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Pet Mod Fusion Evolution Alpha (Metagame Updates and Closure!)

88 attack Sun V-Create is still very, very strong- this is like a 400 BP attack after STAB and Sun boost, just to put that into perspective. I don't think another Victini fusion is needed, nor is something so self-sufficient as a breaker good for enabling an archetype (you can see this in the normal sun setters- Torkoal tends to be on full sun teams as the setter due to utility while Ninetales tends to be a self-abuser of the sun it sets with Nasty Plot sets.)

A general note to everyone, please look at the sheet while submitting. For example, because we already have Teepee, I don't think another Indeedee-F Shell Smasher is really needed (nor any more smashers in general please we don't want HO to be omnipresent). Make sure your subs fill a unique and usable niche.

I'll be submitting later
"This is a terrible weather abuser." — anaconja

Terrible how? Why include this in a review if you don't bother actually saying anything insightful about it?
Defensive weather abusers don't work with temporary weather, and as an offensive abuser its much too slow and not very powerful even under weather, not to mention its best STAB isn't even boosted. Try to compare your subs to successful weather abusers in the actual game (kingdra, ludicolo, venusaur, excadrill, alolan sandlash, manaphy, etc) and think about why they're successful.
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DNA Donors/ Parents: Vanilluxe / Alomomola
Role: Screen Setter, Special Wallbreaker
Offspring Name: Vanimominav
New Types:

New Base Stats: 138 / 85 / 82 / 95 / 70 / 72 [BST: 542] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Warning + Regenerator = Snow Generator- Component effects combined.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, Explosion, (does this shit get flip turn?)
Scald, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Flash Cannon
Aurora Veil, Taunt, Wish, Protect, Healing Wish, Toxic, Hail
vanimominav: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Water"],
    species: "Vanimominav",
    id: "vanimominav",
    baseStats: {hp: 138, atk: 85, def: 82, spa: 95, spd: 70, spe: 72}
    abilities: {0: "Snow Generator"},
    weightkg: 44.55,
    fusion: ["Vanilluxe", "Alomomola"],
Fatmon that can repeatedly set veil, slow enough to regularly get taunted/nuked and has little utility otherwise. Could theoretically spam blizzard ig


DNA Donors/ Parents: Centiskorch / Dragapult
Roles: Setup Sweeper, Offensive Pivot, Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Choice Specs
Offspring Name: Catapult
New Types:

New Base Stats: 103 / 120 / 70 / 100 / 85 / 123 [BST: 601] (+9 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +5 SpA / +3 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Flash Fire + Clear Body = Clear Fire- Immune to Fire-type attacks and stat drops, whenever this ability triggers, boosts Fire-type attacks.
Notable Moves:
Dragon Darts, Leech Life, U-Turn, Fire Lash, Knock Off, Power Whip, Flare Blitz, Steel Wing
Draco Meteor, Bug Buzz, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Scorching Sands
Dragon Dance, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Coil
catapult: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Bug", "Dragon"],
    species: "Catapult",
    id: "catapult",
    baseStats: {hp: 103, atk: 120, def: 70, spa: 100, spd: 85, spe: 123}
    abilities: {0: "Clear Fire"},
    weightkg: 85,
    fusion: ["Centiskorch", "Dragapult"],
Potent Dragon Dancer under screens that can bust through Uranus with Power Whip. Outside of screens HO it's the second-fastest Pokemon in the meta and can be a fine boots pivot. Suffers from a really, really mediocre STAB combo but should otherwise be super solid.


DNA Donors/ Parents: Torkoal / Stonjourner
Roles: Sun Setter, Hazard, Physical Wallbreaker
Offspring Name: Koaljourner
New Types:

New Base Stats: 100 / 105 / 137 / 67 / 45 / 55 [BST: 509] (+15 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +15 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Drought + Power Spot = Dry Spot- Automatically sets sun on switch-in. While under sun, user and allies attacks are boosted by 1.3x.
Notable Moves:
Stone Edge, Rapid Spin, Heat Crash, Earthquake, Superpower, Explosion
Lava Plume
Stealth Rock, Toxic, Yawn, Rest
koaljourner: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fire", "Rock"],
    species: "Koaljourner",
    id: "koaljourner",
    baseStats: {hp: 100, atk: 105, def: 137, spa: 67, spd: 45, spe: 55}
    abilities: {0: "Dry Spot"},
    weightkg: 300.2,
    fusion: ["Torkoal", "Stonjourner"],
It sets sun. Can also hit pretty goddamn hard with Heat Crash if the target is light enough. Won't do shit against Uranus though, which makes this a setter that isn't nearly self-sufficient enough to abuse sun on its own and therefor must rely on teammates.


DNA Donors/ Parents: Victreebel / Nihilego
Roles: Sun Abuser, Special Wallbreaker, Stallbreaker
Offspring Name: Victrilego
New Types:

New Base Stats: 109 / 84 / 61 / 118 / 105 / 91 [BST: 568] (+15 HP / +5 Atk / +5 Def / +5 SpA / +5 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Chlorophyll + Beast Boost = Hypervitaminosis D- Component effects combined.
Notable Moves:
Power Whip, Gunk Shot, Knock Off, Zen Headbutt, why are u running physical
Leaf Storm, Solar Beam, Sludge Bomb/Wave, Weather Ball, Thunderbolt
Growth, Strength Sap, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Toxic, Swords Dance
Role Identification:
victrilego: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Grass", "Poison"],
    species: "Victrilego",
    id: "victrilego",
    baseStats: {hp: 109, atk: 84, def: 61, spa: 118, spd: 105, spe: 91}
    abilities: {0: "Hypervitaminosis D"},
    weightkg: 35.5,
    fusion: ["Victreebel", "Nihilego"],
Sun sweeper that can come in on a few moves that Koaljourner baits, mainly Scalds from Corvilord (who loves to come in to Defog on a Heat Crash that does barely any damage) and just go feral after a growth. Held back by the fact that its easy to handle under sun, and the weak physical bulk makes it priority weak, especially to Frother's Ice Shard and other miscellaneous strong priority like Mr. Gross' BP or Sir Pass'd First Impression. Outside of sun it can run a Sap+3 Attacks set that can check a few fighters with the right EVs and still hit hard. Vote for this pair if you want a proven, reliable offensive archetype. It's literally Torkoal+Venu lol
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:ss/Abomasnow: :ss/Rillaboom:
DNA Donors/ Parents: Abomasnow / Rillaboom
Roles: Hail Setter, Terrain Setter, Physical Wallbreaker
Offspring Name: Obamarilla
New Types:

New Base Stats: 95 HP / 118 Atk / 89 Def / 86 SpA / 87 SpD / 75 Spe [BST: 550] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +7 Def / +10 SpA / +10 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Warning + Grassy Surge = Winterfresh - Automatically sets hail and Grassy terrain on switch-in.
Notable Moves:

Wood Hammer, Grassy Glide, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Superpower, High Horsepower, Acrobatics, Knock Off, U-turn

Giga Drain, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Leaf Storm, Earth Power, Energy Ball, Focus Blast

Swords Dance, Aurora Veil, Leech Seed, Bulk Up

Obamarilla is a solid wallbreaker / revenge killer who relies on utilizing Hail + Grassy Terrain to facilitate it. Access to bountiful coverage options and utility in Knock Off, U-Turn, Superpower, Acrobatics, Aurora Veil, Leech Seed and Taunt respectively allow it to always have the means to perform while on the field. Physical sets are its bread and butter, but Choice Specs can be a surprising lure option.

:ss/mamoswine: :ss/stoutland:
DNA Donors/ Parents: Mamoswine / Stoutland
Roles: Hail Sweeper, Physical Wallbreaker
Offspring Name: Mamostout
New Types:

New Base Stats: 100 / 130 / 93 / 67 / 85 / 80 [BST: 555] (+3 HP / +10 Atk / +7 Def / +10 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Cloak + Sand Rush = Snow Rush - Doubles speed under hail. Provides immunity to hail damage.
Notable Moves:

Body Slam, Double Edge, Earthquake, Knock Off, Superpower, Stone Edge


Stealth Rock, Taunt
Finally allows Hail teams to exist without stacking Ice type weaknesses, while simultaneously tackling the major faults of Ice types. (Hitting Fire and Steel types).
Ugh, I hope this works this time ;-;

:sm/Tapu Koko:

Fusion: (Tapu Grimm)
Role: Physical Attacker; Terrain Setter
Type: Electric/Fairy

Ability: Shocking Pranks (Electric Surge + Prankster) - Sets up Electric Terrain. When Electric Terrain is present, the user's Electric- and status moves will have priority.
Stat Distribution: 90 / 122 / 85 / 95 / 85 / 102 [BST: 579] (+8 HP / +5 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +7 Spe)

Relevant Moves:
Physical: U-Turn, Knock Off, Iron Head, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge, Ice Punch, Spirit Break, Play Rough, Power Whip, Drain Punch
Special: N/A
Status: Bulk Up, Reflect, Light Screen, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Roost, Substitute

Justification: With 102 speed, Grimm will be able to outspeed a few enemies, but will still be slower than many others. Once Electric Terrain is set up, Grimm will be able to outspeed its faster threats with its Electric type moves, and have a higher chance to set up more easily. High attack will allow Grimm to deal more damage with less set up, and reliable healing will make Grimm a troublesome opponent to deal with. Admittedly, that bit of usefulness will be null once E.T is done.


Fusion: (Raidus-Ather)
Role: Special Sweeper; Terrain Abuser
Type: Flying/Electric
Ability: Surging Vitality (Regenerator + Surge Surfer) - When Electric Terrain is up, the Pokémon's Speed stat is doubled and it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP.
Stat Distribution: 80 / 92 / 74 / 112 / 92 / 120 [BST: 570] (+11 HP / +0 Atk / +9 Def / +10 SpA / +5 SpD / +5 Spe)

Relevant Moves:
Physical: U-Turn; Knock Off
Special: Surf, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Rising Voltage, Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Hurricane
Status: Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Defog, Tailwind, Taunt, Substitute, Thunder Wave

Justification: On its own, Raidus-A is already able to deal powerful blows thanks to its high speed and decent special attack. But it really shines when Electric Terrain is up. If it already has taken damage, and Electric Terrain comes up, that's a chunk of its health restored; plus a guaranteed speed boost to make it even faster. Rising Voltage will become very powerful, and thanks to Raichu's Nasty Plot, it will badly damage anybody standing in its way. And, if it hits a wall, it can either U-Turn or Volt Switch its way out of danger, so it can come back in to heal even more.

:sm/Lilligant: :sm/Tyranitar:

Fusion: (Lilitar)
Role: Special Attacker; Sand Setter
Type: Grass/Rock
Ability: Sand Tempo (Own Tempo + Sand Stream) - Combined Abilities.
Stat Distribution: 90 / 97 / 102 / 107 / 107 / 75 [BST: 578] (+5 HP / +0 Atk / +10 Def / +5 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)

Relevant Moves:
Physical: N/A
Special: Surf, Thunderbolt, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Ancient Power, Flamethrower, Earth Power, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Petal Dance
Status: Quiver Dance, Aromatherapy, Synthesis, Iron Defense, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Taunt

Justification: Able to set up a sandstorm upon switch in, which will damage opponents while Lilitar is able to set up with Quiver Dance. Its special arsenal from Tyranitar can help with all of its weaknesses, and will be able to use Petal Dance as many times as it wants without the risk of confusion. Problem is that it won't be able to pivot out of the battle on its own.

:sm/Tapu Lele:

Fusion: (Lelikiss)
Role: Special Attacker; Terrain Abuser
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Ability: Psychic Luck (Psychic Surge + Super Luck) - When Psychic Terrain is up, the Pokemon's moves have a higher chance to land a critical hit.
Stat Distribution: 88 / 67 / 100 / 107 / 120 / 94 [BST: 596] (+11 HP / +0 Atk / +15 Def / +2 SpA / +5 SpD / +7 Spe)

Relevant Moves:
Physical: N/A
Special: Expanding Force, Ancient Power, Aura Sphere, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Psychic, Shadow Ball
Status: Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Iron Defense, Morning Sun, Roost, Soft Boiled, Tailwind, Thunder Wave, Trick

Justification: As it exchanges sheer power for defense, Lelikiss has an extra bit of bulk to help it survive attacks. Once Psychic Terrain is up, all of its moves have a chance to land critical hits, and if a move such as Expanding Force lands a critical hit, expect a lot of damage - especially after a Nasty Plot. It can support its team with Tailwind and Thunder Wave if it needs to (with Psychic Terrain protecting the team from priority moves along the way), and it can heal itself with a variety of moves if it wants to stay in the game longer.
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Ehh, I hope I've done better with submission this time around.

