more limited to bulky offense teams or higher types of offense, for more defensively oriented teams Grass/Ground is really mid defensively, and I'm not sure if it'd be desirable to make hazards easier to get in given recent events that happened in OU between :Gholdengo: and :Gliscor:.

:Haxorus::Lokix: Mold Breaker is a bit lacking on the meta especially given meta trends, looks good.

:Exploud::Keldeo: Seems rather boring as this is just a Boomburst spammer, there's plenty of wallbreaker options already, one of which (:Dudunsparce::Guzzlord:) already fills a similar role and is struggling on viabiilty, it wouldn't be wise to introduce a mon that does the same thing but better.

:Koraidon::Amaura: TBH I'd make the Refrigerate multiplier x1.3 so it has practically 3 STABs, but beyond that it's a decent sub, field setters are desired right now and all of that.

:Turtonator::Tapu Fini: Heavily overlaps with :Florges::Armarouge:, only real niche is Shell Smash, which is quite a waste of a meta slot beyond that.

:Nihilego::Thievul: Even though I've said that there's plenty of Proto/Quark mons to use as an once-per-battle sweeper multiple times, this is the best one IMO trying to act as an special Rock type, as Beast Boost adds some depth so it can easily sweep once it blows a hole, this concept may have been done in past FEs with stuff like :Accelgor::Celesteela:, but if it's not broken don't fix it.

:Cyclizar::Politoed: I consistently hear that more Regen mons aren't desired, plus that'd add too much longevity to a field setter of this kind, not a fan.

:Slurpuff::Orthworm: Add Sweet Veil over Unburden to ease the match-up against :Brute Bonnet::Bronzong:, beyond that, given it has no reliable recovery, I'd suggest to remove the Speed points and improve its bulk more, beyond that it's a decent sub, there's a lack of fat Steels without recovery.

:Mewtwo::Machoke: Exists, feels like a more boring version of the :Farigiraf::Infernape: subbed by Loginator.

:Koraidon::Anorith: Good sub TBH, manages to be good on its own while also acting as a rain setter.

:Sinistcha::Iron Moth: TBH it's an interesting sub, compresses offensive and defensive utility while also having a solid movepool.

:Lugia::Furret: I'd raise its Speed by 2 base points so it doesn't have an speed tie with :Absol::Iron Valiant:, beyond that it's a decent sub, Tidy Up is a funny move that could see some exploration.

:Cobalion::Ceruledge: Quite strong, but at least it does have an speed tier just below most offensive stuff in the meta.

:Landorus::Shiftry: Quite overlaps with :Yveltal::Dustox: TBH.

:Magearna::Wyrdeer: Honestly this may be broken, you just made a better :Magearna:.

:Kommo-o::Tapu Lele: TBH this having Clangorous Soul makes this borderline, Psychic/Fighting doesn't have many common weaknesses, so it can reasonably find a chance to setup with that bulk.

:Flutter Mane::Masquerain: Really seems like just a Sticky Web setter while doing little else, legit just :Ribombee: 2, so it'd suck beyond that, on the other hand there's barely any setter of that hazard, so it'd depend on if others really want a fast webs setter.

:Kartana::Pyroar: Simple and effective, seems decent.

:Lokix::Lycanroc:Quite strong, at the same time we already have a Sand Rush mon with :Corviknight::Dracozolt:, so there'd be overlap on that niche.

:Deoxys-Speed::Aegislash: Interesting sub that can be used in multiple ways, looks good.

:Latias::Nihilego: Dragon/Rock with Levitate is an interesting defensive profile in the context of the meta, and has proven to be a popular concept that almost made it in before, this also compresses roles by doing the special Rock type stuff, which while I'm not a major fan of in that regard given there's plenty of Proto/Quark mons as said before, is still a very solid sub.

:Overqwil::Gyarados: Intimidate isn't that good considering some meta staples don't care about it, and given the lack of Knock Off and reliable recovery it may even be slightly underpowered, I'm not sure if the mega becoming a monotype is a drawback when it doesn't even have good Flying STAB, in fact it no longer is weak to Stealth Rock, that much Atk also isn't that good without an item slot, Mold Breaker is its only main niche, and there's plenty of other subs this slate that do that better, TBH this feels rather outclassed by :Corviknight::Dracozolt: and :Absol-Mega::Iron Valiant:.
If you want the prevo to be viable make its ability also lower the Atk of opponents by 2 too.

