Tournament Friendly Series #3 - GS Cup DOU - WON BY HYS

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:zacian-crowned: Playoffs Round 2 :zamazenta-crowned:

(1) bagel vs (winner of Glimmer vs Staraptor)
(4) Arcticblast vs qsns (12)
(2) Smudge
vs Sunrose (7)
(14) Hys vs Idyll (6)

The deadline for this round will be Monday, July 1st at 11:00 PM GMT -4. The deadline for Glimmer vs Staraptor will be Wednesday, June 26th at the same time. If this game is not completed by that time, it will be coinflipped.
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I was a little late. In my defense, I wasn't home for three days!


New matchup: bagel vs Glimmer
GS Cup is a great format! I had a lot of fun playing and hoping to see it come back in the future!
I'm going to post the teams I used in the tournament:

:Necrozma-Dawn-Wings: :Lilligant-Hisui: :Torkoal: :ursaluna: :Indeedee-f: :zamazenta-crowned:
A Japanese player used this in a vgc tournament and I thought the team looked really cool so I made 1 change to it to play it in gs cup.
The original team has Gallade over Zazamenta.

:palkia: :incineroar: :Calyrex-ice: :amoonguss: :ursaluna-bloodmoon: :diancie:
I was watching vgc 2022 tournaments on youtube and I liked the team that Spurrific was using in NAIC so this is where the idea came from for building this team.

:Calyrex-shadow: :Chien-Pao: :rayquaza: :whimsicott: :Ting-Lu: :Dragonite:
I wanted to try a new restricted mon so i ended up choosing Calyshadow and then worked around it so it can clean games with astral barrage.

:terapagos: :tornadus: :landorus: :rillaboom: :urshifu-rapid strike: :chien-pao:
I actually built this team with Opelucid to play in vgc and brought it over to gs cup lol

:tornadus: :chi-yu: :calyrex-ice: :tsareena: :ting-lu: :zamazenta-crowned:
I was thinking how good CalyIce is so I wanted to give it a shot with tailwind up so I gave it enough EVs in speed to hit 354.

:ogerpon-wellspring: :iron hands: :terapagos: :Grimmsnarl: :calyrex-Ice::chi-yu:
This is a copy of Aurelien Soula's NAIC championship team. I replaced Urshifu with Waterpon and Flutter Mane with CalyIce.
Free Flutter Mane!

:solgaleo: :Lunala: :chi-yu: :amoonguss: :indeedee-f: :kommo-o:
I really wish I could've showed off the techs with Psych Up but I had a bad matchup vs Umbreon so the team crumbled.
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Now that the tournament is over and all games have been played, I wanted to take the time to highlight some of the best, funniest, and whackiest games of the tournament in a community spotlight. Little did I know how many amazing games there would be! After watching every single tournament game I compiled a list of the games that stuck out to me the most due to their creativity, competitiveness, or overall ability to represent the GS cup metagame well, and I tried to capture a little bit of GS Cup magic from everyone's tournament games. Though this will be quite a long post (longer than I anticipated), I digress that not everyone will have games featured, but I hope to highlight the best of this incredible metagame and its players to the best of my ability, and that anyone who reads this post can find some of the same enjoyment I did while playing in this tournament! All that said, thank you Arcticblast for hosting this tournament and in the spirit of pushing GS Cup's community further, let's watch some games!

:Calyrex-ice: Arcticblast vs Sundays Trick Room Showdown :Dialga-Origin:
Right out of the gate Arcticblast demonstrated solid metagame understanding bringing the first of what would be a decent few subsequent Calyrex + Dialga/Palkia teams. A threatening restricted duo in trick room that thrives off enabling Ursaluna With Trick Room and Telepathy on Dialga, allowing Ursaluna to freely click earthquake while Calyrex does Calyrex things. Arctic barely scrapes out a win into sundays IceOgre team, playing off a common idea to pair Pelipper with Ice rider to weaken sun teams, making for a great round 1 clash!

:miraidon: An Electric semi-room Smash! :farigiraf:
Smudge and LuBiStar20 face off in a tense Electric Terrain Semi-room mirror, a structure frequently seen in VGC now enhanced by adding a secondary restricted with Miraidon. Such teams became a metagame staple in the tournament, using Miraidon's terrain and great maneuverability to place allies such as Ursaluna and Calyrex in dominant positions to wreak havoc while Farigiraf with electric seed is able to reliably set trick room and block annoying fake out pressure.

