Fixmons (now you can reserve Pokemon like in pumpkaboo'd)

Reserving Serperior and Sharpedo
Grass --> Grass/Dragon
Ability: Overgrow/Intimidate (HA)
Stats: 82(+7)/80(+5)/90(-5)/80(+5)/90(-5)/113 BST: 528 --> 535
Movepool: +Dragon Rush +Draco Meteor
The Dragon type is based off of the Dragon moves that Serperior gets in its movepool, along with its reptilian and somewhat dragonic design. This revision fits well into the NU metagame, as its typing is unique outside of the future Mega Sceptile and, even then, its boosting moves and bulk set it apart. Dragon Rush works well with Coil and Draco Meteor is a given for the Dragon type, though it can't abuse it like it would if Contrary was available thankfully. Intimidate fits its Pokedex description and personality and can give it some more setup opportunities.
Ability: Rough Skin/Speed Boost (HA)
Stats: 70/105(-15)/40/85(-10)/40/95 --> BST: 460 --> 435 (Stat lowerings will likely carry over to the Mega)
Movepool: -Destiny Bond
There were two main goals with this nerf. One was to lower its power to make sweeping much harder without any boosting moves. The other was just to lower any other possible brokenness factors, so I removed Destiny Bond just because it might be a factor with revenge killing and it wasn't really necessary for it to have in its movepool.
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Thick Fat/Ice Body/Storm Drain (Substitutes Oblivious)
110/80/90/95/90/65 -> 110/80/100/105/100/65
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If I can, I'll be reserving Emolga and Hitmonlee
I updated my Serperior and Sharpedo post at the top of the page in case anyone didn't see.
Ability: Static/Motor Drive (HA)
Stats: 75(+20)/80(+5)/65(+5)/80(+5)/65(+5)/108(+5)
Movepool: +Defog, +Focus Energy +Heat Wave
Defog is added for more general utility, Focus Energy adds another move that it can pass and Heat Wave adds to its currently lacking Special coverage. Emolga's stats were just made to be less mediocre, so it is bulkier, hits a little harder and is a little bit faster (though its current speed tier is already pretty nice).
Ability: Limber/Unburden/No Guard (HA)
Stats: 50/110(-10)/53/105(-5)/87 BST: 440 (The Hitmons should all have the same BST)
Movepool: -Knock Off -Reversal -Sucker Punch
Reckless was removed because its power would be way too much for the NU metagame, as even RU is struggling with it right now. Knock Off is way too powerful in NU right now and would leave Hitmonlee with few answers, so it was removed. Reversal and Sucker Punch were mainly removed to limit its Unburden sweeping potential.
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Reserving Castform.

Moves: +Blast Burn, +Hydro Cannon, +Ice Burn, +Hurricane
90(+20)/90(+20)/90(+20)/90(+20)/90(+20)/90(+20) 420 > 520
Castform now has those moves because:
Blast Burn - Castform literally becomes a mini sun.
Hydro Cannon - No reason xD
Ice Burn - It's one of the three Pokemon/forms that have Fire and Ice type themes.
Hurricane - It's based off of a cloud.

The only way to make Castform good.
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Approved by Hollywood
Woo first metagame now part of the club well anyways...
Welcome to Fixmons
This metagame is rather similar to that of brokemons in terms of making a balanced metagame by altering pokemon. However in this meta we nerf a majority of the pokemon, keep some the same, and buff a handful of really bad pokemon eg corsola, luvdisc, and farfetch'd. The goal is to make every pokemon viable in nu and by viable I mean approximately b+ through s rank viable.

The current fixmons council(subject to change) is:
Ranger Mike
The Reptile
Adrian Marin
Monte Cristo
The role of the council is not to single handedly fix every polemons just to make sure all your suggestions are not making a pokemon too good or bad for nu. In the end all of your suggestions will be heard.

Here is an example of nerfing a pokemon:
Talonflame 70/77/60/65/60/101
-Brave bird

This takes away one of the main reasons that talonflame is so good, yet still makes it viable over fletchinder who does not have flare blitz. Talonflame does not hit hard without a swords dance/bulk up boost as unless you want to rely on aerial ace, itemless acrobatics is your best friend.