:sm/Tornadus-Therian: :sm/Raichu-Alola:
Fusion: (Raidus-Ather)
Role: Special Sweeper; Terrain Abuser
Type: Flying/Electric
Ability: Surging Vitality (Regenerator + Surge Surfer) - When Electric Terrain is up, the Pokémon's Speed stat is doubled and it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP.
Stat Distribution: 80 / 92 / 74 / 112 / 92 / 120 [BST: 570] (+11 HP / +0 Atk / +9 Def / +10 SpA / +5 SpD / +5 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
: U-Turn; Knock Off
Special: Surf, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Rising Voltage, Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Hurricane
Status: Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Defog, Tailwind, Taunt, Substitute, Thunder Wave
Justification: On its own, Raidus-A is already able to deal powerful blows thanks to its high speed and decent special attack. But it really shines when Electric Terrain is up. If it already has taken damage, and Electric Terrain comes up, that's a chunk of its health restored; plus a guaranteed speed boost to make it even faster. Rising Voltage will become very powerful, and thanks to Raichu's Nasty Plot, it will badly damage anybody standing in its way. And, if it hits a wall, it can either U-Turn or Volt Switch its way out of danger, so it can come back in to heal even more.

:sm/Tapu Koko: :ss/Grimmsnarl:

Fusion: (Tapu Grimm)
Role: Physical Attacker; Terrain Abuser; Setter
Type: Electric/Fairy
Ability: Shocking Pranks (Electric Surge + Prankster) - When Electric Terrain is up, the Pokémon's status and Electric-type moves have priority.
Stat Distribution: 90 / 122 / 85 / 95 / 85 / 102 [BST: 579] (+8 HP / +5 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +7 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
: U-Turn, Knock Off, Iron Head, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge, Ice Punch, Spirit Break, Play Rough, Power Whip, Drain Punch
Special: N/A
Status: Bulk Up, Reflect, Light Screen, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Roost, Substitute
Justification: With 102 speed and 122 attack, Grimm will be able to outspeed a few enemies. But once the Electric Terrain is set up, Grimm will be able to outspeed its faster threats with its Electric type moves, and have a higher chance to set up for the team more easier. High attack will allow Grimm to deal more damage with less set up, and reliable healing will make Grimm a troublesome opponent to deal with. Admittedly, all the usefulness will be null once E.T is done.

:sm/Tapu Bulu: :sm/Gyarados:

Fusion: (Bulados)
Role: Physical Wallbreaker; Terrain Abuser; Choice Band User
Type: Grass/Water
Ability: Moxie Surge (Grassy Surge + Moxie) - Both abilities
Stat Distribution: 87 / 127 / 106 / 72 / 117 / 84 [BST: 593] (+5 HP / +0 Atk / +9 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +6 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
: Horn Leech, Seed Bomb, Wood Hammer, Power Whip, Iron Head, Outrage, Waterfall, Stone Edge, Earthquake*
Special: N/A
Status: Bulk Up, Iron Defense, Leech Seed, Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Toxic, Taunt
Justification: This thing is to set up Grassy Terrain, use its extra bulk to set up Dragon Dance a couple of times (or Swords Dance, your choice), and then wreak havoc with its high attack. Grassy Terrain will boost up all its Grass type moves, which means more damage from Wood Hammer and more soul sucking power from Horn Leech. And if that wasn't good enough, with every KO, it will get even more powerful with Moxie. Would be good as a Band holder.

(*For those who want to talk about Earthquake, I did think about the damage, but thanks to Grassy Terrain, all Ground type moves will have their power cut. So Electric types will have a better chance to survive Bulados' attack. But not everything stays permanent; there's always that chance for Grassy Terrain to go away prematurely. So, yeah, there's that.)

:sm/Tapu Lele: :sm/Togekiss:

Fusion: (Lelikiss)
Role: Special Attacker; Terrain Abuser
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Ability: Psychic Luck (Psychic Surge + Super Luck) - When Psychic Terrain is up, the Pokemon's moves have a higher chance to land a critical hit.
Stat Distribution: 88 / 67 / 100 / 107 / 120 / 94 [BST: 596] (+11 HP / +0 Atk / +15 Def / +2 SpA / +5 SpD / +7 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
: N/A
Special: Expanding Force, Ancient Power, Aura Sphere, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Psychic, Shadow Ball
Status: Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Iron Defense, Morning Sun, Roost, Soft Boiled, Tailwind, Thunder Wave, Trick
Justification: As it exchanges sheer power for defense, Lelikiss has an extra bit of bulk to help it survive attacks. Once Psychic Terrain is up, all of its moves have a chance to land critical hits, and if a move such as Expanding Force lands a crit, expect a lot of damage - especially after a Nasty Plot. It can support its team with Tailwind and Thunder Wave if it needs to (with Psychic Terrain protecting the team from priority moves along the way), and it can heal itself with a variety of moves if it wants to stay in the game longer.

:sm/Tapu Fini: :sm/Gorebyss:
Fusion: (Tagorfi)
Role: Special User; Terrain Setter, Set-Up Sweeper
Type: Fairy/Water
Ability: Damp Healing (Misty Surge + Hydration) - When the Pokemon enters the battle, Misty Terrain covers the battlefield. In the rain, Misty Terrain will heal any status condition at the end of each turn.
Stat Distribution: 70 / 79 / 117 / 114 / 117/ 68 [BST: 565] (+8 HP / +0 Atk / +7 Def / +10 SpA / +15 SpD / +0 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
: N/A
Special: Ice Beam, Moonblast, Scald, Shadow Ball, Surf, Psychic, Draining Kiss
Status: Iron Defense, Shell Smash, Substitute, Calm Mind, Defog, Aqua Ring
Justification: Tapu Fini now has a means to come after enemies strong with Shell Smash. While it is possible to hinder such a user with status like paralysis, with the protection of Misty Terrain it doesn't have to worry about it very much. Or, it can go on the defensive, and bulk up with Iron Defense and Calm Mind to stall an enemy out. It can also clear away hazards with Defog, allowing its team mates to switch in safely.
You have too many pokemon. It said two pairs of a setter and an abuser. You currently have six.
Some comments, sorry for typos I'm v tired

Fusion: Titan
Role: Burn Spreader, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Physical Wall, Trick Room Setter
Type: Grass / Rock
Ability: Skull Cracker (Natural Cure + Solid Rock): This Pokemon receives 3/4 from attacks made by opponents inflicted with a major status condition.
Stat Distribution: 100 / 125 / 120 / 60 / 88 / 51 [BST: 544] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +17 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +3 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
Horn Leech, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Poison Jab

Will-o-Wisp, Toxic, Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Trick Room
Justification: Fat wall with potential to be even fatter. Lacks reliable recovery, though.

Fusion: Red Rider
Role: Status Abuser, Special Wallbreaker
Type: Fairy / Water
Ability: Last Stand (Synchronize + Sniper): This Pokemon's attacks are a critical hit against opponents inflicted with a major status condition.
Stat Distribution: 73 / 85 / 85 / 125 / 90 / 101 [BST: 564] (+4 HP / +10 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +1 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
Moonblast, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast
Calm Mind, Trick, Will-o-Wisp
Justification: Relatively fast wallbreaker with the ability to muscle through bulky walls using crits.

Fusion: Norn
Role: Trick Room Setter, Trick Room Abuser, Special Wall, Special Wallbreaker, Hazard Setter (Toxic Spikes)
Type: Normal / Poison
Ability: Nocturnal Flash (Analytic + Poison Touch): This Pokemon's attacks have 1.3x power and have a 30% chance to poison the opponent if it is last to move in a turn.
Stat Distribution: 90 / 90 / 90 / 110 / 110 / 54 [BST: 544] (+15 HP / +13 Atk / +0 Def / +9 SpA / +1 SpD / +2 Spe)
Relevant Moves:

Tri Attack, Sludge Bomb, Focus Blast, Scald, Shadow Ball
Recover, Trick Room, Teleport, Toxic Spikes
Justification: Bulky TR setter and abuser.

Fusion: Oni
Role: Trick Room Abuser, Physical Wallbreaker
Type: Fire / Ice
Ability: Fatal End (Iron Fist + Blaze): This Pokemon's punching moves have 1.5x power.
Stat Distribution: 111 / 125 / 85 / 85 / 85 / 51 [BST: 542] (+15 HP / +2 Atk / +2 Def / +14 SpA / +7 SpD / +0 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
Fire Punch, Ice Hammer, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch, Knock Off, U-Turn

Swords Dance, Taunt, Parting Shot
Justification: SD wallbreaker with absurd power on Ice Hammer. Balanced by its reliance on HDB and therefore no access to another item, as well as its various weaknesses.
Status Spam: I like the concept- Given you pair it with TSpikes setters like Curchys-Peed you could status most of a team. I think changing Titan to Ground/Grass might be a good idea though to threaten steels better, as steels in general can frustrate this strategy pretty easily.
Trick Room: No issues, might want to list Flare Blitz on Oni because it's marginally stronger than Fire Punch, and on a Trick Room wallbreaker that makes a difference. Same deal with Close Combat. Could also see it running Band on Trick Room because its a balls-to-the-wall archetype anyways.


Fusion: Polikoal
Role: Weather Setter
Type: Fire/Fighting
Ability: Sauna (Drought + Water Absorb): Summons harsh sunlight in the battle for 5 turns (8 with Heat Rock). User is immune to Water-type moves when sunny weather is active.
Stat Distribution: 95 / 100 / 120 / 77 / 92 / 45 (+15 HP, +10 Atk, +3 Def, +12 SpD) | BST: 529
: 67.2 kg / 148.1 lbs
Relevant Moves: Drain Punch, Rapid Spin, Will-O-Wisp, Yawn, Toxic, Stealth Rock, Heat Crash, Body Press, Close Combat, Flamethrower, Lava Plume, Iron Defense, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Darkest Lariat, Shell Smash, Fire Blast, Overheat, Flame Wheel
Justification: Sun setter that has a lot of tools for longevity and utility. Fighting type gives it neutrality to Stealth Rock (can't use boots if holding Heat Rock), while STAB Drain Punch provides it much needed recovery. It can also use Body Press for a more powerful attack thanks to its high Defense. It can choose between Rapid Spin, Stealth Rock, Will-O-Wisp, Yawn, and Toxic to provide utility for the team.


Fusion: Eggyzard
Role: Sun Sweeper and Wallbreaker
Type: Fire/Grass
Ability: Sun Adrenaline (Chlorophyll + Solar Power): During harsh sunlight, the user's Special Attack and Speed stats are boosted by 50% but the user also loses 1/8 HP at the end of every turn.
Stat Distribution: 86 / 89 / 93 / 120 / 92 / 90 ( +12 Def, +3 SpA, +12 SpD, +13 Spe) | BST: 570
Relevant Moves:
Weather Ball, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Giga Drain, Overheat, Scorching Sands, Psyshock, Psychic, Focus Blast, Calm Mind
Justification: Devastating sweeper under the sun. Under the sun, Eggyzard basically gets a free Choice Scarf and Choice Specs at the cost of 1/8 HP loss per turn. STAB Giga Drain can be used to alleviate that drawback.



(They look like a good couple imo :P)
Fusion: Indeestoise
Role: Terrain setter, Set-up sweeper
Type: Water/Psychic
Ability: Psycho Storm (Psychic Surge + Rain Dish): Summons Psychic Terrain for 5 turns (8 turns when holding Terrain Extender). If Psychic Terrain is active, the user heals 1/16 of its max HP at the end of every turn.
Stat Distribution: 84/69/92/100/115/81 (+10 HP, +10 Def, +10 SpA, +10 SpD) | BST: 541
Relevant Moves
: Expanding Force, Rapid Spin, Aromatherapy, Toxic, Shell Smash, Hydro Pump, Scald, Surf, Flip Turn, Psyshock, Mystical Fire, Ice Beam, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Dark Pulse, Aura Sphere, Terrain Pulse, Calm Mind, Healing Wish, Light Screen, Reflect, Yawn
Justification: Psychic Terrain setter that can either support the team with its wide pool of utility moves or support itself with Shell Smash for sweeping. Its ability also grants it free Leftovers recovery when its terrain is active, so it is less worried on getting worn down. In addition to its support movepool, it can also use Flip Turn to safely enter a teammate into play. Shell Smash sets can be surprising and extremely terrifying with Expanding Force's sheer power and its immunity to priority.


