I thought we were doing the Terrakion for the Gastly?Im free to trade now.
i know about Mawile, but you want something specific for the gastly?
Sure. Just let me know when you're online and I'll hop online too.Okay then i'll give you terra
Edit: just give some time because im having trouble with internet now lol
Coming online right now. Should be there in five minutes!Im online bro, ready to trade!
Sent! Have fun.”Hey Fluke! I deposited a level 4 female Pansage with the message “Fluke", asking for a Bisharp My in-game name is Josh.”
Oh okay, just hit me up whenever.The server crashes a lot ;_; i'll leave something at GTS when i stop crashing.
Sent! Have fun. Thanks again Fluke
Oh okay, just hit me up whenever.
I'd be interested in the Flabébé. What do you want for it?Hey pal! Here to inform you that I have 2 offers, and they are:
Heavy Ball
Relaxed nature
Egg moves: S-rock|S-tomb|Counter|T-spikes
2.Flabebe(female and yellow flower)
Repeat ball(this ball and its unique color combination with the yellow flabebe is pretty good in my opinion)
Modest natured
Flower Veil
Just inform me if you are interested in anyone ;)
Sleep tight! (And dream about Toriko!)Sry, will check and tell later. Bedtime for me :)
I thought it was possible with the Mimic glitch?Whoa thats a lot. But I'm pretty sure I can manage. But Self-Destruct on Wailord?
No particular order. Just do what's easiest for you.Oh yeah you're right. Which one do you want me to start first?
Sure. You can pick one or two shinies for each RNGd Pokemon. Let's say three of my shinies for two of your RNGs. Would that be okay?Ok, I'm gonna start the Gen III stuff first. Can I already let you know what I want from you?
Good luck. Let me know when your first one's ready so we can do the trade.Ayyy that sounds awesome. I'm starting right now. I dont have a job atm so I basically have all the time! xD
Nice. I can trade right now. Do we still have each other added?I finally got a good internet network.
Tell me when we can trade, i'll level up my Terrakion for now so you get a lvl 100.