:Calyrex-shadow: Fighting in the Shadows :Smeargle:
bagel faces off Zydrek whose Smeargle reached absolutely terrifying heights in long brawl of a game. Both players sporting threatening Calyrex Balance teams, an archetype that would come to be very common in this tournament, leveraging outstanding positional mons prevalent in the format such as Rillaboom, Incineroar, Raging Bolt to exploit an extremely threatening offensive type synergy between Ghost Type Calyrex and powerful Fighting-type restricteds in Zamazenta or Koraidon. Together these two mons threaten the vast majority of the metagame and battles with them become an intense positional ballet such as this one!

:Solgaleo: Genesis' Magic Trick :spectrier:
Genesis77 Faces off against Fangame10 in what was a great set all told, with both player sporting very unique teams that created quite a spectacle. This game ended up being one of my favorites though for the sheer absurdity of the gimmick at play.

:terapagos: Big Pichu's Big Turtle :gholdengo:
Going into this tournament I expected Terapagos to do quite poorly, demanding a lot more resources than most restricteds on paper and not offering anything exceptional in return. big pichu would end up proving me wrong and represented the pokemon very well in the tour, bringing it multiple times and inspiring a few other players to do the same. Terapagos' Normal Typing find great value into NinjaSnapple 's Calyrex-Shadow in this game which set a template for other successful Terapagos tailwind teams that would appear occasionally later on in the tournament.

:Torkoal: Torkie's Big Spotlight :Samurott-Hisui:
sir jelloton loads Torkoal in a format with two restricted Sun-setters and Yellow Paint loads base Kyurem and Samurott-Hisui, making for a whacky game that shows off one of the funnier sides of this tournament. Just some great mons between two stellar players with funny teams that I really enjoyed.

:Zacian-Crowned: Shadows Shifting Under the Full Moon :Lunala:
Staraptor Loads a blazing fast offense team into qsns' Lunala Tailwind balance team. Zacian puts up a great showing in this game and proves why it can still stand toe-to-toe with the other restricted pokemon in the format even after getting harshly nerfed in generation 9. Great play and interesting teams from both players make this game a truly inspiring one for prospective builders and players alike.

:eternatus: We could be Poisoned Together <3 :comfey:
ihbst Demonstrates the power of Eternatus on an archetype rearely seen in doubles: Stall. His victim Ninja played valiantly in this game but was ultimately unable to break the Eternatus with his own much more standard team. A good game demonstrating archetype diversity in the metagame.

:Volcanion: Idyll's Weird Waters :Alomomola: :Miraidon: And Thundering Storms :Archaludon:
Our first dual game spotlight! Idyll flexing his builder skills with two very unique teams into Jello using mons that I must say I am personally a big fan of. Sporting two bulky offense teams, Idyll takes the set over jello by leveraging incredible pivot power in the first game and attains a strong early lead in the second, securing victory by maintaining it to the very end. Jello's skill are not to be downplayed, however, as he came to this set equipped with unique takes on meta structures in Electric Rain and Shadow Rider and a strong will to win that unfortunately just wasn't enough to pull one over Idyll in this set

:Lunala: A Breeze in the Shadowy Night :Tornadus:
Qsns' Lunala tailwind team returns to take on a Shadow Balance team from Yellow Paint in a positional battle where both sides attempted to leverage their team's resistances to the best of their ability. Ultimately Qsns' Lunala and genies of a healthy metagame manages to break down Paint's team with the help of stealth rocks and narrowly edge out a victory in what turned out to be a real thriller of a match that really let Lunala shine!

:Ho-oh: Sushi Served HOT :tatsugiri:
Bagel and Glimmer face off with two of the coolest teams of the whole tournament in a game that was an absolute treat to watch! Glimmer's Dondozo proves itself an absolute titan worthy of being brought despite costing a restricted slot as it does war with Bagel's sun balance team all by itself. A great prelude to the excellent playoffs match these two would have later on in the tournament.