Fusion: Galarian Arcadash
Role: Terrain Wallbreaker, Physical Sweeper
Type: Fire/Psychic
Ability: Well-prepared (Justified + Anticipation): When the user enters the battle, the ability causes the user to "shudder" and boost its Attack by one stage if any opponent has a damaging move that is super effective against the user.
Stat Distribution: 82/115/75/100/80/115 (+5 HP, +10 Atk, +10 SpA +15 Spe) | BST: 567
Relevant Moves
: Psychic Fangs, Flare Blitz, Swords Dance, Megahorn, Close Combat, Play Rough, High Horsepower, Wild Charge, Throat Chop, Crumch, Poison Jab, Extreme Speed Calm Mind, Expanding Force, Psychic, Psyshock, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Dazzling Gleam, Scorching Sands, Will-O-Wisp, Morning Sun
Justification: Abuses Psychic Terrain with STAB Psychic Fangs off its 115 offensive stats. In addition to that, it has STAB Flare Blitz for Steel types such as Vespithorn and Mr. Gross It has all the coverage it wants: Megahorn for bulky Psychic types such as Saturn, Play Rough for Umbrisse and Kord, Close Combat for Corvilord, and many more to choose from. It can also boost with Swords Dance to top it off. Its ability also potentially boosts its attack if it switches on an opponent that has coverage against it. It is not one-dimensional: it can still perform more sets than that! Extreme Speed can be run if not paired with Psychic Terrain for a powerful priority. It can also be run on Sun Teams for a stronger Fire STAB with the bonus of smacking Uranus with Solar Blade. A special set can surprise an opponent, especially under Psychic Terrain as Expanding Force deals huge damage under it. Calm Mind can be used to boost on special sets.
Sun Pair: Specs Eggyzard seems terrifying- Compressing Solar Power and Chlorophyll alongside STAB Fire attacks, with little in terms of competing weathers, scares me. I'd suggest either changing Zard to a different Solar Power user or remove the speed boost aspect of the ability (draw from Harvest, perhaps?)
Psychic Surge: Probably wouldn't pair these together, with Indeestoise being so self-sufficient. I would suggest not giving the setter something as strong as Shell Smash.


Offspring Name: Alolan Ninewish
Role: Hail Setter, Suicide Lead.
New Types:

New Base Stats: 73 / 67 / 80 / 89 / 100 / 122 [BST: 531] (+7 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +13 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Warning + Prankster = Snow Skank- Has the effects of both.
Notable Moves:
: U-Turn I guess???
:Blizzard, Moonblast, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Freeze Dry
: Aurora Veil, Memento, Leech Seed, Taunt
Justification: Everyone is probably gonna make sun, rain, and sand setters. Good for them, but you know what hail can be cool too. Sure this thing looks pretty underwhelming, until you realize it's decent lead. Priority Aurora Veil makes it pretty good for some early game support, and memento could help it get some momentum early game if it's going up against a sweeper. However Mr.Gross exists, and this thing is not a fan of Mr.Gross. Mr.Gross can get rid of its screens and then kill it with some steel type move. If you wanted to you could use nasty plot and try and use it as a set up sweeper with those blizzards, and good luck to you on that.


Offspring Name: Zoltswine
Role: Physical Sweeper(in hail)
New Types:

New Base Stats: 104 / 115 / 90 / 90 / 90 / 68 [BST: 557] (+4 HP / +0 Atk / +5 Def / +10 SpA / +20 SpD / +1 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Slush Rush + Snow Cloak = Snow Rush- It doubles its speed in hail while also being immune to hail damage. That is all snow cloak serves, keep calm party people.
Notable Moves:
:Bolt Beak, Earthquake, Superpower, Icicle Crash, Iron Head,
: Umm freeze-dry I guess but like it lacks STAB on that so???
:Stealth Rock
Justification: Alright so yes I know we just had an electric/ground type, and yes I know blizzard is 100% accurate in hail, but before you get that ball rolling allow me to explain why this thing is gonna be good in hail. First of all it's not an ice type, yes I know fucking discovery of the century here by saying that, but the fact that it's not an ice type mitigates the issue of hail really only benefiting a bad type. Secondly it's a ground type, I know making all the fucking earth shattering discoveries right now, but it's ground type works to its advantage, sorta. If you decided to keep Ninewish alive rather than killing it via memento early on, you can switch into this to get rid of those pesky steel types that would ruin its day, namely that devilishly handsome mustachioed Mr.Gross. Also bolt beak, it hurts from this thing in hail. Outside of hail it's not gonna be super good. It can probably do something to doot and corvilord, but not much else really.


Offspring Name: Tapu Fanu
Role: Terrain Setter, Hazard Removal, Mixed Wall
New Types:

New Base Stats: 70 / 75 / 102 / 102 / 120 / 90 [BST: 559] (+3 HP / +0 Atk / +10 Def / +7 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Misty Surge + Magic Bounce = Magic Surge- Has the effects of both.
Notable Moves:
:Knock off
:Moonblast, Nature's Madness, Air Slash, Heat Wave, Psychic
:Defog, Teleport, Roost
Justification: We already have something for electric and psychic terrain setting so while everyone fuses Bulu and Rillaboom, I decided to go with something everyone loves with a weird Terrain Setting fish god bird thing. Yes it gets teleport, everyone's favorite move, but really this thing sets up terrain, removes hazards, and proceeds to go away. That's it.


Offspring Name: Galarian Stan
Role: Terrain Abuser, Physical Sweeper
New Types:

New Base Stats: 114 / 115 / 77 / 51 / 77 / 80 [BST: 514] (+7 HP / +5 Atk / +0 Def / +3 SpA / +8 SpD / +17 Spe)
Zen Types:

Zen Base Stats: 114 / 135 / 77 / 51 / 77 / 120 [BST: 574]
New Ability and Desc: Mimicry + Zen Mode = Terrain Mode- When terrain is active this pokemon goes into Zen Mode.
Notable Moves:
:Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Icicle Crash, Flare Blitz, Zen Headbutt, U-Turn, Iron Head
: Ha, NO!
: Stealth Rock I guess.
justification: Abusing one terrain, fucking small brain time. Abusing all the terrains, big brain time. Let's be real here, you're gonna slap a choice item on this thing and call it a day. The main downside is that this thing is really only good in terrain. Outside of terrain this is a bit to slow to be a physical sweeper, and a bit to weak to be a physical wall breaker. However if there's terrain it'll fucking destroy everything.
"Hail" Pair: You made aurora veil offense bro. Also, idk if Bolt Beak is really a great thing to add to this meta.
Terrain Pair: The DARM-fisk mon looks pretty weak. Being reliant on terrain and all you get out of it is a mid-tier offensive mon thats worse than the flapple-victini fusion. For the Fini-Xatu fusion, you seem to be underrating how potent it is as a stallbreaker. With a Calm Mind set it could really tear stall a new one, or any slower team for that matter. Plus we already have a magic bouncer, I think you might want to rework this pair.


DNA Donors/ Parents: Exeggutor-Alola / Pelipper
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Peligutor
New Types:

New Base Stats: 97 / 77 / 92 / 110 / 92 / 55 [BST: 523] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Harvest + Drizzle = Harvest Rain- Sets rain upon entry for 5 turns (8 if holding Damp Rock). If the Pokémon has used a Berry, there is a 50% chance of it being restored at the end of each turn. The held Berry is remembered even if it is not restored or if the Pokémon has switched out. Harvest will always activate in rain.
Notable Moves:
Dragon Pulse, Hydro Pump, Hurricane, Scald, Draco Meteor, Leaf Storm, Giga Drain
Roost, Defog,
Role Identification:
peligutor: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Dragon"],
    species: "Peligutor",
    id: "peligutor",
    baseStats: {hp: 97, atk: 77, def: 92, spa: 110, spd: 92, spe: 55}
    abilities: {0: "Harvest Rain"},
    weightkg: 221.8,
    fusion: ["Exeggutor-Alola", "Pelipper"],


Just picture Eiscue in a Regice mecha / gundam for a cooler visual.
DNA Donors/ Parents: Eiscue / Regice
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Regeiscue
New Types:

New Base Stats: 80 / 85 / 105 / 85 / 145 / 50 [BST: 550] (+3 HP / +20 Atk / +0 Def / +3 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
No Ice Base Stats: 80 / 85 / 85 / 85 / 125 / 90 [BST: 550] (+3 HP / +20 Atk / +0 Def / +3 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Clear Body + Ice Face = Clear Ice- Both effects combined- deactivates when Ice Face is broken.
Notable Moves:
Icicle Crash, Zen Headbutt, Liquidation
Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Focus Blast
Belly Drum, Iron Defense, Rock Polish,
Role Identification:
regeiscue: {
    num: 75000###,
    species: "Regeiscue",
    id: "regeiscue",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 85, def: 105, spa: 85, spd: 145, spe: 50}
    abilities: {0: "Clear Ice"},
    weightkg: 132,
    fusion: ["Eiscue", "Regice"],
regeiscue-noice: {
    num: 75000###,
    species: "Regeiscue",
    id: "regeiscue",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 85, def: 85, spa: 85, spd: 125, spe: 90}
    abilities: {0: "Clear Ice"},
    weightkg: 132,
    fusion: ["Eiscue", "Regice"],


DNA Donors/ Parents: Clawitzer / Kingdra
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Kingwitzer
New Types:

New Base Stats: 75 / 85 / 95 / 115 / 95 / 90 [BST: 555] (+2 HP / +1 Atk / +4 Def / +8 SpA / +3 SpD / +18 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Mega Launcher + Swift Swim = Swift Launcher- Doubles speed and power of Pulse moves under rain.
Notable Moves:

Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Water Pulse, Dark Pulse, Terrain Pulse, Aura Sphere, Hydro Pump, Hurricane, Flash Cannon, Ice Beam
Role Identification:
kingwitzer: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Water", "Dragon"],
    species: "Kingwitzer",
    id: "kingwitzer",
    baseStats: {hp: 75, atk: 85, def: 95, spa: 115, spd: 95, spe: 90}
    abilities: {0: "Swift Launcher"},
    weightkg: 93.65,
    fusion: ["Clawitzer", "Kingdra"],
You need 2 pairs to be slated (well, or 1).