:Flutter Mane::Machamp: Exists IMO, there's plenty of competition this slate for special Fighting-types, and this one does only that, which is a bit boring as there's other options this slate that do that and compress some more roles.

:Indeedee::Dragapult: IDK why you didn't list Calm Mind and Trick, but either way, this is an okay sub, does the stuff that :Iron Bundle::Basculegion: was meant to do.

:Kingambit::Regigigas: TBH this just sucks, by the time you can seriously use it it's already GG, especially given its lack of longevity, let alone not even having Dark STAB to try to countersweep with Sucker Punch, it being the last slate doesn't mean that waste of meta slots are a good idea.

Good subs! I can't really say much given I made them, but please check those out.

:Archeops::Heliolisk: Again, I see little niche on a Meteor Beam mon when there's plenty of Protosynthesis/Quark Drive mons already filling a similar niche, :Skeledirge::Iron Treads: and :Mimikyu::Iron Thorns: in particular being notable competition, and this doing little else doesn't help.

:Lucario::Tapu Lele: This kind of concept has heavy competition on this slate, still an okay sub given the demand for field setters.

:Gliscor::Weezing-Galar: Potent stallbreaker, although I'm not sure if the ability effect would apply to an airbone user without being stretchy.

:Rampardos::Liepard: I'm not sure if this is a major niche to focus on as said plenty of times before, but it's okay.

:Sylveon::Ceruledge: Quite funny sub that fills roles within the meta, looks good.

:Koraidon::Ledian: Given the desire of a sun setter I think this is an okay sub, it has sufficient flaws to hold back such niche in the context of the meta without being useless on its own.

:Escavalier::Slowking: Blocking U-Turn may considerably affect the metagame, so I'm not a big fan personally. Without that I'd think this is a nice sub, setting snow with Chilly Reception and providing more fat Steel variety.

:Kommo-o::Toxtricity: TBH this may be rather borderline between Clangorous Soul and x1.5 boosted STABs by its ability and decent speed tier, quite overlaps with :Delibird::Miraidon: beyond that, however.

:Arcanine-Hisui::Aggron: This overlaps totally with :Lairon::Reshiram:, just use that instead.

:Archeops::Hydreigon: May be annoying to play around given it has mixed offenses and a solid offensive typing with all the coverage it'd want, beyond that, Taunt + SR is done better by :Whimsicott::Sandy Shocks: by having an higher innate speed tier and other hazards, Protosynthesis and tools like Memento to act as a suicide lead, Meteor Beam isn't that much of a major niche IMO, with there being :Skeledirge::Iron Treads: filling a similar niche with its ability, and Dragon Dance is done better by :Mimikyu::Iron Thorns:.

:Azelf::Heracross: A offensive Psychic/Fighting has been a very common thing to sub this slate, so keep that in mind as there's a heavy amount of competition, in fact this just being immune to Bug moves can be rather annoying as this removes the pivoting consistency intended for U-Turn, shifting the metagame into having to use other things just to more consistently play against teams with this mon, on that matter, this being a physical attacker leaves it with less of a niche as there's plenty of physical Fightings already.

:Diancie::Buzzwole: As much i advocate for Unaware variety, this isn't it, I'd rather avoid another situation of :Quagsire::Volcanion:, its typing sucks defensively, and a weakness to Stealth Rock makes it even less consistent as a wall of this sort.

:Politoed::Chien-Pao: Nice sub given the lack of a rain setter in the meta, is quite potent offensively yet is one of the few Ice-types handled consistently by most Water-types.

:Buzzwole::Infernape: Actually, this seems like a nice sub, fills all sorts of roles at once.

:Fezandipiti::Landorus-Therian: TBH a fat Flying/Fairy provides an interesting defensive profile for the purposes of the meta, this also avoids passivity with solid STABs and coverage, looks okay.

