FT: 5IV/6IV Shiny Legends and shiny 5iv other poke's INC DARUMAKA!!! Status: Online

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#####**Shiny HP poke's**
|Pokemon | Nature | Ability | Gender | Details |
| Froakie | Timid | Protean | M | 31/30/31/30/31/30 HP Fire |
| Magnemite | Modest | Magnet Pull | - | 31/30/31/30/31/30 HP Fire |
| Magnezone | Modest | Magnet Pull | - | 31/30/**25**/30/31/30 HP Fire |
| **EEVEE** | **TIMID** | **RUN AWAY**| **M** | **31/31/31/31/31/30 CHARM AND COVET ANNNNNDDD HP MOFO ICEE** |

####**Competitive Shiny 5IV's (Perfect Spread)**
|Pokemon | Nature | Ability | Gender | Details |
| Vulpix | Timid | Drought | F | Hypnosis NN (Reserved for Yatsus) |
| Blastoise | Modest | Rain Dish | M | Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere |
| Lapras | Modest | Water Absorb | M | Freeze Dry and Dragon Pulse (Japanese Name) |
| Lucario | Jolly | Justified | M | High Jump Kick, Bullet Punch and Crunch |
| Slowpoke | Bold | Regenerator | M | - |
| Umbreon | Bold | Synchronize | M | Nicknamed Felina |
| Swinub | Adamant | Oblivious | M | Icicle Crash and Stealth Rock |
| Swinub | Adamant | Thick Fat | M | Icicle Crash and Stealth Rock (Reserved for Awwwyeuuuh) |
| Alakazam | Timid | Magic Guard | M | - |
| Scizor | Adamant | Technician | M | - |
| Vullaby | Impish | Overcoat | F | Knock Off and Foul Play |
| Eevee | Bold | Adaptability | M | Wish |
| Growlithe | Adamant | Intimidate | M | Close Combat and Morning Sun|
| Gliscor | Impish | Poison Heal | M | - |
| Haunter | Timid | Levitate | F | - |
| Snorlax | Careful | Immunity | M | Nicknamed Fluffy and 6IV |
| Mareep | Modest | Static | F | - |
| Charizard | Timid | Solar Power | M | Dragon Pulse |
| Azumarill | Adamant | Huge Power | M | Belly Drum, Aqua Jet and Superpower |
| Carbink | Calm | Sturdy | - | - |
| Honedge | Brave | No Guard | M | Shadow Sneak |
| Kelfki | Bold | Prankster | M | - |
| Murkrow | Adamant | Super Luck | F | Brave Bird and Whirlwind |
| Malamar | Adamant | Contrary | M | - |
| Sneasel | Jolly | Pickpocket | M | Icicle Crash and Ice Punch (Reserved for FalxFatalis) |
| Cryogonal | Calm | Levitate | - | - |
| Skarmory | Impish | Sturdy | F | Brave Bird and Whirlwind |
| Crobat | Jolly | Infiltrator | M | Brave Bird |
| Kanghaskhan | Jolly | Scrappy | F | - |
| Houndour | Timid | Flash Fire | M | Reserved for awwyeuuuh |
| Ekans | Jolly | Intimidate | M | Sucker Punch, Pursuit, Iron Tail and Disable |
| Abomasnow | Careful | Snow Warning | F | - |
| Deino | Modest | Hustle | M | - |
| Snorunt | Modest | Inner Focus | F | - |
| Horsea | Modest | Swift Swim | F | - |
| Tirtouga | Admant | Sturdy | M | Bide and Withdraw |
| Drilbur | Adamant | Mold Breaker | F | Rapid Spin |
| Altaria | Adamant | Cloud Nine | M | - |
| Bunnelby | Adamant | Huge Power | M | - |
| Togepi | Modest | Serene Grace | M | Nasty Plot |
| Tentacruel | Bold | Liquid Ooze | M | Rapid Spin |
| Kabuto | Adamant | Swift Swim | M | - |
| Skiddo | Careful | Sap Sipper | M | Reserved for Voltagic |
| Staryu | Timid | Natural Cure | - | - |
| Binacle | Jolly | Tough Claws | M | - |
| Gastrodon | Relaxed | Storm Drain | M | - |
| Hippopotas | Impish | Sand Stream | M | Slack Off and Whirlwind |
| Cleffa | Modest | Friend Guard | F | Metronome and Stored Power |
| Shellder | Jolly | Skill Link | M | Icicle Spear and Rock Blast |
| Croagunk | Jolly | Dry Skin | M | Quick Guard, Fake Out and Drain Punch |
| Jolteon | Timid | Volt Absorb | F | Wish |
| Torchic | Adamant | Speed Boost | M | Baton Pass (2 available (1 has Agility) ) |
| Pineco | Relaxed | Sturdy | F | Protect, Stealth Rock and Toxic Spikes |
| Shuckle | Impish | Contrary | M | Sticky Web and Nicknamed |
| Joltik | Timid | Compound Eyes | F | - |
| **PICHU** | **JOLLY** | **LIGHTNING ROD** | **F** | **VOLT TACKLE AND WISH** |
| Anorith | Adamant | Battle Armor | M | Cross Poison |
| Omanyte | Modest | Shell Armor | M | - |
| Teddiursa | Adamant | Pick Up | F | Close Combat, Crunch and Fake Tears |
| Beldum | Adamant | Clear Body | - | - |
| Aerodactyl | Adamant | Rock Head | M | - |
| Archen | Adamant | Defeatist | M | Head Smash and Knock Off |
| Tirtouga | Adamant | Solid Rock | M | - |
| **SIGLIYPH** | Adamant | Tinted Lens | M | Ancient Power and Psycho Shift |
| Chansey | Best Nature (Forgot lol) | Natural Cure | F | Seismic Toss and Aromatherapy |
| **TAUROS** | **Jolly** | **Sheer Force** | **M** | **Zen Headbutt, Payback, Rage and Horn Attack** (Reserved for Nemry07) |
| Zangoose | Jolly | Toxic Boost | F | Counter, Flail, Night slash and Curse |
| Deino | Modest | Hustle | F | Dragon Rage |
| Venipede | Adamant | Speed Boost | M | Toxic Spikes |
| Mankey | Jolly | Vital Spirit | M | Low Kick and Focus Energy |
| Magikarp | Jolly | Rattled | F | Reserved for CloudConnectedd |
| Yanma | Timid | Speed Boost | M | Whirlwind |
| Bulbasaur | Modest | Chlorophyll | F | Giga Drain |
| Spoink | Modest | Own Tempo | M | Mirror Coat |
| Medicham | Adamant | Pure Power | M | Bullet Punch |
| Corphish | Jolly | Adaptablity | M | DD Super Power, Aqua Jet and Knock Off |
| Cubone | Brave | Rock Head | M | Iron Head (Trick Room 0 Speed) |
| DARUMAKA | Jolly | Hustle | F | - |
| Sandshrew | Adamant | Sand Veil | F | Rapid Spin (6IV) |
| Absol | Jolly | Pressure | F | Baton Pass, Play Rough and Megahorn |
| Swirlix | Naughty | Unburden | F | Belly Drum, Yawn, After You and Copycat |
| RAYQUAZA | Unsure | Air Lock | - | 6IV |