The god of the deep abyss, a great pit in the depths of the underworld.
DNA Donors: Sandaconda / Krookodile
Shared Egg Group: Field
Offspring Name: Tartarus
New Types:

Base Stats: 84 / 116 / 116 / 65 / 86 / 86 [BST: 553] (+1 HP / +4 Atk / +14 Def / +16 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: Stand in Spite = (Sand Spit + Intimidate)
Ability Description: Sand Stream + This Pokémon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokémon by 1 stage whenever an attack hits it.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
… EdgeQuake, Power Trip, Knock Off, Aqua Tail, Skitter Smack, Darkest Lariat, Beat Up, Close Combat, Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw (or Outrage), Iron Tail, Fire Fang, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt
… Scorching Sands, Hurricane
… Coil, Stealth Rock, Glare
Role Justification: This leviathan is more than decent for a Physical Sweeper because of Darkest Lariat, but also can be a setup sweeper using Coil, Power Trip, Dragon Rush/Iron Tail/Aqua Tail/Zen Headbutt, and EdgeQuake.
krookaconda: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ground", "Dark"],
    species: "Krookaconda",
    id: "krookaconda",
    baseStats: {hp: 84, atk: 116, def: 116, spa: 65, spd: 86, spe: 86}
    abilities: {0: "Stand in Spite"},
    weightkg: 80.9,
    fusion: ["Sandaconda", "Krookodile"],

Helios, god of the sun.
DNA Donors: Groudon / Vulpix
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Gilaos
New Types:

Base Stats: 75 / 100 / 96 / 100 / 96 / 86 [BST: 553] (+6 HP / +5 Atk / +6 Def / +25 SpA / +19 SpD / +9 Spe)
New Ability: Drought = (Drought + Doubility)
Ability Description: Sun on switch-in.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
… Flame Charge, Zen Headbutt, Payback, Quick Attack, EdgeQuake, Precipice Blades, Flare Blitz, Iron Tail, Foul Play, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Rock Slide, Iron Head, Thunder Punch, Counter, Seismic Toss
… Earth Power, Weather Ball, Energy Ball, Hex, Dark Pulse, Extrasensory, Mystical Fire, Overheat, Burning Jealousy, Solar Beam, Eruption, Thunderbolt
… Will-O-Wisp, Roar, Stealth Rock, Role Play, Mimic, Reflect, Agility/Rock Polish, Disable, Bulk Up, Block, Swords Dance, Hone Claws
Role Justification: It's an okay mixed sweeper. Quite balanced.
gilaos: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ground", "Fire"],
    species: "Gilaos",
    id: "gilaos",
    baseStats: {hp: 75, atk: 100, def: 96, spa: 100, spd: 96, spe: 86}
    abilities: {0: "Drought"},
    weightkg: 479.95,
    fusion: ["Groudon", "Vulpix"],

The Titan god of warcraft and of the springtime campaign season.
DNA Donors: Probopass / Palossand
Offspring Name: Pallas
New Types:

Base Stats: 80 / 65 / 144 / 102 / 112 / 37 [BST: 540] (+8 HP / +17 Def / +15 SpA)
New Ability: Compact Forces = (Sand Force + Water Compaction)
Ability Description: This Pokémon raises its Defense by 2 stages whenever it takes damage from a Rock-, Water-, Steel-, or Ground-type move. If Sandstorm is active, this Pokémon's Rock-, Water-, Steel-, and Ground-type moves have 1.3x power.
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
… Scorching Sands, Volt Switch, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Brine, Power Gem, Infestation, Dazzling Gleam, Giga Drain, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Terrain Pulse, Thunderbolt
… Stealth Rock, Shore Up, Taunt, Toxic, Torment, Curse, Recycle, Amnesia, Iron Defense, Block
Role Justification: Stall, Weather Abuser, Mixed Wall
pallas: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Rock", "Ghost"],
    species: "Pallas",
    id: "pallas",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 65, def: 144, spa: 102, spd: 112, spe: 37}
    abilities: {0: "Compact Forces"},
    weightkg: 295,
    fusion: ["Probopass", "Palossand"],

DNA Donors: Cherrim / Kartana
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Heracles
New Types:

Base Stats: 74 / 120 / 103 / 74 / 74 / 103 [BST: 548] (+10 HP / +3 Def / +1 SpA / +20 SpD / +6 Spe)
New Ability: Beast Flower = (Flower Gift + Beast Boost)
Ability Description: Standard effects + If sunlight is active, Beast Boost effect additionally raises Special Defense and Attack each by 1 stage (never 2 stages).
Notable/Relevant/Useful Moves:
… Solar Blade, Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, Psycho Cut, Sacred Sword, Smart Strike, Knock Off, Play Rough, Grassy Glide
… Air Slash, Vacuum Wave, Weather Ball (FIRE/ICE/ROCK/WATER coverage)
… Synthesis, Morning Sun, Growth, Defog, Leech Seed, Aromatherapy, Nature Power, Grassy Terrain, Swords Dance, Healing Wish
Role Justification: I admit it would be one boost too far for it to get a free Swords Dance and Special Defense boost just for knocking something out, so… yeah. No stacking.
It's quite capable of holding its own without requiring weather, and it has more than decent utility. About time the scissors learned Solar Blade, not just Leaf Blade…
Weather Abuser, Physical Sweeper, Fire Weakness
chertana: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Grass", "Steel"],
    species: "Chertana",
    id: "chertana",
    baseStats: {hp: 74, atk: 120, def: 103, spa: 74, spd: 74, spe: 103}
    abilities: {0: "Beast Flower"},
    weightkg: 4.7,
    fusion: ["Cherrim", "Kartana"],
Sand Pair: I think you're overthinking the setter here. It will really just run a set likes Stealth Rock/EQ/Knock/Glare, its basically just Krook with Glare. Can't see it pulling off any of the wizardry you list otherwise, and Lariat is much weaker than Knock. Still a fine and plenty viable sub, though. As for the abuser, its just a defensive mon that could really care less about weather being active. Doesn't hit hard under weather and its best STAB (outside of scorching sands, which will never wallbreaker) isn't boosted regardless. Go for offense when making abusers.
Sun Pair: They're alright, It's a diet PDon and a mini Kartana (why did u list special moves tho it has 70 spa). I feel like the kartana should get the boost from flower gift immediately because otherwise it wouldn't bother with running sun.


DNA Donors/ Parents: Dracozolt / Kabutops
Offspring Name: Superfossil
New Types:

New Base Stats: 75 / 117 / 97 / 82 / 70 / 97 [BST: 531] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +0 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Sand Rush + Swift Swim = Prehistoric Flow- If Sandstorm or Rain is active, this Pokemon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm.
Notable Moves:
Aqua Jet, Dragon Claw, Bolt Beak, Earthquake, Knock Off, Liquidation, Low Kick, Outrage, Rock Slide, Stone Edge

Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Taunt, Thunder Wave
Role Identification: Sand/Rain Abuser


DNA Donors/ Parents: Politoed / Seismitoad
Offspring Name: Seismipol
New Types:

New Base Stats: 117 / 85 / 95 / 87 / 87 / 72 [BST: 543] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Drizzle + Water Absorb = Spongy Skin- When this Pokemon is hit, Rain begins. If Rain Dance is active, this Pokemon heals 1/16 of its max HP each turn. This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Water moves; Water immunity.
Notable Moves:
Earthquake, Liquidation, Ice Punch, Power Whip, Seismic Toss
Earth Power, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Scald, Surf
Haze, Stealth Rock
Role Identification: Rain Setter


DNA Donors/ Parents: Skarmory / Tyranitar
Offspring Name: Skarmitar
New Types:

New Base Stats: 92 / 117 / 135 / 67 / 95 / 65 [BST: 571] (+10 HP / +10 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Sand Stream + Keen Eye = Sand Focus- On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sandstorm. If Sandstorm is active, every move used by this Pokemon will always hit.
Notable Moves:
Body Press, Brave Bird, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Rock Slide, Stone Edge

Defog, Dragon Dance, Roost, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Taunt, Thunder Wave
Role Identification: Sand Setter, Hazard Setter, Physical Wall

EDIT: changed Kabuzolt's type so it can't go crazy with Bolt Beak. Also gave my fusions actual names
You need 4

First time making a submission, let me know if something's there.


Flaring Fusion
DNA Donors/ Parents: Victini / Ninetales
Role: Sun Setter
Offspring Name: Victales
New Types:

New Base Stats: 91 / 88 / 107 / 100 / 100 / 105 [BST: 591] (+5 HP / +0 Atk / +20 Def / +10 SpA / +0 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Victory Star + Drought = Victory Drought- Combined effect of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
V-Create, Flare Blitz, Bolt Strike, Zen Headbutt, U-turn
Blue Flare, Fusion Flare, Solar Beam, Psychic, Focus Blast
Trick, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Nasty Plot
Role Identification: With 98/100 offensive stats, 120 speed and good moves it can work as a physical or special attacker. It can be a Choice item attacker, Sash Nasty Plot, Life Orb attacker. Can also U-Turn out after setting up Sun.
victales: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Psychic", "Fire"],
    species: "Victales",
    id: "victales",
    baseStats: {hp: 86, atk: 98, def: 87, spa: 100, spd: 100, spe: 120}
    abilities: {0: "Victory Drought"},
    weightkg: 11.95,
    fusion: ["Victini", "Ninetales"],

Edit: KirbyRider1337 told me we need a setter and an abuser. I combined in one oof. Both are ready now.

[Cancelled Fusion]
Flare Machine
DNA Donors/ Parents: Darmanitan / Victini
Role: Sun Abuser
Offspring Name: Darmanitini
New Types:

New Base Stats: 102 / 140 / 77 / 65 / 77 / 117 [BST: 578] (+0 HP / +20 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Sheer Force + Victory Star = Sheer Star- Combined effects of both the abilities.
Notable Moves:
V-Create, Flare Blitz, Bolt Strike, Zen Headbutt, U-Turn, Superpower, Earthquake, Stone Edge

Belly Drum, Trick, Taunt
Role Identification: Powerful and fast physical attacker in Sun. Life Orb/Choice Band/Choice Scarf/Belly Drum set.
darmanitini: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fire", "Psychic"],
    species: "Darmanitini",
    id: "darmanitini",
    baseStats: {hp: 102, atk: 140, def: 77, spa: 65, spd: 77, spe: 117}
    abilities: {0: "Sheer Star"},
    weightkg: 48.45,
    fusion: ["Darmanitan", "Victini"],


Flare Squad
DNA Donors/ Parents: Darmanitan / Cinderace
Role: Sun Abuser
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Darmanitance
New Types:

New Base Stats: 102 / 138 / 75 / 47 / 75 / 107 [BST: 544] (+10 HP / +10 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Sheer Force + Libero = Sheer Libero- Moves that have a secondary effect have 1.3x power, effect nullified and change the user's type to the type of the move. Can use the ability with Flare Blitz/Pyro Ball, Gunk Shot and Stone Edge. Choice Band Flare Blitz will hit hard in Sun.
Notable Moves:
Flare Blitz, Pyro Ball, High Jump Kick, U-Turn, Sucker Punch, Earthquake, Superpower, Stone Edge, Gunk Shot

Belly Drum, Bulk Up
Role Identification: Powerful attacker that can abuse Sun very effectively with Flare Blitz/Pyro Ball.
darmanitance: {
    num: 75000###,
    species: "Darmanitance",
    id: "darmanitance",
    baseStats: {hp: 92, atk: 138, def: 65, spa: 47, spd: 75, spe: 127}
    abilities: {0: "Sheer Libero"},
    weightkg: 62.95,
    fusion: ["Darmanitan", "Cinderace"],


Drought and Exit
DNA Donors/ Parents: Ninetales / Golisopod
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Golisotales
New Types:

New Base Stats: 84 / 100 / 107 / 70 / 105 / 90 [BST: 556] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Drought + Emergency Exit = Drought Emergency Exit- The user switches out if it successfully sets up Sun.
Notable Moves:
First Impression, U-turn, Flare Blitz, Leech Life, Knock Off, Sucker Punch
Fire Blast, Solar Beam not much useful
Spikes, Will-o-Wisp, Encore, Taunt
Role Identification: Sets up Sun and escapes for the turns of Sun immediately. Got decent Speed, defences and utility moves. Boots can help mitigate Stealth Rocks weakness so it can switch more often to set up Sun.
golisotales: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fire", "Bug"],
    species: "Golisotales",
    id: "golisotales",
    baseStats: {hp: 84, atk: 100, def: 107, spa: 70, spd: 105, spe: 90}
    abilities: {0: "Drought Emergency Exit"},
    weightkg: 63.95,
    fusion: ["Ninetales", "Golisopod"],
This sun pair is frighteningly efficient- You can set sun for free on a predicted switch, and if you do get the predict you're bringing in the nuke for free. If you mispredicted, just swap to the slow pivot that checks the opponent. The Golisotales ability in general is just way too efficient and completely removes the difficulty and risk in setting a weather, not to mention it creates an entirely new pivoting dynamic by turning one of your teamslots into a weird auto-pivot slot.

View attachment 268972
DNA Donors/ Parents: Zapdos / Pelipper
Offspring Name: Ares
New Types:

New Base Stats: 95 / 70 / 92 / 110 / 90 / 92 [BST: 549] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Pressure + Drizzle = - Combined effects of both
Notable Moves:
Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Thunder, Scald, Hurricane, Ice Beam
Roost, Thunder Wave, Defog
Role Identification: Weather Setter, Weather Abuser, Defogger
ares: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Flying", "Electric"],
    species: "Ares",
    id: "ares",
    baseStats: {hp: 95, atk: 70, def: 92, spa: 110, spd: 90, spe: 92}
    abilities: {0: ""},
    weightkg: 40.3,
    fusion: ["Zapdos", "Pelipper"],

View attachment 268973
DNA Donors/ Parents: Armaldo / Cobalion
Offspring Name: Armalion
New Types:

New Base Stats: 83 / 127 / 114 / 80 / 76 / 96 [BST: 576] (+0 HP / +20 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Justified + Swift Swim = Water Warrior- Under Rain, 1.5x atk and 1.5x Speed
Notable Moves:
Megahorn, Iron Head, Close Combat, Knock Off, Rapid Spin
Volt Switch
Swords Dance, Stealth Rock
Role Identification: Physical Offense, Weather Abuser, Offensive Hazard Control
armalion: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Steel", "Bug"],
    species: "Armalion",
    id: "armalion",
    baseStats: {hp: 83, atk: 127, def: 114, spa: 80, spd: 76, spe: 96}
    abilities: {0: "Water Warrior"},
    weightkg: 159.1,
    fusion: ["Armaldo", "Cobalion"],
Make Armalion get double speed under rain. It's not nearly strong enough to warrant a forced jolly nature, running adamant would make it more appealing.

