Gen 1 Fearow (UU mini) [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]


Fearow has good Speed and Attack stats to compliment its solid offensive typing in Normal / Flying. Its base 100 Speed is quite good in the tier, letting it Speed tie common threats in Tentacruel and Raichu. This Speed translates to an impressive 19.53% critical hit rate, helping its powerful STAB options in Hyper Beam and Drill Peck. Fearow's Speed in addition to STAB Hyper Beam lets it act as a revenge killer and pick off weakened threats.

Unfortunately, Fearow is entirely outclassed by Dodrio. It has slightly more bulk, but they share essentially the same defensive utility. They share the same typing, Speed, and critical hit rate. The biggest difference is Dodrio has a higher Attack stat and packs Body Slam, allowing it to spread paralysis and not cut into its HP with recoil damage from Double-Edge. Fearow's one niche over Dodrio is its access to Mirror Move.


name: Mirror Move
move 1: Double-Edge
move 2: Hyper Beam
move 3: Drill Peck
move 4: Mirror Move / Agility


Fearow's main STAB move in Double-Edge hits many neutral targets quite hard, threatening frailer Pokemon such as Kadabra with an OHKO from a critical hit. Drill Peck is an especially useful STAB option, being able threaten Grass-type sleep spreaders Tangela and Venusaur. Hyper Beam is useful in late-game cleanups and revenge killing opportunities thanks to Fearow's Speed, Attack, and STAB boost. Mirror Move is a potentially very interesting option, as Fearow can use its immunity to Ground to switch in freely and grab an Earthquake from Golem to threaten it back with super effective damage. It could even attempt to nab a Hypnosis from Hypno if it misses or switches out after putting a member of your team to sleep. Fearow can alternatively run Agility to boost its Speed while ignoring the drop from paralysis, but Dodrio performs this role better. Fearow can also run Toxic to support Wrap Tentacruel and Dragonite while also preventing opposing Dragonite from sweeping with Wrap.

- Written by: [[Ctown6, 509438]]
- Quality checked by: [[Plague von Karma, 236353], [Amaranth, 265630]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]
Last edited:
Bunch of things to go through here, but for your first time, it's good.

Rule of thumb, when referring to a stat, capitalize it. Avoid repeating details from the Overview in Set Details as well.

Fearow’s has good speed and a solid attack stat to match its solid offensive typing in normal-flying.
Some rewording;
"Fearow has good Speed and Attack stats to complement its solid offensive typing in Normal / Flying".
Less whiplash on "solid" while reducing sentence length.

This speed translates to an impressive 19.53% critical hit rate. It has solid stab options in Drill Peck, Double Edge, and Hyper Beam.
You could merge these like this;
"This Speed translates into an impressive 19.53% critical hit rate, helping its strong STAB options such as Drill Peck and Hyper Beam."
This adds a volatility factor as well, idk if you want to add that though.

Drill peck is especially useful being able threaten common grass types and sleep spreaders Tangela and Venuasaur.
They're not necessarily "common". Let's reword it like this;
"Drill Peck is especially useful for threatening Grass-types like Tangela and Venusaur."

Now for this bit, separate it into a 2nd paragraph. This way you can make more of an impact to the reader.
Unfortunately, Fearow is entirely out-classed by Dodrio. It has slightly more bulk but they share essentially the same defensive utility. They share the same typing, speed, and critical hit rate. The biggest difference is Dodrio’s base 110 attack to Fearows inferior base 90. Dodrio also packs Body Slam, and while it isn’t as strong as Double Edge it gives Dodrio the ability to spread paralysis and avoid recoil, avoiding cutting into its bulk with every hit it lays. Fearow’s one option it has is Mirror Move. Mirror Move can potentially be used after an Earthquake to punish would be counters in rock types.
I'd say comparing the Attack could be just as simple as "Dodrio has higher Attack and packs Body Slam, which unlike Fearow, gives it the ability to spread paralysis and avoid cutting into its bulk with recoil". Then go on to discuss Mirror Move and its utility.


Set Details may be worth rewriting. In Set Details you should focus on the moveset: DEdge is the main STAB, Drill Peck is the secondary that covers Grass-types, Hyper Beam finishes things off when revenge killing (which should be put somewhere in the overview), and finally, Agility lets it overcome paralysis while Mirror Move helps when switching in.

Mirror Move should be the first move to choose as it's what allows Fearow to not be brutally outclassed by Dodrio.

When rewriting Set Details, you can probably pluck things from the Overview like your Drill Peck details.


Get back to me when this is all implemented.
I'd suggest spellchecking your work and stuff just a bit. Don't be afraid to copy-paste my suggested sentences either!

You've worked out the Overview/Set Details bit nicely.

Fearow’s one option it has is Mirror Move. Mirror Move can potentially be used after an Earthquake to punish would be counters in rock types.
Merge this into "Fearow's one niche it has over Dodrio is access to Mirror Move, which can be used in unique ways. For example, it can switch in on a predicted Earthquake to punish would-be checks, such as Golem.".