:Urshifu::Golurk: Its type combination is redundant offensively and has a poor speed tier considering it practically has no item slot, this is unviable, note how a 680 BST mon in :Hoopa-Unbound::Regigigas: could get away with far more without an item slot in a lower powered meta.

:Reshiram::Volbeat: Good sub, TBH people should stop acting like fusing with a component already used means that anything used with it from then on will overlap.

:Chien-Pao::Moltres-Galar: This may be borderline as its stats are quite high and its movepool is solid too, would still be a good addition regardless.
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DNA Donors: Camerupt / Dondozo
Fusion Name: Donrupt
New Types:

Base Stats: 130 / 100 / 92 / 85 / 70 / 37 [BST: 514] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: Long-Standing = (Solid Rock + Oblivious)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both abilities
Notable Moves:
Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Liquidation
Earth Power, Flamethrower, Surf
Bulk Up, Stealth Rock,
Intended Role: Fat mega
Role Justification: Last minute sub, here is a fat mega.
DNA Donors: Camerupt-Mega / Dondozo
Fusion Name: Donrupt
New Types:

Base Stats: 130 / 120 / 122 / 125 / 100 / 17 [BST: 614] (+20 HP / +20 Atk / +30 Def / +40 SpA / +30 SpD / -20 Spe)
New Ability: Sheer Force = (Solid Rock + Oblivious)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both abilities
Notable Moves:
Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Liquidation
Earth Power, Flamethrower, Surf
Bulk Up, Stealth Rock,
Intended Role: Fat mega
Role Justification: Last minute sub, here is a fat mega
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Time's up! Here's our vetos:

New Types:

Base Stats: 73 / 124 / 84 / 56 / 62 / 114 [BST: 513] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Lens Breaker = (Tinted Lens + Mold Breaker)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Tinted Lens with 124 Atk, 114 Speed and Dragon Dance is incredibly broken. Remove Tinted Lens and use a different ability from Lokix instead.

New Types:

Base Stats: 97 / 81 / 76 / 110 / 81 / 108 [BST: 553] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability: Young Believer = (Justified + Scrappy)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Normal/Fighting with those stats and Boomburst + Scrappy makes it a bit too strong. You should cut the boosts to Speed.

New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 109 / 97 / 117 / 87 / 85 [BST: 570] (+0 HP / +5 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Screamo = (Soundproof + Punk Rock)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

Cangorous Soul + Punk Rock Boosted Clanging Scales makes this very busted. Shift Gear with those stats is also fairly worrisome. Idt this one can be salvaged.

View attachment 572350:sv/lycanroc:
New Types:

Base Stats: 73 / 113 / 71 / 53 / 60 / 115 [BST: 485] (+0 HP / +5 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +13 Spe)
New Ability: Sand Clock = (Tinted Lens + Sand Rush)
Ability Description: Combined effect of both the abilities.

These stats combined with Tinted Lens are an issue. Remove Tinted Lens and use a different ability from Lokix instead.

New Types:

Base Stats: 60 / 65 / 80 / 105 / 75 / 80 [BST: 465] (+0 HP / +3 Atk / +3 Def / +0 SpA / +3 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability: High res scope = (Tinted Lens + Analytic)
Ability Description: If the user moves after the target, it’s moves deal 2x damage

Simply put, this ability is too strong. Doubling your damage output when going last for a mon with 105 Special Attack reaches an absurd damage output. We'll ask you to change it.

New Types:

Base Stats: 85 / 100 / 77 / 97 / 82 / 112 [BST: 553] (+0 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +7 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability: Super Soaker = (Sword of Ruin + Drizzle)
Ability Description: Effects of Drizzle + Under rain, pokemon without this ablility deal 0.75x damage when using Water or Fire moves.

After a bit of discussion, council decided to laber this ability as stretchy, since lowering Fire and Water damage is an aspect related to Rain rather than Drizzle itself. Change that part and you're good.

As for quickbanned megas:

:lucario-mega::tapu lele:
:aerodactyl-mega::walking wake:

You all have 24 hours to fix your submissions.
Voting is now closed! With that, behold, the final winners of FE SV!