First time posting here, hopefully I did okay:


DNA Donors/ Parents: Abomasnow / Milotic
Offspring Name: Abomatic
New Types:

New Base Stats: 102 / 76 / 85 / 96 / 105 / 70 [BST: 534] (+10 HP / +0 Atk / +8 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Warning + Marvel Scale = Snow Barrage: On switch-in, this Pokémon summons hail. While hail is active, its defense is 1.5x.
Notable Moves:
Flip Turn?
Scald, Blizzard, Earth Power, Giga Drain
Aurora Veil, Leech Seed, Recover, Haze, Refresh, Dragon Dance?
Role Identification: Weather Setter, Veil Setter, Physical Wall
Justification: A hail setter with good defensive potential. Its ability lets it tank physical hits very well, reaching a respectable 442 with full Def investment. It can set aurora veil, and has good support options, and will probably be used to sponge neutral or resisted hits and switch out with Flip Turn. It still doesn’t have the best of typings, and rocks weakness makes it harder to pivot.


DNA Donors/ Parents: Castform / Thundurus
Offspring Name: Aeolus
New Types:

New Base Stats: 83 / 92 / 70 / 117 / 75 / 101 [BST: 538] (+9 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +0 SpD / +11 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Forecast + Prankster = Keeper of Winds: Aeolus' primary type changes to the current weather condition's type, except Sandstorm. When this pokemon uses a move of the current weather condition's type, it gains +1 priority.
Notable Moves:
Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Switch, Scald, Hydro Pump, Hurricane, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Weather Ball, Grass Knot, Energy Ball, Solar Beam, Psychic, Sludge Wave, Flash Cannon
Defog, Thunder Wave, Nasty Plot
Role Identification:
Priority Weather Abuser, Offensive Defogger?
Justification: I tried to make a Weather Abuser that can work in all weathers (except sandstorm, rip). He can boost up with a Nasty Plot and then destroy the opposition with priority Hpump, Fire Blast, or Blizzard, depending on the set. It has just enough speed to outspeed base 100s, but could also run a bulkier spread to allow the priority to do the heavy lifting. Very deep coverage means that it can easily be tuned to handle whatever your team struggles with, as it can hit most defensive pokemon in the tier, depending on its moves and the weather you’re playing. However, it doesn’t enjoy switching in and out and is crippled by rocks. Useless without weather support.
The hail mon is more of an aurora veil setter, and I doubt it would be the best partner to Aeolus when Ice/Flying is a subpar offensive type. Would work much better under rain/sun, but we don't have setters for that at the moment. I'd suggest adding one of those over a hail setter instead.

:ss/Abomasnow: :ss/Rillaboom:
DNA Donors/ Parents: Abomasnow / Rillaboom
Roles: Hail Setter, Terrain Setter, Physical Wallbreaker
Offspring Name: Obamarilla
New Types:

New Base Stats: 95 HP / 118 Atk / 89 Def / 86 SpA / 87 SpD / 75 Spe [BST: 550] (+0 HP / +10 Atk / +7 Def / +10 SpA / +10 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Warning + Grassy Surge = Winterfresh - Automatically sets hail and Grassy terrain on switch-in.
Notable Moves:

Wood Hammer, Grassy Glide, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Superpower, High Horsepower, Acrobatics, Knock Off, U-turn

Giga Drain, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Leaf Storm, Earth Power, Energy Ball, Focus Blast

Swords Dance, Aurora Veil, Leech Seed, Bulk Up

Obamarilla is a solid wallbreaker / revenge killer who relies on utilizing Hail + Grassy Terrain to facilitate it. Access to bountiful coverage options and utility in Knock Off, U-Turn, Superpower, Acrobatics, Aurora Veil, Leech Seed and Taunt respectively allow it to always have the means to perform while on the field. Physical sets are its bread and butter, but Choice Specs can be a surprising lure option.

:ss/mamoswine: :ss/stoutland:
DNA Donors/ Parents: Mamoswine / Stoutland
Roles: Hail Sweeper, Physical Wallbreaker
Offspring Name: Mamostout
New Types:

New Base Stats: 100 / 130 / 93 / 67 / 85 / 80 [BST: 555] (+3 HP / +10 Atk / +7 Def / +10 SpA / +10 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Cloak + Sand Rush = Snow Rush - Doubles speed under hail. Provides immunity to hail damage.
Notable Moves:

Body Slam, Double Edge, Earthquake, Knock Off, Superpower, Stone Edge


Stealth Rock, Taunt
Finally allows Hail teams to exist without stacking Ice type weaknesses, while simultaneously tackling the major faults of Ice types. (Hitting Fire and Steel types).
I think Obamarilla is way too self-sufficent to warrant running Mamostout. With better attack Mamostout would be more appealing, but as it stands you can just run Obamarilla with High Horsepower to get the same experience. Also Grassy Terrain nerfs its best stab so uhhhh

Ehh, I hope I've done better with submission this time around.

:sm/Tornadus-Therian: :sm/Raichu-Alola:
Fusion: (Raidus-Ather)
Role: Special Sweeper; Terrain Abuser
Type: Flying/Electric
Ability: Surging Vitality (Regenerator + Surge Surfer) - When Electric Terrain is up, the Pokémon's Speed stat is doubled and it restores 1/3 of its maximum HP.
Stat Distribution: 80 / 92 / 74 / 112 / 92 / 120 [BST: 570] (+11 HP / +0 Atk / +9 Def / +10 SpA / +5 SpD / +5 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
: U-Turn; Knock Off
Special: Surf, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Rising Voltage, Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Hurricane
Status: Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Defog, Tailwind, Taunt, Substitute, Thunder Wave
Justification: On its own, Raidus-A is already able to deal powerful blows thanks to its high speed and decent special attack. But it really shines when Electric Terrain is up. If it already has taken damage, and Electric Terrain comes up, that's a chunk of its health restored; plus a guaranteed speed boost to make it even faster. Rising Voltage will become very powerful, and thanks to Raichu's Nasty Plot, it will badly damage anybody standing in its way. And, if it hits a wall, it can either U-Turn or Volt Switch its way out of danger, so it can come back in to heal even more.

:sm/Tapu Koko: :ss/Grimmsnarl:

Fusion: (Tapu Grimm)
Role: Physical Attacker; Terrain Abuser; Setter
Type: Electric/Fairy
Ability: Shocking Pranks (Electric Surge + Prankster) - When Electric Terrain is up, the Pokémon's status and Electric-type moves have priority.
Stat Distribution: 90 / 122 / 85 / 95 / 85 / 102 [BST: 579] (+8 HP / +5 Atk / +10 Def / +0 SpA / +10 SpD / +7 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
: U-Turn, Knock Off, Iron Head, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge, Ice Punch, Spirit Break, Play Rough, Power Whip, Drain Punch
Special: N/A
Status: Bulk Up, Reflect, Light Screen, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Roost, Substitute
Justification: With 102 speed and 122 attack, Grimm will be able to outspeed a few enemies. But once the Electric Terrain is set up, Grimm will be able to outspeed its faster threats with its Electric type moves, and have a higher chance to set up for the team more easier. High attack will allow Grimm to deal more damage with less set up, and reliable healing will make Grimm a troublesome opponent to deal with. Admittedly, all the usefulness will be null once E.T is done.

:sm/Tapu Bulu: :sm/Gyarados:

Fusion: (Bulados)
Role: Physical Wallbreaker; Terrain Abuser; Choice Band User
Type: Grass/Water
Ability: Moxie Surge (Grassy Surge + Moxie) - Both abilities
Stat Distribution: 87 / 127 / 106 / 72 / 117 / 84 [BST: 593] (+5 HP / +0 Atk / +9 Def / +0 SpA / +20 SpD / +6 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
: Horn Leech, Seed Bomb, Wood Hammer, Power Whip, Iron Head, Outrage, Waterfall, Stone Edge, Earthquake*
Special: N/A
Status: Bulk Up, Iron Defense, Leech Seed, Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Toxic, Taunt
Justification: This thing is to set up Grassy Terrain, use its extra bulk to set up Dragon Dance a couple of times (or Swords Dance, your choice), and then wreak havoc with its high attack. Grassy Terrain will boost up all its Grass type moves, which means more damage from Wood Hammer and more soul sucking power from Horn Leech. And if that wasn't good enough, with every KO, it will get even more powerful with Moxie. Would be good as a Band holder.

(*For those who want to talk about Earthquake, I did think about the damage, but thanks to Grassy Terrain, all Ground type moves will have their power cut. So Electric types will have a better chance to survive Bulados' attack. But not everything stays permanent; there's always that chance for Grassy Terrain to go away prematurely. So, yeah, there's that.)

:sm/Tapu Lele: :sm/Togekiss:

Fusion: (Lelikiss)
Role: Special Attacker; Terrain Abuser
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Ability: Psychic Luck (Psychic Surge + Super Luck) - When Psychic Terrain is up, the Pokemon's moves have a higher chance to land a critical hit.
Stat Distribution: 88 / 67 / 100 / 107 / 120 / 94 [BST: 596] (+11 HP / +0 Atk / +15 Def / +2 SpA / +5 SpD / +7 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
: N/A
Special: Expanding Force, Ancient Power, Aura Sphere, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Psychic, Shadow Ball
Status: Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Iron Defense, Morning Sun, Roost, Soft Boiled, Tailwind, Thunder Wave, Trick
Justification: As it exchanges sheer power for defense, Lelikiss has an extra bit of bulk to help it survive attacks. Once Psychic Terrain is up, all of its moves have a chance to land critical hits, and if a move such as Expanding Force lands a crit, expect a lot of damage - especially after a Nasty Plot. It can support its team with Tailwind and Thunder Wave if it needs to (with Psychic Terrain protecting the team from priority moves along the way), and it can heal itself with a variety of moves if it wants to stay in the game longer.

:sm/Tapu Fini: :sm/Gorebyss:
Fusion: (Tagorfi)
Role: Special User; Terrain Setter, Set-Up Sweeper
Type: Fairy/Water
Ability: Damp Healing (Misty Surge + Hydration) - When the Pokemon enters the battle, Misty Terrain covers the battlefield. In the rain, Misty Terrain will heal any status condition at the end of each turn.
Stat Distribution: 70 / 79 / 117 / 114 / 117/ 68 [BST: 565] (+8 HP / +0 Atk / +7 Def / +10 SpA / +15 SpD / +0 Spe)
Relevant Moves:
: N/A
Special: Ice Beam, Moonblast, Scald, Shadow Ball, Surf, Psychic, Draining Kiss
Status: Iron Defense, Shell Smash, Substitute, Calm Mind, Defog, Aqua Ring
Justification: Tapu Fini now has a means to come after enemies strong with Shell Smash. While it is possible to hinder such a user with status like paralysis, with the protection of Misty Terrain it doesn't have to worry about it very much. Or, it can go on the defensive, and bulk up with Iron Defense and Calm Mind to stall an enemy out. It can also clear away hazards with Defog, allowing its team mates to switch in safely.
5 is still two many. You need two pairs (1 setter 1 abuser each)
Necrozitar = Necrozma-Dusk-Mane + Tyranitar

HP : 108 +10
Atk: 165 +20
Def: 118 +0
SpA: 104 +0
SpD: 104 +0
Spe: 79 +10
BST: 678 +40

Sand Armor = Prism Armor + Sand Stream
On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sandstorm; This Pokemon take 3/4 damage from attacks in Sandstorm.