Drill Peck is an especially useful stab option being able threaten the tiers Grass-types and sleep spreaders Tangela and Venuasaur.
This is still not quite right. Venusaur isn't ranked on the VR, so "the tier's" can be seen as inaccurate. Just Grass-types is fine!

This then allows it to threaten would be UU checks in Omnastar, Raichu and Tentacruel.
Mirror Move only works for the move last used, so I'm not sure how Earthquake would work here unless you're forcing Dugtrio/Golem out. In the Omastar scenario, I suppose you can mirror Surf to hit it for neutral damage.

However it simply isn’t enough to give Fearow a legitimate niche.
This is largely fluff since we established Fearow's lack of a niche already. Best to remove this line.

Fearow can also run Agility to boost its Speed and power through paralysis Speed drops. Although this would just make Fearow a worse Dodrio.
Reword it to something like this:
"Fearow can alternatively run Agility to boost its Speed while ignoring the drop from paralysis, but Dodrio does this role better."

Fearow can also run Toxic in an effort to support its wrapping teammates Tentacruel and Dragonite. However even Dodrio can perform this better if it wants.
I would argue Dodrio and Fearow do this role equally well as it's pretty much solely based on Speed. You should note that it combats opposing Dragonite as well; it prevents a Wrap sweep. You can probably remove the second sentence here.

Thanks to it’s higher attack forcing more Pokémon to switch out in fear of big damage and a potential paralysis from Body Slam.
cut this
Once again implemented all above suggested changes! Feel like I’m repeating myself a bit when talking about mirror move in overview and set details. Not sure if I should consolidate or add more information in the set details, like how it could in theory pick up recover, thunder wave, or hypnosis.
Once again implemented all above suggested changes! Feel like I’m repeating myself a bit when talking about mirror move in overview and set details. Not sure if I should consolidate or add more information in the set details, like how it could in theory pick up recover, thunder wave, or hypnosis.
Yeah, put the Mirror Move strats in Set Detail in that case. I'd say only mention Hypnosis though, as Hypno commonly uses it.

Implement that and I'll give QC 1/2. I think Volk could give some good input for the 2nd one.

Add/Fix Remove Comment
(AC): Add Comma
changed curly ’ apostrophes to straight ' apostrophes


Fearow’s has good Speed and Attack stats to compliment its solid offensive typing in Normal (added missing space) / Flying. Its (removed apostrophe) base 100 Speed is quite good in the tier, speed tying with letting it Speed tie common threats in Tentacruel and Raichu. This Speed translates to an impressive 19.53% critical hit rate, (AC) helping its powerful STAB options in Hyper Beam and Drill Peck. Fearow's Speed in addition to stab STAB Hyper Beam let’s Fearow lets it act as a revenge killer and pick off weakened threats.

Unfortunately, Fearow is entirely outclassed (removed hyphen) by Dodrio. It has slightly more bulk, (AC) but they share essentially the same defensive utility. They share the same typing, Speed, and critical hit rate. The biggest difference is Dodrio has a bigger higher Attack stat and packs Body Slam, allowing it to spread paralysis and not cut into its bulk HP with recoil damage from Double-Edge. Fearow's one niche it has over Dodrio is its access to Mirror Move.


name: Mirror Move
move 1: Double-Edge (added hyphen)
move 2: Hyper Beam
move 3: Drill Peck
move 4: Mirror Move / Agility


Fearow's main STAB move in Double-Edge (added hyphen) hits many neutral targets quite hard, threatening frailer Pokemon (removed accent on the e) such as Kadabra with an OHKO from a critical hit. Drill Peck is an especially useful STAB option, (AC) being able threaten Grass-types and sleep spreaders Tangela and Venusaur. Hyper Beam is useful in late game clean ups late-game cleanups and revenge killing opportunities thanks to Fearow's Speed, Attack, and STAB boost. Mirror Move is a potentially very interesting option, as it can use Fearow’s one immunity in Fearow can use its immunity to Ground to switch in freely and grab an Earthquake from Golem and then to threaten it back with super effective damage. It could even attempt to nab a Hypnosis from Hypno if it misses or switches out after putting a member of your team to sleep. Fearow can alternatively run Agility to boost its Speed while ignoring the drop from paralysis, but Dodrio does performs this role better. Fearow can also run Toxic (removed period) Toxic can be used to support its wrapping teammates Wrap Tentacruel and Dragonite (RC) while also preventing opposing Dragonite from sweeping with Wrap.

- Written by: [[Ctown6, 509438]]
- Quality checked by: [[Plague von Karma,236353]] [[Amaranth, 265630]] [[Plague von Karma, 236353], [Amaranth, 265630]]
- Grammar checked by:[[Name,ID ]] [[Name,ID]] Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429]]

GP 1/1