And a buff:
Farfetchd Fighting/Flying
+Sniper(replaces keen eye)
+Cross Chop

Of course we will have to go through the entire fully evolved pokedex along with a few not fully evolved pokemon such as gligar and chansey.The current viable nu pokemon will stay the same for the most part some may get a slight buff. (The above buffs and nerfs are not official just examples) As of now no pokemon are fixed and I would love for you guys to help me with this project. Thanks guys hope you enjoy this :) Also imo code this when it's done!
Because you can reserve, I think you need to make a list of reserved Pokemon.

Also, reserving Beautifly, Dustox and Spinda.


Moves: +Moonblast, +Focus Blast, +Hurricane
Stats: 60/70/50/110 (+10)/50/105 (+40) 395 > 445

Butterflies are often associated with fairies, and due to a lack of moves, Pixilate would help out Beautifly a lot. With access to Quiver Dance yet with really bad speed, that was the reason that speed was increased so much. In all, it seems like a good Glass Cannon.

Shield Dust/Gale Wings/Compound Eyes
Moves: +Discharge, +Sticky Web, +Thunder Wave
Stats: 60/50/95 (+25)/60 (+10)/115 (+25)/65 385 > 445

Dustox was always the defensive counterpart to Beautifly, yet Bug isn't the most defensive type. Bug/Electric, however has the second least weaknesses of any Bug dual type, so thus would be good for a defensive bug type. Dustox looks more electrical than metallic to me, due to it's eyes. Gale Wings is only really for priority roost, and the moves make Dustox better defensively.

Own Tempo/Tangled Feet/Contrary
Moves: +Hammer Arm, +Leaf Storm, +Close Combat
Stats: 62 (+2)/90 (+30)/60/80 (+20)/60/98 (+38) 360 > 450

Originally Fighting/Psychic but changed type due to feedback, confusion being the main gimmick with Spinda is often associated with Psychic. Hammer Arm, Leaf Storm and Close Combat are all moves that compliment Contrary. (Originally Leaf Storm was Psycho Boost, but that seemed to drastic). Pandas are also associated with Kung Fu and Fighting, as well as Bamboo and Leaves.
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Reserving Amoonguss, Spiritomb and Virizion.

Effect Spore/Shield Dust
Moves: No changes
Stats: 114/85/70/85/80/30 464 (No changes)
Shield Dust fits the spore/powder/dust theme Amoonguss has.

Moves: -Sucker Punch, +Phantom Force
Stats: 50/100 (+8)/100 (-8)/100 (+8)/100 (-8)/35 485 > 485
Spiritomb is a ghost on top of a rock that has no fists to punch. That explains it all.


Moves: No changes.
Stats: 91/80 (-10)/72/80 (-10)/129/98 (-10) 580 > 550
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Because you can reserve, I think you need to make a list of reserved Pokemon.

Also, reserving Beautifly, Dustox and Spinda.


Moves: +Moonblast, +Focus Blast, +Hurricane
Stats: 60/70/50/110 (+10)/50/105 (+40) 395 > 445

Shield Dust/Gale Wings/Compound Eyes
Moves: +Discharge, +Sticky Web, +Thunder Wave
Stats: 60/50/95 (+25)/60 (+10)/115 (+25)/65 385 > 445

Own Tempo/Tangled Feet/Contrary
Moves: +Hammer Arm, +Psycho Boost, +Close Combat
Stats: Will be added later.
I feel that some of these changes are too drastic. Giving away a signature ability like Gale Wings seems like a bit too much to me and I don't understand the logic behind Electric Dustox. Psycho Boost is, again, a signature move, so I think that should be removed from Spinda (though they are both Hoenn mons, so I guess you could argue that Spinda was blessed with Psycho Boost from Deoxys or something like that). I also think that going from Normal --> Psychic/Fighting is too drastic of a type change, and that it should either retain the Normal typing or just be mono-typed. I personally believe that it should be Normal/Psychic, since Fighting type only makes sense from a gameplay perspective. I like Beautifly though, but it might be too strong. This is just my opinion though, so we shall see.
Can we please have justification instead of just putting in random stats maybe it misses a ko or outspeeds something idk. Also kricketune wants leaf storm not blade even though kricketune should not be needing a buff/nerf
Reserving Chansey:
*is now male-only*
+Night Shade
+ leech seed

I really just took away the special bulk (and made it slower than shit), and gave it some moves that it would need to get adjusted to its new role
Also, name egg bomb Avocado Bomb.
I might as well give this a second try, so reserving Wigglytuff, Ariados, and Glalie
(Is wigglytuff not deserving of one?)