Role: Sweeper, Wall Breaker, Trick Room Setter, Sand Setter, Trick Room Sweeper, Trick Room Wall Breaker, Lead, Set-Up Sweeper, Screen Setter, Status Spreader, Wall

Relevant Moves:
Status: Taunt, Curse, Hone Claws, Roar, Rock Polish, Dragon Dance, Autotomize, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Iron Defense, Reflect, Light Screen, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Trick Room, Rest, Sleep Talk, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Stealth Rocks, Substitute, Cosmic Power
Attacking: Earthquake, Facade, Sunsteel Strike, Knock Off, Night Slash, Outrage, Photon Geyser, Rock Slide, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Aqua Tail, Avalanch, Body Press, Crunch, Double-Edge,
Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Fire Punch, Superpower, Ice Punch, Thrash, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse,
Earth Power, Expanding Force, Flash Cannon, Heat Wave, Power Gem, Psyshock, Stored Power, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Surf

Reasoning: With this be very versatile and many ways to use it, Necrozitar can be a dangerous threat. Being able to do so many things this makes it so not many can counter this Pokemon. And with the ability to go into Ultra Necrozitar it can be even more of a threat. I think this mon being able to give many teams a great mon to work with to fit there them instead of building a team around this fusion makes it one of the best.
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Necrozitar = Necrozma-Dusk-Mane + Tyranitar

HP : 108 +10
Atk: 165 +20
Def: 118 +0
SpA: 104 +0
SpD: 104 +0
Spe: 79 +10
BST: 678 +40

Sand Armor = Prism Armor + Sand Stream
On switch-in, this Pokemon summons Sandstorm; This Pokemon take 3/4 damage from attacks in Sandstorm.

Role: Sweeper, Wall Breaker, Trick Room Setter, Sand Setter, Trick Room Sweeper, Trick Room Wall Breaker, Lead, Set-Up Sweeper, Screen Setter, Status Spreader, Wall

Relevant Moves:
Status: Taunt, Curse, Hone Claws, Roar, Rock Polish, Dragon Dance, Autotomize, Calm Mind, Swords Dance, Iron Defense, Reflect, Light Screen, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Trick Room, Rest, Sleep Talk, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Stealth Rocks, Substitute, Cosmic Power
Attacking: Earthquake, Facade, Sunsteel Strike, Knock Off, Night Slash, Outrage, Photon Geyser, Rock Slide, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Aqua Tail, Avalanch, Body Press, Crunch, Double-Edge,
Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Fire Punch, Superpower, Ice Punch, Thrash, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse,
Earth Power, Expanding Force, Flash Cannon, Heat Wave, Power Gem, Psyshock, Stored Power, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Surf

Reasoning: With this be very versatile and many ways to use it, Necrozitar can be a dangerous threat. Being able to do so many things this makes it so not many can counter this Pokemon. And with the ability to go into Ultra Necrozitar it can be even more of a threat. I think this mon being able to give many teams a great mom to work with to fit there them instead of building a team around this fusion makes it one of the best.
1) you need a sand abuser to complete the sub
2) this mon is ridiculously overpowered. have you viewed the mons your sub will be up against? considering the extremely vague reasoning probably not - there are like 3 mons that have a good matchup against this

Also Grassy Terrain nerfs its best stab so uhhhh
tbf Mamoswine gets High Horsepower which isn't that much weaker than EQ
It is fusing a legendary and a puedo it is going to have good stats. And with being counter by fast Pokemon with fighting moves like Life Orb Phermosa, Mega Lopunny, Choice Zamazanta(Hero of Many Battles), and Life Orb Zeraora. That is both in ultra and regular form. 2 of this mons are used often in their tiers being Zamazanta and Zeraora. And I though the post meant one half of the fusion sets while the other abuses. Edit: Also Swords Dance Zacian Crowned is a good against this.
1) you need a sand abuser to complete the sub
2) this mon is ridiculously overpowered. have you viewed the mons your sub will be up against? considering the extremely vague reasoning probably not - there are like 3 mons that have a good matchup against this
It is fusing a legendary and a puedo it is going to have good stats. And with being counter by fast Pokemon with fighting moves like Life Orb Phermosa, Mega Lopunny, Choice Zamazanta(Hero of Many Battles), and Life Orb Zeraora. That is both in ultra and regular form. 2 of this mons are used often in their tiers being Zamazanta and Zeraora. And I though the post meant one half of the fusion sets while the other abuses. Edit: Also Swords Dance Zacian Crowned is a good against this.
First of all, Fusion Evolution Alpha has none of those mons. Its a meta composed only of the fusions submitted here.

Second, if a fusion of a legendary and a sudo is "obviously going to have strong stats", then don't submit it. The premisse of this mod includes balance and you should always keep that in mind

Third of all half the things you listed are Ubers, and this is an OU meta...
It is fusing a legendary and a puedo it is going to have good stats. And with being counter by fast Pokemon with fighting moves like Life Orb Phermosa, Mega Lopunny, Choice Zamazanta(Hero of Many Battles), and Life Orb Zeraora. That is both in ultra and regular form. 2 of this mons are used often in their tiers being Zamazanta and Zeraora. And I though the post meant one half of the fusion sets while the other abuses. Edit: Also Swords Dance Zacian Crowned is a good against this.
I don't know if you missed the first post but we have a spreadsheet of all mons that are going to be in the meta, but in case you did here it is.
Please have a look at the spreadsheet before submitting so you have a general idea of the power level here.
The hail mon is more of an aurora veil setter, and I doubt it would be the best partner to Aeolus when Ice/Flying is a subpar offensive type. Would work much better under rain/sun, but we don't have setters for that at the moment. I'd suggest adding one of those over a hail setter instead.
Thanks for the feedback. I forgot they were considered a pair and not two separate pokemon, hence why I didn't make a setter that fit Aeolus. I've now added Wigglytales instead, much more suited to enable our weathery friend. I also added a second pair to complete my submission.
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Sand Pair: I think you're overthinking the setter here. It will really just run a set likes Stealth Rock/EQ/Knock/Glare, its basically just Krook with Glare. Can't see it pulling off any of the wizardry you list otherwise, and Lariat is much weaker than Knock. Still a fine and plenty viable sub, though. As for the abuser, its just a defensive mon that could really care less about weather being active. Doesn't hit hard under weather and its best STAB (outside of scorching sands, which will never wallbreaker) isn't boosted regardless. Go for offense when making abusers.
I think you might have overlooked the part where…
Rock type = SpD boost
Nullified Fighting weakness
Power Gem under effect of Sand Force
SHORE UP + Loads of coverage options in category of the stronger offensive stat

…to name a few.
It's not designed to be a wallbreaker, but an abusive wall.
It does hit hard under weather, but it doesn't need to.
For each hit it takes from Water, Ground, Rock, or Steel (three of which are super-effective), it raises its Defense by two stages. (Not so useful against Surging Strikes, though…)
Its best STAB isn't Ground, it's Rock.

Sun Pair: They're alright, It's a diet PDon and a mini Kartana (why did u list special moves tho it has 70 spa). I feel like the kartana should get the boost from flower gift immediately because otherwise it wouldn't bother with running sun.
Awesome, thank you! I guess you overlooked the part of the Ability description where it says "Standard Effects +", meaning it does indeed get Flower Gift boost immediately. I'll clarify that now.

Also, the reason I listed Special moves is because of Growth, which means its Special Attack AND Attack would be doubled. Not that it would main that, anyway, since making the Attack even higher removes any necessity for the unique coverage granted by the listed Special attacks.
It also gets Sacred Sword, so with Black Belt, that would boost its Fighting-type moves enough that Vacuum wave might come in handy.
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I think you might have overlooked the part where…
Rock type = SpD boost
Nullified Fighting weakness
Power Gem under effect of Sand Force
SHORE UP + Loads of coverage options in category of the stronger offensive stat

…to name a few.
It's not designed to be a wallbreaker, but an abusive wall.
It does hit hard under weather, but it doesn't need to.
For each hit it takes from Water, Ground, Rock, or Steel (three of which are super-effective), it raises its Defense by two stages. (Not so useful against Surging Strikes, though…)
Its best STAB isn't Ground, it's Rock.

Awesome, thank you! I guess you overlooked the part of the Ability description where it says "Standard Effects +", meaning it does indeed get Flower Gift boost immediately. I'll clarify that now.

Also, the reason I listed Special moves is because of Growth, which means its Special Attack AND Attack would be doubled. Not that it would main that, anyway, since making the Attack even higher removes any necessity for the unique coverage granted by the listed Special attacks.
It also gets Sacred Sword, so with Black Belt, that would boost its Fighting-type moves enough that Vacuum wave might come in handy.
I didn’t mean it’s best STAB is Ghost as in it being the strongest- Ghost in general is just a very, very strong STAB type and very preferable to Rock (even with the 1.3x boost). Regardless, a weather-dependent wall doesn’t seem worth the effort- running a wall that’s always useful is much preferable. Closest thing to a “weather-reliant wall” is Tail Glow+Rest stallbreaker manaphy.
But the Wall part of it doesn't completely rely on weather; it abuses weather. Sandstorm does four things for this Pokémon: Power boost to Water, Steel, Rock, and Ground; Special Defense boost; Weather Ball becomes Rock type and has 130 power; Shore Up heals ⅔ maximum HP.
Even without weather, it's still a decent stall/wall.
Rock/Ghost is not a good defensive typing. Giving a Life Orb boost to useless coverage moves (while also being a wall?) is irrelevant. Weather Ball becoming strong is cool, but that makes it reliant on weather lest it be caught outside of sandstorm with a dead moveslot. Lastly, Shore Up's boosted recovery doesn't really matter- The goal of a defensive Pokemon is to avoid the 2HKO so it can switch in and heal reliably. Shore Up's boosted recovery doesn't change this dynamic, as the boosted recovery doesn't allow you to switch into 2HKOes and 50% recovery is already enough if one is not 2HKO'd. Weather stall hasn't worked since gen 5, when weather wasn't turn-limited.

TL;DR: Very mediocre wall outside of weather, really not that better in weather and requires that you set up weather just use a wall (I sure do love my wall's effectiveness being turn limited)
First time. Please let me know if there are mistakes!
:ss/indeedee: :ss/alakazam:
DNA Donors/ Parents: Indeedee and Alakazam
Fusion: Alakadee
Role: Special Sweeper
Type: Psychic
Ability: Psychic Guard - On switch-in, Psychic Terrain comes into effect. While it is active, the user is not affected by indirect damage.
Stat Distribution: 57/57/50/120//95/107 (486)
Relevant Moves: Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Psychic, Psyshock, Expanding Force, Focus Blast, Recover, Dazzling Gleam
Justification: Alakadee makes for a decent special sweeper, being able to set up Nasty Plot while being immune to hazards, poison, burn, and priority. It has fantastic coverage as well in Shadow Ball. Focus Blast, Dazzling Gleam, and Shadow Ball. It is also able to function as an anti-stall option, with access to both Psychic and Psyshock to cripple stall teams. Its weakness, however, is its poor physical bulk, which means it can be easily OHKOed by any physical attack.
welcome to fe alpha. this isn't a bad first sub, but the problem is it's too good (partly because you need to sub an enabler and an abuser together and alakadee is kind of both at the same time). psychic surge + magic guard is bonkers especially with nasty plot, relevant coverage, and recover, giving it the ability to beat almost anything that it can outspeed. it's also important to note that there is already a indeedee fusion so you might want to think about subbing something else (taking a look at the spreadsheet helps a lot).
transwiththeplans did not give the Eiscue / Regice a corresponding setter, so it could not go on the ballot.
Blazer50030 only submitted one fusion, but the slate required a pair of fusions, so it could not go on the ballot.
Fusion: Trevenant / Rhyperior
Type: Grass / Ground
Ability: Skull Cracker (Natural Cure + Solid Rock): This Pokémon takes 3/4 damage from attacks from opponents inflicted with a major status condition.
Stat Distribution: 100 / 125 / 120 / 60 / 88 / 51 [BST: 544] (+17 Def / +20 SpD / +3 Spe)
Role: Burn Spreader, Hazard Setter (Stealth Rock), Physical Wall, Trick Room Setter

Fusion: Gardevoir / Inteleon
Type: Fairy / Water
Ability: Last Stand (Synchronize + Sniper): This Pokémon's attacks are critical hits against enemy targets that have a major status condition.
Stat Distribution: 73 / 85 / 85 / 125 / 90 / 101 [BST: 564] (+4 HP / +10 Atk / +20 Def / +1 Spe)
Role: Status Abuser, Special Wallbreaker