:calyrex-shadow: A Tale of Two Horses :Calyrex-ice:
In one of the most anticipated sets of the series, Idyll and Arcticblast face off and deliver some stellar gameplay with teams at the forefront of the metagame, pitting shadow balance versus Trick Room offense. This game is an absolute-must watch if you want to witness the highest level of play this metagame has to offer with some of the best teams, with incredible ups and downs throughout making it one of my absolute favorites

:iron-moth: Pest Control :Thundurus:
laptops Faces off against Big Pichu's Terapagos team with two bikes a moth and no time to spare. Impressive builder flexing from both sides as laptops tries to navigate their way through a gauntlet of utility weaved by Big pichu before Zacian and Terapagos can run away with the game. Aside from being a great game I feel the spontaneity of laptops' team showcases better than anything else the ease and flexibility of building in this format, as well as the reward factor GS Cup has in building out wild ideas and executing them well.

Playoffs Replays

:landorus-therian: Falling From the Stars :deoxys-speed:
LuBiStar20 brings an absolutely unhinged idea into Arcticblast and dazzles everyone with this insane team that you simply need to see to believe. Arcticblast's shadow balance team, despite his best efforts was ultimately overwhelmed by Lubistar's creative building in this one in one of my favorite replays of the year and one of the first games I would show to anyone looking to see the potential for craziness in this format.

:kyurem-white: An Encounter in the Fanroom :chandelure:
A totally not-biased at all inclusion where I played Kyurem-White versus Qsns and managed to show how even lower tier restricteds can shine if you build/play well enough. A quick and fun game that summarizes why I love this format so much and why it compelled me to make this insanely long highlight post.

:Zacian: A Good ole' Dogfight in the Rain :Kyogre:
An absolutely harrowing game played between Hys and sundays that came down to the absolute wire. Hys representing Kyogre and Zacian on a rain team, with Zacian pressuring out the bikes for Kyogre and Kyogre dealing with annoying fire types for Zacian while sundays loads a team very similar-looking to a paoffense structure ran by Frixel in SV DOU with dual fighting types. This game was the start of Hys' run through playoffs to ultimately win the tournament that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

:necrozma-dawn-wings: I can't see the Solar Eclipse :lilligant-hisui:
Sunrose faces off against jello with an SV Psysun inspired team that makes use of the only Dawn Wings Necrozma in the whole tournament. Sunrose' team demonstrates the raw power of trick room pokemon but Jello manages to overshadow it by expertly navigating each turn and just barely coming out on top with his Electric Rain team. A great game for learning lines and overall inspiring play from jello who perservered throughout the game to victory.

:Ting-lu: Heroes and Villains :Scovillain: :Ursaluna-Bloodmoon: Singing in the Rain :primarina:
Another Dual-feature! And absolutely stellar set between Glimmer and bagel featuring some insane teams and outstanding navigating. Glimmer puts on an all-star performance as she pushes the builder to the absolute limit with ideas like Scovillain + Solgaleo on sun and Primarina + Wochien on an IceOgre team that weave nasty webs for Bagel to unravel his way out of in this captivating set of pokemon. Bagel demonstrates outstanding temperament and navigates his way around these teams like a champ with a little bit of luck to boot with his own great teams.

:Mienshao: On the Windswept Shore :tsareena: :Cresselia: A Bozo in the Rain :dondozo:
A dual feature from a 3-game set between two GOATs, qsns and Arcticblast take all that they learned from the course of the tournament and clash in the quarterfinals if the tournament. The first game pits arctic's take on an electric rain team into qsns' Special offense team, with both players fighting tooth and nail for an advantage state as they try to get into position to sweep, coming down to a wild calc at the finish line to end it. In the other game Arcticblast brings Dondozo-Eternatus stall and puts on an absolute show as the big fish stands up to some titanic threats on qsns' team, again demonstrating how you can never really count out the big bozo in builder even when it costs a whole restricted slot.

:chien-pao: The Trick Room is Empty Tonight :tornadus:
Bagel vs Qsns. Need I say more? Obviously I will because this game features bagel subverting the very core of the IceOgre structure by running Tornadus tailwind with Ice rider and Kyogre and some very intriguing support options. Meanwhile qsns is running his at this point iconic tailwind Lunala team with Zac/Pao, a team I have featured in this post three times now. Anyone who knows DOU knows these two and honestly I don't think I need to say much more to convince that this one's a banger.