:sv/iron moth::sv/sinistcha:

80 / 66 / 90 / 130 / 100 / 90
Heatproof Drive - Has the effects of Quark Drive and Heatproof

:sv/aerodactyl::sv/walking wake:

89 / 95 / 79 / 103 / 79 / 121
Dyschronometria - While active, paradox boosts have no effect.

:aerodactyl-mega::walking wake:

89 / 125 / 99 / 113 / 99 / 141
Tough Claws - This Pokemon's contact moves have their power multiplied by 1.3.


75 / 115 / 85 / 65 / 75 / 105
Mercury Pulse - Sets Rain on switch-in. This Pokemon's Attack is 1.33x in Rain.


95 / 93 / 97 / 67 / 104 / 100
Frisk Scale -Has the effects of Frisk and Multiscale.


61 / 72 / 120 / 72 / 120 / 120
Forced Fencer - Has the effects of Pressure and Stance Change


61 / 120 / 72 / 120 / 72 / 120
Forced Fencer - Has the effects of Pressure and Stance Change

:sv/tapu lele::sv/articuno-galar:

90 / 85 / 85 / 127 / 107 / 99
Mind Domain - Effects of Psychic Surge. When this Pokémon’s stats are lowered by an opponent, raises Sp. Atk by 2 and sets Psychic Terrain.


90 / 120 / 105 / 75 / 85 / 85
Intimidate - On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Attack of opponents by 1 stage.


90 / 150 / 135 / 85 / 115 / 85
Mold Breaker - This Pokemon's moves and their effects ignore the Abilities of other Pokemon.


42 / 52 / 70 / 35 / 37 / 102
Fishy Threat - On switch-in, this Pokemon lowers the Speed of opponents by 2 stages.


99 / 115 / 77 / 105 / 72 / 91
Sand Rush - If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm.


99 / 155 / 97 / 145 / 82 / 81
Sand Force - This Pokemon's Ground/Rock/Steel attacks do 1.3x in Sandstorm; immunity to it.


69 / 80 / 52 / 75 / 47 / 71
Sand Rush - If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm.


49 / 55 / 47 / 55 / 37 / 36
Sand Rush - If Sandstorm is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm.

Note: Mega Aero Wake is quickbanned.

Iron Matcha: 9

Aero Wake: 7
Anoraidon: 7

Lurret: 5
Deoxislash-Speed: 5
Overgyara: 5
Lelecuno-Galar: 5

Chomptry: 5

Farinape: 4
Kingigigas: 4
Landipiti-Therian: 4
Accel-Pao: 4
Flutter Rain: 4

Indeepult: 3
Flutter Champ: 3
Sylvedge: 3
Espegon: 3
Lugizar: 3
Luna Moth: 3
Pelizard: 3

Volshiram: 2
Tsardactyl: 2
Hydrarch: 2
Latilego: 2
Tapu Ommo: 2
Urshilurk: 2
Infernole: 2
Landshift: 2

Heliops: 1
Weezcor-Galar: 1
Mewchoke: 1
Rampard: 1
Cyclitoed: 1
Koraievul: 1
Lokorus: 1
Hydrach: 1
Lediraidon: 1
Arcaggron-Hisui: 1
Nihivul: 1
Pyrtana: 1
Weexcor-Galar: 1
Herazelf: 1
Molt-Pao-Galar: 1
Kingcavalier: 1
Poli-Pao: 1
Donrupt: 1


So, we've had quite a ride, huh? As you can see, this slate has more winners than the usual. We decided to allow more new Pokémon to get in as a little treat for being the final slate. So, what's next?

For the forseeable future, we want to keep developping FE SV a little bit, even if it is not going to get new submissions. We are open to make more Fusion Evolution projects in the future but we would also like to not immediately abandon this one. So, what you can do is keep on discussing and testing out the metagame!​

:iron moth::sinistcha: -

:aerodactyl::walking wake: - 

:anorith::koraidon: - 

:lugia::furret: - 

:deoxys-speed::aegislash: - 

:tapu lele::articuno-galar: -

:overqwil::gyarados: - 

:overqwil::gyarados-mega: - 

:garchomp::shiftry: - 

:garchomp-mega::shiftry: -

Keep on talking about FE SV! We will have more news about our plans forthe future soon enough. Until then, farewell!