140/70/60 (+15)/105 (+20)/65 (+20)/45
+ Moonblast
So now, with Regenerator, this becomes a poor man's Alomomola/Aromatisse with Wish. Also for Competitive/Offensive Support sets, a buff in SpA is nice, as well as usable special STAB in Moonblast.


70/110 (+20)/90 (+20)/60/65 (+5)/50 (+10)
Buffs to attack (megahorn/technician bug bite hurts more), as well as Technician powering up some of its moves, and Memento (helps with web leads) makes this bug more viable.


80/100 (+20)/85 (+5)/110 (+30)/85 (+5)/98 (+18)
+ Freeze Dry, + Power Gem, + Rapid Spin, + Dark Pulse, + Nasty Plot
Glalie probably is the most improved (because it's the one I could think of abilities/moves that actually go along with the flavor text), and 98 base speed allows it to outspeed most mons sitting at 90-95, such as Lilligant, Uxie, and Kangaskhan (I'm thinking of NU but the truth is this might be somewhere in RU) Freeze-Dry hits various Waters hoping to exploit the new Water weakness, and the other moves are just good moves to have, with Power Gem being just so it could have special STAB (This Glalie is mainly focusing on the special side).
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I feel that some of these changes are too drastic. Giving away a signature ability like Gale Wings seems like a bit too much to me and I don't understand the logic behind Electric Dustox. Psycho Boost is, again, a signature move, so I think that should be removed from Spinda (though they are both Hoenn mons, so I guess you could argue that Spinda was blessed with Psycho Boost from Deoxys or something like that). I also think that going from Normal --> Psychic/Fighting is too drastic of a type change, and that it should either retain the Normal typing or just be mono-typed. I personally believe that it should be Normal/Psychic, since Fighting type only makes sense from a gameplay perspective. I like Beautifly though, but it might be too strong. This is just my opinion though, so we shall see.
Sure, I edited the post to add justification.
Reserving Mandibuzz, Greninja and Empoleon
Big Pecks/Keen Eye/Weak Armor (HA)
Stats: 110/65/105/55/95/80 --> 100(-10)/75(+10)/95(-10)/75(+20)/85(-10)/80
Movepool: no changes (maybe a Knock Off removal if it proves to be OP)
Mandibuzz only needs a little tweaking since it has changed much directly since BW, where it was NU. I kept its BST the same to remain consistent with Braviary, but I put some of its bulk into its offenses, which are still somewhat mediocre.
Torrent/Justified (HA)
Stats: 72/95/67/103/71/122 --> 72/90(-5)/77(+10)/93(-10)/81(+10)/112(-10) BST: 530 --> 525
Movepool: -Extrasensory -Grass Knot -Power-up Punch
While it is sad to lose Protean, it is necessary for it to be gone or else Greninja would need some serious re-working for its stats and movepool. Justified goes with the ninja theme and makes Knock Off and Sucker Punch users think twice. The removed moves were moves that weren't absolutely necessary for Greninja to have but might have pushed Greninja a little over the bar. Greninja may still be a bit too strong and will get the necessary nerfing if he proves to be so.
Water/Steel --> Water/Ice
Torrent/Defiant (HA)
Stats: 84/86/88/111/101/60 BST: 530
Movepool: +Ice Shard -Scald -Knock Off -Agility
I hate doing this to you my longtime friend. In this metagame, you lose your amazing unique typing and now have a poor secondary defensive typing and are a Defogger weak to Stealth Rock instead of one that resists it and is immune to Toxic Spikes. You also lose the arguably two most spammable moves in the game and cannot boost your speed to sweep with SubPetaya or Life Orb. On the bright side, your Ice Beams will be stronger than ever and you have new priority to sweep a Defiant Swords Dance set. Hopefully you will fit as snug as an icicle in an NU-like metagame.
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Reserving Garchomp, Rayquaza and Volbeat.
Air Lock
Stats: 105/150/90/150/90/95 --> 80(-25)/100(-50)/80(-10)/100(-50)/80(-10)/90(-5) BST: 680 --> 530
Movepool: -V-create
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