10 hours into this post and I am exhausted but so so excited for the future of this metagame. Everyone I mentioned in this post was worthy of the spotlight, winning or losing side and all of you contributed to making this little tournament great and I was happy to watch everyone's games. Hopefully you all don't mind the tagging in this post. Once again huge shoutout to Arcticblast for hosting this tournament and coming up with the ruleset, here's to hoping we can finalize it and get a proper metagame thread going. I would also like to shoutout Glimmer for being a huge presence in the metagame, most of the people I tested against said they got teams or sets from you and your tournament games were some of the most fun for me to watch, especially the sets against bagel. A closing note in the spirit of metagame development: if anyone would like make a VR ranking for GS cup I have made and will continue to maintain a template here, and will be open to suggestions for modifying said template with additions/removals since it's a small bit messy right now. I hope to see some rankings in the future once we get a proper thread going! All that said, I'm going to lay down now.
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Usage Stats

+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Use  | Usage % |  Win %  |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ---- + ------- + ------- +
| 1    | Incineroar         |   91 |  45.96% |  50.55% |
| 2    | Calyrex-Shadow     |   65 |  32.83% |  46.15% |
| 3    | Raging Bolt        |   56 |  28.28% |  51.79% |
| 4    | Tornadus           |   53 |  26.77% |  45.28% |
| 5    | Rillaboom          |   50 |  25.25% |  46.00% |
| 5    | Miraidon           |   50 |  25.25% |  40.00% |
| 7    | Zamazenta-*        |   49 |  24.75% |  51.02% |
| 8    | Kyogre             |   45 |  22.73% |  48.89% |
| 9    | Amoonguss          |   41 |  20.71% |  58.54% |
| 10   | Koraidon           |   40 |  20.20% |  65.00% |
| 11   | Calyrex-Ice        |   38 |  19.19% |  52.63% |
| 12   | Archaludon         |   31 |  15.66% |  38.71% |
| 13   | Chi-Yu             |   29 |  14.65% |  44.83% |
| 14   | Glimmora           |   28 |  14.14% |  60.71% |
| 15   | Chien-Pao          |   24 |  12.12% |  58.33% |
| 15   | Terapagos          |   24 |  12.12% |  45.83% |
| 17   | Zacian-*           |   22 |  11.11% |  63.64% |
| 17   | Farigiraf          |   22 |  11.11% |  59.09% |
| 17   | Ogerpon-Wellspring |   22 |  11.11% |  45.45% |
| 20   | Whimsicott         |   21 |  10.61% |  61.90% |
| 21   | Landorus           |   20 |  10.10% |  70.00% |
| 21   | Indeedee-F         |   20 |  10.10% |  50.00% |
| 23   | Iron Hands         |   19 |   9.60% |  47.37% |
| 24   | Pelipper           |   17 |   8.59% |  47.06% |
| 24   | Grimmsnarl         |   17 |   8.59% |  47.06% |
| 26   | Ursaluna-Bloodmoon |   13 |   6.57% |  69.23% |
| 27   | Ogerpon-Hearthflame |   12 |   6.06% |  58.33% |
| 27   | Clefairy           |   12 |   6.06% |  41.67% |
| 29   | Lunala             |   11 |   5.56% |  63.64% |
| 29   | Iron Bundle        |   11 |   5.56% |  27.27% |
| 31   | Ho-Oh              |   10 |   5.05% |  50.00% |
| 32   | Iron Valiant       |    9 |   4.55% |  44.44% |
| 33   | Ting-Lu            |    8 |   4.04% |  75.00% |
| 33   | Ursaluna           |    8 |   4.04% |  50.00% |
| 33   | Ogerpon-Cornerstone |    8 |   4.04% |  37.50% |
| 36   | Lilligant-Hisui    |    7 |   3.54% |  57.14% |
| 36   | Tsareena           |    7 |   3.54% |  57.14% |
| 36   | Eternatus          |    7 |   3.54% |  57.14% |
| 36   | Smeargle           |    7 |   3.54% |  57.14% |
| 36   | Comfey             |    7 |   3.54% |  42.86% |
| 41   | Diancie            |    6 |   3.03% |  83.33% |
| 41   | Scream Tail        |    6 |   3.03% |  66.67% |
| 41   | Torkoal            |    6 |   3.03% |  50.00% |
| 44   | Cresselia          |    5 |   2.53% |  80.00% |
| 44   | Dialga-Origin      |    5 |   2.53% |  60.00% |
| 44   | Alomomola          |    5 |   2.53% |  40.00% |
| 44   | Ninetales-Alola    |    5 |   2.53% |  40.00% |
| 44   | Dondozo            |    5 |   2.53% |  40.00% |
| 44   | Tatsugiri          |    5 |   2.53% |  40.00% |
| 44   | Volcanion          |    5 |   2.53% |  40.00% |
| 51   | Spectrier          |    4 |   2.02% |  50.00% |
| 51   | Kyurem-White       |    4 |   2.02% |  50.00% |
| 51   | Gholdengo          |    4 |   2.02% |  50.00% |
| 51   | Thundurus          |    4 |   2.02% |  50.00% |
| 51   | Umbreon            |    4 |   2.02% |  50.00% |
| 51   | Mienshao           |    4 |   2.02% |  50.00% |
| 51   | Groudon            |    4 |   2.02% |  25.00% |
| 51   | Solgaleo           |    4 |   2.02% |  25.00% |
| 51   | Landorus-Therian   |    4 |   2.02% |  25.00% |
| 51   | Regieleki          |    4 |   2.02% |  25.00% |
| 61   | Sinistcha          |    3 |   1.52% |  66.67% |
| 61   | Dragonite          |    3 |   1.52% |  66.67% |
| 61   | Palkia             |    3 |   1.52% |  66.67% |
| 61   | Samurott-Hisui     |    3 |   1.52% |   0.00% |
| 61   | Kyurem             |    3 |   1.52% |   0.00% |
| 66   | Regidrago          |    2 |   1.01% | 100.00% |
| 66   | Iron Moth          |    2 |   1.01% |  50.00% |
| 66   | Milotic            |    2 |   1.01% |  50.00% |
| 66   | Necrozma-Dawn-Wings |    2 |   1.01% |  50.00% |
| 66   | Ogerpon            |    2 |   1.01% |  50.00% |
| 66   | Ditto              |    2 |   1.01% |  50.00% |
| 66   | Zekrom             |    2 |   1.01% |   0.00% |
| 66   | Thundurus-Therian  |    2 |   1.01% |   0.00% |
| 66   | Iron Jugulis       |    2 |   1.01% |   0.00% |
| 66   | Primarina          |    2 |   1.01% |   0.00% |
| 66   | Wo-Chien           |    2 |   1.01% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Jirachi            |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Iron Crown         |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Urshifu            |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Iron Treads        |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Kingambit          |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Deoxys-Speed       |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Chandelure         |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Slowking           |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Rayquaza           |    1 |   0.51% | 100.00% |
| 77   | Gliscor            |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Sinistcha-Masterpiece |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Maushold           |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Sableye            |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Lugia              |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Alcremie           |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Sandy Shocks       |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Raichu             |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Lokix              |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Annihilape         |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Kyurem-Black       |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Flutter Mane       |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Basculegion-F      |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Walking Wake       |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Araquanid          |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Mew                |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Scovillain         |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |
| 77   | Kommo-o            |    1 |   0.51% |   0.00% |