Please be aware that they are all or mostly cloned!
i have more legends...just ask

Mainly looking for shiny poke bank 5iv's !! ESPECIALLY piplup,mudkip,totodile,oshawott and legends :)

Is the Venipede Shiny? If so, what IVS. I got Totodile for trade and legends check my list. http://www.smogon.com/forums/thread...breed-legendaries.3497436/page-2#post-5144692
im interested in your shiny slowpoke and your modest togepi. i have a shiny 6v genesect, shiny 5v honedge, shiny 2v metagross and a shiny sceptile. inbox me know if youre interested :)
Interested in these:
| Absol | Jolly | Pressure | F | Baton Pass, Play Rough and Megahorn |
| DARUMAKA | Jolly | Hustle | F | - |

the things I've got for trade are:

all shiny and perfect iv spread:
genesect 6iv Naughty
shinx jolly 6iv female ice fang, night slash, thunder fang
bagon adamant 6iv sheer force male hydropump, fire fang, dragon dance
Y (Yveltal) 5iv -atk Naughty
Xerneas 5iv -atk Timid
Aron adamant sturdy 5iv -speed SR, Iron head, Head smash, Endeavor
Manectric timid lighting rod 5iv -atk male HP ICE, Switcheroo
Abomasnow snow warning brave 5iv 0speed
Sushi (Gyarados) adamant intimidate female 5iv -sp.atk
Reptar (Tyranitar) adamant sand stram 5iv -sp.atk Dragon dance
Geist (Gengar) timid 5iv -atk female
Bonsai (exeggutor) quiet harvest 5iv -atk 0speed sleep powder, giga drain
Chiroptera (Noivern) timid infiltrator 5iv -atk Moonlight
Venusaur modest chlorophyll giga drain HP FIRE
Chryssocolla (Carbink) sassy 5iv -atk 2speed
Eevee bold anticipation 5iv -atk Wish
Rotom modest 5iv HP ICE

the HP pokes of course are 31/30 with respectively iv spread and a few are named as you could see, Let me know if you want something from there, cheers!
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