Ferrothorn + Jellicent, Stallmates

I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels Mr. Pringles is dead weight. Yes it's a great stallmate with Nattorei and I'm using it on my current team, but I don't know what does it DO besides just wall hits/spinblock(Starmie beats anyway do does Dory)/burn stuff? Nattorei sets up spikes, laughs at many water types and paralyzes sweepers (if you have T-wave on your set).

I am seriously thinking of replacing him with something that like WishVaporeon and using another spinblocker if I need to.
You're probably not the only one, as i don't see as many Burungeru as i used to. While Nattorei is great on bulky offense because of its many utilities and offensive presence, Burungeru pretty much sits there and wall, so it's better used on defensive teams. I'd rather use Gengar or no spin-blocker at all than use this in bulky offense and get killed by Starmie and Dory or set up on by Forry and Tentacruel.
I'd rather use Nattorei with either Latias or Tentacruel, personally. Both of them resist both of Nattorei's weaknesses, with Latias providing Wishes and screens to keep Natty alive better, and Tentacruel adding Toxic Spikes/Rapid Spin support, as well as Knock Off.
I'd rather use Nattorei with either Latias or Tentacruel, personally. Both of them resist both of Nattorei's weaknesses, with Latias providing Wishes and screens to keep Natty alive better, and Tentacruel adding Toxic Spikes/Rapid Spin support, as well as Knock Off.

I use nattorei, burungeru, and latias. Burungeru is great on stall as every good stall team needs a spinblocker and it's one of the bulkiest out there. It is also capable of taking physical hits thanks to will-o-wisp. But if another bulky ghost was released i would probably drop burungeru in the blink of an eye for it lol
^A whoooole lot of pokemon can. That's why there are six members on a team, not two.

But yeah, this combo was massively overhyped. Burengeru is severely outclassed. I'd rather spinblock with a ghost that can do something and have a water type that can do something than have a combination of the two that does nothing. There are plenty of pokemon to pair with nattorei that are much more synergistic and useful. Shandy is immune to both fighting and fire (i only play wifi) and doesn't have to rely on a 30% chance of burn to cripple pursuiters. Any airborne dragon save sazandora also does better than pringles, and vaporeon is a much better water type because of it's crazy new wish.
^A whoooole lot of pokemon can. That's why there are six members on a team, not two.

But yeah, this combo was massively overhyped. Burengeru is severely outclassed. I'd rather spinblock with a ghost that can do something and have a water type that can do something than have a combination of the two that does nothing. There are plenty of pokemon to pair with nattorei that are much more synergistic and useful. Shandy is immune to both fighting and fire (i only play wifi) and doesn't have to rely on a 30% chance of burn to cripple pursuiters. Any airborne dragon save sazandora also does better than pringles, and vaporeon is a much better water type because of it's crazy new wish.

I think it's just a matter of people using him wrong, but maybe it's just me. 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD; Bold is way better than investing in SpD. You can actually beat Tyranitar and Scizor (SD variants included). 404 HP / 262 Def / 247 SpD is much bulkier than Rotom-A was (304 HP / 321 Def / 250 SpD) and it gets Recover too. It can still switch into Heatran and all of those special resists. Ever since switching to this physical spread I've found him a lot more useful.
As a core on its own, terrible idea. Fighting/Ghost has great coverage and because Lucario/Gengar etc. will be using it you might be screwed. Blaziken/Terakion/Landlos etc. etc. blah blah can also ohko both after a boost. Their useful on their own though and can be a bitch to face if you let them get in.

Bloongell is like a defensive Milotic that can spinblock, pretty badass. Comes with Will-o-wisp, Taunt and Toxic too, it can be lethal, 252 HP/240 def/16 spD Calm is pretty hard to break.

Nattorei on the other hand has such good typing and defenses on both sides nothing has been such a good wall against such a wide diversity of monsters. Combined they are a solid start to a defensive team.
This combo by itself is rather easy to beat; it particular, it losses so badly to Breloom, it's not funny. However, once Poison Heal Gliscor is added to the mix, it becomes much harder to break through these three. It's main purpose is to take statuses and scout choiced moves with protect. As an offensive player, I find this to be the most challenging core to break.
I agree that most people use Burunga wrong. Also, unless the Scizor uses Pursuit, Burunga wins the matchup if Scizor comes in. It will take 3 Bullet punches at least to kill a 252 HP, 252 SpDef. In between Recover and the off shot that you get a burn with Boiling Over since BO is also a 3 hits to KO back It is not his job to take down Tyrantiar. I use a Special Defensive Wall with Substitute which is hugely understemated on him. He can easily wall many things and he has 3 immunities so he gets plenty of opportunities to set up a free sub. The sub allows him to win his bad match ups, Such as Chandera and Roobishin and he just can reheal thanks to Recover. The sub can take the damage from the Pursuit so it is safe to switch out. It will block status so other special walls can't toxic him or put him to sleep. He even its the magic number of 404 hp so can make the 101 hp subs.

As for a stallmate, Poison Heal Gliscor, Torment Heatran, Substitute Burunga amd Nattori can make an almost unstoppable force.
yeah its a bad stallmate sometime but buru is very good regardless. Heck for me i use buru even more than natts for some reason. maybe its because buru alone handle almost all spiker ?
Im agreeing that Poison Heal Gliscor is an excellent team mate, given that he can take on a fair few things that wreck Nattori and Burungeru such as SubPunch Breloom, SD Virijion, NP Lucario, SD Doryuuzu, Magnezone etc.
Ferrothorn + Cresselia is a great combination. Between them, they have sooo many support options. Does anyone use cress?
This combo isn't so great. More than a few pokes can deal with it, Zuruzukin, Houndoom, heck, even Blaziken with Shadow Claw/ Night Slash.
I'm suprised no one has brought up Rotom-H as a partner for these two, type wise he's perfect. Nattorei and Burungeru has prefect resist coverage with the exception of ground and flying, both of which are immune/resisted by Rotom-H, and because he lost his ghost typing and is now Fire, it gives an excellent Grass-Fire-Water core. Rotom-H is weak to Water (Burungeru Water Absorb) and Rock (Nattorei resists). He brings trick into the combo as well, and is reliably bulky.