Top 5 restricted Pokemon:
:calyrex-shadow: :miraidon: :zamazenta-crowned: :kyogre: :koraidon:
if somebody else wants to go through and do top restricted pairs, let me know, because I don't want to go through every replay rn

Top 5 unrestricted Pokemon:
:incineroar: :raging bolt: :tornadus: :rillaboom: :amoonguss:

Move & Teammate Stats
Top 5 restricted Pokemon:
:calyrex-shadow: :miraidon: :zamazenta-crowned: :kyogre: :koraidon:
if somebody else wants to go through and do top restricted pairs, let me know, because I don't want to go through every replay rn
Here's pretty much all of the relevant restricted pairings and the top ones overall
Paired RestrictedsTotal GamesWinrate
:calyrex-shadow: + :zamazenta-crowned:2040.00%
:calyrex-shadow: + :koraidon:1752.94%
:Miraidon: + :Kyogre:1540.00%
:Zamazenta-crowned: + :calyrex-ice:955.56%
:Kyogre: + :zacian-crowned:875.00%
:koraidon: + :zamazenta-crowned:875.00%
:calyrex-ice: + :miraidon:862.50%
:kyogre: + :calyrex-ice:714.29%
:terapagos: + :Calyrex-shadow:666.67%
:terapagos: + :miraidon:633.33%
:ho-oh: + :Koraidon:666.67%
:calyrex-ice: + :dialga-origin:560.00%
:lunala: + :kyogre:560.00%
:Calyrex-shadow: + :Kyogre:560.00%
:zacian-crowned: + :zamazenta-crowned:540.00%
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
:flutter mane:14.17%0.00%
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
(Literally just the arcticblast team)
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
Paired RestrictedNumber of PairingsUsage %Winrate
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:Ho-Oh: :Kyogre: :Glimmora: :Raging Bolt: :Landorus-Therian: :Deoxys-Speed:

This is the absolutely bonkers team that I used to defeat Arcticblast in game 2 of our set (I would have won our set if I didn't bring the wrong team g1 btw). It features Deoxys-Speed, a combo of Ho-Oh and Kyogre, and Landorus-Therian, of which I was the only one to use and win with all of them. Let's get down with the team:

:Ho-Oh: @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Brave Bird
- Tailwind
- Whirlwind

This team was made during my Ho-Oh phase, where I wanted to try to make the mon work. The reason for this set is because Sacred Fire is mandatory, I don't think I ever used Brave Bird, Tailwind is good, and Whirlwind is to stop setup sweepers like Zamazenta or CM Calyrex/Bolt. Sacred Fire is even better because it doesn't have a chance to miss when Gravity is up. I put all of my EVs into HP and SpDef because it was mainly supposed to be a supporting role with SF Burns, Tailwind speed control, and Whirlwind to keep things out. This was also supported by its high bulk profile.

:Kyogre: @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Drizzle
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Blizzard
- Water Spout
- Origin Pulse
- Thunder

Kyogre is also here. Its only 100% Accurate move outside of Gravity is Water Spout and Thunder, but since gravity and rain will be up almost 100% of the time, Blizzard and Origin Pulse will be fine being not guaranteed hits outside of it. Kyogre is also here to outspeed most things if tailwind is up for both sides, being able to dish out huge damage with powerful moves. It also doubles as weather control against Koraidon or Snow!

:Glimmora: (F) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Toxic Debris
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Mortal Spin
- Protect
- Power Gem

What was I cooking? Not even I know. I forgot Spiky Shield on my Glimmora, I have 252 SpA 252 Spe with 1 Special attack, I didn't even LEAD it, I genuinely have no idea what this set is doing but it won me the game. It set up Tspikes but by that Point it affected 0 of their Pokemon because they were all either Paralyzed, had Boots, or were a Flying type. This mon literally contradicts my main strategy of Paralyzing Pokemon to get a speed advantage. Absolutely crazy that I somehow allowed this.

:Raging Bolt: @ Assault Vest
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 20 Atk
- Zap Cannon
- Electroweb
- Thunderclap
- Draco Meteor

Raging Bolt is here for a couple of reasons. One of them is that it's a bulky mon that's already good in this format, another is because it learns Zap Cannon, and another is because Electroweb and Draco Meteor are 100% accurate under gravity. Don't mind the 20 atk, it was because uhhh, HP Thunderclap. Most of my EVs are just 252/252 because I made the team in around 10 minutes or less but they got the job done. I do not know why Raging Bolt has 20 Atk, I did not put it there intentionally.

:Landorus-Therian: @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Atk / 128 SpD / 8 Spe
Careful Nature
- Gravity
- Stone Edge
- Protect
- Stomping Tantrum

Landorus was here because it has Gravity, Intimidate, and a move that benefits off of gravity (Stone Edge). I was debating using Sand Tomb instead of Stomping Tantrum because it traps and now has 100% accuracy, but I decided against it for immediate damage. Landorus-Therian was an awesome member of the team, and was very versatile. Definitely a big contributor of this teams' success, with the epic access to Gravity and Stone Edge. The reason for the bulk is to survive a Life Orb Caly-S's Astral Barrage and still get gravity up.

:Deoxys-Speed: @ Wide Lens
Ability: Pressure
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Protect
- Taunt
- Psycho Boost
- Zap Cannon

This Deoxys-Speed set was the reason I made the entire concept of a GS Cup Gravity Team. Initially, I wanted something fast to outspeed Calyrex-Shadow to paralyze it, so I went into the teambuilder to see what outsped it. And then I saw that, horrifyingly, Deoxys-Speed and Regieleki were the ONLY POKEMON that weren't slower or speed tied. I decided to choose Deoxys-Speed over Regieleki because it had more utility, better bulk, and access to Psycho Boost as a Secondary option instead of being a Tera hog for any coverage. Taunt is for Trick Room setters and setup in general, also removing the option of them protecting.

Thank you for viewing this god awful idea of a team, it was a very fun tour to play and watch and I'm excited to play more of this amazing format! :mad:
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