Fusion: Porygon2 / Dragalge
Type: Normal / Poison
Ability: Nocturnal Flash (Analytic + Poison Touch): This Pokémon's attacks have 1.3x power. If this Pokémon is the last to move in a turn, its attacks have a 30% chance to poison.
Stat Distribution: 90 / 90 / 90 / 110 / 110 / 54 [BST: 544] (+15 HP / +13 Atk / +9 SpA / +1 SpD / +2 Spe)
Role: Trick Room Setter, Trick Room Abuser, Special Wall, Special Wallbreaker, Hazard Setter (Toxic Spikes)

Fusion: Incineroar / Crabominable
Type: Fire / Ice
Ability: Fatal End (Iron Fist + Blaze): This Pokemon's punching moves have 1.5x power.
Stat Distribution: 111 / 125 / 85 / 85 / 85 / 51 [BST: 542] (+15 HP / +2 Atk / +2 Def / +14 SpA / +7 SpD)
Role: Trick Room Abuser, Physical Wallbreaker

Fusion: Torkoal / Poliwrath
Type: Fire/Fighting
Ability: Sauna (Drought + Water Absorb): Summons Intense Sunlight (Sunny Day) on switch-in. This Pokémon is immune to Water-type moves when intense sunlight is active.
Stat Distribution: 95 / 100 / 120 / 77 / 92 / 45 (+15 HP, +10 Atk, +3 Def, +12 SpD) | BST: 529
: 67.2 kg / 148.1 lbs
Role: Weather Setter

Fusion: Exeggutor / Charizard
Type: Fire/Grass
Ability: Sun Adrenaline (Chlorophyll + Solar Power): During harsh sunlight, this Pokémon's Special Attack and Speed stats are boosted by 50% but it also loses 1/8 HP at the end of every turn.
Stat Distribution: 86 / 89 / 93 / 120 / 92 / 90 ( +12 Def, +3 SpA, +12 SpD, +13 Spe) | BST: 570
Sun Sweeper and Wallbreaker
Fusion: Indeedee-F / Blastoise
Type: Water/Psychic
Ability: Psycho Storm (Psychic Surge + Rain Dish): Sets Psychic Terrain on switch-in. If Psychic Terrain is active, this Pokémon heals 1/16 of its maximum HP at the end of every turn.
Stat Distribution: 84/69/92/100/115/81 (+10 HP, +10 Def, +10 SpA, +10 SpD) | BST: 541
: Terrain setter, Setup sweeper

Fusion: Arcanine / Galarian Rapidash
Type: Fire/Psychic
Ability: Well-prepared (Justified + Anticipation): When this Pokémon enters the battle, the ability causes the user to "shudder" and boost its Attack by one stage if any opponent has a damaging move that is super effective against this Pokémon.
Stat Distribution: 82/115/75/100/80/115 (+5 HP, +10 Atk, +10 SpA +15 Spe) | BST: 567
: Terrain Wallbreaker, Physical Sweeper

Fusion: Pelipper / Thundurus-Therian
Types: Flying
Base Stats: 69 / 77 / 95 / 130 / 95 / 83 [BST: 549] (+10 Def / +10 SpA / +20 SpD)
Ability: Drizzle + Volt Absorb = Glug
Role: Rain Setter, I can't think of any others

Fusion: Armaldo / Scizor
Types: Bug / Steel
Base Stats: 74 / 130 / 100 / 62 / 95 / 75 [BST: 536] (+2 HP / +3 Atk / +15 SpD / +20 Spe)
Ability: Technician + Swift Swim = Abandon Hope
Role: Rain Abuser + standard Scizor role (excluding Mega)

Fusion: Hypno / Tapu Lele
Types: Psychic / Fairy
Base Stats: 97 / 79 / 72 / 115 / 115 / 87 [BST: 565] (+20 HP / +14 SpA / +6 Spe)
Ability: Psychic Surge + Inner Focus = Inner Surge
Role: Terrain Setter, Setup Sweeper

Fusion: Raichu-Alola / Stunfisk-Galar
Types: Ground / Psychic
Base Stats: 94 / 83 / 84 / 100 / 84 / 71 [BST: 516] (+10 HP / +10 Def / +20 SpA)
Ability: Surge Surfer + Mimicry = A Real Surge Surfer This Pokémon's speed is doubled while a Terrain is active.
Role: Terrain Abuser, Special Sweeper

Fusion: Exeggutor-Alola / Pelipper
Types: Dragon / Water
Base Stats: 97 / 77 / 92 / 110 / 92 / 55 [BST: 523] (+20 HP / +20 SpD)
Ability: Harvest + Drizzle = Harvest Rain – Sets rain upon entry for 5 turns (8 if holding Damp Rock). If the Pokémon has used a Berry, there is a 50% chance of it being restored at the end of each turn. The held Berry is remembered even if it is not restored or if the Pokémon has switched out. Harvest's effects will always activate in rain.

Fusion: Clawitzer / Kingdra
New Types: Water / Dragon
New Base Stats: 75 / 85 / 95 / 115 / 95 / 90 [BST: 555] (+2 HP / +1 Atk / +4 Def / +8 SpA / +3 SpD / +18 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Mega Launcher + Swift Swim = Swift Launcher Doubles speed and power of Pulse moves while heavy rain is active.

Fusion: Sandaconda / Krookodile
New Types: Ground / Dark
Base Stats: 84 / 116 / 116 / 65 / 86 / 86 [BST: 553] (+1 HP / +4 Atk / +14 Def / +16 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability: (Sand Spit + Intimidate) = Stand in Spite (Effects of Sand Stream + This Pokémon lowers the Attack of opposing Pokémon by 1 stage whenever an attack hits it.)
Role: Sand setter

Fusion: Groudon / Vulpix
New Types: Ground / Fire
Base Stats: 75 / 100 / 96 / 100 / 96 / 86 [BST: 553] (+6 HP / +5 Atk / +6 Def / +25 SpA / +19 SpD / +9 Spe) (NOTE: Doubility)
New Ability: Drought
Role: Sun setter

Fusion: Probopass / Palossand
New Types: Rock / Ghost
Base Stats: 80 / 65 / 144 / 102 / 112 / 37 [BST: 540] (+8 HP / +17 Def / +15 SpA)
New Ability: (Sand Force + Water Compaction) = Compact Forces (This Pokémon raises its Defense by 2 stages whenever it takes damage from a Rock-, Water-, Steel-, or Ground-type move. If Sandstorm is active, this Pokémon's Rock-, Water-, Steel-, and Ground-type moves have 1.3x power.)
Role: Sand abuser

Fusion: Cherrim / Kartana
New Types: Grass / Steel
Base Stats: 74 / 120 / 103 / 74 / 74 / 103 [BST: 548] (+10 HP / +3 Def / +1 SpA / +20 SpD / +6 Spe)
New Ability: (Flower Gift + Beast Boost) = Beast Flower = (Standard effects of Flower Gift + If sunlight is active, Beast Boost effect additionally raises Special Defense and Attack each by 1 stage.)
Role: Sun abuser

Fusion: Dracozolt / Kabutops
New Types: Dragon / Water
New Base Stats: 75 / 117 / 97 / 82 / 70 / 97 [BST: 531] (+10 Atk / +10 SpA / +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Sand Rush + Swift Swim = Prehistoric Flow If Sandstorm or Rain is active, this Pokémon's Speed is doubled; immunity to Sandstorm.
Role Identification: Sand/Rain Abuser

Fusion: Skarmory / Tyranitar
New Types: Flying / Rock
New Base Stats: 92 / 117 / 135 / 67 / 95 / 65 [BST: 571] (+10 HP / +10 Atk / +10 Def/ +10 SpD)
New Ability and Desc: Sand Stream + Keen Eye = Sand Focus- On switch-in, this Pokémon summons Sandstorm. If Sandstorm is active, every move used by this Pokémon will always hit.
Role Identification: Sand Setter, Hazard Setter, Physical Wall

Fusion: Darmanitan / Cinderace
New Types: Fire
New Base Stats: 102 / 138 / 75 / 47 / 75 / 107 [BST: 544] (+10 HP / +10 Atk / +10 Def / +10 SpD)
New Ability and Desc: Sheer Force + Libero = Sheer Libero Moves that have a secondary effect have 1.3x power; nullifies effects and changes the user's type to that of the move it used.
Role: Sun Abuser

Fusion: Ninetales / Golisopod
Offspring Name: Golisotales
New Types: Fire / Bug
New Base Stats: 84 / 100 / 107 / 70 / 105 / 90 [BST: 556] (+10 HP / +10 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Drought + Emergency Exit = Drought Emergency Exit – Sets up Sun on switching in, switches out after getting hit.
Role: Sun setter

Fusion: Zapdos / Pelipper
New Types: Flying / Electric
New Base Stats: 95 / 70 / 92 / 110 / 90 / 92 [BST: 549] (+20 HP / +10 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Pressure + Drizzle = Thunderstorm
Role Identification: Weather Setter, Weather Abuser, Defogger

Fusion: Cobalion / Armaldo
New Types: Steel / Bug
New Base Stats: 83 / 127 / 114 / 80 / 76 / 96 [BST: 576] (+20 Atk / +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Justified + Swift Swim = Water Warrior Under Rain, 1.5x atk and 2x Speed
Role Identification: Physical Offense, Weather Abuser, Offensive Hazard Control

Fusion: Ninetales / Wigglytuff
New Types: Fire / Fairy
New Base Stats: 116 / 73 / 70 / 83 / 95 / 72 [BST: 509] (+10 HP / +10 Def / +20 SpD)
New Ability and Desc: Drought + Frisk = Heat Vision
Role Identification: Defensive Weather Setter, Utility, Cleric

Fusion: Castform / Thundurus
New Types: Normal / Flying
New Base Stats: 83 / 92 / 70 / 117 / 75 / 101 [BST: 538] (+9 HP / +20 SpA / +11 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Forecast + Prankster = Keeper of Winds: If this Pokémon is an Aeolus, its primary type changes to the current weather condition's type in accordance with Weather Ball. When this Pokémon uses a move that matches the current weather condition's type, in accordance with Weather Ball, the move gains +1 priority.
Role Identification: Priority Weather Abuser, Offensive Defogger?

Fusion: Sableye / Tyranitar
New Types: Ghost / Dark
New Base Stats: 95 / 104 / 102 / 80 / 92 / 55 [BST: 528] (+20 HP / +10 Def / +10 SpD)
New Ability and Desc: Stall + Sand Stream = Bullet Time: Upon switch-in, this Pokémon sets up Trick Room.
Role Identification: Trick Room Setter

Fusion: Regigigas / Tangela
New Types: Normal / Grass
New Base Stats: 107 / 125 / 112 / 90 / 77 / 80 [BST: 591] (+20 HP / +18 Atk / +2 SpD)
New Ability and Desc: Slow Start + Chlorophyll = Slow March: This Pokémon's speed is halved while Trick Room is active.
Role Identification: Trick Room Sweeper, Physical Wallbreaker

Fusion: Vanilluxe / Alomomola
New Types: Ice / Water
New Base Stats: 138 / 85 / 82 / 95 / 70 / 72 [BST: 542] (+20 HP / +20 SpA)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Warning + Regenerator = Snow Generator
Role: Screen Setter, Special Wallbreaker

Fusion: Centiskorch / Dragapult
New Types: Bug / Dragon
New Base Stats: 103 / 120 / 70 / 100 / 85 / 123 [BST: 601] (+9 HP / +3 Atk / +5 SpA / +3 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Flash Fire + Clear Body = Clear Fire Immune to Fire-type attacks and stat drops, whenever this ability triggers, boosts Fire-type attacks.
Roles: Setup Sweeper, Offensive Pivot, Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Choice Specs

Fusion: Torkoal / Stonjourner
New Types: Fire / Rock
New Base Stats: 100 / 105 / 137 / 67 / 45 / 55 [BST: 509] (+15 HP / +15 SpA / +10 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Drought + Power Spot = Dry Spot Sets sun on switch-in. While this Pokémon is active, its own and its allies' attacks are have their power multiplied by 1.3.
Roles: Sun Setter, Hazard, Physical Wallbreaker

Fusion: Victreebel / Nihilego
New Types: Grass / Poison
New Base Stats: 109 / 84 / 61 / 118 / 105 / 91 [BST: 568] (+15 HP / +5 Atk / +5 Def / +5 SpA / +5 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Chlorophyll + Beast Boost = Hypervitaminosis D
Roles: Sun Abuser, Special Wallbreaker, Stallbreaker