I second this.

I use a mixed defensive set.

Rotom-H @ Leftovers
Trait- Levitate
EVs 252 HP / 100 Def / 100 SpDef / 52 Spe

Double status! I go more inclined to physical defense so I can suck up a Stone Edge without passing over. Max HP for as much subs as I can get. It really works in game. In PO I dont know but it should be considered a choice. I think my EV spread is odd... it works for me... but it can be worked with. Plus when I use t, I try to have Dual Screen support up as long as possible so these EVs acutally work in this situation. I think... I should do calcs... BUT ANYWHO before I lose my train of thought...

Good pokemon to use with FerroCent.
Zapdos with Lightningrod and Heat Wave are illegal together because Heat Wave is a 4th Gen Tutor move, and Lightningrod is Zapdos's dream world ability.

An offensive Zapdos with Lightningrod can only really get Thunderbolt and Hidden Power Ice, and it can't touch Ferrothorn/Nattorei that much.
I was literally thinking about good partners for ferrothorn in my sleep. I seriously thought of having Chandelure in my sleep. I was thinking of anything that could resist fire and fighting. I thought of a ghost type, since fighting doesn't affect ghost, and 2 seconds later, I thought of Chandelure. Chandelure can resist fire and fighting, 2 of Ferrothorn's weaknesses. With Ferrothorn's unique type, with one being steel, it can resist anything.
One of the best counters to this core is Hydreigon. Its STAB Dark Pulse destroys Jellicent, and it has Fire Blast/Flamethrower for Ferrothorn. The standard LO Hydreigon set OHKOs standard Ferrothorn and Jellicent.
So not really any way to deal with magnezone though... hmm thats kind of a bummer. Not to mention that Burunkeru doesn't really have the greatest defenses. Really strong physical fire moves could be a bit of a problem.

This Duo is really weak to Sun teams. With that being said Darmanitan can OHKO Jellicent in the sun with a Sheer Force Flare Blitz w/LO or CB.
I usually avoid overly popular pokes, but these two have such an awesome design. D: I have a Jellicent ready to be ev-trained, it has pain split, is it worth it? I always thought pain split was best for pokes with low hp, high defenses?

I seem to be destined to have a ferrothorn, the only ferroseed I caught in game happens to have a good nature. o _0
I usually avoid overly popular pokes, but these two have such an awesome design. D: I have a Jellicent ready to be ev-trained, it has pain split, is it worth it? I always thought pain split was best for pokes with low hp, high defenses?

I seem to be destined to have a ferrothorn, the only ferroseed I caught in game happens to have a good nature. o _0

He learns recover so using pain split is not a good choice.
Also, jellicent has really high hp (base 100 If i rembered correctly).
Green Thunder: The Jellicent I got has pain split, but I only know it works good on low hp, high defense pokes like dusclops. That is why I'm asking, I know obviously that Jellicents HP is so high, I have it with me o _0, that pain split would look like it would benefit the poke attacking Jell and not Jell itself. Yet, I see people saying pain split is good on Jellicent, which confuses me because personally to me, a poke needs low hp to lower the other pokes HP through pain split.

That's why I ask is it worth it? I wouldn't ask that if Jellicent actually had low hp, high defense. o _0 I would say something like "Jell has low hp, gonna use pain split!"

I don't see how my post implies that Jellicent has low HP. < _< If anything it implies that Jellicent has high hp for me to be asking that its only good on low hp mons. Otherwise, I would say "Jellicent has low hp, high defense" and not "other pokes that have low hp, high defense". {Sorry if I seem to be nitpicking, maybe I just need to write differently or something. x _x}

x _x

Either way, pain split is a breeding move, so once its gone, I can't get Jell to learn it again. So I'm asking peeps if there is some "magic" with how they use pain split on Jellicent because from theorymonning, I don't see how its possible.

I really like Jellicent's design and it seems to compliment my team.
Green Thunder: The Jellicent I got has pain split, but I only know it works good on low hp, high defense pokes like dusclops. That is why I'm asking, I know obviously that Jellicents HP is so high, I have it with me o _0, that pain split would look like it would benefit the poke attacking Jell and not Jell itself. Yet, I see people saying pain split is good on Jellicent, which confuses me because personally to me, a poke needs low hp to lower the other pokes HP through pain split.

That's why I ask is it worth it? I wouldn't ask that if Jellicent actually had low hp, high defense. o _0 I would say something like "Jell has low hp, gonna use pain split!"

I don't see how my post implies that Jellicent has low HP. < _< If anything it implies that Jellicent has high hp for me to be asking that its only good on low hp mons. Otherwise, I would say "Jellicent has low hp, high defense" and not "other pokes that have low hp, high defense". {Sorry if I seem to be nitpicking, maybe I just need to write differently or something. x _x}

x _x

Either way, pain split is a breeding move, so once its gone, I can't get Jell to learn it again. So I'm asking peeps if there is some "magic" with how they use pain split on Jellicent because from theorymonning, I don't see how its possible.

I really like Jellicent's design and it seems to compliment my team.

Recover is way more reliable than Pain Split, and Pain Split is used on Dusclops because it has no other means of recovery.
From my own experience, they work better in a more balanced team than full stall. They really cannot take too many repeated hits.

as a side note, magnezone breaks this core remarkably fast