Fusions: Abomasnow / Rillaboom
New Types: Ice / Grass
New Base Stats: 95 HP / 118 Atk / 89 Def / 86 SpA / 87 SpD / 75 Spe [BST: 550] (+10 Atk / +7 Def / +10 SpA / +10 SpD / +3 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Warning + Grassy Surge = Winterfresh - Automatically sets hail and Grassy terrain on switch-in.
Roles: Hail Setter, Terrain Setter, Physical Wallbreaker

Fusion: Stoutland / Mamoswine
Offspring Name: Mamostout
New Types: Normal / Ground
New Base Stats: 100 / 130 / 93 / 67 / 85 / 80 [BST: 555] (+3 HP / +10 Atk / +7 Def / +10 SpA / +10 SpD)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Cloak + Sand Rush = Snow Rush - Doubles speed under hail. Provides immunity to hail damage.
Roles: Hail Sweeper, Physical Wallbreaker

Fusion: Tornadus-Therian / Raichu-Alola
Type: Flying / Electric
Ability: Surging Vitality (Regenerator + Surge Surfer) - This Pokémon restores 1/3 of its maximum HP when it switches in onto active Electric Terrain and whenever Electric Terrain activates. While Electric Terrain is active, this Pokémon's Speed stat is doubled.
Stat Distribution: 80 / 92 / 74 / 112 / 92 / 120 [BST: 570] (+11 HP / +9 Def / +10 SpA / +5 SpD / +5 Spe)
Role: Special Sweeper; Terrain Abuser

Fusion: Tapu Koko / Grimmsnarl
Type: Electric / Fairy
Ability: Shocking Pranks (Electric Surge + Prankster) - This Pokémon sets Electric Terrain on switch-in. While Electric Terrain is active, the Pokémon's status and Electric-type moves have +1 priority.
Stat Distribution: 90 / 122 / 85 / 95 / 85 / 102 [BST: 579] (+8 HP / +5 Atk / +10 Def / +10 SpD / +7 Spe)
Role: Physical Attacker; Terrain Abuser
You're welcome.

Color Key: {Pair 1 only (sun and rain and status)} {Pair 2 only (everything else)}

Groudon / Vulpix by OPStellar sets [Intense Sunlight]
Cherrim / Kartana by OPStellar abuses [Intense Sunlight]

Sandaconda / Krookodile by OPStellar sets [Sandstorm]
Probopass / Palossand by OPStellar abuses [Sandstorm]

Torkoal / Stonjourner by earl sets [Intense Sunlight]
Victreebel / Nihilego by earl abuses [Intense Sunlight]

Vanilluxe / Alomomola by earl sets [Screens] and sets [Hail]
Centiskorch / Dragapult by earl abuses [Screens]

Pelipper / Thundurus-Therian by Revenge of Depressed Gay sets [Heavy Rain]
Armaldo / Scizor by Revenge of Depressed Gay abuses [Heavy Rain]

Hypno / Tapu Lele by Revenge of Depressed Gay sets [Psychic Terrain]
Raichu-Alola / Stunfisk-Galar by Revenge of Depressed Gay abuses [Any Terrain]

Torkoal / Poliwrath by MegaFlareon sets [Intense Sunlight]
Exeggutor / Charizard by MegaFlareon abuses [Intense Sunlight]

Indeedee-F / Blastoise by MegaFlareon sets [Psychic Terrain]
Arcanine / Galarian Rapidash by MegaFlareon abuses [Psychic Terrain]

Ninetales / Wigglytuff by Gyltia sets [Intense Sunlight]
Castform / Thundurus by Gyltia abuses [Any Weather]

Sableye / Tyranitar by Gyltia sets [Trick Room]
Regigigas / Tangela by Gyltia abuses [Trick Room]

Trevenant / Rhyperior by anaconja sets [Status] and sets [Trick Room]
Gardevoir / Inteleon by anaconja abuses [Status]

Porygon2 / Dragalge by anaconja sets [Trick Room]
Incineroar / Crabominable by anaconja abuses [Trick Room]

Zapdos / Pelipper by AquaticPanic sets [Heavy Rain]
Cobalion / Armaldo by AquaticPanic abuses [Heavy Rain]

Abomasnow / Rillaboom by G-Luke sets [Hail] and sets [Grassy Terrain]
Stoutland / Mamoswine by G-Luke abuses [Hail]

Exeggutor-Alola / Pelipper by transwiththeplans sets [Heavy Rain]
Clawitzer / Kingdra by transwiththeplans abuses [Heavy Rain]

Skarmory / Tyranitar by zxgzxg sets [Sandstorm]
Dracozolt / Kabutops by zxgzxg abuses [Sandstorm] and abuses [Heavy Rain]

Ninetales / Golisopod by charizard8888 sets [Intense Sunlight]
Darmanitan / Cinderace by charizard8888 abuses [Intense Sunlight]

Tapu Koko / Grimmsnarl by Showjanni sets [Electric Terrain]
Tornadus-Therian / Raichu-Alola by Showjanni abuses [Electric Terrain]

Note for voting: You don't need to categorize. Just vote for the pairs you think should win. In the end, only two pairs will win.
Last edited:


DNA Donors/ Parents: Vanilluxe / Alomomola
Role: Screen Setter, Special Wallbreaker
Offspring Name: Vanimominav
New Types:

New Base Stats: 138 / 85 / 82 / 95 / 70 / 72 [BST: 542] (+20 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +20 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Snow Warning + Regenerator = Snow Generator- Component effects combined.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, Explosion, (does this shit get flip turn?)
Scald, Blizzard, Freeze-Dry, Flash Cannon
Aurora Veil, Taunt, Wish, Protect, Healing Wish, Toxic, Hail
vanimominav: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Ice", "Water"],
    species: "Vanimominav",
    id: "vanimominav",
    baseStats: {hp: 138, atk: 85, def: 82, spa: 95, spd: 70, spe: 72}
    abilities: {0: "Snow Generator"},
    weightkg: 44.55,
    fusion: ["Vanilluxe", "Alomomola"],
Fatmon that can repeatedly set veil, slow enough to regularly get taunted/nuked and has little utility otherwise. Could theoretically spam blizzard ig


DNA Donors/ Parents: Centiskorch / Dragapult
Roles: Setup Sweeper, Offensive Pivot, Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Choice Specs
Offspring Name: Catapult
New Types:

New Base Stats: 103 / 120 / 70 / 100 / 85 / 123 [BST: 601] (+9 HP / +3 Atk / +0 Def / +5 SpA / +3 SpD / +20 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Flash Fire + Clear Body = Clear Fire- Immune to Fire-type attacks and stat drops, whenever this ability triggers, boosts Fire-type attacks.
Notable Moves:
Dragon Darts, Leech Life, U-Turn, Fire Lash, Knock Off, Power Whip, Flare Blitz, Steel Wing
Draco Meteor, Bug Buzz, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Scorching Sands
Dragon Dance, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Coil
catapult: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Bug", "Dragon"],
    species: "Catapult",
    id: "catapult",
    baseStats: {hp: 103, atk: 120, def: 70, spa: 100, spd: 85, spe: 123}
    abilities: {0: "Clear Fire"},
    weightkg: 85,
    fusion: ["Centiskorch", "Dragapult"],
Potent Dragon Dancer under screens that can bust through Uranus with Power Whip. Outside of screens HO it's the second-fastest Pokemon in the meta and can be a fine boots pivot. Suffers from a really, really mediocre STAB combo but should otherwise be super solid.


DNA Donors/ Parents: Torkoal / Stonjourner
Roles: Sun Setter, Hazard, Physical Wallbreaker
Offspring Name: Koaljourner
New Types:

New Base Stats: 100 / 105 / 137 / 67 / 45 / 55 [BST: 509] (+15 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +15 SpA / +0 SpD / +10 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Drought + Power Spot = Dry Spot- Automatically sets sun on switch-in. While under sun, user and allies attacks are boosted by 1.3x.
Notable Moves:
Stone Edge, Rapid Spin, Heat Crash, Earthquake, Superpower, Explosion
Lava Plume
Stealth Rock, Toxic, Yawn, Rest
koaljourner: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Fire", "Rock"],
    species: "Koaljourner",
    id: "koaljourner",
    baseStats: {hp: 100, atk: 105, def: 137, spa: 67, spd: 45, spe: 55}
    abilities: {0: "Dry Spot"},
    weightkg: 300.2,
    fusion: ["Torkoal", "Stonjourner"],
It sets sun. Can also hit pretty goddamn hard with Heat Crash if the target is light enough. Won't do shit against Uranus though, which makes this a setter that isn't nearly self-sufficient enough to abuse sun on its own and therefor must rely on teammates.


DNA Donors/ Parents: Victreebel / Nihilego
Roles: Sun Abuser, Special Wallbreaker, Stallbreaker
Offspring Name: Victrilego
New Types:

New Base Stats: 109 / 84 / 61 / 118 / 105 / 91 [BST: 568] (+15 HP / +5 Atk / +5 Def / +5 SpA / +5 SpD / +5 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Chlorophyll + Beast Boost = Hypervitaminosis D- Component effects combined.
Notable Moves:
Power Whip, Gunk Shot, Knock Off, Zen Headbutt, why are u running physical
Leaf Storm, Solar Beam, Sludge Bomb/Wave, Weather Ball, Thunderbolt
Growth, Strength Sap, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Toxic, Swords Dance
Role Identification:
victrilego: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Grass", "Poison"],
    species: "Victrilego",
    id: "victrilego",
    baseStats: {hp: 109, atk: 84, def: 61, spa: 118, spd: 105, spe: 91}
    abilities: {0: "Hypervitaminosis D"},
    weightkg: 35.5,
    fusion: ["Victreebel", "Nihilego"],
Sun sweeper that can come in on a few moves that Koaljourner baits, mainly Scalds from Corvilord (who loves to come in to Defog on a Heat Crash that does barely any damage) and just go feral after a growth. Held back by the fact that its easy to handle under sun, and the weak physical bulk makes it priority weak, especially to Frother's Ice Shard and other miscellaneous strong priority like Mr. Gross' BP or Sir Pass'd First Impression. Outside of sun it can run a Sap+3 Attacks set that can check a few fighters with the right EVs and still hit hard. Vote for this pair if you want a proven, reliable offensive archetype. It's literally Torkoal+Venu lol
yay i love vanilluxe

DNA Donors/ Parents: Ledian / Mewtwo
Shared Egg Group:
Offspring Name: Leditwo
New Types:

New Base Stats: 80 / 72 / 70 / 104 / 100 / 107 [BST: 533] (+0 HP / +0 Atk / +0 Def / +0 SpA / +0 SpD / +0 Spe)
New Ability and Desc: Swarm + Pressure = Presswarm- This Pokemon's Bug type attacks cause to target to lose one additional PP on the last move they have used.
Notable Moves:
Dont run physical :/
Bug Buzz, Psychic, Psystrike, Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt
Recover, Roost, Calm Mind
Role Identification:
leditwo: {
    num: 75000###,
    types:["Bug", "Psychic"],
    species: "Leditwo",
    id: "leditwo",
    baseStats: {hp: 80, atk: 72, def: 70, spa: 104, spd: 100, spe: 107}
    abilities: {0: "Presswarm"},
    weightkg: 78.8,
    fusion: ["Ledian", "Mewtwo"],
I love Ledian. Unfortunately, it sucks. Let's put one of the weakest Pokemon and strongest Pokemon together! What could possibly go wrong? Ledian is going be so OP!
Leditwo is a fearsome special all-out attacker. Mewtwo has a very wide special movepool, and with bug buzz which has the worst coverage type ever, Leditwo is able to damage a wide range of targets seriously. Leditwo can also sweep by setting up calm minds. However, even with Mewtwo's sky high Special Attack and Speed, they get dragged down to a just usable amount of 104 and 107 respectively, because Ledian sucks too much. Leditwo's all rounded stats and good coverage make it good, but totally not broken.
Leditwo will not contribute much to the metagame to be honest, but it's such a dank meme. Vote for Leditwo now if you like dank memes.
Hey welcome to Pet Mods. I see you have ideas for Generation X and this Pet Mod but please read the slates guidelines before submitting. Slates have information about what is there to be submitted in this phase. Also voting has started here. I would suggest you to lurk more in the Pet Mods forum to get to know about things and then post. Give this a read to get started